Is The ''Funkasaurus'' The Start Of Something Big?

I agree that he's a fun character and he is entertaining (although I'm not as entertained by him as I once was). My point of making him a serious character was related to the OP's original question - is Funkasaurus the beginning of something big. My point was that he wont be big as a comedic character. Doink, Heidenreich and Santino are other examples of comedic wrestlers who are a lot of fun, but were never anything 'big'.

I like what Clay adds to Raw, his entrance is entertaining and there is potential for something interesting to happen. But unless he becomes a serious character, he wont be a big deal.
But again, other than when he's in the ring, THE ROCK isn't really a serious character. 90% of his schtick is making people laugh and having fun.

How is it any different? It's not. BOTH entertain people by having fun and when they're in the ring, they get serious. Brodus is and can be the same way. He can turn up and down the intensity dial when he needs to but his character doesn't need to change all that much to be taken seriously.
Brodus Clay is shit.

He can't wrestle, he can't dance, he has no charisma. Watch the crowd when he comes out it's just silence. Watch on Monday when Marella was dancing with him and Marella out performed him: If you're gimmick is being a fat bastard who can dance then you need to be able to dance.

Don't get me started on his mother at Wrestlemania, good grief.

The WWE does not need another massive heel monster (ala big daddy V) and when Clay was last in that role (with Del Rio) no one gave a crap. Why should they now?

No charisma? Really?!??!?! He hasn't only got body charisma (as in he's got presence without even speaking) but he also has personality.... I can understand why you'd think everything else but really NO CHARISMA, he's clearly charismatic... he's one of the most expressive people in the WWE
Nope I think he's doing just fine as he is. We've been overdosed on monsters as it is. You've got Mark Henry, Kane, and Lord Tensai doing the whole hairy scary monster routine. Besides monster heels are pretty much a dead end gimmick. Once the unstoppable monster heel has been beaten by a babyface that's pretty much it for him. The Irresistible Force met The Immovable Object, there's nothing more to see. It's either hope to hell creative has something else for you or start hoofin' it for Japan.
I don't see why Brodus Clay has to turn heel to get over as a monster. He can use the Funkasaurus gimmick as a face and still get over as the monster he is. If you make him a heel you basically making another version of the unstoppable Mark Henry we had 6 months ago, which was great but we dont need a repeat of that. Brodus has more personality than Henry does and can pull off a gimick like this better than Henry can. At close to 400 pound the man can move. He no doubt has some major power!!!! I am all for him going thru the roster as a face squashing everyone dancing and calling his mamma.

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