Is The ''Funkasaurus'' The Start Of Something Big?


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Brodus Clay will turn heel sooner or later. The Funkasaurus gimmick cannot last forever.

Do you remember Clay's promo after he was eliminated from NXT?

''WWE Universe... You took away my moment. I won every competition I was in. I did everything I had to do. But I get it, I don't look like him [Johnny Curtis], I don't look like him, I don't look like any of you. You took my dream away! I promise you this, I'm gonna take your heroes away. I'm gonna take things that you love away. I'm gonna make you feel like you made me feel tonight. Because you know, in places you don't wanna go, you're scared of someone like me! I'm the thing that goes bump in the night and you look underneath your bed, so mark my words, what you love I will take 'cause you took what I love! And I won't stop, I don't need a roster spot, all I need is a parking lot and my opportunity. I will not stop, and let this be known to everybody. You broke my heart, WWE Universe, and I ain't gonna stop until I break yours. AND YOU DO KNOW THAT.''

What if the Funkasaurus is a heel manipulating the crowd?

I thought his gimmick was a punishment (he spoiled a WWE storyline on Twitter), but now, I think it would make perfect sense if he was just trolling the fans like Chris Jericho did when he returned.

What do you think?
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Sounds good and I would like to see it. Unfortunately I dont think WWE has put that much thought into it.

I like brodus. I remember breaking me shit laughing when he debued as the funkasurus and im still loving it. From the little I have seen of him in the ring he seems good. I also like how he shouts SUPLEX as he hits it.

Howevr I dont know if there is much depth to the character. Your idea could definately add to it.
In WWE anything is possible. I expect he will shed the character eventually. He should enjoy it while it lasts from a standpoint of he's actually on TV consistently. I'd like to see him get a little more time talking on the mic. His work on Sunday wasn't bad. Hopefully it will amount to something... even something like you said is another point they could work off of but we know that they won't expect people to remember that...
That would actually have the potential to be pretty entertaining, but I'm not sure I see the WWE actually being smart enough to remember that far back. They historically haven't been too good at remembering stuff that happened more than a few months ago.
Not a bad idea at all. Clay has a lot of potential. But for some odd reason I like the Funkasuarus gimmick. And so does my Grandma. I say give it time, and then turn him. Let him really grow on us, so the turn is more affective.
You are over thinking things, he was given the Funkasauras gimmick because he spoiled a storyline on Twitter. He's making it work to his advantage.
i didnt watch his season of nxt but that actullay seems like a damn good promo! wow i dont think wwe is planning something like this at all but it would be pretty cool and intersting if they were but honestly the gimmick seems like a punishment to me and i dont think they have any plans of making something like this happen you forget this is the wwe creative team were talking about there not exactly smart
Brodus Clay is shit.

He can't wrestle, he can't dance, he has no charisma. Watch the crowd when he comes out it's just silence. Watch on Monday when Marella was dancing with him and Marella out performed him: If you're gimmick is being a fat bastard who can dance then you need to be able to dance.

Don't get me started on his mother at Wrestlemania, good grief.

The WWE does not need another massive heel monster (ala big daddy V) and when Clay was last in that role (with Del Rio) no one gave a crap. Why should they now?
He's a flash in the pan, he has the groundwork and story to give us an entertaining.... 6 months maybe, but his lack of wrestling and IT factor are going to keep him from being truly big.

(Ps. On Marella outdoing him.... Marella is one of the most talented performers on the roster, even if he's been a comedy jobber for his whole wwe career)
i dont care for brodus clay, but there is something special bout him. jus like with goldberg when he first started. every match was a squash match. no im not saying clay will be a goldberg type, far from it. but i do see him squashing good talent like goldberg did and only time will tell where he goes from here. it was kinda cool to see him rescue santino and knock ziggler on his ass. it will nice to see how he preforms in a real fued with vickies boys as opposed to some one and done crap match where somebody is freaked out by his homo gyrating.this could be the start of where clays character goes by watching this fued. either he win prevailand take the next step, or he will turn on santino and join vickies stable. which wouldnt be a bad thing either in my opinion
ZZzzZZZzzzzZZZzzZZ Brodus will either be in mid card Hell with the A Train as an opponent or as a partner but he's not going anywhere. This gimminck is old already and his mat skills are VERY limited. ROH is in his future!
I think the funkasaurus will get one push and then take the role kali currently has. i think the wwe accidently stumbled onto a fun character that they can use for a segment or short match when needed to lighten the mood between serious story arcs.
The potential to be an absolute monster is there for Brodus Clay even as the Funkasaurus. He has a unique moveset for a man of his size with the Suplexes and can move very well for a big man. You have to figure once Mark Henry is gona Big Show wont be around much longer either the WWE is going to be low on the Giant like monsters to push. Who knows when Mason Ryan will come around or if he will end up coming around to be something the WWE can use and make money on.
Brodus Clay is shit.

He can't wrestle, he can't dance, he has no charisma. Watch the crowd when he comes out it's just silence. Watch on Monday when Marella was dancing with him and Marella out performed him: If you're gimmick is being a fat bastard who can dance then you need to be able to dance.

I guess I didn't notice that Marella outperformed him while dancing. I was too overwhelmed listening to the entire f*cking crowd chant "Funkasaurus." Seriously, what show are you watching?

The only good point you brought up was that the WWE doesn't need another monster heel at the moment. With Henry, Tensai/Albert and Kane, the WWE is overloaded with "monsters." That is why the Funkasaurus gimmick is perfect for Clay at this point. It allows him on-screen time without the potential of getting lost in the mix with the monster heels. When the time is right, he will turn... and if he improves his in-ring work, he'll be a star.

I'm not sure why some on this thread claim that Clay doesn't have the IT factor. I'd love to hear those people define this IT factor that they keep talking about ... All I know about Clay is that the crowd chants his f*cking name, and that he's over.
I was skeptical before his debut, because he seemed like he would be yet another monster heel. The Funkasaurus character was a perfect way to make him distinguished from everyone else, instantly setting him apart. It also apparently had more initial success than excepted, though I don't think this gimmick can last long without getting stale.

I would like to see he turn heel someday but still keeping some traces of his Funkasaurus character. Like a dance-y moveset and such.
No, Brodus Clay is this decade's Rikishi...and now Santino is his Scotty 2 Hotty...the Cobra is the new Worm...a stupid move that could not actually hurt someone in real life yet because the fans cheer for it, we have to keep seeing it (add the People's Elbow and Five Knuckle Shuffle in there while we are at it). If you remember your history, Rikishi and his dancing were fun for the first few weeks and then got really old, really quickly. He held the I-C belt, made it to the KotR finals, and had a short main event level feud with Stone Cold and that was it. I'd expect the same level for Brodus, at most.
Brodus should NOT turn heel anytime in the near future. WWE already has a lot of monsters (Brock/Henry/Kane/Tensai), all of whom are higher on the priority list than Brodus. Turning him into yet another monster heel would result in a few weeks of domination, followed by a loss to a top face and obscurity.

Let him dance and continue to entertain.
HAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH....sounds good but I don't believe brodus can pull it off. The crowd loves him (y idk his gimmick is meh) but they love him and chant his name so why would he become a heel.
I like Brodus's gimmick. I'm glad they didn't just make him yet another signature big dude. At the end of the day, he's entertaining and when it starts to get old, WWE can have him "snap" at any given time.
No, Brodus Clay is this decade's Rikishi...and now Santino is his Scotty 2 Hotty...the Cobra is the new Worm...a stupid move that could not actually hurt someone in real life yet because the fans cheer for it, we have to keep seeing it (add the People's Elbow and Five Knuckle Shuffle in there while we are at it). If you remember your history, Rikishi and his dancing were fun for the first few weeks and then got really old, really quickly. He held the I-C belt, made it to the KotR finals, and had a short main event level feud with Stone Cold and that was it. I'd expect the same level for Brodus, at most.
The main thing i want to point out is "the Cobra can not hurt anyone in real life." You ever been hit in the throat with pretty much anything you would know how stupid that part makes you look because it can take down the biggest guy you will ever meet
lol here it is. TURN HIM TEH HEELZ!!!!!

Ever think that just because a guy is a "fun" or "comedy" character that he can simultaneously be a badass? That's the funkasaurus. He's fun, but he's also a huge intense badass. IMO, that's a LOT more interesting than the boring as shit "TURN HIM TEH HEELZ" suggestion.

He doesn't need to turn heel. He's super over and is believable to chew up anyone he faces. If he turns heel, that's basically the boring generic formula. How about just get him over as a fun loving badass. That's something new that hasn't really been done that often.

Something else. The Rock is essentially a comedic character who is a badass. 90% of his promos are based on either singalong or making people laugh. How the hell is Brodus any different? Because he dances? Rock sings.

Brodus can be huge as what he is. People are ENTERTAINED by him and that's the bottom line. IMO, he's more intimidating as the funkasaurus. It's odd that a guy who is dancing one minute is frighteningly destorying someone the next. If he's a heel, you see it coming and it's no fun. The guy who is dancing and girating and then headbutting your chest in half is kinda psychotic. Psychotic in a way more real than anything Kane has EVER done. Brodus almost has a crazed look both when he's dancing and when he's killing someone. It's not ridiculous like what most other monsters do. It's fun and it's believable that he'd beat your ass. Why change it to do the boring heel bullshit?
No, Brodus Clay is this decade's Rikishi...and now Santino is his Scotty 2 Hotty...the Cobra is the new Worm...a stupid move that could not actually hurt someone in real life yet because the fans cheer for it, we have to keep seeing it (add the People's Elbow and Five Knuckle Shuffle in there while we are at it). If you remember your history, Rikishi and his dancing were fun for the first few weeks and then got really old, really quickly. He held the I-C belt, made it to the KotR finals, and had a short main event level feud with Stone Cold and that was it. I'd expect the same level for Brodus, at most.
Walk up to someone and hit them in the throat as hard as you can with a finger thrust. Better call a lawyer before you do.

Do you have a brain? Just because your mind is too simple to think outside of what has already happened doesn't mean that's what's going on. Other than being a big guy who dances Brodus and rikishi aren't that similar. Brodus doesn't rub his ass in guys' faces. Brodus has an intimidating look and a more vicious style.

As for Santino, he's more over than S2H ever was. Santino can go in the ring, his character is over. God forbid fun characters get over and are pushed.

Brodus has a lot more "it" than Rikishi. I know what it is, it's really not some mystery, it's pulling off your character so that 100% of the time your are believable. Brodus is 100% of the time in his character. People believe in him, that's why he's over. Same thing with Santino. It's not the WWE's fault that most people think the "GRRR I'M A BADASS WRESTLING IS SERIOUS BUSINESS" characters are usually boring and goofy.
I really want the Brodus Clay character to go somewhere. I want something to happen, a storyline, a feud - anything! When Funkasaurus stops being comedic, which will happen sooner than you think, and gets put into real matches, I think he'll become more serious. He'll still be a face, a heel turn I don't see coming for some time. But to the OP's point about Clay being the beginning of something big? It's highly unlikely. Comedic characters have never had much success in WWE. From Doink, to Heidenreich, to Santino, to Brodus and countless others in between, comedy characters don't have a great reputation for championship success. It seems as though these characters are designed to where just getting a minor title is a big deal.

So 'Funkasaurus' is probably not the beginning of something big, but maybe Brodus Clay is. A huge monster heel is always a selling point in professional wrestling, and maybe one that the fans used to identify with, like Clay, would give his heel persona a different element. Regardless, it's highly unlikely that this is the beginning of something big.
I really want the Brodus Clay character to go somewhere. I want something to happen, a storyline, a feud - anything! When Funkasaurus stops being comedic, which will happen sooner than you think, and gets put into real matches, I think he'll become more serious. He'll still be a face, a heel turn I don't see coming for some time. But to the OP's point about Clay being the beginning of something big? It's highly unlikely. Comedic characters have never had much success in WWE. From Doink, to Heidenreich, to Santino, to Brodus and countless others in between, comedy characters don't have a great reputation for championship success. It seems as though these characters are designed to where just getting a minor title is a big deal.

So 'Funkasaurus' is probably not the beginning of something big, but maybe Brodus Clay is. A huge monster heel is always a selling point in professional wrestling, and maybe one that the fans used to identify with, like Clay, would give his heel persona a different element. Regardless, it's highly unlikely that this is the beginning of something big.
He gets serious in the ring. I really want this answered, why do you want him to be a serious character? Those are played out. The guy who is huge and dances to the ring and then destroys people is a lot more entertaining.

Brodus isn't a comedy character, he's a FUN character. There is a big difference. People aren't laughing at Brodus, they're dancing and having fun WITH him. So many of you have an incredibly simplistic view of characters. Like if a guy isn't grunting and flexing you can't take them seriously.
He gets serious in the ring. I really want this answered, why do you want him to be a serious character? Those are played out. The guy who is huge and dances to the ring and then destroys people is a lot more entertaining.

Brodus isn't a comedy character, he's a FUN character. There is a big difference. People aren't laughing at Brodus, they're dancing and having fun WITH him. So many of you have an incredibly simplistic view of characters. Like if a guy isn't grunting and flexing you can't take them seriously.

I agree that he's a fun character and he is entertaining (although I'm not as entertained by him as I once was). My point of making him a serious character was related to the OP's original question - is Funkasaurus the beginning of something big. My point was that he wont be big as a comedic character. Doink, Heidenreich and Santino are other examples of comedic wrestlers who are a lot of fun, but were never anything 'big'.

I like what Clay adds to Raw, his entrance is entertaining and there is potential for something interesting to happen. But unless he becomes a serious character, he wont be a big deal.

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