Is Shawn Michaels a Good Role Model?

Canadian Knight

Maple Leaf Warrior
I wanted to post this thread after watching Raw this week and I remembered some of the things that he did. While WWE is entertainment often they're wrestlers become role models. So I am wondering how good of a role model is HBK.

He teaches everyone about betrayal and everyone cheers him. You don't know what I am talking about? How many times has he made friends with somebody and then betray them?

He did it to Hogan and he did it to Cena. I know that at Wrestlemania a couple years ago Cena was hated, but it is wrong to betray a person who co-holds the tag team belt iwith you.

And if you say well it is only Cena, then explain Hogan. He may not be one of my favorites, but is the one who helped WWE become what it is. Yet he superkicks him.

This maybe entertainment but when he acts this way, he is teaching others that betrayal is good and that is wrong. What do you think?
I think what HBK does is alright. Especially when Hogan sucks. And when he told Cena he was going to do it. Cena was just too stupid to figure it out.

On a side note, how many others have betrayed people? I mean, nearly everyone does it, or has done it.
I believe so, at the very least in his personal life. No, I haven't lost it, for those wondering what is going on. Allow me to give a short reply to those who don't already know. Shawn, whilst in the middle of his career, became addicted to prescription painkillers and alcohol - he was in so much pain he felt that this was the only way to alleviate that. He was still having this problem when his first child, Cameron was born in January 2000.

However, despite all that, he used his love for his son, and later daughter, to bring himself off of drugs. Shawn transformed himself from a drug addict, to a man who cares so much for his family he would do anything to help them. He used religion and showed how much it can help someone - Christ and his family being the thing that kept him going.

As well as this, it's also no secret that Shawn acted less than respectfully to many of the veterans in his early days in the ring - disrespecting the people you aren't allowed to disrespect. Of course, Shawn's first WWE contract lasted a day, as McMahon fired both him and Jannety. However, when he came back in 2002 it has been well publicised how much he's tried to turn that around - apologising to those he offended and acting like a role model to newer generation stars, as well as running a wrestling school. Shawn is a true example of what strength can do, and he has turned himself around so much I can't help but look up to him.

In the ring specifically there isn't a wrestler you can have as a 'role model' - most act like idiots, break rules to win matches, and turn back on partners. They have a role to play, and I don't think you can have a character as a role model.
I think the idea in general with the WWE and feuds within it are that betrayals are usually rhe catalyst for a rivalry, with the face nearly always coming out on top - showing people that, morally, betraying someone is not a wise thing to do.

With regards to HBK, well he could easily have become the next Jake the Snake if he hadn't used his new-found faith and his love for his family in the right way and fought off his troubles. A role-model could easily be someone who fights against adversity in his life, whether self-inflicted or not, and stand stronger at the other end of it. HBK did this and then some, going on to headline Wrestlemania, end Ric Flair's career and win the World Heavyweight Championship, plus have one of the best feuds of this decade, all in his SECOND run with WWE. Astonishing - the work of a true role model in my book.
As far as HBK the character no. He is a man who has turned on every partner. In addition to thise he has been involved in very raunchy storylines during his first run. But that has nothing to do with the man Shawn Hickenbottom. The Shawn Hickenbottom in the real world is a man who faced his personal demons of drug addiction. He overcame his past and that is something a role modle does overcome adversities. Yes he is flawed and made mistakes, but no one ever said heros or role modles have to be perfect.

Now I will say this Hogan is a piece of crap in and away from the ring but his character is a beacon of light. If you wnat to discuss men who should not be role modles lets look at him, or Stone Cold who has a history of domestic violence.
I'm surpised that this is even in question. Yes, he's a great role model. And I'm talking about him in real life, away from the stage. About maybe ten years ago he was using drugs, alcohol and his life was in a mess. He later found Jesus Christ and turned his life completely around. It's absolutely crazy to say that he couldn't be a role model for a kid.

Now, if you're talking about his character, then probably not. But that would be the case for any superstar if you're going by those standards. Superstars betray, back-stab and turn on people all the time. So if you're going to say he's not a role model because of his job, then that must be the case for every single WWE wrestler.
Yeah, I have to agree with you Shawn. The character of Micheals and the real life persona of Hickenbottom are two separate entities and should be treated as such. Sure Micheals has done a lot of things that are considered raunchy etc but in the attitude era who didn't. Hickenbottom on the other hand is completely different as mentioned previously. I think he runs his own church as well and has managed to put his demons away. So yeah I think Hickenbottom is a good role model now. However, your question was "Is Shawn Micheals a good role model?" and to that I must say no. I would also say that if you are taking role models from wrestling, as much as I love it, then you should perhaps look elsewhere.
HBK is a character. The man, Shawn Hickenbottom I think is a role model, but the Heart Break Kid doesn't have to be.

You also notice how whenever he betrays someone he turns heel? He's not supposed to be cheered when be betrays someone, but sometimes fans still do because he has done so much for the business

by the way I like Bret Hart too, but you dont have to hate HBK just because you like Bret Hart
Well his name is actually Michael Hickenbottom for what it counts.

If ANY professional wrestler/athlete/actor/etc is your/childrens role model you have a serious problem.

Yes, a public figure should act in a way that shows people how to act, but that is true of everyone.

Shawn Michaels as a man, actor or athlete is as much of a role model as any other person who graces the silver screen. I would not show my children the path that he took in his life and tell them that is they way they should live.

I think we need to define what our definition of role model is before we start throwing labels out there.

Let's get this straight, Michael was a complete prick his entire career until a breaking point came (bottom) and he decided to become born again. Whether this is an excuse or actual isn't the point but it also doesn't erase who he was before hand.

If Shawn Michaels was a true model he would apologize for who he was, to those he's wrong (all of them) and apologize for those he will wrong in the future and make no excuses about it.

A great performer he is and was but a role model he is not.
Hes playing a part for goodness sakes! I mean, Ving Rhames is a born again Christian and that didnt stop him from getting ass raped in Pulp Fiction! But to answer nthe question more specifically, hes never been a real "heel" since hes become born again Christian. Like was mentioned earlier, he TOLD Cena he'ld have his back until Wtrestlemania, but would eventually superkick him. With Hogan, they played out his feal feelings toward Hogan, albeit overdramatized, in script. Yes, hes a good role model. Why? Because hes mostly a good guy, who, in a few cases, makes mistakes and does bad things. Kinda the essence of who "he is" , both in storyline and real life, right?
And as was mentioned before, its important to differentiate between who he is on camera and who he in real life. The man has overcome so much, both problems he created by being a complete a-hole before he became a Christian, and the health issues that kept him out for over 5 years. The man teaches Bible study and is involved heavily in his church. He gives to charity and HAS publicaly acknowledged his past mistakes and apologized for them. The integrity, work ethic, and humilty are things to be respected and admired. Heck yes hes a role model.
Well his name is actually Michael Hickenbottom for what it counts.

If ANY professional wrestler/athlete/actor/etc is your/childrens role model you have a serious problem.

Yes, a public figure should act in a way that shows people how to act, but that is true of everyone.

Shawn Michaels as a man, actor or athlete is as much of a role model as any other person who graces the silver screen. I would not show my children the path that he took in his life and tell them that is they way they should live.

I think we need to define what our definition of role model is before we start throwing labels out there.

Let's get this straight, Michael was a complete prick his entire career until a breaking point came (bottom) and he decided to become born again. Whether this is an excuse or actual isn't the point but it also doesn't erase who he was before hand.

If Shawn Michaels was a true model he would apologize for who he was, to those he's wrong (all of them) and apologize for those he will wrong in the future and make no excuses about it.

A great performer he is and was but a role model he is not.

As pointed out in both his book and DVD his parents, friends, wife and basicly everyone who knows him calls him by his middle name Shawn. In addition he has mad the efforts of which you speak, but he does not hide from the mistakes of his past, because he knows those mistakes shaped him into who he is. He is not like the great candian hero who talks about honesty and virtue but cheated on his wife admitedly in his own book. He is not like the great antihero who has had to settle multiple domestic dispute cases because of his temper, which by the way is a matter of public record. He is not even like a Real American hero who cheats on his wife with his daughters friend. No Shawn Hickenbottom is just a man who has owned up to his mistakes and his past and tried to set many of those things right, sadly because some poepel cannot move on he will not be able to make amends with everyone, but as long as he can sleep at night thats really all that matters.
As pointed out in both his book and DVD his parents, friends, wife and basicly everyone who knows him calls him by his middle name Shawn. In addition he has mad the efforts of which you speak, but he does not hide from the mistakes of his past, because he knows those mistakes shaped him into who he is. He is not like the great candian hero who talks about honesty and virtue but cheated on his wife admitedly in his own book. He is not like the great antihero who has had to settle multiple domestic dispute cases because of his temper, which by the way is a matter of public record. He is not even like a Real American hero who cheats on his wife with his daughters friend. No Shawn Hickenbottom is just a man who has owned up to his mistakes and his past and tried to set many of those things right, sadly because some poepel cannot move on he will not be able to make amends with everyone, but as long as he can sleep at night thats really all that matters.

All I've read is about wrestling marks who love Shawn Michaels. I am a fan of Bret Hart but wouldn't call him a role model. I'm a fan of Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Wayne Gretzky and non of them are role models.

Unless you know Shawn Michaels the man outside of his book and on the television screen you are in no position to call him a role model... you can't live your life based on what his publicists and Vince McMahon want you to see.

Again, maybe my definition of role model is simply a little bit different then the rest of you but if you can honestly say that Shawn Michaels life is one to live from than that is quite concerning.

And comparing domestic disputes, infidelity and drug abuse and trying to argue which one is the best attribute of a I need to continue the absurdity of that?

Stop taking wrestling so seriously...this is something I have watch for over 15 years since I saw the Big Boss Man wrestle in steel cage matches and Randy Savage getting bit by a snake with a giant X covering the screen.

Wrestling is meant for your entertainment not for you to live by.

Is it encouraging to hear that Michaels found something in faith to turn his life around, yes but that again does not erase the things he did prior to that or does his current occupation to anything to make him a role model.

A person future wrestlers look up to he maybe but the model young children should learn to be human beings from he is not. Just because he found God does not make him a messiah for us all to look up to.
I Dont Know Why He Is As Cheered As He Is , He Was Never The Good Guy Until 02 He Was The Bad Guy In The 90's With Dx ,the Bad Guy As Commisioner And The Bad Guy In Nwo But That's Why I Think He Was The Face Of The Attitude Era He Was The One That Make Cool Being A Heel And When He Injured His Back Stone Cold And The Rock Were The Ones That Stepped In,and Thats The Other Thing Who Cares If He Is A Role Model Stone Cold Wasnt And He Is In The Hof So Is The Rock And They Are For Me The 3 Best Superstars Ever.
All I've read is about wrestling marks who love Shawn Michaels. I am a fan of Bret Hart but wouldn't call him a role model. I'm a fan of Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Wayne Gretzky and non of them are role models.

Unless you know Shawn Michaels the man outside of his book and on the television screen you are in no position to call him a role model... you can't live your life based on what his publicists and Vince McMahon want you to see.

Again, maybe my definition of role model is simply a little bit different then the rest of you but if you can honestly say that Shawn Michaels life is one to live from than that is quite concerning.

And comparing domestic disputes, infidelity and drug abuse and trying to argue which one is the best attribute of a I need to continue the absurdity of that?

Stop taking wrestling so seriously...this is something I have watch for over 15 years since I saw the Big Boss Man wrestle in steel cage matches and Randy Savage getting bit by a snake with a giant X covering the screen.

Wrestling is meant for your entertainment not for you to live by.

Is it encouraging to hear that Michaels found something in faith to turn his life around, yes but that again does not erase the things he did prior to that or does his current occupation to anything to make him a role model.

A person future wrestlers look up to he maybe but the model young children should learn to be human beings from he is not. Just because he found God does not make him a messiah for us all to look up to.

Mate, why can't wrestlers be role models? What I know of Shawn Michaels is that he is a born-again Christian, like myself, leads a small group at his church, teaches younger wrestlers, and is just a great man in general.

He was at the lowest point you can be. He was addicted to drugs and alcohol and really had no purpose or meaning in life. He was a wreck. Then, he found Rebecca and the Lord. Shawn took his life and turned it around 180 degrees. Why isn't that something we can look up to?

I look up to Shawn Michaels. I look up to Derek Jeter. Why can't athletes be role models? Is it any different from me looking up to John Nash Jr? (The fella who a Beautiful Mind is based off of. Mr. Nash over came one of the greatest obstacles that anyone could face and was able to go as far as win the Nobel Prize. Shawn Michaels faced his "demons" and he beat them. My Uncle did the same. Both are role-models to me.
Mate, why can't wrestlers be role models? What I know of Shawn Michaels is that he is a born-again Christian, like myself, leads a small group at his church, teaches younger wrestlers, and is just a great man in general.

He was at the lowest point you can be. He was addicted to drugs and alcohol and really had no purpose or meaning in life. He was a wreck. Then, he found Rebecca and the Lord. Shawn took his life and turned it around 180 degrees. Why isn't that something we can look up to?

I look up to Shawn Michaels. I look up to Derek Jeter. Why can't athletes be role models? Is it any different from me looking up to John Nash Jr? (The fella who a Beautiful Mind is based off of. Mr. Nash over came one of the greatest obstacles that anyone could face and was able to go as far as win the Nobel Prize. Shawn Michaels faced his "demons" and he beat them. My Uncle did the same. Both are role-models to me.

Good Point, the main difference - Athletes make their living off what you think of them. They actually pay people to write articles, tell them what to say and so on. Even wrestlers have Vince McMahon to answer to. I'm not saying what Michaels did wasn't to be commended but we are talking about role models, people you want to live your based on.

What about drug addicts who overcome their addictions and they aren't on television. Are they role models too?

The beauty here is that nobody is truly wrong because its your role model, my feelings are that I can't admire someone like Michaels. It might have something to do with that I'm an atheist and don't think his faith in god holds any weight whatsoever. I'm glad he's no longer a dick but that doesn't mean I want my kids to follow his example.
You have a great point, and sound like Chris Jericho and his argument. HBK can do no wrong and can turn on anyone and will be cheered. Thats storyline though and why ive become a big fan of Jericho who had pointed this out even though everyone thinks it but dont say it. Of course for the whole role model thing there needs to be a separation from the real person and the part he plays.
I think the old HBK is a piece of shit. A man who refused to do anything for the business, and only wanted to do things that benefited himself. O well, you can look up to the man and consider him a role model. People do change, like Shawn Michaels for instance. Football players are dragged down by the media, and most high profiled baseball players are also. You usually don't see that with professional wrestlers except if you're Kurt Angle, everything he does is in the media here in the Burgh...

So, most of the time you are looking up to the character and not an actual person, because quite frankly, I have no idea how Rey Mysterio is off screen but he is someone I could look up to ( Well down to :lmao:).

So, yes you can consider Shawn Michaels a role model. I loved Steve Austin, and we all know the real Steve Austin is a women beater.
Honestly yes he is a great role model....him turning on people is part of the storylines and some people forget that some of it is staged at least the stories....and i read in his book that he just wanted it to be lIcon vs. Icon it was suppose to be shawn seeing if he could beat hogan but hogan didnt like it so they changed it....and really his character isnt a role model...but honestly wat wrestler can be a good role model probably cena and rey for the kids....but the man not wrestler the man shawn is should and is a role model....he showed wat can happen when u get addicted to drugs.....and then he has a child and finds god and jesus and is saved and is providing for his family. U have to remember there is two parts to the man his character on t.v. and then man at home.....Chris Jericho (irvine) said it best in a wwe book called unscribted "At work Im Chris Jericho at home im Chris Irvine" I think the Real person u should be questioning is Hulk Hogan ( i know someone hulk a manic will kill me for this) yes most the time he was a REAL AMERICAN....but in real life he's a jackass who is a golddigger trying to get money off everything cause in point tryin to get a show for his son in jail for paralzyin a former marine and vet. Sad thinkg i use to be a fan of his till i heard that.
Shawn Michaels was never supposed to be a good Role Model, NEVER!!! That is not what the HBK character is about (He isn't Hogan you know). Speaking of which all wrestlers are playing an act on a TV, looking up to one of them is like having the Karate Kid (Daniel-son) as your role model (you may like the character and what he is saying/teaching, but its an ACT, ITS NOT REAL).

Only 7 year old kids use these guys as a role model and wrestling should not be geared towards that type of audience (Male's 18-24, thats your bread and butter) and when they find out wrestling is pre-determined and NOT REAL, The Cena's and Hogan's cease to be role models because the kid has learned the truth.

People never looked up to Austin, they just looked forward to some ass kickin.
Shawn Michaels as a character & outside of WWE should be judged separately. HBK as a man is definitely a role model, back in his younger days he was a prick, didn't give a fuck about anybody & he wasn't really much of a professional but now days he acts like a professional, he does what he is told, he treats everyone with respect, he puts people over & he tries to make right with everybody. The character on the other hand, well every character does things similar to what HBK does. Wrestling characters aren't really supposed to be role models anyways. What they do on T.V. is just only an act.
Good Point, the main difference - Athletes make their living off what you think of them. They actually pay people to write articles, tell them what to say and so on. Even wrestlers have Vince McMahon to answer to. I'm not saying what Michaels did wasn't to be commended but we are talking about role models, people you want to live your based on.

What about drug addicts who overcome their addictions and they aren't on television. Are they role models too?

The beauty here is that nobody is truly wrong because its your role model, my feelings are that I can't admire someone like Michaels. It might have something to do with that I'm an atheist and don't think his faith in god holds any weight whatsoever. I'm glad he's no longer a dick but that doesn't mean I want my kids to follow his example.

Actualy many people who have overcome drug addictiosn our seen as role models in American society. Much like when a person overcomes any kind of adversity they can be viewed as a role model. To Shawn's children and to those he has inspired he is indeed a role model. The difference between Shawn and those other men I metnioed is none of thos eother men have actualy tried and appologize to those they hurt. Austin will still beat his next ex, Bret will still be a hypocrite, Hogan will still be teh biggest scum bag to ever lace up the boots. So while I see Shawn as a role modle because he as a man has sought to rise above the mistakes of his earlier years I can say he does not need even now to be perfect, because name one person, one role modle, one hero who is.
Shawn Michaels was never supposed to be a good Role Model, NEVER!!! That is not what the HBK character is about (He isn't Hogan you know). Speaking of which all wrestlers are playing an act on a TV, looking up to one of them is like having the Karate Kid (Daniel-son) as your role model (you may like the character and what he is saying/teaching, but its an ACT, ITS NOT REAL).

Only 7 year old kids use these guys as a role model and wrestling should not be geared towards that type of audience (Male's 18-24, thats your bread and butter) and when they find out wrestling is pre-determined and NOT REAL, The Cena's and Hogan's cease to be role models because the kid has learned the truth.

People never looked up to Austin, they just looked forward to some ass kickin.

You make some really good points. People need to remember 2 things:

One this is a show. HBK is a dynamic character who is capable of anything. With the exception of Hulk Hogan and John Cena (who have shown less than admirable sides on TV but they wont be remembered for their nastier sides) there are very few true good guys. One of the big faces right now "is not a good person."

Two, if someone is young enough to be effected by a role model, then that person needs to have a parent or guardian around to set reality straight. My reality was set straight when I was 11 and my idol was found dead of suicide with drug charges stemming (Kerry Von Erich). Parents need to step in if their kids are watching something of this nature and make sure their kids have a true grip on the show.
A Canadian doesn't like HBK? Imagine that? :lol:

But then again I don't blame people for not liking him. He let down the company on more than one ocassion and wouldnt put over the same people who originally put him over. However, in recent years he seems to have changed. Perhaps age will do that. His character heel or face will always be awesome!

Why is Tony Soprano talking about who is or isnt a good role model?

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