Is the world flat?


Dark Match Winner

Seriously, holy shit. I knew that they talked alot of bollocks down there, but this is just amazing. If you check the other videos from that user, there's videos where they have "experts" in to discuss Denmark, Sex, the western society, women driving etc.

Appearently, here in Denmark we got an organization for people who marry animals.. yeah, sure.

This isn't meant as hate on muslims, I know a lot of nice ones. But this is just really.. funny and sad at the same time.
Yes this is sad indeed, that they let this idiot be on national television embarissing his nation, *sigh* somebody needs to educate the public in the middle east
Here they are keeping the Danish flag warm

That's poor logic as Denmark own Greenland.
Yeah, they do love us. It's amazing how angry people can get over some drawings of a nonexistent person.

It's a real fucking picnic living here now too, with all of them going apeshit. Crime is at it's highest, 60% of the people in jail are from the middle east, and the funny thing is that they laugh at us for being a too nice country. You can't get thrown into jail when you're under 15 since you're a "kid" then, with no knowledge of what you're doing.

Oh, and if you get thrown in for murder, you get like.. 20 years tops. Rape gives about 2-4 years, and ofcourse if you behave well in prison, you might even get out after 12 years, if you've murdered someone. So basically, I could buy a gun, or well no, since there's no guns here thank god, and go apeshit on a school, and get around 12 years in prison, and get out because of good behaviour.

Yeah, that'll teach them ._.
Yeah both were very real people. I'm not going to get into a religious debate on whether Jesus was son of god or mohamed was the last prophet, but both people definitely existed.

There's more historical evidence of Jesus being a real person than there is of Julius Cesar.
well of course jesus is the son of god since we all are technically children of god
Yeah both were very real people. I'm not going to get into a religious debate on whether Jesus was son of god or mohamed was the last prophet, but both people definitely existed.

There's more historical evidence of Jesus being a real person than there is of Julius Cesar.

Where? All i've ever seen is historians trying to work out the details of his life based on what the Bible says and what physical evidence 'proves' happened at the time in terms of events. Since the bible is filled with a LOT of blatently dubious information, it would seem quite illogical to say the man ever ACTUALLY existed.

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