Is Stephanie Mcmahon's persona getting a little too obnoxious?

Stephanie did her job last night. I wanted so much for Reigns to spear her, it was not funny. This is the one thing I can say good about Dixie Carter. She is a complete fuck up as an owner. However, to advance a storyline, she allowed herself to get powerbombed through a table by Bully Ray. Now, Reigns could have said that his Mother taught him to respect women. However, if Stephanie wishes to act like a man, he would have no problem treating her like one.

Think about it: What would the pop have been had Reigns speared Stephanie? It is not like she is a helpless waif. In her contract (Yes, even Steph and Vince have contracts) she also has the job description of "wrestler". Why do you think she has those insane workouts at 1 am for?
True. I found the punishment for Reigns to be light. I can't see how Usos facing New Day and Ambrose facing Sheamus was so bad. I could see if it was one of the Usos facing New Day by himself or Ambrose facing League of Nations in a cage match by himself with no interference allowed.

As far as the Nikki/Paige storyline, it was weird but they always turn The Bellas a lot.

To be fair, with no major star available on the show last night, I'd say Stephanie did as much as she could with regards to 'punishing' Reigns. And again I have to reiterate, we are at the end of the year when the shows are just winding down and storylines will stagger for a couple of weeks due to holidays. Let's wait till the first RAW of 2016 to really see what progress has been made overall(by then, the likes of Cena, Lesnar and HHH amongst will be back).
She's bratty and bitchy and annoying as hell. But. Y'all seem to clamour for a more edgy attitude-esque product and we have Steph beating the crap out if a journo. Trips got demolished and we've had a load of extreme rules style matches with ECW Originals. Anyway, I digress.

She's obnoxious and annoying and a spoilt brat but isn't that her character, her whole shtick? It'd be awesome if she carried on, more extreme and then 'Money' hits and Shane returns, dropping a promo on having dragged his ass all the way from China to sort this out.

Yes, sibling rivalry power struggle general manager storyline has been done to death but it'd refresh the Authority and Steph going batshit mental could lay the foundations for something like that. There should be a payoff, some way she can get involved otherwise its a lot of effort for no reward.
I think some fans can get too carried away and too observant by placing unnecessary things like this interviewer getting attacked under a microscope. He's not the first interviewer to get attacked and certainly won't be the last.

The OP mentions Steph and Cena being at the forefront of the Be a Star anti-bullying. They ultimately represent a company. As does Brock Lesnar(as someone pointed out) attacked Michael Cole and a cameraman. You can't pick and choose whose kayfabe actions go against the grain of anti-bullying when the company as a whole is apart of Be A Star.

She's portraying a character while helping advance a storyline, it's that simple. If kids in the audience can distinguish the difference between Stephanie McMahon the on-air daddy's little spoiled brat and Stephanie McMahon the businesswoman and minority owner of the company. Do you think her actions on a show centered around providing entertainment is a reflection of how you see her on videos out of character?

If I'm going to be critical about anything in regards to her it would be that awkward segment with Roman Reigns at the beginning of the show. I just want a great storyline out of this that is worth buying into. So far it has succeeded and I'll be in tune to see how it carries out. Some times fans worry about things that leave me wondering; "Why the hell is that such a big deal to the fan?" Such as ratings and what the company's endorsers may think. I quite honestly don't care about that part because it's not costing me anything.

Again, solid booking and storylines worth investing into is my only concern.
Here's the thing about Stephanie McMahon's character:

From a kayfabe perspective, she portrays herself outwardly as someone who feels she's benevolent and fair when she's really an elitist snob who feels her wealth and Ivy League education makes her a better class of person. She often seems like a condescending bitch her skewed view of herself allows her to see herself as someone who simply knows better than the rest of us and we should just be grateful.

However, she loses that image of poise, sophistication and benevolence whenever things don't go her way; she shows her true colors, as it were, by behaving like this spoiled, obnoxious, entitled brat to whom the rights and feelings of other people don't matter. She's the one who matters, the ones she loves are who matters, those who see things her way exactly are who matters; anyone who doesn't bow down to the Billion Dollar Princess is someone who has the gall to now be cowed by the influence, wealth and power afforded her by her family name. In short: you have someone that's extremely, extremely easy to dislike in the eyes of American fans. That shrill voice of hers only completes the picture for me because it's just one more thing to draw attention to how unpleasant a person, kayfabe, she is. If Stephanie comes out each and every week for the next couple of months and essentially does this, then it'll be too much and it'll really grate on people's nerves, at least in my opinion.

Her punishment towards Roman Reigns, when you think about it, could fit in with how vindictive she allows herself to be, another aspect of who she "really is". Reigns has made it clear that he doesn't "sweat" Stephanie, or her hubby or her old man; putting him in matches meant to "punish" him won't have the effect of cowing him like she hopes and, frankly, that's something that would strike me as a bit lazy. I mean, we know Reigns is "Superman" so having him rub it in needlessly in punishment match after punishment match doesn't hold much appeal to some people, so she tries for an alternative by striking at him through those he views as family. To me, it strikes as a means of wearing away at Roman Reigns "I don't give a shit" attitude towards the McMahons in a more personal way than merely trying to screw him over; they've been screwing Reigns over for a while now as it is and tried to do it to the maximum last week by trying to get him fired and it backfired. Until they can come up with some sort of scheme to get the title off him, they attack those who've aligned themselves with him as a means of not only getting under his skin, but potentially leaving him alone to face whatever the Authority ultimately throws at him.

Like a lot of people, part of mw anted to see Reigns spear her out of the ring but that's something else WWE can't get away with in today's PC society. I'd have been just fine with it because I know it's scripted, I'd know he's not really hurting her; I'm 35 years old and I'm intelligent enough to know the difference between scripted entertainment and real life. Remember, there's something of a double standard when it comes to traditional programming vs. a wrestling program in the sense that you could portray a guy slapping the crap out of a woman on Into The Badlands or The Walking Dead, but people would be outraged if it happened on WWE programming. Even though wrestling is scripted, in many ways, like any other traditional television program, too many people just won't look at it that way. If they'll raise hell over Paige using her brother Reid's death for all of 5 seconds in a promo, just imagine the rage of all the various social media twerps who'll take to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and whatever the frig else is out there for them to give them a voice no matter how ridiculous it might be at times.
WWE should keep doing what they're doing. The Authority vacillated too much this year. In 2016, they need to turn the McMahon factor up to 11 and remind us how much we hate them. Work Stephanie's history of slapping people in the face into a new, PG-friendly Kiss My Ass Club. Everyone's talking about her toning down her Stephanie-ness, but why not ratchet it up? When she does get comeuppance, when someone finally does get their hands on her, a star will be made.

Here's an article that takes a long look back through Stephanie's slap-happy history. It's With Spandex, but it's not Stroud so don't worry. I'll list the more significant names here for those who'd rather not click. It's pretty much a who's who of the last 15 or so years:

Vince McMahon
Linda McMahon
Shane McMahon
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Debra Austin
The Rock
Trish Stratus
Triple H
Mick Foley
Big Show
Chris Jericho
Randy Orton
Daniel Bryan
The Bella Twins
Paul Heyman

...and now Roman Reigns. Steph's presumably going to be in charge for a while. A lot of fans already hate her for a variety of reasons. WWE needs to run with it. Nobody should lay a finger on her and she should keep throwing tantrums and stacking the deck against the faces. Trips has NXT to keep him tethered to a face role, but there's no reason for Stephanie to not go full Vince Jr.
Stephanie did her job last night. I wanted so much for Reigns to spear her, it was not funny. This is the one thing I can say good about Dixie Carter. She is a complete fuck up as an owner. However, to advance a storyline, she allowed herself to get powerbombed through a table by Bully Ray. Now, Reigns could have said that his Mother taught him to respect women. However, if Stephanie wishes to act like a man, he would have no problem treating her like one.

Think about it: What would the pop have been had Reigns speared Stephanie? It is not like she is a helpless waif. In her contract (Yes, even Steph and Vince have contracts) she also has the job description of "wrestler". Why do you think she has those insane workouts at 1 am for?

I couldn't agree with you more. Are you and I the only ones who actually felt, thought, wished,,,that maybe Reigns might spear her then and there? I really thought he would but he didn't. Perhaps his body-language conveyed such an intention.

May be he will spear her between now and Wrestlemania as part of the Reigns-HHH buildup and further intensify HHH's animosity and make it a hell of a lot more personal, if he hasn't already.
I couldn't agree with you more. Are you and I the only ones who actually felt, thought, wished,,,that maybe Reigns might spear her then and there? I really thought he would but he didn't. Perhaps his body-language conveyed such an intention.

May be he will spear her between now and Wrestlemania as part of the Reigns-HHH buildup and further intensify HHH's animosity and make it a hell of a lot more personal, if he hasn't already.

So let me get this straight....You're saying Stephanie is wrong for her actions towards the interviewer because she is an advocate of anti-bullying but you're all for a male superstar two times her size to spear her? How hypocritical is that? :lmao:

I don't even want to hear that she's the forefront rah rah bs. She is a representative of WWE just like every other employee is. They all are part of the Be A Star program.
So let me get this straight....You're saying Stephanie is wrong for her actions towards the interviewer because she is an advocate of anti-bullying but you're all for a male superstar two times her size to spear her? How hypocritical is that? :lmao:

I don't even want to hear that she's the forefront rah rah bs. She is a representative of WWE just like every other employee is. They all are part of the Be A Star program.

You just won't get it.

Roman Reigns is a face. Stephanie Mcmahon is a heel. Reigns got slapped, and virtually abused by her and is going to continue to be abused by her, physically and otherwise. So yes, Reigns spearing Stephanie would make it tit for tat. That's wrestling 101. And I'm not a fucking misogynist. And I certainly don't advocate female performers/athletes be beaten by doubly bigger-stronger male ones. But since you're so hurt at the thought of her being speared by a doubly big Roman Reigns, you should've rather enjoyed her bullying that tiny weak little male reporter(even in kayfabe?). Who's a hypocrite now?

Hypocrisy? Nay. A non-wrestler and a fucking interviewer being slapped around like that even if she happens to be a tyrannical bitch is still too obnoxious. What part of it do you not understand? But then again, you can enjoy such atrociousness if you should so wish. I, on the other hand, would enjoy her being speared, or practically anybody being speared by Reigns.

And like I said before, since they're all part of a be a star program and it doesn't matter how they portray themselves in their scripted/kayfabe roles, John Cena may well go around beating up handicaps(of course it would be scripted) and stuff. It'd really be congruent with their "Don't be a bully" thing right? And certainly John Cena and Brock Lesnar(practically a destroyer) are two totally same individuals right? I am giving up on you because I don't think you're ever going to understand it.
Oh great! I have an internet troll/stalker.

Yep, I must be a stalker. You posted something on a public forum of which I am a member and I read it. Go ahead and file that restraining order.

Look Cousin Cletus, if you could read you would know that I didn't watch that garbage last night. I have much better things to do than watch WWE rasslin!

I see what you did there. Calling me Cousin Cletus trying to make me sound dumb. You're a clever one. How will I ever match wits with you? I await your predictable reply.

Now if you could read you would have seen I acknowledged you said you didn't watch Raw last nigh. You somehow had an opinion on it though. You said you were done with WWE though so I was just wondering why you turned it on in the first place. You have better things to do than watch WWE. Those things include talking about how you don't like WWE. There are plenty of fans who criticize certain things but are still fans of WWE. You claim to not care about WWE yet you read about it and discuss it. If I don't care about something I just ignore it.

You are one of those fanboys who secretly is in love with Reigns. You can admit you love Reigns, It's a wrestling forum, it's not real life...we understand.

I don't have any secrets. I like Reigns. I certainly think he deserves a chance. A lot of people liked him before the office got behind him. Now because WWE wants him to be successful people hate him. That makes sense.

Part of the problem is Reigns is not going to be able to give Stephanie her comeuppance. She is obnoxious and people are begging for Reigns to spear her. I don't know if those people are aware of this but men beating up women is kind of frowned upon. I know, it's only wrestling. It's fake. They used to do it during the Attitude Era. Well, times have changed. I've defended plenty of questionable storylines over the years by saying WWE is just a tv show but men beating up women is not acceptable.

My real problem is WWE has been using the evil authority figure for 18 years now. I'm tired of it. Those angles are always full of plot holes. For example, why doesn't Steph just strip Reigns of the title? What's stopping her. And why are wrestling matches punishments for wrestles. Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus in a cage. Ok? How is that a punishment?

I joined this forum in 2009 and one of the first threads I created was about how I miss Jack Tunney. Not Tunney personally but the invisible authority figure that didn't have an agenda and only showed his face a couple times a year. I still wish for that going into 2016. It's been nearly two decades. Give the evil authority figures a rest.
You just won't get it.

Roman Reigns is a face. Stephanie Mcmahon is a heel. Reigns got slapped, and virtually abused by her and is going to continue to be abused by her, physically and otherwise. So yes, Reigns spearing Stephanie would make it tit for tat. That's wrestling 101. And I'm not a fucking misogynist. And I certainly don't advocate female performers/athletes be beaten by doubly bigger-stronger male ones. But since you're so hurt at the thought of her being speared by a doubly big Roman Reigns, you should've rather enjoyed her bullying that tiny weak little male reporter(even in kayfabe?). Who's a hypocrite now?

Hypocrisy? Nay. A non-wrestler and a fucking interviewer being slapped around like that even if she happens to be a tyrannical bitch is still too obnoxious. What part of it do you not understand? But then again, you can enjoy such atrociousness if you should so wish. I, on the other hand, would enjoy her being speared, or practically anybody being speared by Reigns.

And like I said before, since they're all part of a be a star program and it doesn't matter how they portray themselves in their scripted/kayfabe roles, John Cena may well go around beating up handicaps(of course it would be scripted) and stuff. It'd really be congruent with their "Don't be a bully" thing right? And certainly John Cena and Brock Lesnar(practically a destroyer) are two totally same individuals right? I am giving up on you because I don't think you're ever going to understand it.

Nowhere have I stated I was opposed to Reigns spearing Stephanie. You were critical that Stephanie slapped the interviewer. I was merely pointing out that it was hypocritical of you to go against Stephanie smacking the interviewer and be all for a 6'3 jacked male wrestler to spear a woman. I don't care how many ways you spin it, it's still hypocritical. Heel and face means nothing to what I was pointing out.

I'm not talking about wrestling 101. I'm talking about how you are being critical of an in character Stephanie McMahon overlooking that she represents an anti-bullying program. I was initally pointing out that her on-air chatacter who is involved in a storyline has zero to do with Stephanie McMahon the businesswoman, mother and minority owner.

I have stood firm that it's all a source of entertainment. What part of that don't you understand? Her character is to be obnoxious when she doesn't get her way, it doesn't matter if she's 24 or 44. If the program itself isn't complaining that she's going against what Be A Star stands for then why are you?

With your sentiment what I'm getting is you have no idea what you're talking about. My assumption is you're just complaining to be complaining. Unless you're a member of Be A Star and was offended, *shrugs*. I only care about the advancement of the storyline. She did her part last night, she showed a side nobody has seen in quite a while.

Some fans(yourself for example) get too caught up into things and fail the whole idea is we just want quality booking and good storylines.
@JJ, Alright man. I see your point. I got caught up in the storyline. However, I still found her beating up that poor skinny little guy like that ridiculous and unnecessary whereas I had no problem whatsoever with her beating/slapping reigns like that. But I believe it'd be futile at this point to protract my POV any further.

I hope by "quality booking and good storylines" you didn't mean Stephanie's anger management issues and her slapping around people. 'Cause in my version of "quality booking and good storylines', Kevin Owens does that, and I find the recent IC title feud between Ziggler/Owens/Ambrose to be some of the best matches/segments/interviews I've ever seen. I couldn't eulogize Owens enough.

@The Brain. Yes, the evil/tyrannical authority figure storyline has gone on for far too long now. Though we saw quite a few variations- from Mr. McMahon to Eric Bischoff to John Laurinaitis to the reinvented "Corporation" from 2013 till now.

They ought to get rid of Evil/Tyrannical authority figures for some time now. At least if they happen to be those we've always seen- Steph, HHH, Vince, etc.

@How is the steel cage match with Dean Ambrose and Sheamus a punishment. Exactly. It's not a punishment at all. Punishment would've been her booking Ambrose in a Cage match against Rusev and Alberto Del Rio, if not against all 3 active members of LON including Sheamus. Or booking Reigns in a 3-on-1 handicap cage match.
1)Well yes, she was always a little too obnoxious, and was supposed to be, as a heel, anyway.

2)The 7-8 slaps she delivered to Roman Reigns last monday on Raw were done so in a set of furious three, a four or five, and a final one, and they were all legitimately hard. Hell, she was so engrossed in portraying her "onscreen/scripted rage" that she almost hit his right eye. Ya'll may recall how Reigns' eye seemed to have been fluttering, almost like a poor little bird's wings.

3)The opening segment from Raw today was not only boring but also pretty much ridiculous and pointless, except that Stephanie Mcmahon acting how she acted when she was 24(in 2000) was neither amusing from the POV of kayfabe, nor suited the businesswoman/power-hungry corporate boss that she is in real-life or on screen. Not to mention how they handled Reigns' part of the script. He should've been either intense from the beginning, or a completely indifferent person who's still reveling in his WWE WHC victory. He smiled, then looked surprised, then smiled again, and awkwardly retreated. And there she was- Come back Roman, come back Roman...meh.

4)We get it that she's supposed to portray this "millionaire bitch" who throws tantrums when someone pisses her off, especially Roman Reigns. But slapping the hell out of a reporter/interviewer like she did in the end of the show was completely ridiculous. A single slap should've sufficed, if it was needed at all. At least before this, I've never seen an interviewer who's not a part of a storyline being slapped/beaten up like that.

5)Finally, even if she wants to be an angry, power-hungry, controlling bitch, isn't the WWE supposed to be PG now, and inspire everyone to "be a star..and not a bully" ? Wasn't that conspicuously a powerful person bullying an employee(even if it's scripted)? It not only destroys that employee's dignity(remember Trish Stratus crawling in the ring?), but makes the viewer feel indignity. To be an on-screen bitch is one thing but to be totally unbecoming while doing so, is another.

6)Personally, I'm totally unsure as to what to make of Stephanie Mcmahon's recent display of anger. One thing's for sure though- it doesn't suit her/them at this point of history when the WWE is supposed to be family-friendly. And it sure doesn't make it very enjoyable/fun/captivating TV. It's 2015. We want excitement and confrontation, not a corporate bully throwing tantrums. The opening segments were so much better when CM Punk and John Laurinaitis were around. At least the latter was inadvertently hilarious while trying to be a bully/tyrant. (Remember the way he smiled and said..My name is John Laurinaitis..? I'm laughing here)

What do you think?

1. No. She's an obnoxious, power hungry heel who loses her shit when someone gets one over on her. Reigns destroyed her husband. She's out to get him.

2. She slapped him too hard? SMH. Wow.

3. It actually makes perfect sense. Reigns beat the hell out of HHH. Stephanie is livid and is out to get him.

4. She is livid and has lost her shit. It made sense.

5. So heels can't do bad things because it makes the viewer feel bad? Oh my goodness. You've got to be kidding, right?

6. So you want heels who are funny? Heels can't be angry or do bad things anymore?

This seriously might be the worst post I've ever seen. You didn't make one decent point. If someone is sick of the power hungry boss who freaks out when crossed because we've seen it for close to 20 years, fine. Just say that. But all that mess you said? Just awful non-points.
Reigns put Stephanie's husband Triple H in the hospital. Of course she's going to be angry. What are you expecting? The slapping was a little much, but it worked.

And Stephanie is a heel. She's following a script. Heels do things like what Stephanie did Monday night.
Stephanie is the worst character in wrestling. She frequently humbles top faces and barely shows any vulnerability. She's a monster heel with no end game. She'll get her comeuppance eventually via her husband selling for the faces effectively. Stephanies involvement will be crying over a battered Triple H.
She writes herself into these role. Major issues. Remember when she compared 9/11 to her Dad going to court... I mean, WTF. She genuinely seems like a bit of a legit nutcase who you wouldn't want to be stuck in an elevator with. She believes her family brand is on par with Disney or something? It's such a small fish compared to the big guns....


Has been one of the most useless, and even damaging characters in the WWE for a couple years now.

Great promos? Sure.

Great heat? Sure.

You know what the point of heel heat is? TO make people want to see this person eat shit in the end.

You know whose plate has been 99.9% devoid of shit to eat the last few years? Stephanie Mcmahon.

She continually utterly immasculates people who don't get a chance to retort her or gain anything at all from their interactions, and no one ever gets over from rubbing her face in shit because no one ever gets to. If anything, people come out much worse off than they were before.

Just another way the WWE main roster booking brazenly ignores floor-level booking fundamentals


Has been one of the most useless, and even damaging characters in the WWE for a couple years now.

Great promos? Sure.

Great heat? Sure.

You know what the point of heel heat is? TO make people want to see this person eat shit in the end.

You know whose plate has been 99.9% devoid of shit to eat the last few years? Stephanie Mcmahon.

She continually utterly immasculates people who don't get a chance to retort her or gain anything at all from their interactions, and no one ever gets over from rubbing her face in shit because no one ever gets to. If anything, people come out much worse off than they were before.

Just another way the WWE main roster booking brazenly ignores floor-level booking fundamentals

Well not really. Reigns got the chance to make her sick awhile back, kayafe wise. Vickie G. threw her into a pile of slime, one of the Bella's can't remember which one slapped her and had her arrested, and Ronda Rousey put her in an armbar at Mania. I agree that it doesn't happen often enough, but that's due to the fact that she mostly takes on the male wrestlers and HHH usually takes the fall for her.
She writes herself into these role. Major issues. Remember when she compared 9/11 to her Dad going to court... I mean, WTF. She genuinely seems like a bit of a legit nutcase who you wouldn't want to be stuck in an elevator with. She believes her family brand is on par with Disney or something? It's such a small fish compared to the big guns....

Growing up rich can lead to a warped perspective on things. Combine that with the fact that she's been full-time with the company since her early 20's where you're basically living in a bubble as her whole world has been the WWE for her entire adult life......not surprising if she's not all that grounded or lacks perspective on things outside of her bubble.

At the same time, I think living in that bubble has made her a better performer. She knows how to tap into things to make her character legit, which is why she can be such an effective heel IMO. For most of 2015 she kinda played the back, but when she is front and center I think she's at her best. The Daniel Bryan angle was probably the hottest thing since the Summer of Punk, and Stephanie was THE villain in that angle. Bigger villain than HHH even.


Has been one of the most useless, and even damaging characters in the WWE for a couple years now.

Great promos? Sure.

Great heat? Sure.

You know what the point of heel heat is? TO make people want to see this person eat shit in the end.

You know whose plate has been 99.9% devoid of shit to eat the last few years? Stephanie Mcmahon.

She continually utterly immasculates people who don't get a chance to retort her or gain anything at all from their interactions, and no one ever gets over from rubbing her face in shit because no one ever gets to. If anything, people come out much worse off than they were before.

Just another way the WWE main roster booking brazenly ignores floor-level booking fundamentals

Nah. When heels regularly "eat shit", they lose their heat and nobody cares about them anymore. Stephanie getting the best of people keeps the heat consistent and automatically helps out whatever face is opposing her. She starts taking L's left and right, and that all goes away. Daniel Bryan winning the title at Mania will go down as an all time great moment. Stephanie routinely getting the best of him for months at a time(numerous Shield beat-downs of him, Big Show knocking him out, Orton quickly taking his title the first time, the handcuffed HHH beatdown of him, etc.) and Bryan kept coming back and finally overcame. It was perfect. It wouldn't have been the same if Bryan had been making her "eat shit" every few weeks.

I should also add that it's realistic that she's hard to get over on. She's a women so beating her up is off limits, and she's running the show so it's risky to oppose her.

Also, when HHH gets the shit beat out of him that's effectively getting Stephanie too. That's why she's been flipping out lately.....because she took an L too watching her husband get pummeled.
Well not really.

Yes m'am, really.

. Vickie G. threw her into a pile of slime, .

Gave her loads of credit at the time, and still do. Great segment.

one of the Bella's can't remember which one slapped her and had her arrested,

and then Steph crushed her in the ensuing fued and blow off match

and Ronda Rousey put her in an armbar at Mania.

ROusey is one of the top 50 most dangerous human beings walking the earth.

She got to twist Steph's arm for 30 seconds. How gracious of Steph.

SO you have managed to point out all of....FOUR....instances were someone even got something resembling a retort, when Steph is on the program almost WEEKLY. For years now.

Reigns was arguable wether it even was an ownage, the week after she slapped him in the 874 times with no retort from Reigns.

One was for a long time employees retirement.

One was in a feud she ultimately won. In a wrestling match. Against a top active wrestler.

and one was for the top drawing star in combat sports, which puts over exactly no one in the WWE.

THESE are the best instances you can present for someone who is busting balls WEEKLY on the show for YEARS
Nah. When heels regularly "eat shit", they lose their heat and nobody cares about them anymore. Stephanie getting the best of people keeps the heat consistent and automatically helps out whatever face is opposing her. She starts taking L's left and right, and that all goes away.

Tell me what it was like booking for Florida Championship Wrestling in the 70s?

No one said she should "regularly" eat shit. Slightly more than twice in three years would be better, since she is on the show killing people's heat on a weekly basis.

I should also add that it's realistic that she's hard to get over on. she's running the show so it's risky to oppose her.

Yea, thats why Austin kept the suit on after WM14.

Also, when HHH gets the shit beat out of him that's effectively getting Stephanie too. That's why she's been flipping out lately.....because she took an L too watching her husband get pummeled.

She doesn't though, does she?

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