Is there a possibility of a Cole Heel Group??

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Tors Hall Rule

Straight Hedge(HOG)
Well before you negative rep me on this, just hear me out...

We (both IWC and Casuals) thought that at Wrestlemania, Cole will get the beating of a lifetime and will be out of the WWE for a few months to return a bit sober and as a play by play... Didnt happen.. The match went on for eternity and it felt like a typical face match.. The King got beaten and stomped for quite a while, gets in a few punches in the end and BOOM finish.. Next thing we know, GM chimes in and Cole is the winner via DQ..

Come RAW, Jerry wins against Swagger and gets another shot at Cole.. Again the same scenario, but this time Cole gets a pinfall win.. These things have made me believe that VKM is mega high on this guy and he is still with Swagger (whose face turn is overdue IMO)..

Now that Extreme Rules has come and gone, Kharma has debuted and Cole is still around with Swagger, I have thought of another thing. Now Cole has been insulting the divas match (stating the truth), but still he has been saying ugly things for months now regarding their section... What if he actually starts to manage Kharma and form a small stable of Kharma, Swagger and Cole.. The guy is undoubtedly the biggest asshole in the biz and that has brought creditability to Swagger.. Now Kharma/Kong is a known female wrestlers but watching Extreme Rules last night, I saw the reactions of a few flabbergasted fans.. What better way to get her heat than allegiance with the most over heel/douche in the industry.. Her actions last night mean that she is going to destroy everyone.. Let her have a mouth piece as well to put her over apart from her actions.. And let Cole hide behind her when Swagger isnt around.. It can be a Win-Win for both...

P.S. I would still love nothing more than Kharma/Kong ripping Cole into pieces, shredding him to bits and feeding him to my pet dog.. Than grab a mic, say that the videos were a joke, I cam here for this.. Than fly away in a dragon..

I can dream, right.. :suspic:
at the end of the day... cole is MONEY at the moment... so expect him to grow and this to rumble on for a couple more months minimum, cole's stable could grow but i doubt it... to many eggs in one basket and all that.....
If he does have a stable, please throw Drew McIntyre in their to give him TV time. Pair him with Swagger and have them beat Show and Kane for the Tag Titles or something.
A Michael Cole,Jack Swagger,and Drew Mcintyre stable would be pretty interesting. WWE needs to push Drew Mcintyre, I mean he is the chosen one after all.
OMG do I hate Cole. He's such a ********. But yes, I sadly agree.

Cole forming a heel faction with Kong and maybe adding another person would be pretty cool and sell-able. Remember DDP started out as a nobody (not to say Cole would ever become DDP, but you get my point). Forget McIntyre though. He sucks, his gimmick sucks, and he is overrated in the ring. Want pair him with H3's buddy Shamefulness and give them the tag belts as some kind of Irish connection, fine. But they both blow.

Sorry, I got side tracked.

Anyway yes, I think it's a pretty cool idea and would get alot of heat, but the other member I would add to the group would be someone who needs a rub in the worst way because he's got tools but no mic skills. Someone like McGillicutty, but change his name back to Hennig. Then when Joe Hennig is back from injury, at him to the mix group. In the mean time, you would be setting the seeds for the next tag team champions.

But the absoulte must is this, COLE MUST STOP ANNOUNCING NOW BECAUSE IT'S BECOMING STUPID, THAT ALL HE DOES IS PISS ON LAWLER DURING THE BROADCAST AND 2 HOURS OF THAT IS GETTING A LITTLE BORING. Plus, I like Josh Matthews and think he could be the future. Keep JR around for a little while to mentor him.
Yeah like you said get rid of him being a announcer and make him the manager of his own stable why not give him 5 wrestlers and a diva

5=zack ryder(as everyone wants this guy to get more tv time so it seems)


what you think ?
Getting Cole away from the table would be very key in this scenario. He could manage or lead a stable in a Bobby Heenan like way. I thought about adding Reks earlier but he and McIntyre are kinda the same though; if you did though, make him chase the US title or something or be like the groups enforcer per say. Swagger, McIntyre, and Reks could possibly do the Demolition(Axe,Smash,Crush) or Jersey Triad(DDP,Kanyon,Bigelow) type things where they all were tag champs...........
What he has going on right now reminds me of Rick Steiner, Mike Rotundo, and Kevin Sullivan as The Varsity Club. Not a bad idea to have a similar style stable with the direction he is going with wearing the traditional wrestling garb and having Swagger already.
Actually I think were looking at this the wrong way when we say Cole shouldn't announce anymore.

Id like to throw a different perspective out there, what if Cole formed something along the lines of the Heenan family. He can still commentate but when one of his guys or divas is up be goes and manages much like Bobby Heenan did. I'm not saying Michael Cole is in the same class as The Brain, but I think it could workout nicely. He already has Swagger, who could be his main event player, could add someone like Drew or even a Dolph Ziggler, I just see it being something much bigger than we ever imagined it to be and it could be a great thing for not just Michael Cole but for other superstars to get them more exposure and to be out over.
There already is a stable that is looking for a new leader...NEXUS..Have Nexus turn on Punk and reveal Cole to be the new puppet master of the group..This will keep NEXUS viable and help get a rub to the younger guys (Otunga, Ryan and McGillicuty).
I would rather see Kharma destroy Cole but with the PG era it probably could not happen so the stable idea is the next best thing but WWE should add guys who barely get air time to help elevat them possible candidates include:

Drew Mcintyre- After he lost his IC title he has been off track badly, and this could help him get back on track.

Curt Hawkins- He has alot of talent to offer to the stable and could elevate him to midcard level.

Tyler Reks- Could be the muscle of the group, and he can give up his eerie persona.
Heres a good one if you wanna make it the cole family for example

i think heenan had a fair few guys in his family stable so if you look at his and look at the wrestlers today then

Andre the giant
Rick rude
Arn anderson
Tully blacthford
Mr Perfect

Big Show (Turn Heel)
Kane(turn heel)
Drew mcintyre
Jack swagger
Skip sheffeild
Dolph Ziggler

How does that sound if cole gets a heenan family type stable ?
Thats a pretty impressive stable; they'd have to be called Cole Miners though. The guys listed are similar to the Heenan family guys. Micheal Cole could really get over heel wise with this. S/O to the guy who made the Varsity CLub reference; that's be sweet but they would have to bring in guys like Haas, Angle, Benjamin, etc like wrestlers who could fit that "wrestling" mold. We shall see when the next few weeks unfold; if this were to happen, they would already have the tag straps.......
This is what I think Cole's Faction will be.

Name of the Group will be called : The Colelition

manager: Michael Cole

Main Eventer : Jack Swagger

Mid Carder: Drew McIntyre

Tag team: R-Truth and Tyler Reks

Diva: Kharma

Body guard : Mason Ryan

I think that would be a greart group for Cole.
I could see that and it would be nice to return to the old school manager ala Jimmy Hart or Heenan. I am definitely all for it if this will get him away from the annouce table. I know it's all about drawing heat, but now he's just annoying.
So i feel that it would be fitting now to have Michael Cole start into manager's role. He will never be Bobby the Brain heenan bu can def be great for WWE as a whole. As his Mic skills, heat and charisma will def bolster some top heels i feel on RAW.

Here is my top 3 superstars that Michael Cole should represent as a manager.

1. Jack Swagger- Continue his process with Jack Swagger and I would make push for Swagger becoming the new united States Champion on RAW. With all attention at top with MIZ, Alberto del Rio, and R-Truth right now i would make Jack the the top mid card guy as he delivers a lot of heat but has great wrestling ability and feels can make a stronghold with this run.

2. Alberto del Rio I feel this would be great as these two would get the most heat off crowds left and right. I would love for this combination Michawel cole has been pro Del Rio over on Smackdown for sometime now and now having him transitioned to WWE RAW this pairing would be magnificent. This should

3. I know the Miz seems like it should be a win win but I'd rather Cole represent Dolph Ziggler. Have Dolph have a falling out with Vicki and he goes with new representation in Cole. Dolph Ziggler I think is def WWE's future superstar heel and he along with Cole would be great I'd def would have Dolph Ziggler becoming this year's RAW Money in the Bank winner and def would go along with Michael Cole as his manager.
This is what I think Cole's Faction will be.

Name of the Group will be called : The Colelition

manager: Michael Cole

Main Eventer : Jack Swagger

Mid Carder: Drew McIntyre

Tag team: R-Truth and Tyler Reks

Diva: Kharma

Body guard : Mason Ryan

I think that would be a greart group for Cole.

I absolutely love this, "Colelition" what a great name. I think it is believable and I would genuinely love to see something like this. I think this would help all superstars involved and would get Cole away from the announce table and into a role that we all want him to be in. It would help boost someone like McIntyre the most and I could see his face turn occuring from the break up of this group. Great idea, really like it (and no im not being a sarcastic pr**k in case your wondering).
What about "Cole Blooded Killaz"

Everyone on this forum is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...

Only joking buddy, but seriously 'Cole Blooded Killaz' wouldn't be a great name as it wouldn't work with the obnoxious/goofy and cowardly character that cole has been portraying on screen. I think a stable akin to that of the Heenan Family would work better than one similar to The Varsity Club because 1) there would not have to be a fixed stable gimmick other than people managed by Cole and 2)it would allow rotation of members meaning that more superstars can gain heat from exposure with cole thus elevating their careers.

I think someone in this thread has already suggested the name 'The Coleiton' which imo is an awesome name and i'll give credit where credit is due. I wouldn't keep swagger in the group as i am hoping he moves on to pastures new asap. However I would begin with the following members:

1) Michael Cole - Manager
2)Cody Rhodes - Main Eventer
3)Chris Masters
3)Vladimir Koslov
4)Brodus Clay
5)Connor O Brien (the whole rat thing if played out not too cheesy would of been dynamite as a heel during the hulkamania era of wwf).
We saw the pairing of Swagger and McIntyre last night which I completely marked out for; maybe they are gonna go somewhere with this....
Theres been a lot of talk about the formation of a "Colemine" Stable on raw. I personally think its about time to get a legit heel stable at the forefront of the flagship show, especially now that nexus has gone down to tubes. How would you like to see it play out.

Personally I'd like to see Michael Cole reveal himself as the anonnamous GM. Giving the "Colemine" kayfabe backstage power. Here's my line up.

The Miz
Jack Swagger
Alex Riley
*and an enforcer such as Mason Ryan/Tyler Reks/ or a returning Sheffield.

I know a lot of people have thrown the name Drew McIntire around for this theoretical stable, but I think it would better to turn his character since raw lacks top faces. Alining him with Cena to take down the "Colemine" would be a better way to utilize his talents and finally give "the future of wwe" that much needed push into the upper-mid card/main event status. Maybe even turn Ziggler face here, or have Dolph and Vickie join the "Colemine", Putting Vickie and Cole together would draw major heat.

Over all I think a "Colemine" stable would be a great way for getting over a lot of the young talent WWE has been developing in recent years (Both heels in the stable and the faces who rise up to take them down) and would have a lasting impact on the future of the company even after the stable disbands.

What are your thoughts?
this stable would kind of be like immortal in tna, hulk took over the company and his group have ''backstage power''. to be honest i dont like the idea very much, but it can work. and cole would get so much heat, i could just imagine the stuff he would do.

just remember hes the gm of raw(if he is) not smackdown, so alex riley cant just go and show up on raw every week, hes a smack down star.
this stable would kind of be like immortal in tna, hulk took over the company and his group have ''backstage power''. to be honest i dont like the idea very much, but it can work. and cole would get so much heat, i could just imagine the stuff he would do.

just remember hes the gm of raw(if he is) not smackdown, so alex riley cant just go and show up on raw every week, hes a smack down star.

Yeah, but doesn't Riley just show up on Raw anyway, alongside Miz? I'm pretty sure he was there this past Raw..

anyway, I say no to this stable.. i can't stand Michael Cole and it's not "he's heel, so i must hate him" type of heat, I genuinely hate the guy.. it's bad enough I gotta hear his annoying voice every week, on two different shows trying to be as heel as possible.. too much Cole is a bad thing, and they're dragging it out way too much
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