Is Sean Waltman (X-Pac) on legendary status?

Is Sean Waltman on legendary status?

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CM Steel

A REAL American
We've seen the package video of the latest induction into the WWE hall of fame Razor Ramon (Scott Hall). And during the video we seen clips of former WWE superstar Sean "X-Pac" Waltman. Hall & Waltman are apart of the infamous clique along with Triple H. As a matter of fact it was Triple H who signed Sean Waltman to a WWE legends contract last year. But the title "legend" runs deep in the WWE and all around wrestling it's self. So in that sense. Is Sean Waltman on legendary status? "The Kid" got his first big break in wrestling when in 1993 on RAW where he defeated Razor Ramon clean in the middle of the ring.

What do you think/feel?
No. Waltman is like Scott Brosius. He won three titles with the Yankees in the late 90s but he's not a hall of famer like Derek Jeter or Mariano Rivera. The only reason I know who Brosius is, is because he was on that Yankee team. Without the clique, no one except hardcore fans remember Waltman. He wasn't innovative, he wasn't all that special. Solid worker but ultimately, known mostly by association.
Ha, no. A "legends contract" isn't the same thing as being a "legend" in the traditional meaning of the word. It's just the term they use for former wrestlers who sign over their name and likeness for merchandise purposes but have no other role in the company. (Of course, that can change, guys under "legends contracts" can come back in a different role as we've seen.) The purpose was to bring back legends for use in video games and such, hence the name, but it doesn't mean everybody who signs one is actually a legend or that WWE considers them to be a legend.

In other words, no, he's not a legend and not even close.
X-Pac isn't in the same boat as Hulk Hogan, Rock, Jericho, Austin, Warrior, or anyone in that upper echelon of "pro wrestling". Though, I will say he is an important part.

I personally loved his attitude and wrestling style. He was part of great factions in nWo, DX, and of course the Kliq. He had the makings of an iconic star with certain signature moves such as the X-Factor and Bronco buster, but also his back flip reversal into a back drop or his spin back kicks. In many ways, his hand to hand work rivals RVD's.

X-Pac in my opinion was all that was DX. If DX has a mascot that was a culmination of what the faction represented, X-Pac was it. Legendary? I'd say yes, but it depends how you look at it. If I was part of the committee to give him a HOF ring, I'd give him one, for sure. He has accomplished quite a bit as a wrestler and most certainly as a human being involved in the pro wrestling business.
X-Pac will be granted the status of legend because of the fact that he was part of, arguably, wrestling's two biggest factions since the formation of The Four Horsemen: D-Generation X and the nWo. He was friends with and/or surrounded by some of the biggest stars in the business; as a result, he earned a pretty good level of success as a mid-card and tag team guy.

In my eyes, the single most memorable moment in his career took place on May 3, 1993 on Monday Night Raw when he upset Razor Ramon. I never was a huge fan of the guy, I usually just wanted him to get off my TV when he popped up on it. He was the annoying little guy on the teams that struck me as more of an irritant than anything else. On his own, I think Sean Waltman would've been nothing but, as I said, he had connections with some of the top guys in the business. He was part of the Kliq, so he'll be viewed by history as being a "legend" because of it.
If we're talking about Hall of Fame, why not? I think everyone with any sort of longevity should be eligible. I wouldn't have thought that at the beginning, but now I do. We have guys like Hacksaw and Koko in the HoF. X-Pac is definitely on that type of level.
I was a fan of Sean Waltman back in the day when he was known as 1-2-3 Kid. His kick moves went over with me because I was a big fan of martial arts back then. And I have to admit that he had some solid matches during his DX days. I still remember some of the matches he had with Triple H and they were quality. In fact, I even liked him when he held the Light Heavyweight Championship and Cruiserweight Championship simultaneously. That was interesting. Too bad those titles didn't survive much longer after because I felt he was right at home in the Cruiserweight division. With all of that being considered, I don't see him as a legend. He hasn't done anything 'legendary' to be remembered by. Just upsetting Razor Ramon in his debut match isn't enough to put him in the legends category. But, the way WWE or a lot of people see legends is different from my view. I personally think that term gets tossed around way too loosely and easily. It should be reserved for those that accomplished a series of major highlights.
I agree with the people who say Waltman will go into the Hall of Fame as a member of DX......and that's good, 'cause it relieves WWE of the inconsistencies involved in having to induct him as a single performer.

Apparently, many sports entertainment people have used illicit drugs, but Waltman seems to have outdone them all, at least as far as being so out of control that he wasn't able to disguise it. Personally, I don't care about that as it pertains to being inducted into a stupid Hall of Fame.....or being considered a legend (supply your own definition as to what that entails) but I don't have to admire him for it, either. To me, Sean's career amounted to less than it could have been had he stayed clean.....and I see no reason to honor him for that.

Aside from that, I don't see the body of work he put in for WWE as qualifying him for legendary status.....and I don't think WWE is anxious to pave his way, either. Consider: he's been on WWE TV a couple of times to participate in honors for his buddies, yet WWE doesn't seem to have anything for Sean.

I don't know their reasons for that, but there have to be reasons since he's apparently not doing anything else these days and might very well wish to be associated with his old employer.

After keeping Waltman at arms' length all these years, I can't see the company suddenly deciding to grant him legendary status.
The question being asked, in the way its being asked, is a little odd.

But if you're asking whether Sean Waltman will eventually be getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and become a "Hall of Famer", then the answer is yes. He definitely will.

Xpac is a wrestler who really is consistently underrated by everyone, and so is his career. He had initial success as the 1-2-3 Kid in the WWE, but then from there he went on to being one of the initial names in the nWo, and then later when he left WCW he returned to WWE to become one of the initial names of the second stage of D-Generation X. So he was involved in TWO of the biggest and most influential factions in all of wrestling. And in both WCW and WWE he holds success in terms of holding championships, etc. He was a great wrestler, in terms of ability, and any negative aspects of him as a wrestler can be countered by positives.

I think his career is definitely worthy, especially when compared to some other current "Hall of Famers", of being inducted and gaining that silly "Legend" status.
God no, Sean. Waltman isn't anywhere near being considered as having legendary status. That's not to say he won't eventually end up in the WWE Hall of Fame, as like him or not, he was affiliated with both the nWo and DX, and is a member of the infamous clique. But personally I think he was a talentless hack who just had the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time, and was lucky enough to have friends in high places. His skills in the ring were average at best, his mic skills were sub par, and just because he had longevity in the business doesn't necessarily mean he is a legend. There are tons of guys in the WWE Hall of Fame who probably deserve to be there, and several others who probably don't, but lots of them fall well short of what I would consider legendary. And Sean Waltman is nowhere near the moniker of legend. After all, they didn't coin the term X-PAC heat for nothing.
I don't correlate entrance into WWE (or anyone's) hall of fame with whether or not I think someone is legendary. Will he get in WWE HOF? Some day probably not as a singles wrestler but as a part of DX or the NWO. But to me didn't work long enough for the big boys or well enough. He was a decent worker and had some holy shit moments during a time we were starting to redefine what holy shit moments were. But at the end of the day to me he was...decent. Decent isn't bad and its better than many. But its not legendary.
The only reason Waltman isn't a legend is because his match with Bret Hart for the WWF title in 1994 was on free TV, rather than a pay-per-view main event. That bout was a stone cold classic, a criminally unsung masterpiece in Bret's legacy, nevermind Waltman's.
When I made this thread I was asking only in general is Sean Waltman on legendary status. Not should he be inducted into the WWE hall of fame anytime so. Can we all say that Sean Waltman, a guy who has more names than Diddy is a legend in pro wrestling? I don't think he'll ever get inducted in the WWE HOF as a solo star. But yes with factions he's been in like the nWo & DX, the clique it's self maybe if the clique ever get inducted in the WWE HOF? And I think that sex tape he had made with Chyna may have hurt him more than help his image in wrestling.
No hes not in legendary status. He was a good cruiserweight but he wasnt even a top cruiserweight at that. He just had the right friends
I can definitely see Waltman going in the HOF. I judge it by the fact that Koko B Ware is in it. Waltman had a far superior wrestling career to that of Koko. So if Koko can get in then it's a given Waltman will eventually get inducted
The question being asked, in the way its being asked, is a little odd.

But if you're asking whether Sean Waltman will eventually be getting inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and become a "Hall of Famer", then the answer is yes. He definitely will.

Xpac is a wrestler who really is consistently underrated by everyone, and so is his career. He had initial success as the 1-2-3 Kid in the WWE, but then from there he went on to being one of the initial names in the nWo, and then later when he left WCW he returned to WWE to become one of the initial names of the second stage of D-Generation X. So he was involved in TWO of the biggest and most influential factions in all of wrestling. And in both WCW and WWE he holds success in terms of holding championships, etc. He was a great wrestler, in terms of ability, and any negative aspects of him as a wrestler can be countered by positives.

I think his career is definitely worthy, especially when compared to some other current "Hall of Famers", of being inducted and gaining that silly "Legend" status.

Yeah, I could see it. He was a great European, LHC and tag team champion. He also had great matches. IMO, his stable X-Factor was underrated.
No he's not. The word "legend" is thrown around too much in the WWE and in pro wrestling as a whole these days. The true legends are guys like Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, and so forth. Those who are viewed as the best of the best, and are remarkable enough to be seen as famous in a positive context. Sean Waltman is not one of those wrestlers. He was in The Kliq, DX, and the nWo. So what? Association with legendary factions does not make you a legend. Hornswoggle was in DX. Does that make him a legend? Hardly. X-Pac will get into the WWE Hall of Fame some day, but that man is not a legend in my book.
Legend? He's not even in the group below the group that shined the boots of the group below the legends. Solid worker? Absolutely, Entertaining personality? Of Course. Longevity? Sure. But legend? C'mon. If he's a legend then so is D'Lo Brown and the Godfather and people of that ilk. Solid 15+ year career but a perrenial midcarder. And this isn't me hating on X-Pac. I found him to be very entertaining and always enjoyed his matches but a legend he is not.
I'm gonna remember that dude for 2 things: A bronco buster and a nasty sex tape with Chyna.

He is on the level of a Hall or Jake the Snake. They had their moment, and since that is all they lived for, that is all they got. Credit to WWE for putting the baby powder on these ratchet ass has beens and giving us what is sure to be a rather weird HOF ceremony.

I mean seriously, who isn't expecting Hall or Roberts to poke their heads out of the curtain, pull it back in, and then make an entrance that would make the Shock master proud. Oh man, im ranting.

Anyway, as a kid I thought he was awesome. He had a cool outfit and finisher. I enjoyed his fued with D'lo Brown for the European title.

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