Is the IWC getting bigger in the form of WWE Universe...???

Pro Wrestling is FAKE

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First thread here so don't rip me off people...

I am a loyal WWE Fan for the past 15 years... Have seen wrestlers come and go like whirlwind, and seen many new stars forming.. I was there when Austin coined 3:16, when Hogan turned heel, when people chanted "Rocky, You can't wrassle", when UT formed the ministry, when the game started playing to finally the YOU CAN'T SHE ME [Rock's version ;) ].. So all in all I have seen much and I also acknowledge TNA as it currently has few of the brightest stars in Wrestling biz in Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Beer Money and MCMG [Not counting Flair, Hogan, Hardys and other washed up folks]..

Now, cutting to the chase, having seen all this I can also attest to another thing.. It's the audience who make or break a company.. You don't have one and you will sink.. However if you have a Universe [Pun intended] you will shine like a full moon on a cloudless night..

Having said that I also can attest to the fact that the recent reactions [when I say recent I mean the past 6-7 months], the crowds have been becoming more and more silent.. There used to be a time when the Glass Shattering was heard and you would know that the building will erupt.. When If you smell was heard, people will go cookin.. When the Olympic Music was heard people will chant YOU SUCK in rhyme.. Bell the Gong and everone seemed to have goosebumps.. The crowd doesnt have the same buzz anymore.. They stand up when some-one [Orton, Cena, Edge, heck Santino] enter, make some noise, sit back down and remain seated until they know it's a cue to cheer the face in the match.. Heard the reactions when Rock came back?? Heard it when Trips came out to confront the Dead Man [Now that was a surprise with Hunter being cheered more than the UnderTaker. I guess people care less if you are making your 5736th return :p]

That being said do you think that the crowd has started behaving more like the IWC does [bored mostly and popping at the correct spots]..??

I have always said that most people who watch wreslting are people from the internet.

I dont believe in the bullshit that the IWC is a small minority of in terms of T.V viewership. Nearly all wrestling fans check out spoilers or suscribed to something stupid like dirtsheets.
I think because little kids don't make that much noise to have a big pop. The late 90s and early 00s had more guys who have bigger voices.

When Cena would come out you'd hear a high pitches noise, so there are plenty of women for him (especially when he takes his shirt off).

Undertaker's return also had a promo, and was spoiled for the live crowd because of his symbol in the rafters and being brought down.

Triple H was gone longer, and people weren't expecting it.

Oh and Smackdown does not count for pop noise, since the use fake ones for TV.

Remember the days whenever the big baby face would go on offense and the crowd would go CRAZY? Watch Flair matches or Hogan matches for a big example of that.

The kids aren't bored because they go crazy for Cena when he's on offense or in a match.

I dont believe in the bullshit that the IWC is a small minority of in terms of T.V viewership. Nearly all wrestling fans check out spoilers or suscribed to something stupid like dirtsheets.

At an ROH event, yes. But not WWE. You see the sea of Purple shirts and little kids? Those kids do NOT check for spoilers or any of that. The ones who chant "cena sucks" were the IWC.

Who in the IWC would boo CM Punk when he talks crap about Orton? Be serious.
I The late 90s and early 00s had more guys who have bigger voices.

Does that mean that guys today don't have big voices?? I mean how can you say that?? :wtf:

Anyways all the people you mentioned I have mentioned as well.. No big deal, I'm talking about the rest of the rosters...

PS I didn't even mention Smack Down.. I know the voices are fake...
Does that mean that guys today don't have big voices?? I mean how can you say that?? :wtf:

Anyways all the people you mentioned I have mentioned as well.. No big deal, I'm talking about the rest of the rosters...

PS I didn't even mention Smack Down.. I know the voices are fake...

Attitude era was basically ALL GUYS. Now they are a fraction of it.

I know you didn't mention smack down, that was for everyone else that would post.
At an ROH event, yes. But not WWE. You see the sea of Purple shirts and little kids? Those kids do NOT check for spoilers or any of that. The ones who chant "cena sucks" were the IWC.

Who in the IWC would boo CM Punk when he talks crap about Orton? Be serious.

There are far more WWE fans who are on the internet. ROH fans are a very small minority. WWE fans make up most of TNA fans afterall. Therefore, i still believe most wrestling fans are on the internet.
Well I checked the videos.. The Attitude Era had everyone.. Its just the GUYS had more to cheer about I guess.. More blood, more badass stuff and more sex in the form of divas..

Nothing that's present now!!:disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:

Really now? I've seen barely any kids back during that time, especially the late 90s.

Plus the demographics in the ratings show that too.

The only time I've seen more of the older fans are at PPVs. The Raws and Smackdowns I've seen, and been too, have about 2/3rd of kids and women.
There are far more WWE fans who are on the internet. ROH fans are a very small minority. WWE fans make up most of TNA fans afterall. Therefore, i still believe most wrestling fans are on the internet.

The little kids in Cena shirts follow dirt sheets and spoilers? If they knew it was fake, and thus didn't care who's a heel and a face, they wouldn't boo the crap out of CM Punk when he disses Orton.

At every event I talk to kids who believe it's real and talk about how they hate how people like CM Punk, or some other bad guy that cheats. They have no clue about the terms "heel" and "face" or anything like that.

Hell, at Smackdown tapings, I've talked to a ton of people who didn't know Smackdown was taped on tuesdays but only found out since they came into town.
I wouldn't say the audience is becoming smarky. There's just not really much to be excited. When The Rock returned, the IWC marked out more than the fans in attendance did. With WWE's core audience, you gotta expect adults that tag along just to supervise them. They're pretty much casual fans. You can't really expect them to mark out the way kids and fans like us do. If the IWC composed the WWE audience, the last thing the crowds would be is silent. We're the one's who voice our opinions regardless of how dumb they are.

Simply put, if the IWC fan's were as large a part of the audience as you suggest, the last thing the crowd would be is dead.
I agree with the original thread starter.

And there were definitely kids around during the Attitude era. I breathed wrestling back in those days (I was around 12-15) and remember much of it vividly. The proportions of the audience are obviously different now but I think there is one factor people haven't mentioned yet. That is the advent of the casual fan. Now that WWE is PG kids will ask their parents to go to events and mom and dad aren't even fans. They're only into it for the sake of their kids. The difference in the Attitude era is that due to the nature of the program the parents had to be a little more involved to allow their kids to go to a show.

I don't think there were as many casual fans then as there are now. WWE has gotten bigger (doesn't mean more popular or higher ratings) through marketing and partnerships so they are constantly in our face. I think the variable is the passion of the fans. Many are not hardcore as the fans during the previous era therefore affecting the pops and live audience interaction.

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