Is the MEM angle weakening the X-title?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so TNA is making a point that after this Sunday, MEM could hold ALL of the titles. However, even if they do win all of their matches this sunday they will NOT be holding the X-division title. Is this story line weakening the X-division title making it seem pointless by TNA not referring to it as a title? Both Angle and Samoa Joe have been X-division champion before so it's not like the MEM doesn't have people who can get it done in the X-division. Angle is the heavyweight champion so it wouldn't make sense for him to have it, but what about Joe? Should TNA have put Joe in a X-division title match against suicide/hernandez?
Thats why I think that if they do intend to g the route of having the mafia hold all the gold then Joe will probably prematurely end his match with Sting and goad Homicide into an X title match later after the tag and legends title matches. So before the main event even at some pint the mafia will hold all the gold and yes I think Angle will retain as well.
TNA is making a point that after this Sunday, MEM will or should hold ALL of the titles like when nWo did in Souled Out! Even if they do win all of their matches this sunday they will NOT be holding the X-division title. I think they should either get a skinny newcomer to join the MEM like nWo did with Syxx(sean Waltman) or bring in Billy Kidman and there you go MEM would be a stable of champions! Both Angle and Samoa Joe have been X-division champion before perhaps MEM can add Samoa Joe an X Divison Title Match against Homicide or Suicide vs Homicide vs Samoa Joe n the X-division. TNA should already have added suicide/hernandezin a X-division title match against to the card anyways unless Taz gets the title in X Divison!
Anyway you look at it X division title will be on the MEM stable added with the rest of the belts!
No one stable should hold all the titles. Makes for boring wrestling. It's more exciting if they were just a tag team and held the belts as well as the two top titles. Even then, it gets boring fast.
I think it is weakening to the X title and making to big of a deal about the Legends Title.

They could have an angle where the X-Division title is still in TNA and since the X-Division was what "put TNA on the map" make a big deal about how much the MEM wants it.

Have the main X division guys making sure MEM does not interfere when Homicide faces a MEM member or if he is in trouble of losing a TNA guy makes the save via causing a DQ then telling Homicide that he owes them a shot.

Homicide faces MEM members at different times retaining everytime (hook or crook) and simultaneously allowing TNA guys to get shots in order to express how important the title is to TNA. When it is TNA vs TNA it is a fair and honest match but if MEM is involved then TNA makes sure they do not walk out with the strap.
I don't think it's weakening the X-Division what so ever. I think everybody is reading too much into what the announcers are saying. I mean for the most part Samoa Joe and Matt Morgan have fueds to contend with on Sunday and the rest of the Mafia members have title matches. I believe when the announcers were talking they meant more about them walking out with whatever gold they're going for.

As for Samoa Joe winning the X-Title again...I suppose it can be done but in the long run that what would kill the X-Division and destroy Homicide's credibility as a believable champion. Homicide got a good pop when he came in for the save and when he beat a face Suicide for the strap. The crowd seems really behind him so I say let Homicide keep it for a while. It'd be nice like someone else said to have him rack up victories against Mafia members that try to go for his belt to further build Homicide as the man that's bringing prestige back to the belt.

Usually I like to see powerful stables with every member holding gold. But in this case I don't see a reason for Joe claiming the X-Title at this moment. Worst case scenario Samoa Joe, Booker T, and Scott Steiner play the whole Wolfpac rules thing with the Tag Straps.
OK, I'm drunk right now. Not gonna lie. I'll go ahead anyway...

The X Title is devalued as any midcard title would be during a big main event angle. Think about the IC title during the Invasion angle. OK, so it was hardly massive before (that's what she said) but with a big, overriding angle it was nothing.

Besides, the X Title hasn't been of any great importance for a while now. Unfortunately, Suicide holding it is the best it's got for it for a while now. Shame.
TNA has been devaluing the X title since they made it a division exclusive title, the title was used as a spring board previously to elevate talent such as AJ styles and Samoa Joe, can anyone tell me who the title has elevated now?, I bet you can't think of a name, the basic fact at the moment any person who is long standing in the X division is either being used as enhancement talent or fodder to further feuds such as what happened to amazing red this week on impact with Samoa joe.

In order for the title to become a big deal again TNA needs to get rid of the legends title and bring the X division back to its prominence and use the title as a midcard belt, just because someone cant do all the flashy spots that most X division mainstays can do, doesn't mean they can't hold the belt a prime example of this is Samoa Joe.

I don't believe TNA will elevate the title anytime soon, they only guy who has actually maintained a credible reign was Suicide due to the fact that TNA did everything to protect his reign and made him near enough unstoppable, if TNA could maintain that with the new Champ and maybe have a MEM member go after the belt then maybe they will be on the right track but alas i dont think it will ever happen IMO.
well you never know what could happen joe could just beat the shit out of the winner of the x title match and then just take the belt without even winning it then the mafia could claim they have controlle of all the TNA titles
A while back, maybe a year or so, they were doing a presentation of Ultimate X and I remember, I think it may have been Kaz, saying that what made the X-Division interesting was that unknown element, that no limits mentality. TNA has essentially done away with that by essentially making the X-title a cruiserweight championship. Of course, TNA never announced that the X-strap as much, but it's what they've done. The MEM angle itself hasn't weakened the title, TNA creative has done that.

I agree with RDJ that TNA should elevate the title and the division back to its former prominence and just be done with the Legend's title altogether.
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