Is Randy Orton Injury Prone?

CM Steel

A REAL American
During Randy Orton's soon to be ten years in the WWE. The Viper is living a hall of fame career. But Randy Orton has had more then his share of injuries. Like his very first injury in 2002 well Orton came into the heel role like how John Cena did on Smackdown around the same time. And had the RNN update reports weekly on RAW. Soon after joining Evolution.

Randy Orton has had so many injuries over the years fans has lost count. Orton has had every injury one could think of. Randy Orton has had so many injuries, it was recently written in the script on Smackdown during Orton's feud with Wade Barrett. So is Randy Orton a injury prone?

Funny thing is that years ago in the WWE Randy Orton once befriended Ken Anderson aka Mr. Kennedy. Who was also an injury prone as many people saw him. Who they had a falling out due to not only with Kennedy being a major injury prone to Johnny Ace. But things being stated against KK about his ring skills perfroming. Therefore Ken Anderson was released by the WWE.

So now is Randy Orton the latest injury prone of the WWE?
I don't think Orton is injury prone, I mean this is a concussion a very serious injury that can basically occur any time throughout a wrestling match. I know Orton is coming off a back injury but I can't recall him being hurt before that except when he had a broken collar bone. As far as the whole Kennedy situation went Kennedy was no where near the star that Orton is that's why he was released. I don't think Orton is injury prone I just think wwe should slow his schedule down the guy basically wrestles a match each week on raw and smackdown, where-as a guy like John Cena just does promos some weeks or just brawl segments. So no I don't believe Orton is injury proned.
List the injuries

When he debuted as a Cena like face he did his colerbone in, leading to the Randy Orton News Network and his iminent heel turn.

WrestleMania 21 - vs Taker he injured his same shoulder reversing a tombestone into a tombestone

Raw the following night vs Batista, Batista threw him into a turnbuckle further aggrivating the injury

He dislocated his elbow pounding the mat preparing for a RKO.

3 yrs later Orton was fueding with Triple H and H through him over the top rope and he landed akwardly on his shoulder, once again doing his collarbone.

just this year vs Barrett he sustained a back injury and the fall down the stairs stunt was to write him off TV to get it addressed.

and in the last few yrs he's had back surgery, kneck surgery, shoulder surgery numerous concussions.

Not really accident prone but he certainly aint having a good run with injuries
He is a little injury prone but not as bad as you make it out to be. A concussion can happen at anytime and it's very lucky R-Truth doesn't have a concussion. His broken bone injuries are just unlucky really. Edge was probably more injury prone than what Randy is and still made the hall of fame. Actually when you think about it, Randy is not injury prone. Someone that is injury prone would have to be like Rey Mysterio who is out every single year due to injury. Randy Orton is fine and will still continue to be the man.
Orton is kind of injury prone, but it's not so bad he can't string together a decent run without injury. Concussions are tricky, they can come from little things, it's more surprising that R-Truth didn't get a concussion than Orton got one
Maybe you should consider Daniel Bryan in this case. Maybe he hit Orton a little too hard with the strap. He's still got that indy mentality, a hard sell and Randy wasn't ready.

Not when they were reporting the concussion happened the night before on RAW.

Concussions are part of the game. I'm glad they're making him take time off rather then just sending him back out there (like they used to do).
maybe its the style randy wrestles in thats giving him all these injuries, john cena though having less moves...wrestles in a more safe pattern, so does cm punk and chris jericho...randy doesnt seem to have the instinct to protect himself he is more of a slugger and likes to brawl and do more high risk spots especially by the announce table and steel steps going into the ring.
Orton is in THE position to garner the most amount of injuries. As one of the three primary top guys in the company, but not THE top guy in John Cena, he's the one wrestling at every single house show and on every single taping and live show. He does Raw, he does Smackdown, he does EVERYTHING! Cena's more of an investment, so they'll protect him a bit and give him more PR and media events rather than actually matches.

Orton has been an upper-level guy for far too long to not work up his share of injuries. Few guys in the business get into pro wrestling and learn how to work without injuring yourself, and/or others you work with. Chris Jericho was one of them (still is), and so is CM Punk. Ric Flair was another guy who rarely got injured, and worked through them when he was! Generally speaking, the more technical you are about your approach to wrestling, the better off you're going to be. The bigger guys that take tons of bumps and do nothing but high impact slams are going to work up more injuries by default.

Is Orton injury prone? I don't think he's more or less prone than anybody else in his upper-level position is or has been in the past. He's not a body builder, he's not a technical machine, and he's not doing a ton of PR or media coverage to supplement his work load. Orton is, and has been the physical work horse, and he's going to get beat up from time to time because of it. Other than that, I think he's been a pretty solid and safe guy to work with over the years...
I dont think he is MORE injury prone from others. I think he takes bumps a little bit more and lands differntly. I think the differnce is Orton isnt that big so when he lands or something happens he doent have the mass for the impact to pread. Kinda like a body slam you kind of spread urself out so the impact isnt to one point of the body. Thats why HHH, Batista, and Cena dont really get injured often. Yea there is the muscle tear and leg injuries now n then. But look at Kennedy same body type.
Orton's been in the WWE for 10 years now. He's not getting any younger, and he has done pretty much everything there needs to be done.

I don't think he WAS that injury-prone, but now that he's getting older, he needs to become more pro-active in securing his future. May mean performing a slower-paced match with fewer bumps.
I don't think he's injury prone.

For one thing....the more you fight, the more chance there is of injury. Randy is one of the select few who appears consistently on the weekly shows of both brands. Plus, he does house shows. There are that many more chances to get hurt, no?

For another thing....the harder you fight, the more chance there is of injury. Who works harder than Randy Orton? He expends maximum effort in every match, often resorting to risky maneuvers like his yes, sometimes he's going to get hurt. Management could instruct him to tone down the risks in his ring repertoire.....but then he wouldn't be the Randy Orton who became a mega-star. Which way do you want it?

Earlier in this topic, someone provided a list of Orton's injuries, stating that Randy has had a lot of them. When I looked at the list, though, it didn't seem like a lot when you space them over 10 years.

Unfortunately, injuries are par for the course in pro wrestling.....and Randy doesn't seem any more susceptible to them than anyone else.
Orton is kind of injury prone, but it's not so bad he can't string together a decent run without injury. Concussions are tricky, they can come from little things, it's more surprising that R-Truth didn't get a concussion than Orton got one

I thought the concussion was just kayfabe and he injured his back again?

Anyway I wouldn't exactly say he's injury prone but it seems every time he gets hurt he gets hurt again not soon after. Maybe he's trying to get back too early.
I think he is very injury prone! He seems to ALWAYS get hurt. What bothers me most about it is he ALWAYS claims it's someone elses fault and whines backstage about it. I can see it here and there being someone's else causing it due to a missed spot or the nature of the business. BUT 6+ injuries over the years. That says hes' either very bad at his own spots or he's injury prone.
I think he is very injury prone! He seems to ALWAYS get hurt. What bothers me most about it is he ALWAYS claims it's someone elses fault and whines backstage about it. I can see it here and there being someone's else causing it due to a missed spot or the nature of the business. BUT 6+ injuries over the years. That says hes' either very bad at his own spots or he's injury prone.

I don't think he's injury prone. Off the top of my head, the only serious injuries that I remember him missing time over were his initial injury in which he had the Randy Orton News updates, and then the one that occurred during the hardcore match with HHH where he went over the top ropes and landed badly. Other than that, he's either had small injury issues that he's worked through or kayfabe injuries. Orton really doesn't miss that much time, all things considered. And, as with all wrestlers, it's hard to call any of them injury prone, since what they are doing can easily cause injury, and they do it at such a high frequency, practically wrestling on a nightly basis.

Orton is talented in the ring. To say he can't take bumps or execute moves well is foolish. Again, that's hard to say about any wrestler. You have to be pretty well-versed in the ring to make it to the WWE, let alone be a main eventer. Orton is good at all of his moves and is convincing in the ring. He doesn't botch that often, or at least not any more than most.

I don't think its fair to label Orton as injury prone or incapable in the ring. He puts on good matches and often works through injuries. Injury-prone should be a status given to guys who exceedingly miss a lot of time, such as a Mark Henry. Every few months he seems to be dinged up, such as right now, and he has missed large amounts of time due to injury-related issues. Now, that's someone who's prone to injury. His body structure and all of the weight on his knees causes this as well. Orton is in-shape and executes moves his body can handle for the most part.

As for him whining backstage about it- all of that is hearsay, it is not like you or I are there to witness that. But even if that were true, so what, I'd be pissed too if someone dropped me on my neck (Mr. Kennedy). Plus, that's a different issue entirely. It has nothing to do with him being injury-prone.

Orton's a great worker, most guys that wrestle him will attest to that. He's not any more injury prone than anyone else in wrestling.
What bothers me most about it is he ALWAYS claims it's someone elses fault and whines backstage about it. I can see it here and there being someone's else causing it due to a missed spot or the nature of the business. BUT 6+ injuries over the years. That says hes' either very bad at his own spots or he's injury prone.

You talk like you know what goes on backstage. You don't, that much is clear. Ken Anderson was canned for nearly hurting several wrestlers, not just Orton. What are your other examples? You don't have any.

Yes, he's somewhat injury prone. The current problem really has nothing to do with that, seeing every wrestler ends up with a concussion now and again. However, he has had several concussions, which could become an issue for him. Those are serious injuries, and can end a mans career in a flash (especially after cracking open Benoit's skull).

He's not the most durable guy, that's for sure. Still better than your favorite wrestler ;)
Orton isn't overly injury proned, he has the hyper-mobile shoulders but that has only caused the one in-match problem with Edge and honestly that PPV was garbage, when the announcers were spouting off about Orton having "no wasted motion" and seconds later he pops his shoulder out of socket while hulking up for the RKO, that was the only redeemable part of that shit fest; so I let that one slide.

If Randy really does have a concussion from the belt shot, then that is well more on Daniel Bryan then it is on Orton. That isn't a blown spot by Orton.
I dont think hes injury prone I mean its not like he has an ongoing medical problem except for the shoulder issue mentioned on his Wikipedia page. Triple H and Rey Mysterio have ongoing knee problems, they're "injury prone" as some of you like to call it. Orton's just had a string of bad luck when it comes to health but luckily enough hes been able to come back from it all unscathed. The concussion, in my opinion, may have been a reason Orton didnt drop while RKOing Big Show. Orton takes care of his body, as do most guys who are main event workers in the WWE. You cant control outside circumstances, and while it be falling on his collarbone during the Triple H match or the shoulder injury while trying to lift Taker, Orton's had to miss little time from the ring compared to others in the industry.

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