Is Roman ready?

Is Reigns ready for the top?

  • Yes. Absolutely.

  • No, not even close.

  • He's getting there.

  • He's as ready as he'll ever be.

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I am a fan of Reigns' but I just think this push has been far too much, far too soon. He would have been better suited in a program against Rusev or at least a good feud with Bryan. Yet he will likely win at Mania. Roughly half the fans will hate him while the others will love him. So in essence, we will just have Cena 2.0. Which is what WWE wanted anyway, so they will be fine with the love/hate aspect. I will not be angry when Reigns wins, but I will be disappointed. It is just not the right time, in my opinion.
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He is ready to be a heel, yes. With Heyman as his mouthpiece and the face side of WWE largely consisting of decent wrestlers and hardworkers (at PPVs at least) in Bryan, Ambrose, Cena (yes Cena) and Orton, he can have a nice run as a heel.

Ready to be the face of the company, the main babyface? No he is missing practically everything but the look, its all he has right now
I didn't read through all the replies. But Reigns is certainly a heel. He's just not a believeable guy to go over Lesnar as a face. You need to build a guy with a LOAD of momentum to beat Lesnar. I think Reigns injury really set him back here. What did he do other than win the Rumble? Spears Big Show a few times and goes over in a rushed (but really good) match over Bryan. I get the point of him going over Bryan. But it's not the momentum of going over Bryan that will get you over a face. A guy beloved as much as Bryan is only going to set you back after taking that step forward. But at the time, it was all WWE could do.

Reigns can be a champion but only as a heel right now. I guess you could throw the title on him but I can't see him going over Lesnar twice because Brock would get his rematch. The only way this happens is for Lesnar to turn face and have Heyman turn on Lesnar and align with Reigns in some way. Reigns would be a great heel champion with Heyman as a mouthpiece. It would give him a run with the title, Lesnar turns face, and eventually someone would take the belt off Reigns and have Rollins cash in immediately after. Rollins is a great heel but his best work in the WWE will be with him as a face. Reigns needs to be heavily booed before he is heavily cheered. Just like Rollins.
I think Roman is getting there, he is coming along nicely. I do not know what the deal is with the fans and how they boo Roman, I don't see it he has the look, he is getting there in the ring, his mic skills are getting better. Daniel and Mark have even given there approval, give Roman 6 months and he will be ready for the big time. Brock will retain the title on Sunday because of his new contract and how the fans are taking to Roman.
I think Roman is getting there, he is coming along nicely. I do not know what the deal is with the fans and how they boo Roman, I don't see it he has the look, he is getting there in the ring, his mic skills are getting better. Daniel and Mark have even given there approval, give Roman 6 months and he will be ready for the big time. Brock will retain the title on Sunday because of his new contract and how the fans are taking to Roman.

I think the perception of most fans that boo is that they didn't pick Roman, similar to the way most people who got over have. I.e. Cena, Bryan, Austin were all people the fans clamored for in a big way and sold merchandise at a main event level, essentially telling the company "this is who we like" where as Roman's destination was predetermined before he even made his main roster debut. Similar to that is resentment amongst fans who believe the guy they did pick, Bryan, is being sentenced to midcard hell seemingly as a way to cool him off. The fact that Bryan put him over in a promo make's resentment of Reigns even worse, they perceive a guy being forced to say and do things he might not say or believe to put over a guy that is taking the position that rightfully is his, in the fans' eyes. Other people point to his lacking ring work and mic work and his inability to connect with the crowd and they all have valid points too.
I agree that a heel turn would be good for Reigns right now. However I can't see it happening on the basis that he'd overshadow Rollins unfairly and the WWE are adamant he's their next big baby face.

I say have him lose on Sunday. Let him take Brock to the limit, maybe kick out of an F5 or 2 even. Finally Brock beats him but shows a glimmer of respect.

The next night have Reigns cut a promo on how close he came etc etc then have him begin a 4 month long chase leading to Summerslam. If he's ready by then (which he should be!) have him take the title there. Whether it be Reigns/Lesnar 2 or Reigns/Rollins that doesn't make a difference.

What I don't want is him to win Sunday then lose straight away to a cash I from Rollins. A 2 minute title reign(no pun intended) will do nothing for him nor the title and I'm sick of those anyway!
I picked "He's getting there".

I like Roman Reigns and I think eventually he'll prove to be a huge asset for WWE and a main eventer for years to come. He's got the look, the size and potential to be a top star and I find him pretty likeable, I just wish they'd let him be himself more in promos.

The tough thing for Roman is that he missed several months with injury, and he really needed that time to keep working on hic character and in-ring repetoire. Being out for that amount of time has definitely hurt him. However, I can see him improving week by week, he doesn't deserve the criticism he has received. I don't think even The Rock could have got the "Sufferin' Succertash" line over with the crowd.

In my opinion it should be Reigns who is challenging Rusev for the US Title. To be a high-profile mid-card champion would be brilliant for Reigns and help him prepare for becoming "the guy" in the future. Mid-card reigns, when successful can really benefit a wrestler- examples include Cena and Orton who began to look like big stars while holding the US title and IC titles earlier in their careers. Reigns is still pretty green, I just don't think he should be getting the WWE title this soon.

It should be US Title this year, and then next year WWE Title. He's not ready now, but he IS getting there.
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I agree that a heel turn would be good for Reigns right now. However I can't see it happening on the basis that he'd overshadow Rollins unfairly and the WWE are adamant he's their next big baby face.

That's a good concern. Turning Roman Reigns heel sounds like a good idea in itself but it's proper to consider how the turn would effect his dealings with Seth Rollins. They were great allies in The Shield, then even better enemies are we expected to accept the idea of the two becoming fast friends again, at least in the short term?

If they turn Roman heel and leave Seth as he is, I think the best road to take would be keeping them as fact, casting Roman as so bad that he has no allies. As a bad guy, he could sooner have someone (Paul Heyman?) do most of the talking for him, especially if Reigns' abilities on the mic don't improve.

Frankly, the idea of Reigns and Rollins continuing to feud even though they're both heels interests me a lot.

There's just no honor among thieves, is there? :)
That's a good concern. Turning Roman Reigns heel sounds like a good idea in itself but it's proper to consider how the turn would effect his dealings with Seth Rollins. They were great allies in The Shield, then even better enemies are we expected to accept the idea of the two becoming fast friends again, at least in the short term?

If they turn Roman heel and leave Seth as he is, I think the best road to take would be keeping them as fact, casting Roman as so bad that he has no allies. As a bad guy, he could sooner have someone (Paul Heyman?) do most of the talking for him, especially if Reigns' abilities on the mic don't improve.

Frankly, the idea of Reigns and Rollins continuing to feud even though they're both heels interests me a lot.

There's just no honor among thieves, is there? :)

Heel vs Heel worked a treat when Brock came out to beat the crap out of Rollins, didn't it?

You just wrote the scenario yourself... Reigns and Rollins could remain Heels with Brock going face, but whilst Rollins remains the Authority's Golden Child, Roman could just take the One vs All to a whole different level and it would fit with the whole "Reality Era" stuff given Roman has been rejected by the majority of fans more than anything.
I voted He's Getting There as well.

I don't think he's ready for the push to the moon he has been given and it has shown and backfired on him somewhat. That said a lot of the people who are criticising him are going way over the top. He has a presence, he has a great look and he is decent in the ring. His mic work hasn't been up to scratch but I blame that on Vince putting him on a Cenaesque script for the Big Show feud and then pulling back to allow him barely talk at all. Most have shot the guy's confidence quite a bit.

Honestly I think Summerslam would have been a better time for him to take the title but I think they might go all the way still and have him win at Wrestlemania. I hope they don't because it will only validate the 50% of the audience's idea that he is just getting handed everything and it will hurt him in the long run.
Nope, no where near ready, and he's likely to be further exposed for being Green as Gooseshit. This guy has had a hand full of single matches, has next to no ability on the microphone, and is severely lacking in charisma. He has been completely mishandled since his return from surgery.

The smarks have already turned on him, and he's not even champion. At Wrestlemania 21, people wanted John Cena to be the WWE Champion. Cena was over when he got his shot. He had a good run as a mid card heel, had a good run as a mid card champ, was over, and was ready for his shot. It wasn't until Cena ran the Smark Darling Gauntlet of Jericho, Angle, HHH, RVD, and Michaels that he truly lost the fans.

Roman needs to start over. He worked better when he was the Batista of the Shield. Strong silent type, went in and simply kicked ass. Reigns is young and can still be salvaged. He simply isn't ready, and he's not comfortable on a microphone at all. Give him at least another year (which should have been this last year) to run with a midcard title, work with good midcard talent, and get an organic reaction. Reigns had that last year when he kicked ass at Survivor Series and the Rumble. He doesn't have that now, and putting the title on him is simply a disservice to him.

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