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Is the Cruiserweight Championship needed?


Simmer down and pucker up...
So I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I think that the cruiserweight championship is needed because it could push many people like JTG, Chavo Guerrero, Yoshi Tatsu, Primo etc. I think these four guys are exciting in the ring but they haven't been doing much for a while now, these four need to be pushed and I think the way to do this is to bring the cruiserweight championship back. So now its time for the questions:

Do you guys think the cruiserweight championship is needed?

How woud you bring it back?

Who would you have as champion?

Who would you have competing for it?
Yes the cruiserweight championship is needed, unless Hornswoggle wins it again and Chavo jobs to him again. Many cruiserweights in the WWE are jobbers, or only compete on Superstar. The cruiserweight division in WCW was awesome. Gave me a reason to watch it. If vince could bring it back and give us nearly the same matches from WCW, oh wow I would love it.
The cruiserweight division in WWE has been dying for many years now, I feel the retirement of the title was necessary. Plus, my favourite cruiserweight is now no longer with WWE (Gregory Helms) so I really couldn't care less about it.
It's not needed as much is it's wanted. Fans always loved seeing the high-flying action of the Cruiserweight division, and seeing lower class superstars on TV every week competing for it. There are two reasons as to why the title is not needed at the moment. The first reason being, there is an influx of championships in the WWE right now, and bringing back the Cruiserweight Title would crowd up the title scene, and eventually one title would fade into oblivion. The second reason is that now that the WWE realizes that superstars aren't as big as they used to be, they are pushing smaller guys to the top, and allowing them to try and capture a World Title. It's all cause and effect with the Cruiserweight Title.
I'll answer all four of your questions at once.

No there is no need for a cruiserweight division in the company. Its been proven the WWE has no idea what to do with cruiserweights and the division itself would suck these days as the cruiserweights move sets would be limited and it'd just be a bore. eventually Swoggle will be at the top of the division again and it would die an even worse death then last time. The Cruiser is not needed, the 7 belts we have now do the job and we don't need more then that.
I would much rather see this than the divas title. This could be a good thing and a bad thing.

Good- Gives cruiserweights something to do
Gets smaller guys easier pushes
will be more entertaining with all the high flying action

will crowd the title scene
Will be hard to get people to care about it, this was one of the reasons it was reitred in
the first place
Hornswoggle might win it again and destroy the legacy of the title

Now another thing is it would have to be cross brand. As would the womens title after the merge it with the divas title(which they should do regardless) this way the divisons on both shows are actually relevent.
First off - JTG is in a higher weight class than the cruiserweight championship allows them to be. JTG is 225 pounds and the championship requires you to be below 220.

I don't see the need to bring back the cruiserweight division. It might create some interesting matches. But in the end it won't do anything worth mentioning. Rey Mysterio is above the cruiserweight division Evan Bourne is getting elevated. The rest of the talents that could fit in there are either aging or aren't interesting enough. The championship is just a filler. Always has been. It was never used to elevate talent like the United States Championship or the Intercontinental championship.

We don't need the cruiserweight championship because of that. Besides there's far too few roster members in the weight class who will be able to work around the championship. The guys that actually was worth remembering back then doesn't work for WWE anymore. And the only real interesting in-ring talents that would be worth watching in the cruiserweight division are former cruiserweights who are now overweight.

The championship is not needed. It's that simple.
No, but just because there are too many titles already. Two world titles, two mid card titles, two women's titles, and the unified tag titles. The mid card titles don't always get defended and almost never have feuds for them anda dding another belt would just mean something gets buried. You usually have 8 or 9 matches per PPV. Imagine if every PPV match was a title match. Yeah... it'd be bad for the mid carders who weren't in those matches. They really need to condense the titles so you have one world title, one women's title, the tag titles and the two mid card titles.
So I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I think that the cruiserweight championship is needed because it could push many people like JTG, Chavo Guerrero, Yoshi Tatsu, Primo etc. I think these four guys are exciting in the ring but they haven't been doing much for a while now, these four need to be pushed and I think the way to do this is to bring the cruiserweight championship back. So now its time for the questions:

Do you guys think the cruiserweight championship is needed?

How woud you bring it back?

Who would you have as champion?

Who would you have competing for it?

I think it would be good to bring it back. I feel it would give a good chance to bring through some 'Smaller' guys from FCW etc or bring some from places like Japan. Guys like Rey Mysterio used the cruiserweight title to show themselves off and move up the ladder, i think they could do this again with future stars. Evan Bourne would be ideal in a cruiserweight division, have him competing for it for a few years - instead of him teaming with Cena and attacking Orton - let's face it he's not ready for that yet.
I understand the point that one of you made about there being too many titles, but i feel they could easily have the Cuiserweight, Intercontinental and American title, but i would have it that any of these can be defended any time on any brand instead of being exclusive to a certain brand. I think that way we could hve different feuds and matches and more low/mid carders could get more matches/airtime/storylines.
God, yes, it's needed. Not only that, they need to re-do the entire title scene to where it's similar to the tag champs.

First step, Unify the belts:

WWE Champ + WHC = WWE World Heavyweight Champion

IC + US = Back to Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion

Divas Champ + Women's Champ = Uh, Women's or Divas Champ.

Keep the tag champs the way they are with one fuckin' belt each and add a cruiserweight champ. This would work if they have it where only the champs can appear on any show they wish as well maybe their top contender(s) if they're challenging at the moment or involved in a match with the champ. This would give guys like Bourne, Kofi, Dolph, Daniel Bryan(if he comes back) and Kaval something to do and keep Mysterio out of the Heavyweights. If they do this, I hope they keep it one belt for each champ.
Besides there's far too few roster members in the weight class who will be able to work around the championship

Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder
Chavo Guerrero
Dolph Ziggler
Evan Bourne
Darren Young
Justin Gabrial
The miz
Tyson Kidd
Ted Dibiase
John morrison
Tyler Reks
Kofi Kingston
Cody Rhodes
Maybe Matt Hardy if he really really REALLY tried

These are all guys who could compete for the title and make it interesting. Of course most of the guys worth watching are above the cruiserweight but have them hold it to give it relevence. It could work its just not really worth it.

May i point out also if they got rid of any titles then the point of brands would be completely pointless? each brand has a divas, mid card and world title. they actually have the perfect number of title for how large there company is.
I agree with a post above,
UNIFY The US and Intercont, simply because they are not what they used to be.
Keep both the WWE and WHW for main eventers though.
Merge the divas and womens = Omfg please god.
Finally have one set of tag belts that is needed.
Which will make us have 5 Titles. Which would be all that is needed.
Cruiserweight, I wouldnt mind but not right away. How about in time?
After the titles result like this give it 3-6 months at say summer slam or something,
and then have a 6 man match for it. The titles I dream for would be.

WWE Championship
World Heavyweight Championship
Undisputed Intercontinental Championship (IC and US combine )
WWE Womens Championship
WWE Cruiserweight Championship
and then the WWE World Tag Team Championships
There is so room for a Cruiserweight Belt right now, and there are so many lower card/ jobbers that could benefit from the re-introduction of the cruiserweight title.

To give my slant on a couple of the reasons why people are against the idea:

There are too many titles - there are two Divas belts - we only need one. And my other reason against this opinion is that it's not trying to invade the space of the other titles. It would be introduced for people like Chavo, JTG, Yoshi Tatsu - they're not winning a singles belt any time soon.

It doesn'thave any credibility - nothing has credibility if you give it no reason to. If you build it, give it good storylines - you can make the fans care in the long term.

Weight Limits - is anyone going to really care if JTG is 5 pounds over the weight limit? I don't think so.

235 pounds of weight. He needs to loose 15 pounds of weight to be able to compete for the championship. It qualifies for people below 220 pounds.

Yoshi Tatsu

220 pounds. Just on the line. Nowhere near interesting enough for me to want to pay attention to the division.

Zack Ryder

214 pounds. Eligible. But nowhere near as agile and in-ring worker as a cruiserweight division member would need to be. A proper mid-carder at best.

Chavo Guerrero

215 pounds. Aging, proper in the ring but he's still a mid-carder at best. He's not that agile in the ring enough to work the cruiserweight division.

Dolph Ziggler

221 pounds. Needs to loose 1 pound to compete. A great talent. Could work the cruiserweight but I would much rather see him in the upper mid-card or main event. The cruiserweight division is below the upper mid-card.

Evan Bourne

183 pounds. Eligible. As one of the few. But he's getting pushed. He's nearing the upper mid-card with time. Above the cruiserweight division.

Darren Young

242 pounds. Would need to loose 22 pounds to work in the division. Nowhere near as agile in the ring. Would suck in the cruiserweight division.

Justin Gabrial

215. Could make it work. As one of the few. He's a part of The Nexus now though. Above the cruiserweight division.

231 pounds. Need to loose 11 pounds to work the division. Not as agile and destined for much more than the cruiserweight division.

Tyson Kidd

195 pounds. Could make it work. But much better in the tag team division right now.

Jimmy Uso is 240 pounds. Would need to loose 20 pounds to work in the division. Could make it work but he's most likely not as agile or great in the ring as a cruiserweight would have been in 2004-2005. He's doing great in the tag team division right now. Needs to stay there.

Same goes for Jay. Also 240 pounds as well.

Ted Dibiase

235 pounds. Would need to loose 15 pounds of weight. As well as he's not that great in the ring. He's decent. Destined for the main event most definitely. Superior to the cruiserweight already.

John morrison

223 pounds. 3 pounds to loose to work in the division. Could make it work. As one of the few.

218 pounds. Could work in there. But he's boring as hell. Wouldn't want to watch him.

259 pounds. Needs to loose 39 damn pounds to work the division. That's harsh dude. Quite a diet. Besides he's not that great in the ring. Not enough to make the cruiserweight division exciting.

Tyler Reks

249 pounds. Generally just bores the hell out of me. Not that great in the ring either.

Kofi Kingston

221 pounds. Above the cruiserweight division. A potential future main event player. Doesn't need the cruiserweight. So shouldn't be there.


227 pounds. Christian is a great choice. But too overweight and wouldn't need the cruiserweight division. Perhaps not even as agile as the cruiserweight used to be.

Cody Rhodes

223 pounds. Decent choice as well. But overweight and wouldn't need the cruiserweight division.

Maybe Matt Hardy if he really really REALLY tried

236 pounds. Too overweight. Can't possibly loose it (I couldn't help it). He's not that great in the ring to work the division. Has done it. But he's also aging.

These are all guys who could compete for the title and make it interesting. Of course most of the guys worth watching are above the cruiserweight but have them hold it to give it relevence. It could work its just not really worth it

There are 5 guys who could compete for the championship legitimately through actually applying to the weight class. The majority of them are doing better. Or has a better future ahead of them rather than being stuck in the cruiserweight division which is basically a mid-card division outside of the regular division. Doesn't help elevate talent. I repeat. It's a filler.
So basically you're going to have a division with Yoshi Tatsu, Primo, and Evan Bourne at the most. I'm real intrigued by the thought of that. The cruiserweight division worked in WCW but it never did work in the WWE and never will. It died with Taka Michinoku over a decade ago. The cruiserweight title is simply not needed. That's why we have the IC and U.S. Titles.
Yes, it has been sorely missed since they retired the title. It's not necessary to bring it back, but it would give all these cruiserweights who are just drifting around something to do. Some wrestlers like Mysterio have transcended their weight class, but others like Chavo, desperately need a cruiser division for a chance to be relevant and taken seriously. Chavo at one point was the king of that division. Now he is Hornswoggle's former jobber. The fact that Hornswoggle was the last champ doesn't matter, most people won't even remember that.
At first glance, you would think that there is a need for a Cruiserweight Championship. But after a close examination, there really isnt a need for it. The WWE could easily make way without it.

Most of the people being named are right on the border between being eligible for the Heavyweight Championship and the Cruiserweight championship. There are also some people being named that have potential get pushed to the main event and others that will get there chance at the IC/US championship soon enough. When you take those people away, you really only have 3-5 people. That isnt nearly enough people to make a belt for.

For some reason, when there are guys going unused, everyone wants to make another championship. That isnt the right answer. The current amount of belts is enough. The other talent has their functions and uses with the company. A Cruiserweight championship wouldnt really help much at all.
It would probably be a low midcard championship for those who are too weak to get a midcard title, thus it would have few credibility. We've four single male belts, another one would not bring in much I assume. Too weak to hold a midcard belt, so go for the cruiserweight's - not a good way to be pushed in my opinion. If the world and midcard titles get unified it'd be another case, but for now - better not.

There are 5 guys who could compete for the championship legitimately through actually applying to the weight class. The majority of them are doing better. Or has a better future ahead of them rather than being stuck in the cruiserweight division which is basically a mid-card division outside of the regular division. Doesn't help elevate talent. I repeat. It's a filler.
But you know, that are BILLED weights, right? Most of them probably have around 15 to 30 pounds less in reality (and are about two inches smaller), so it would not be a real problem for the 'E to just write them down to a lower weight. No need to lose some pounds - just to lie a little less. Or they could just say that 240 pounds is the limit. But I agree that a cruiserweight division wouldn't really help right now.
I was a huge fan of the cruiserweight division back in WCW, but it wouldn't work now in WWE. The WWE never really took that title seriously in the past expect maybe for a short period in time. Most of the guys listed above are either to heavy or way above that level.

It would be a step backwards for some like Gabriel, Dibease, and Bourne. It would be a even bigger step back for The Miz and Rey Mysterio. I don't think it would be very exciting to see Yoshi Tatsu, Primo, and Chavo Guerrero feuding over the title.
Niño Vega;2229510 said:
But you know, that are BILLED weights, right? Most of them probably have around 15 to 30 pounds less in reality (and are about two inches smaller), so it would not be a real problem for the 'E to just write them down to a lower weight. No need to lose some pounds - just to lie a little less. Or they could just say that 240 pounds is the limit. But I agree that a cruiserweight division wouldn't really help right now.

The weight is questionable. The height is verified. But that doesn't change the fact that it would be odd to announce a guy at ... weight and then have him competing in a cruiserweight match. There has been focus before on talents trying to loose weight on-screen (For the comedy of it) to compete for the cruiserweight championship. I believe Christian is a great example of that.
It wouldnt be a step back for Dibiase as he hasnt won a singles title to my knowledge. Bourne is getting elevated but once that dies he will be in. Gabrial will be once nexus dies. Morrison can easily loose 3 pounds. as could Rhodes. Ziggler can lose a pound easy. Christian more of a challenge but he could do it.there is also Curt Hawkins who could lose a pound. Calyen Croft is at 220 and lord knows the Dudebusters arent doing anything. With Primo, Ryder, Chavo, and Tatsu thats a total of 13 superstars for the cruiserweight divison. Plus FCW talent that could be brought up And this might cause some Xdivision Talent to jump ship if the wwe has a similar title they could win.
Mmm. Another thread to bring back the small guy championship. Not very original, why can't someone get a new schtick, this is old.

The answer is no. It is not needed. I'll post and add from what I said in one posted two months ago.

No. There is no time for it, and Vince doesn't care for it. People bitch about the mid-card belts not meaning anything anymore because there isn't as great a focus on them. Basically the same for the tag team belts. If the cruiserweight or any other lower tier belt came back, the same thing would happen, and people would bitch even more. Down the line, maybe. I honestly wouldn't worry about it. Enjoy what there is, and if it comes back, jizz your pants.

We are just finally getting the mid-card belts back to importance. The IC and US titles were essentially jack shit for a long time, the Tag titles are still making their way back up the ladder. So fine, go ahead and ask for the Cruiserweight Title to come back. That way if it ever were to come back, it would get shit on again because Vince doesn't give two fucks about it. Then as a result, all you people clamoring for it to come back bitch about how it is misused. Hell the only positive that would come from it is that it would hopefully keep Rey Mysterio away from the World Heavyweight Championship. So like I said back in May, enjoy what there is now, and if it comes back, jizz your pants.
I would have said yes to this question up until a few weeks ago. But the more I think about it, I think the US and Intercontinental titles can serve the purpose of pushing the smaller guys. To me the Cruiserweight belt almost serves as a "glass ceiling" from which its impossible to get above. You put a Cruiserweight belt on a guy like Evan Bourne, and he is stuck feuding with guys his own size. Put the US belt on him, and he's suddenly a serious contender for the big belt in the eyes of the fans.
No, I don't think the Cruiserweight championship is needed anymore. Simply because your smaller guys such as (Evan Bourne,Rey Mysterio) are going for normal title like the US and Heavyweight. Also, when Hornswaggle is your last Cruiserweight Champion it shows that this title is no longer needed.

Lastly I don't think there are enough guys to compete for the title. With the same guys competing for it every week it would only get boring for the fans anyway. So in my opinion the Cruiserweight Title is not needed and would be a waste of time to bring it back.

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