Is Randy Orton To The WWE What Kobe Bryant Is To The NBA?

CM Steel

A REAL American
I know that the title of this thread may sound off the wall, but hear me out.

Randy Orton is a next generation superstar in the WWE, as well as a muiltble world champion in the WWE. Many has credit Randy Orton as being the future of the WWE. When Orton was drafted/traded from RAW to Smackdown the company wanted to make Randy the face of the brand and built Smackdown around him.

Even during Orton's first stint back in '05 he had a bright future as a cornerstone wrestler in the WWE. Almost too remiance to NBA basketball megastar Kobe Bryant with his career. Their are simularitys between the two's road down superstar line.

-Started there professian at a young age
-Are next generation superstars in different "sports" ("Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. and Joe "Jellybean" Bryant

-Ran with a dynasty to get where there at today (Evolution, L.A. Lakers)
-Cornerstones of their respected leagues (the WWE & the NBA)
-Had problems outside of their jobs (Orton trashing hotels, Bryant rape case)

When Randy Orton first debuted in the WWE back in '02 people compared him to the Rock for obvious reason's. Randy Orton still has alot in his tank to go awhile as being a wrestler, so there's still tomorrow for him. And who knows he could be better than the Rock one day? But I guess only time will tell.
Your parallels are really good. (especially the "problems" one)

I'd like to add one more to the list,

Orton: While being the "star" and being the "best" at what he did (2008-09 heel run) was never the "top guy" because of HHH and John Cena on Raw and only now on SmackDown has he become the top guy

Bryant: While being the best player on a few title runs for his team, Bryant still arguable played second fiddle to a past-his-prime Shaq. Only when Shaq went to Miami did Bryant become the undisputed star.

So yes, there are parallels.
Comparing the two to be one in the same in their respective territories is a long Stretch,but in your terminology it makes pretty good sense. But then which NBA star would you be able to compare Cena to? As of the recent NBA roster.
Comparing the two to be one in the same in their respective territories is a long Stretch,but in your terminology it makes pretty good sense. But then which NBA star would you be able to compare Cena to? As of the recent NBA roster.
If I could compare John Cena to an NBA player that's active on the NBA wouldn't be LeBron James! Because "King" James hasn't won a world championship (yet) lol!

But if I had to compare John Cena to an active NBA player on days roster it would have to be Tim Duncan. Tim Duncan has won various world titles with HBK's team the San Antonio Spurs, and he's the current face of the Spurs.

So there you have it.
I know that the title of this thread may sound off the wall, but hear me out.

Randy Orton is a next generation superstar in the WWE, as well as a muiltble world champion in the WWE. Many has credit Randy Orton as being the future of the WWE. When Orton was drafted/traded from RAW to Smackdown the company wanted to make Randy the face of the brand and built Smackdown around him.

Even during Orton's first stint back in '05 he had a bright future as a cornerstone wrestler in the WWE. Almost too remiance to NBA basketball megastar Kobe Bryant with his career. Their are simularitys between the two's road down superstar line.

-Started there professian at a young age
-Are next generation superstars in different "sports" ("Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. and Joe "Jellybean" Bryant

-Ran with a dynasty to get where there at today (Evolution, L.A. Lakers)
-Cornerstones of their respected leagues (the WWE & the NBA)
-Had problems outside of their jobs (Orton trashing hotels, Bryant rape case)

When Randy Orton first debuted in the WWE back in '02 people compared him to the Rock for obvious reason's. Randy Orton still has alot in his tank to go awhile as being a wrestler, so there's still tomorrow for him. And who knows he could be better than the Rock one day? But I guess only time will tell.
Hahahaha. More like John Cena is Kobe.

Randy Orton is Adam Morrison. They're both former champions. Adam Morrison's basketball talent is comparable to how good Orton is on the mic. Morrison wasn't the one who drew fans into watching games, the same way Orton is a complete non-draw in the WWE. When Orton won the World title, Smackdown ratings dropped and continued to drop. Since Christian won the title back, the ratings have gotten better.
When Orton was drafted/traded from RAW to Smackdown the company wanted to make Randy the face of the brand and built Smackdown around him.

You make some interesting points. The only thing I wonder about is the premise that the company sent Orton to Smackdown to build the brand around him. As far as the timing goes, it seemed to me he was sent there to replace Edge, who was forced to retire suddenly. Smackdown needed a major star to replace him.......and they chose Orton. Had Edge not left, it would have been interesting to know what the company had in mind for Orton. Would he have continued to play Kobe to John Cena's Shaq?

We might never know, but the move to Smackdown may have been the best thing that ever happened to Randy......provided he can really carry the brand into the future. If he can't, it may be the worst thing for him.
I don't know if I agree with the comparison between Kobe Bryant of the NBA and Randy Orton, but I like the outside of the box type thread.

They are both overpriveleged men who never really had to work or struggle for anything, but I think that is where the comparisons end. Orton, for all intents and purposes, is a head case. Not ragging on him but he tends to get in his own way and has done so in mulitiple instances during his tenure in the WWE. Everything from destroying hotel rooms to backstage politics, to burying talent publicly. He is the top guy on SD! but only due to attrition. If you look at whose left on that roster, he's the only one that is worthy of the top spot.

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