Is the WWE finally building a credible Tag Team Division?


WWE Attitude Era Champion
Ok, so it seems that the WWE is starting to try to re-build the Tag division. The question is, do we currently have a decent Tag division? Lets take a look at the current tag teams in the WWE:

Kofi and R-Truth

Primo and Epico

Hunico and Camacho

The Prime Time Playas

The Uso's

Curt Hawkings and Tyler Reks

So as you can see, we have a pretty good amount of Tag Teams in the tag division currently. I don't see Kofi and Truth lasting after they lose the tag titles. Both are big enough stars to make it on their own. But what are your thoughts on the current Tag Division?
If the Uso's could get a semi-decent push I think they could be good against the PTP, and that's where I would head with it but yeah I think the division is getting deeper and more impressive as we go on.

They just need to keep giving them some TV time which should be easy considering it'll be a three hour show.
Depends, are The Prime Time Players a credible tag team? I don't think they are.

WWE appear to be assembling a couple of teams but the tag division won't have been rebuilt until people care about them and they aren't used as fodder for stars like Big Show to run through. So basically there will never be a decent tag division ever again. The most you can hope for is for The Uso's vs. Primo & Epico to steal an episode of Superstars.
I think the tag division need kingston & truth but they're good superstars that need a push.a replacment could be tyson kidd & justin gabriel which join to the uso's and PTP and primo & epico and this 4 teams can get the tag team titels any place.I also would book a feud between hunico & camacho and tyler reks & curt hawkins to give hawkins & reks the push that their need so much.
Kofi and R-Truth

Primo and Epico

Hunico and Camacho

The Prime Time Playas

The Uso's

Curt Hawkings and Tyler Reks

...what are your thoughts on the current Tag Division?

Once the division is built up, Kofi and R-Truth will be losing the titles. The only reason those two currently hold the belts is because they are big name stars that the fans know. In an ideal world they wouldn't be anywhere near the titles, because they have little to nothing to do with each other.

Of all the teams listed, the Usos have the most talent IMHO. Until they can cut a decent promo however, I don't see them getting anywhere near the belts.

I think the PTP will eventually win the tag belts and keep them for a while. They appear to be the stars on the rise with the help of AW.
The WWE are finally beginning to build it back up again! it's about fricken time. The WWE need to keep being consistent and keep building it. They have the potential, they have the talent etc...
Kofi Kingston
Prime time players just to name a few....things are looking up for the tag division. They need to keep it relevant throughout summerslam.
First off, it's HAWKINS & Reks!

But I agree with your comment on Kofi/Truth. I don't see them lasting. I'd prefer Air Boom reunites and R-Truth teams with a returning Mark Henry or JTG and make a crazy/gansta tag team, to compliment the crazy "Vato" team of Hunico & Camacho. Then turn Teddy Long heel and have his as manager.

Also having two credible tag teams like Truth&Henry and Air Boom would help the division, instead of just Kofi&Truth which is even less "prestigious".

Also I like Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd as a solid face tag team. They could be a big staple in building up the "new" tag division.

If WWE is going to bother keeping them, Khali & Mahal need to create a solid heel tag team. It's the only thing that could make either relevant. Also guys liks Johnny Curtis & Derrick Bateman, I also liked the team of Alex Riley & Mason Ryan they had going at house shows for awhile.

If they established these teams and gave them solid stories, while adding managers I think it could add ALOT of credibility!

Tag Division:

Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne: Air Boom

R-Truth & Mark Henry w/Teddy Long

Epico & Primo w/Rosa Mendes

Hunico & Camacho w/Armando Estrada

The Usos w/Tamina Snuka

Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks w/Vickie Guererro

Darren Young & Titus O'Neal: The Prime Time Playas w/AW

Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd w/"P.S."Michael Hayes

Possibly Add: Alex Riley & Mason Ryan, Great Khali & Jinder Mahal, Johnny Curtis & Derrick Bateman, Ezekial Jackson & JTG, Heath Slater &.....Hornswoggle????,etc.

Note: I think Making the Tag Team Titles the automatic YouTube Pre-Show match for every PPV would give automatic time & great exposure to the tag team division.
Certainly is the best looking Tag Divison they've had in recent years. Actual tag teams.. imagine what could happen in 7 years... half those guys could become drug addicts and WWE Champions... like the Hardys/Dudleys/Edge and Chrsitian.

But seriously... I like how the Tag Divison is looking, I still think their missing a major team to take the divison with them... and I do think they need to change the belts up. Not the design, I like the different style titles, but we need new Champs more involved with the divison.

The Usos I think could become pretty big if given the Tag Titles and a decent run. They are very good in the ring, their prematch war cry sometimes lights the show up and gets everyone ready for some action. These guys are next in line for a title run IMO. They should be the best team in the divison. Truth and Kofi should go seperate ways... both of them should be near the World Title picture.

I like the Prime time Playas, pretty damn charasmatic and young. Their exciting to watch.

Primo and Epico are pretty amazing in the ring and probably the reason these tag matches have been pretty good.

Hunico and Kamacho.. well I personally think Kamacho is one of the biggest wastes of space on the roster. I don't see him ever going anywhere. Hunico is fun to watch in the ring though, he played a Sin Cara.. so damn right.

Hawkins and Reks looked GREAT in the handicap match against Ryback.. they beat him down and controlled him in their corner. I think they should be competing with The Primetime Playas while The Usos and Epico/Primo have a short but good in-ring tag title feud.
They need dominant teams that singles wrestles wouldn't even dream of F#@#ING with. They need the Road Warriors. No not the actual Road Warriors, but a team that is every bit as popular as the singles attractions on the card. A team that wouldn't stand there and let Big Show walk all over them. I like some of the things WWE is doing with the tag division right now, but I just don't see any teams worth caring about.
I think the person before me said it best. There are a lot of teams but they're all weak, every time a "monster" character needs to plough through people its not through random jobbers it will be people from the tag team division. I remember when Kane first tried that with the Hardys, he thought they were "just" tag team wrestlers but they got the chairs and everything else and fought him off. And at the time Kane was actually the credible Kane. There isn't a single team there that I could see being capable of standing up to one of the current big names i.e. CM Punk or Cena. Seriously could any of you see Hawkins and Reks taking out Cena? Or the USOs beating down Alberto Del Rio. Until WWE has faith in their tag team division, nobody else will.
I like the current division though i feel that it will be soon before we see a team to reach the heights that the Hardys, Edge and Christian. Prime time players have more personality than all the other teams and i do agree that WWe needs that IT team to get the division hot. WWe needs teams to have a gimmick like the likes of The APA, Dudleys, and The Hardys. Not exact but similar. I wouldnt mind seeing the Dudleys have one last run before retirement. Just imagine having a team interacting with the crowd to get the division hot again and get unknown teams noticed. What better team to do it than the Dudleys?
I think we are on the brink of the team that could carry the division, The Ascension!!! These guys have the look and gimmic to get over quickly. They also could be the team as heels to carry the belts while a properly built up face team not named Truth/Kofi chases them.

Here is their NXT promo:
I wouldn't call it decent, but at least its a division.

Five out of the six teams aren't over and the other is made up of singles stars.
It's got some depth for the first time in years, but it's not really credible.

If you want a credible tag division, you need to take two guys who are pretty well locked in a tag team (i.e. The Usos or PTP) and you push them to the moon. You build them up, put the belts on them, and keep them as champions for a long run. The nice thing is that the WWE is on it's way with this principle.

It's a shame the WWE didn't try to start this a couple of years ago with the Hart Dynasty. With the way that Tyson Kidd has come along, with the potential that gimmick had, and with how young they were, that team could have carried that division for years. Still, I think that PTP has potential to do the same, even as heels.

Racial similarities aside, I think they have the potential to be in WWE what Harlem Heat was in WCW circa 1996. They don't have the same talent or name recognition, but Harlem Heat was a team that drew as heels against face teams like the Steiners and Luger & Sting, and even though they weren't the biggest stars, they were the solid heel team in that division.

If you want the tag division to really be credible again, then you need to make a real tag team, don't just daisy chain two guys like Big Show and Kane together because they're both stagnant, and treat them like they are big stars. I never got why some companies push their guys out and make them do all the work. If you treat them on camera like they're bread winners, that's how the audience will perceive them. So long as you don't completely bomb the gimmick or pick bad talent, then the audience will be drawn to them. The good news is that the WWE certainly has the chance here with a few teams to try and build the division back up, and that's all the fans want, I think; just show some effort.
I really think Hawkins and Reks have a bright future in the tag division is WWE management keeps them in the fold. They looked awesome against Ryback considering, it's freaking Ryback and nobody ever lays a hand on him.

I do think they need that powerhouse team that just runs rampant through everyone, however, if you think about it, we haven't really had that since the APA. And back in the glory days of tag teams, we had Edge and Christian (smaller guys), the Hardys (small guys), the Dudleyz (decent sized guys) and the APA (big bruisers). So we don't necessarily NEED the big powerhouse teams to make the tag division good again, but it couldn't hurt.
I do think think that if built right, the PTP could potentially be the heel team that the WWE drastically needs at the moment and could be a staple of the new tag division for a while.
Foshinzo is completely right when he says that the Tag Team Division has depth, but is not really credible. However, for the first time really since the Dudley’s left the WWE I feel that the Tag Team Division has hope.

Leading off you got both the Uso’s and the Prime Time Players. Both teams are young, fresh, and solid in the ring. They both have a lot to offer in the division, and both look the part as tag teams. If you brought someone in to be the mouth piece for the Usos (Though their promo skills aren’t horrible), the team would be complete. This would give both a main face team (Uso’s) and main heel team in the Prime Time Playas. Both have unique entrances which could get the crowd to pop. In these two tag teams the WWE has the chance to have a solid feud and competition for years to come.

Hunico and Camacho are equally solid in the ring, but lack that certain something to push them into the main event of the Tag Team division. I feel they are solid enough to steal matches every now and then, and put other teams other.

Primo and Epico are a solid “mid card” team. They have had the belts. They can wrestle, and they remind me a bit of a poor man’s Los Guerreros expect they are PG. They will hang around the title picture probably coming short more times than not to the Uso’s or Prime Time Playas. Still I see them getting one or two more title runs if things stay this way throughout their career.

Curt Hawkings and Tyler Reks is a team that worries me. Unlike everyone who I have previously mentioned, I see this team splitting to evaluate the talent of Tyler Reks when the time comes. I see them getting one main event run before this happens to so I don’t even see this team sticking around for that long.

Finally, Kofi and R-Truth are the last of the dying breed of Tag teams. Thrown together and giving the titles because they are high mid card talent with simply nothing to do. They will split once they drop the titles to the Prime Time Playas. Not to discredit them, but Kofi has been through at least two partners, and maybe he’ll get back with Evan once he returns? But honestly, to me this team the title holders makes no sense really. They don’t look nature together back stage, and don’t really have much to do with each other after the titles are dropped and they lose their rematch.
i don't know if i would go that far. your top tag team should be the best 2 guys working together in the company and beat any other team. that means put cena and punk in a tag team against the champs and they should lose because the tag team champs work together all the time and are experts at doing that. but you can't have your top talent losing to lesser talent in the mind of vince so they will never give the tag team a true push. sure there are a lot of teams right now but how are they being used? i think it is just a case of lots of guys are on the roster so they are making teams until they can decide what to do with the guys and who to push as a single's guy.
I enjoy the tag team division right now. I say the team to build around in the Prime Time Players. I do think WWE is being very smart with the tag division right now. The PTP are over and people are wondering why they're losing to Primo & Epico and Kofi & Truth. But in a way they're giving a rub to those teams even though the latter team in the tag team champs. I do sense their is an importance given to the tag team division as of late and I like it. The Ascension as mentioned earlier look very promising as well. No need to rush them or the PTP so I think what WWE is doing right now is the right thing.
Where is the tag team division? That must be the old school in me because 2 guys thrown together, and introduced as 2 guys thrown together, doesn't make a tag team. Tag teams need and should have a name. The Prime Time Players are a tag team, but damn they are boring???? The Uso's are a tag team, but when is the last time they had a tag team match?

Just think back to all the top tag many did not have a team name and were successful......and you remember them? Edge & Christian are the only ones I remember. Don't count Kofi & R Truth because they were thrown together when there wasn't a tag team division......
i don't think the tag division will b credible again until the wwe gets off their asses n makes actual TEAMS again. u the hardys, the dudleys, apa, bushwhackers, the killer bees, lod etc. we dont need more of this putting singles stars together n hoping it works. they need to b fresh faces that will b known for tag team wrestling n nothing else.
I feel like they are setting up the foundations to a future tag division, I like PTP and I like how they are giving a lot more TV time, I feel like they may need a more veteran tag team or 2 such as the WGTT that can bring up the new up and coming tag teams that need to be put over
I agree with Kelso in that the foundation is being laid. I mean we are seeing more legit tag team wrestling than we have in a while. Granted it still isn't that much. I also think AW is really helping the PTPs along really well. The teams are not as strong as they could be, but hopefully that comes in time. In all the time we have been hearing about building the tag division now is finally when I feel they are actually putting forth effort in actually doing it.
It looks like WWE is attempting to make a resurgence in the tag team division. Attempt is the key phrase in that sentence. Back in the old days, you had legit tag teams that were sometimes paired together for many years and they had a common factor holding them together. A reason to be tagging together and getting themselves over.

These days, all of tag team wrestling consists of makeshift teams all randomly thrown together because creative isn't creative. They have nothing for these guys as singles superstars, so they cluster them together and eliminate having to come up with something else meaningful individually. Teams rarely make sense and when they[WWE] do put people together, they rarely stick with them on a consistent basis. I really wanna see a relevant tag team division again. WWE have a long way to go before they can consider their tag team division legit again.
The tag team division will never be credible because tag teams don't last long enough. They wind up being broken up and usually vanish. Deuce and Domino & the Basham brothers are a prime example. None of them were any use as singles stars. When I was a kid there were real tag teams such as L.O.D, The Beverley Brothers, Nasty Boyz etc. Tag teams who stayed together didn't get broken up and certainly didn't win singles titles.

Tag Teams need to be tag teams. But in today's wrestling that simply doesn't happen.

Finally the new "Brood" will arrive.

Also don't forget that while at the moment Cesaro is a singles competitor the Kings of Wrestling could yet form a team in the WWE.

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