Is there a chance that


One more for the good guys
Batista gets buried at Mania. I know it is a horrible long shot considering that he did win the Royal Rumble and all indicators point to him holding the title very soon. If the 3 way match does happen between Orton Batista and Bryan, does WWE hand the reigns over to Bryan once again and bury Batista? I, for one would love to see this very instance happen as Daniel Bryan has had momentum for so long it can only be "best for business". The fans are irritated with Batista and Orton, and their reaction shows that. Anyways, your thoughts on how this could all play out.
Bryan winning by pinning Orton, and Batista blowing up and attacking and destroying Bryan after the match gives Batista a reason to turn heel, and gives Bryan his first feud with the belt. The Extreme Rules PPV is in Washington, home of both Bryan and Batista so maybe thta is what they are setting up, and leaves Orton storyline wise legitimately smited for losing his title without a getting a rematch and feeling
Bryan winning by pinning Orton, and Batista blowing up and attacking and destroying Bryan after the match gives Batista a reason to turn heel, and gives Bryan his first feud with the belt. The Extreme Rules PPV is in Washington, home of both Bryan and Batista so maybe thta is what they are setting up, and leaves Orton storyline wise legitimately smited for losing his title without a getting a rematch and feeling

So you want WM30 to end with Batista beating the shit out of Daniel Bryan? Yea cuz that helps the situation. If DB wins than he wins..this is Wrestlemania!!!!storylines don't need to be created, they need to end. If a title match goes on last than the last thing we should see is the champ holding the belt up.
I would like then to see in a match against each other, a ladder match may be. I'll definitely be fun watching them wrestle.
I think they are going to stick to their guns and keep it as Orton vs Batista. The only person I can see taking the title off Orton at Elimination Chamber is Brock Lesnar. Maybe he will crush Christian and insert himself into the match.

Daniel Bryan vs Triple H looks like a lock. There will be a stipulation and that will probably be Bryan gets a Title Shot at Extreme Rules if he wins. It is in Washington so makes sense.

Bryan doesnt need to win the gold at Mania. He is hot right now but Mania sells itself. People will still subscribe to the network and people over seas will still buy the PPV regardless of Daniel Bryans situation.

WWE are not stupid. The fans are.
Bryan winning by pinning Orton, and Batista blowing up and attacking and destroying Bryan after the match gives Batista a reason to turn heel, and gives Bryan his first feud with the belt.

That's certainly a thought, especially since we've already seen plenty of Daniel with other main event performers......after all, he could have another feud with Randy Orton after (and if) he wins the title but it would be nice to see him tangle with someone new. Of course, having his first feud with Batista could also be a decent excuse for Batista to take the belt away and put Daniel back in the underdog role, which is where I feel he fits best, given the direction of his character this past year.

As for Batista, so much depends on the conditions under which he returned to pro wrestling. If WWE had to cater to his every whim to get him back, Daniel's number might be up (as world champion) before he even starts. Hell, management might be so excited about giving Batista the world on a platter (see: Rumble, Royal) that everyone will have to take a back seat to Big Dave, at least for awhile.

On the other hand, if Batista has signed a standard contract, maybe he has to perform as directed; same as everyone else. Batista's odyssey is going to be interesting, particularly as pertains to Daniel Bryan.
Daniel Bryan vs Triple H looks like a lock. There will be a stipulation and that will probably be Bryan gets a Title Shot at Extreme Rules if he wins. It is in Washington so makes sense.

Extreme Rules is in New Jersey, I understand the appeal of the hometown guy winning the big one at him but wouldn't it be the same if it was in New Jersey which is considered a "smart crowd?" Crowd will be just as hot there. Honestly I believe Bryan could win the title anywhere at any ppv and it be a big moment. I'd love to see a three-way between Lesnar, batista, and orton at mania because that'll give us Lesnar vs Bryan at extreme rules, which will be huge.

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