Is there a reason why the WWE is pushing ex-TNA performers?

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For years we have heard about how the WWE & specifically Vince McMahon refused to push ex-TNA performers. Well, don't look now because Christian & RTruth two former TNA talents are in the biggest pushes of their careers against the WWE's two top names, John Cena & Randy Orton. And who can forget about Kharma, another former TNA performer that before her pregnancy was receiving one of the biggest pushes a female performer has received since Chyna.

Besides Christian's, RTruth's and Kharma's talent I have a strong belief that these performers are receiving their pushes for other reasons. If there is something Vince is, it's an excellent business mind and if there is something that is not a secret in the wrestling world it is that TNA is in dire times. Some may say there are only rumors, but where there is smoke there is fire. You have all heard them, lawsuits, performers frustrated with their positions, alliances and financial trouble. Whoever believes that TNA is not in trouble of ceasing to exist is a dreamer.

Let's get straight to the point my opinion is Vince & the WWE are showing current TNA talent that if perhaps their contracts are not renewed or the company ceases to exist their will be a place for some of them. The WWE has had a real hard time developing their own talent and they have to realize that besides the crappy story-lines TNA has tremendous talent. Like I said I believe the WWE has begun taping into TNA talent.

Just one man's opinion, I would love to hear all of your guys opinions.
Christian and Truth were WWE guys before they were TNA guys. After returning to WWE, both suffered in mid card hell before their careers got back on track. Both became champions in TNA so that counts for something but if I'm not mistaken Christian has wrestled more years in WWE than anyone else on the active WWE roster.
As was pointed out, Christian and Truth were in WWE before. Frankly I don't remember Truth in those days. But the reason TNA wanted Christian was because he was a star in WWE.

Kharma is a unique performer with a very commanding presence the likes of which really haven't been seen since Chyna. They had a close one with Beth Phoenix but ruined it with the whole Santino Marella angle. Don't get me wrong I like Santino and his bits are usually hilarious. But getting Beth involved in the comedy took the edge off of her mystique. Now some might say having Kharma come out and tell everyone the truth herself took some of her mystique away. But as she was walking off, she transformed from Kia Stevens to Kharma and the crowd seemed to buy into it. So I think after 9 months of so off she'll be able to come back and grab it again.
Quite frankly, I don't think there is any evidence to support this whole "Vince won't push TNA guys" thing. If someone doesn't get pushed, it's because Vince doesn't see them as a draw. Period. CM Punk was in TNA for a little while. So was MVP and he got that huge push as soon as he came in. And look at Mickie James. She was the most popular diva in TNA. Can anyone even name any examples of TNA guys who didn't get the push they deserved? Because I honestly can't think of any. Now I'll admit that Vince seemed to bury WCW guys when he bought them out but that was over a decade ago. Are there any more recent examples?
Yeah cuz the good Lord knows that Chris Harris and Low Ki were just wrestling for the United States title at over the limit. Please dude Kharma is the only TNA wrestler (yeah its wrestling no matter what WWE says) the only reason they are doing that is most likely because she is the only diva that could rival Chyna in the WWE ring, hell i wouldn't be surpised if she does wrestle for the United States title or IC title before her time is up.
I highly doubt being former TNA wrestlers has anything to do with it. Both guys were in WWE before going to TNA. They've both been back in WWE for quite some time paying their dues before their recent pushes. I'm glad to see them get pushed at all. In the past former TNA talent were barely used much less given a descent push.
I think the subtle difference is this: Vince doesn't like to push stars he didn't make. Being from TNA doesn't make a difference I don't think. That's been his MO for decades. He hated to push guys from ECW or WCW (except for people who were misused in WCW. He loved to push them: See jericho).

And what manner is R-truth getting his push? By being a delusional whack job. That's not getting a solid push because those gimmicks aren't sustainable for longer than a few months. He's getting a push now, but he's about to fall into the obscurity of the Raw midcard probably by the end of July. Summerslam at the latest.

And Christian might be headed the same way by the way he looked when Smackdown went off the air last Friday. He's going to lose his respect for Orton for costing him the #1 Contender's spot, and go all postal on him. And unless he ends up with the belt (which I don't see happening), Christian is going to share R-truth's fate over on Friday nights.
I'm not sure if you're right about this, but it would be a smart thing to do. If the dirtsheet's are to be believed, than the WWE has in the past been interested in guys like A.J Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, and other members of the TNA roster (not to mention Sting); usually, the reasons given for these wrestlers remaining outside of the WWE tend to include fears over how they would be used (or not). Who can forget Frankie Kazarian's stellar run, after all? It would be a smart move for the WWE to show that they are open to all comers, so long as they are talented. At least if they are actually interested in bringing in any more TNA or ROH talent.
As far as this is concerned, I'd say it's because TNA is a minor league compared to WWE. When someone gets future endeavored by WWE, they get decent pushes in TNA. Likewise, a TNA world champion is comparable to a mid-carder in WWE. I bet even Christian and R Truth admit that the TNA title is nothing compared to a WWE title run. So yeah, if guys like Samoa Joe like their position on the TNA roster, they may be better off staying there. Because it's not like they'd jump ship and go straight to the main event.
So I can see both sides of this arguement. Vince has killed a former TNA star be4 anybody remember Marcus Con Vor or as Monty Brown as he's known in TNA. WWE destroyed the guy's rep completely. As for Christian and R-Truth WWE made them before there jump to TNA. Christian was way over as captain charisma and ppl already knew R-Truth for his K Kwik days with Road Dog. I personally doubt Vince is auditioning for TNA stars becuz any idiot knws WWE is the big time and if TNA folds it would be dumb to turn down a job with the top company in the business.
I agree they were all in WWE first... but look at what they were when they were in WWE before going to TNA. i feel their time in tna helped push them to the main event in WWE.

For example, what was R-truth doing before he went to TNA? he was in a mediocre tag team for a little while then eventually fell to the bottom of the card before leaving wwe. He goes to TNA as Ron "the truth" killings and becomes their top guy. Then he returns to WWE and is immediately an upper mid-carder.

Now Christian had a higher spot than K-kwik before he left wwe, but he was still essentially a mid-carder. He also went to TNA and climbed to the top as Christian Cage eventually winning the title. He came back to WWE and was immediately put in the main event picture.
I'm not sure if you're right about this, but it would be a smart thing to do. If the dirtsheet's are to be believed, than the WWE has in the past been interested in guys like A.J Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, and other members of the TNA roster (not to mention Sting); usually, the reasons given for these wrestlers remaining outside of the WWE tend to include fears over how they would be used (or not). Who can forget Frankie Kazarian's stellar run, after all? It would be a smart move for the WWE to show that they are open to all comers, so long as they are talented. At least if they are actually interested in bringing in any more TNA or ROH talent.

I love Joe, but I don't know how interested the WWE would be in him today. He has gained weight and TNA has completely destroyed his character. As for Styles and Roode I really hope they one day get a run in the WWE.
Guys I know very well RTruth & Christian were WWE before they ever step foot in a TNA ring, but once they went TNA and were brought back everyone complained about they were not receiving pushes cause of the so called TNA curse.

My whole point is that I serious feel Vince is using them as an example so that possible TNA free agents see there is a future in the E. Another point I have not made is remember Vince wants a wrestling network meaning more shows, meaning the need for more talent.
I think the subtle difference is this: Vince doesn't like to push stars he didn't make. Being from TNA doesn't make a difference I don't think. That's been his MO for decades. He hated to push guys from ECW or WCW (except for people who were misused in WCW. He loved to push them: See jericho).

See Mean Mark (Undertaker), Stunning Steve Austin (Stone Cold Steve Austin) and Terra Ryzin (Triple H)...three of the WWE's five biggest stars over the last two decades were all RELEASED by WCW.

And it's a myth that he doesn't like to push stars he didn't make. Look at Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, etc etc. All were given a push and a chance off the bat...some of them failed, but that's their fault, not Vince's. If he doesn't push a guy that was a star in another company, it's because he doesn't view him as a star, not because he didn't make him a star.

I agree they were all in WWE first... but look at what they were when they were in WWE before going to TNA. i feel their time in tna helped push them to the main event in WWE.

For example, what was R-truth doing before he went to TNA? he was in a mediocre tag team for a little while then eventually fell to the bottom of the card before leaving wwe. He goes to TNA as Ron "the truth" killings and becomes their top guy. Then he returns to WWE and is immediately an upper mid-carder.

Now Christian had a higher spot than K-kwik before he left wwe, but he was still essentially a mid-carder. He also went to TNA and climbed to the top as Christian Cage eventually winning the title. He came back to WWE and was immediately put in the main event picture.

I have to disagree with this. R-Truth was not immediately an upper mid-carder, when he came back he was still the same midcard to lower mid-carder that he was when he left and he worked his way back up. It took him three years to get to where he is now. Same with Christian, he was not immediately put in the main event picture. He was put in the same midcard/upper midcard place he was when he left and he worked his way up to the main event. It took him two years to get where he is. Their time in TNA didn't do anything for them.
I must be remembering things differently than you. From what I remember, R-Truth came back, lost a US title shot to Shelton Benjamin, then became a big time jobber... When did he come back? 2008? It's 2011 now, and he's now in a feud that he has absolutely no chance in living hell of even getting a single win in. He's not getting pushed- he's just jobbing the main event.

And Christian was on ECW... dominating there. I guess you could call that a push... But since ECW closed he went to more or less jobbing, too. The only reason he even won the title in the first place is because Vince wanted the fans to get to see him celebrate his win with Edge, and Vince REALLY didn't want that title on him; he lost it in 2 days. Then he got his mandatory rematch, which, of course, he lost.

Kharma is the only one from TNA getting pushed, and that's because Vince reportedly sees her as a big time draw.
I think the subtle difference is this: Vince doesn't like to push stars he didn't make.

I've heard that said, but there are two sides to it and I don't know which one Vince McMahon ascribes to. In the case of Christian and R-Truth, both were stars that he made; that's why they were attractive to TNA in the first place. Dixie's organization has amply proved that they're far more interested in bringing in talent established in WWE than in developing prospects of their own. On the other hand, Vince definitely did hold both guys down when they re-joined WWE and it certainly seemed as if he was punishing them for having joined TNA, didn't it?

But, remember; he did allow them to rise to their present pushes. After they did their penance (if that's what it was), they returned to their previous high positions. I had been afraid that Vince only hired them back to weaken TNA, and planned to bury them as WWE performers. Their early tenures seemed to bear that out, but it's changed recently.

As a side note, if Vince was holding grudges at all, I think he should have been more mad at Christian than R-Truth. After all, Christian was still wanted in WWE; he left on his own to join the enemy. R-Truth had been released by WWE.....there was no reason to get mad at him for pursuing other employment.

I think Vince explained to both guys that they would be welcome back at WWE (for a considerably higher salary, presumably) but they would have to understand that they would be starting from the beginning; there would be no credit for "time served" with WWE. Both men came back, so it means they understood and accepted the terms.
See Mean Mark (Undertaker), Stunning Steve Austin (Stone Cold Steve Austin) and Terra Ryzin (Triple H)...three of the WWE's five biggest stars over the last two decades were all RELEASED by WCW.

Right...That's what I said: People misused in WCW Vince loved to push. Thank you for the additional examples

And it's a myth that he doesn't like to push stars he didn't make. Look at Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, etc etc. All were given a push and a chance off the bat...some of them failed, but that's their fault, not Vince's. If he doesn't push a guy that was a star in another company, it's because he doesn't view him as a star, not because he didn't make him a star.

Flair's initial push in WWF was sticking it to another company, so of course he gets pushed. Luger was truly made in the WWF, and he was stuck as the Narcissist longer than he was the American Hero (and I realize this can easily be argued). But in general, I can't make any arguments against the others you listed mainly because I stopped watching wrestling in college which happened just after WWE purchased WCW. So I missed the invasion all the way through 2005.

But, remember; he did allow them to rise to their present pushes. After they did their penance (if that's what it was), they returned to their previous high positions. I had been afraid that Vince only hired them back to weaken TNA, and planned to bury them as WWE performers. Their early tenures seemed to bear that out, but it's changed recently.

But as I explained after the one line you quoted from me: It remains to be seen how these pushes resolve. R-Truth can't stay in the main event and psychotic for too long or it will become grating on the nerves. Christian has the potential for a more sustained push, but he's one television snap away from barking up the same tree as R-Truth. I'll reserve my judgement of Christian until Friday night when he confronts Orton for costing him the #1 spot, but remember this too: Christian didn't necessarily get the push into the main event. Edge did, with Christian riding along. That's why he's already slowly moving back down the pecking order into the midcard.
I must be remembering things differently than you. From what I remember, R-Truth came back, lost a US title shot to Shelton Benjamin, then became a big time jobber... When did he come back? 2008? It's 2011 now, and he's now in a feud that he has absolutely no chance in living hell of even getting a single win in. He's not getting pushed- he's just jobbing the main event.

And Christian was on ECW... dominating there. I guess you could call that a push... But since ECW closed he went to more or less jobbing, too. The only reason he even won the title in the first place is because Vince wanted the fans to get to see him celebrate his win with Edge, and Vince REALLY didn't want that title on him; he lost it in 2 days. Then he got his mandatory rematch, which, of course, he lost.

Kharma is the only one from TNA getting pushed, and that's because Vince reportedly sees her as a big time draw.

You obviously are ignorant towards the term push. You clearly don't know what being pushed is about which doesn't mean you go on a 20 match win streak and win a title idiot. It's about being pushed up the ranks and we can agree both Christian an Truth are higher now than they ever been in the wwe. They're main event talent whether they lose or not and I guess Jericho was a jobber before he left just because he kept losing ********.

Also it's 2011 you really think Vince cares where you came from it's about the Talent+Success=$$$$$$$$$$
I can definatley see what the OP is saying. While it is true that Truth and Christian started in WWE, went to TNA, only to come back I think he is pointing more to the timing than anything else. As he said, everyone has heard the rumors coming out of TNA. Granted, the show seems to have taken a turn for the better, but it is still inferior to WWE in terms of production and story-telling.

The rub against Vince (warranted or not) has been that he doesn't push (or use the way they would like) non-WWE talent (what Sting has said all along and likely, again, why he didn't join WWE this time around). Now you have these rumors/reports of issues back-stage in TNA. Of "originals" not getting used the way they would like and being jumped over by guys coming in from outside the company and it is only human nature to weigh your options.

Up to this point they most likely wouldn't have considered WWE, but now that some former WWE guys (and let's be realistic, if Vince was going to hold a grudge, it would be against someone like Truth or Christain that was in WWE, went to TNA, and then came back a lot more than someone like Styles or Roode, who were never in the WWE) will look at WWE and consider it a possibility.

I don't actually think Vince is doing this, but I can easily see why it is a possibility and wouldn't be stunned if it were actually the case.
LOL Christian is not being pushed. He was only inserted into the main event picture cause of Edge's retirement, he was his replacement for his match with Del Rio and they only made him win it in tribute to Edge. 5 days later he loses and of course he would have to get a rematch clause but now that the rematch is over, expect him to move back down.
As others have said, Christian & R-Truth were "WWE guys" before heading to TNA. Christian was first elevated to the level of main eventer in TNA but he'd always been a star as both a singles & tag team wrestler in the WWE. Truth never did much in WWE and made it to the main event level in TNA.

There seems to be something of several myths in wrestling in regards to whom Vince is willing to push and/or use. We've heard about them for years and there's just so little evidence to really back it up. I can't count the number of times I've heard it said that Vince doesn't like "little guys". He likes his guys to be all hulking & muscular. If that was true, then how do you explain the success of the likes of Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Curt Hennig, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Christian, Edge, Randy Orton and others? There's also this myth that some have that Vince won't push guys that've enjoyed higher profile success in other companies. Sin Cara seems to be getting a good amount of attention at the moment. What about Alberto Del Rio? What about Daniel Bryan? Again, what about the likes of CM Punk? A lot of people just plain don't like and/or don't agree with Vince McMahon's outlook on things. Sometimes it's justifiable and sometimes it's seems to be just for the sake of spite.

If Vince McMahon thinks you've got talent and can make the WWE money, he'll give you a shot. Does he fuck up sometimes and maybe overlook others and give spots to some that shouldn't be there? Of course he does. Every wrestling promoter has, currently does and/or will in the future. It's not an exact science.

Christian is one of the most underrated overall talents the WWE has had on its roster in the past 15 years. I've always liked the guy and I'm glad to see that he's finally getting the type of high profile spot that, in my opinion, he's been ready for for a long time. As far as R-Truth goes, I've found him far more interesting over the course of the past month or so than I have at any other point in his career. I'm quickly becoming a fan of the guy and I generally like what I'm seeing out of him with this new character and direction.
both r-truth and, christain started in the wwf, both went to tna for awhile but both returned. yes they were in tna for awhile but their roots were in the wwf, well r-truth started in the independent circuit, but im imagining that was to get some attention to himself. as for karma, yeah she was in tna for 3 years, but she is a good wrestler and she added some kick to the diva's division.
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