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Is moving the U.S title to ECW effecting Smackdown in a bad way?


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This has nothing to do with Matt Hardy moving to ECW thread you started except for the fact that he was the champion who was moved so plz dont bite my head off, Jake.

I know about the talent exchange between Smackdown and ECW but it doesn't seem so for titles. Every time a smackdown superstar wins the ECW title, they automatically become an ECW roster. But if an ECW superstar wins a smackdown title, they don't move to Smackdown. This doesnt seem fair to Smackdown, almost degrading it. So if the U.S title now is in ECW, then whoever wins it is ECW bound, right?

Despite the talent exchange, the Smackdown basically has one title left. The brand of SD is actually being reduced to the C show in my opinion now.
I don't see that it matters. The US title isn't important anyway. It's not like Matt Has been given much PPV time since he won it. With the likes of The Undertaker & Edge on Smackdown I don't see it becoming the 'C' show. If anything I think getting the titles off that show will be great. One title will make the WHC or WWE title, depending on how the draft turns out, more important. You have one title, with everybody wanting it. Unlike lesser wrstlers challenging for mid card titles.
I can't really imagine Matt keeping it. Chavo more than likely will now take it on Sunday. There's always been the balance between the two main shows, with there beign a world title and a midcard title. Having two titles on ECW wouldn't make much sense anyway, as one title seems to work well. Matt will lose, then be built up as a title contender on ECW, which makes sense to me.
The US title isn't going anywhere, but with Chavo Guerrero. Matt Hardy is being groomed to be the head of ECW. Hey, it's about time. Matt Hardy has potential to show the company he can get matches out of young guys. It's matt hardy's time.

the US title is too importatnt to move to ECW. It is a second tier belt, so it's too big to be on ECW. It'll stay on Smackdown.
Not to mention, with Night of the Champions coming up, some of those titles that moved to a new brand could soon be finding their way right back...Keeping the ECW title on RAW makes little sense, so, I expect Big Show to win, take it Smackdown, and then drop it to an ECW star as part of the cross-brand promoting within the next few weeks. The US Title will probably go back to Smackdown as part of a cross-brand promotion as well. Unless they plan on eliminating the ECW title, and make the US title the top belt on ECW, officially turning ECW into a minor league.

I do think this pretty much guarantees one top title change Sunday...Either Cena regains the WWE title for RAW, or Batista takes the World title to RAW from Edge. There is simply no way that Smackdown is gonna be allowed to have both the World and WWE titles, so either Cena or Batista pretty much has to win...(barring Trips finding a loophole that keeps him on RAW, negating his being drafted to Smackdown, such as another Booker T/Dudley Boys type trade midweek)
Chris Jericho has a mystery opponent for Night of Champions. It'd make a lot of sense to see someone from Smackdown end up becoming the challenger for Chris Jericho, winning and taking the Intercontinental Championship to Smackdown with them.

In the end, what seems to have been done is this.. Raw will become a Heavyweight Brand, in which it'll have the W.W.E. Championship (or World, depending) and then the Women's Championship and the Tag Team Championships. E.C.W. will somehow have to regain their World Championship, then keep the United States Championship to support its talent, since most all of them are midcarders.

Smackdown will reign with a Heavyweight Championship, Intercontinental Championship, Diva's Championship and Tag Team Championships. It'll all work itself out as Smackdown will become the "stand-alone" brand, so they'll have a title for every division.

Meanwhile, Raw won't need a midcard title, as they'll just partner with E.C.W. (since they'll be traveling together) and share the United States Championship. Same for E.C.W., regarding the Tag Team Championships.

So in the end, it won't hurt Smackdown as long as Jericho's mystery opponent ends up being a Smackdown related superstar. Mr. Kennedy, M.V.P. and Jeff Hardy all stand great odds of being his challenger.
This, along with many other draft choices, baffles me. Why on Earth would you have the ECW title on Raw, the US title on ECW, and the WWE/WHC on Smackdown? It makes no sense. The US title can't stay on ECW and the ECW title can't stay on Raw, just as Raw can't go without a main event title.

But the problem with Night of Champions is that they drafted certain people in ways that screws up with reflecting the belts back. If Chavo wins the US title from Matt, Chavo's a member of the ECW roster right now, so it stays. If Big Show wins the ECW title from Kane, then Big Show effectively becomes a member of the Raw roster instead of taking the ECW title to Smackdown with him.

The only way I can see this being fixed is if they have Chavo defeat Matt, winning the US title. Big Show beats Kane, winning the ECW title but they defy all their previous rules and have Big Show stay on Smackdown. Vickie, upset, proposes a trade - Chavo & US title for Big Show and ECW title. That way, Big Show and the ECW title are back on ECW, Chavo and the US title are back on Smackdown, and then we just have to figure out a way to make it so we don't see Batista as World Heavyweight Champion on Raw.
I don't see where it would. It's rarely fought for anyways. I'm sure they will find a way before ECW starts taping with Raw to get the title back on Smackdown. As people have already stated. Matt Hardy is in for a push when he gets to ECW as their tope guy. Where I'm positive that he will get a run with the ECW title.

The real problem is the draft, although it was a semi-interesting one. They really put themselves in a hole with some of the titles getting moved around. Its alright though everything will get situated back around in a few weeks time anyways.
I dont think it is going to Hurt smackdown. It wasnt deffended that often anyway. The US Championship will not hurt smackdown becouse i dont think anyone would notice there hasnt really been any good matche's for the belt since Beniot/MVP. it won't last on ECW for long anyway it is bound to be moved back within the next couple of months. I think the only reason they did it in the first place is becouse They wanted kane on raw but didnt want ECW to be left without a Title.
Chris Jericho has a mystery opponent for Night of Champions. It'd make a lot of sense to see someone from Smackdown end up becoming the challenger for Chris Jericho, winning and taking the Intercontinental Championship to Smackdown with them.
This seem's like the best idea, Seeing that they are trying to make smackdown the A show they could take that belt there and then just have the three titles on each. But if it is really going to hurt smackdown wich it wont just bring back the cruiserwhieght championship. The matches for that title alway's have been better then the US title.
The US title doesnt mean anything anymore.... Same for the IC.... I actually can t even remember when Hardy or Jericho defended their titles since they hold them... Hardy to ECW only means he s loosing it at NOC and then gets a push for the ECW title....
Everyone keeps on saying how these titles have no value. They have a value, because even though it seems like they're not being used now, without them all the mid-carders have nothing to fight for. What will they do? They'll just be left with pointless feuds. At least with a mid-card title around, even if the feud is pointless it still has a value because it's for a championship, worthless or not.

So like someone said earlier the best move for the WWE would be for a Smackdown superstar to beat Y2J for the IC title, and bring it to Smackdown. Smackdown will then have a world title, mid-card title, tag title, and soon to be added diva title. With that Smackdown has what it takes to be a stand alone brand. Especially with the addition of HHH to the roster.

Now ECW and RAW will be pairing up. So ECW can hold the mid-card title (US title), and the ECW title. In my opinion, in the supplemental draft, ECW should get Mark Henry, and Henry (unfortunately) should win the title of Night of Champions, so that way ECW would have a "world" title. Then RAW has the world title, tag title, and women’s title, while ECW can hold the ECW title, and the mid-card title.

Now it's all up to the WWE, not to mess up the supplemental draft, and we could pretty much have an interesting WWE, again.
Following the draft, Smackdown now possesses several main event and upper mid-card level guys all ready, or really close, to being world champion material in the near future. They can’t have Edge, HHH, Jeff Hardy, MVP, and Mr. Kennedy ALL fighting for the WHC (or WWE title as it may turn out) every month. The others will need something to strive for in the meantime. Plus if they want Smackdown and Raw to be on a level playing field, then Smackdown needs a mid-card belt (whether it be the IC or US). It just seems proper that each show have a world title, mid-card title, tag team title, and women’s title.

At the moment as I write this, the Supplemental Draft is in progress. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Chavo traded back to Smackdown then he defeats Matt Hardy at Night of Champions and brings the US Championship back ‘home’…and Smackdown’s problem of being without a mid-card belt is solved. Even if that scenario doesn’t play out, I have faith that Creative will come up with some way to give Smackdown a mid-card title in the coming weeks. Rest assured, the brand won’t be without a mid-card belt for long.;)
Before NOC the GM's come out and inform us that if a Title Match is being contested by two guys from different Brands then the Title goes to the winner of the match and his Brand.

Then I'd go for-

Before the US Title Match I'd have Vickie and Teddy in a meeting because Vickie wants to re-unite the Famillia on S/D there fore she's offering Maryse (Teddy's face lights up!) and Carlito (hopefully) for Chavo and Bam Neeley. Teddy accepts. We then cut to a backstage scene with Teddy telling Matt to do it for ECW. Chavo defeats Matt through the regular Famillia interference.

So now S/D has a Mid-Card belt.

Then comes the turn of the Tag- Team Titles. We go to the meeting room again and the Edge-Heads say because this is Night Of Champions they want a shot at the Tag Belts and a shot at becoming Champions. Make it so that Vickie and the Edge- Heads are on their own and it seems like they are pressuring her. At this point Teddy comes in and says Matt is really disappointed and wants another chance at the US Title on S/D next week to prove himself to the ECW fans. Vickie says she will sanction the match if Teddy allows The Edge-Heads into his Tag Title Match. He accepts. Edge-Heads win the Tag Title Match via pinfall on Hornswoggle. Matt loses his re-match (regular interference) and is then re-built as an eventual ECW Champ.

S/D now has it's Tag Belt back.

Then comes the turn of the Top Two. I'd put Cena over HHH and Edge over Batista.

So now the Championships are all "home" I think. It would be a quick fix and I'm sure everyone else has better feuds/stories of how to do this. But thats how I'd try and fix. Some of the "Problems" the Draft threw up.
Loosing the US Title won't hurt Smackdown at all I believe! They have way too much Star power now with the Draft. Somehow the IC Title will make it's way to Smackdown and the US Title will stay in ECW. ECW is in need of a mid-card title bad! They can't have all of their roster (even if it is only like 14 superstars) fighting for the same belt. The US title gives other superstars the chance to look better by fighting for a mid-card title. IMO, WWE was very smart to move some of the tiles around during the draft because that creates more of a buzz around what's going to happen at NOC and in the upcoming weeks on all 3 brands. People will want to order the PPV just to see what will happen with the titles and they will want to tune in to see ECW and Smackdown.
I think SmackDown will be getting the US Title back soon. I was surprised that Chavo didn't go to SmackDown in the Supplemental Draft, seeing as that would've solved the problem right away. I'm thinking that Mark Henry will win the ECW Title at Night of Champions, and Matt Hardy will retain and end up facing someone from SmackDown (MVP or Kennedy), and losing the US Title. He will eventually feud with Mark Henry and win the ECW Title. That way both Titles will be back on their respective brands.
Ahhh, the foolishness. Its pretty easy to figure this belt is going back to SD! somehow, some way, It may be as simple as a "trade" for Chavo guerrero prior to this sunday, to "keep the famila together"....Im not sure were everyone started taking things so literally all the sudden. "ZOMG the Undertaker is gone forever!!!" "ZOMG the ECW title is on RAW now!! Oh noes!!!" "Tha US title is gooooooooooone!!!"

Are you serious??? This is fucking pro wrestling. They can change whatever they want at any time, and we would be lucky to get a written in excuse for it. The US title is most likely going back to SD!, in the near future. Everyone calm down.
The way I see it, given that ECW is basically a glorified farm system, the US title has more meaning than the CURRENT ECW title (not the original, the current).

The way I see it, SD! has two world titles now....so, really, I think it can bare the loss of the US title (at least, for the time being). Besides, wouldn't you rather have the top champ on ECW be Matt Hardy rather than (if Kane drops the title) Mark Henry?
If they make the US Title the Midcard on ECW, thatll flood the brand. an hour a week, and 20 minutes on PPV a month, with the WWE Tag team titles, ECW title, and US title on it is ridiculous. smackdown gets 70 minutes on PPV time, and 2 hours of tv a week, and right now only has the World title, and *shudder* the Diva title. With ECW moving, and if the US belt is on it, the US belt will be leaving Smackdown. Maybe they can bring in the cruiserweight title back, or if they could start up the Euro belt again (DH Smith is on smackdown) to replace them.
the reason i think y the us title isnt much anymore is becaus smackdown had nobody good to fued for it since the mvp/beniot fued, but look at smackdowns mid card now, they have mvp, kennedy, benjamin, carlito, jeff, umaga, bigshow, they have better mid carders and will have better fueds for the US title

i like that idea with y2j taking on some1 from smackdown brand, but i dont like the idea of raw not having a mid carders belt, and ecw having 2 belts, they might as well keep raw having 2 and just have ecw mid-carders challenging for the belt, the shows only aired for and hour, and usually only have like 3 or 4 matches, and in my opinion i dont think that they have a good enough roster to have a 2nd-dary title, vs raw having kingston, punk, burchill, kane, snitksy, and striker in the mid card
This is how it should go down
Matt Hardy should lose to Chavo and Chavo get traded back for some cruiserweights so US title can reign on SD!

Batista should beat Edge for WHC so Raw can have a Main Title

HHH defends title against Cena and wins.

Kane loses to Mark Henry so ECW can still have a title

For some weird reason WWE makes my dream come true for the Cruiserweight title to come back. It would be perfect too since Hornswaggle is the reigning champion and he recently got drafted to ECW and give some lower mid carders something to strive for

So then Each Brand would be equal except ECW but it doesn't matter though its only an hour long which is sad
SD!: WWE, US, Diva, WWE Tag Team
RAW: WHC, IC, Womens, World Tag Team
ECW: ECW, Cruiserweight
The Us title means alot! its just that I dont think the Titles should go anywhere But where there suppose to Be Like Smackdown! And didnt last year when Lashley was drafted to Raw why couldnt he keep the title???? why couldnt they just vaccant the titles that where moving?? ECW has there own titles Like the Tag team and tv Title But they Use WWE's Why is that? i mean wouldnt ECW be more watchable if they had there own titles and having there own wreaslers not jumping from Raw to Smackdown? this is maddness when you have wreaslers being where there not suppose to be Whats the point of even having 3 bands if there only going to show the same wreaslers every week?
i dont c y vince cant just resurrect the hardcore title an bring it back to ecw and have the likes of dreamer an nunzio goin 4 the hardcore belt or bring back the likes of rvd,sabu,sandman,raven rhyno dudleys etc i would beat the likes of the current ecw stars. ecw has turned into a show full of unknowns the likes of evan bourne,ricky ortiz whos next??? and whoever gets the fans backing they get moved 2 raw or smackdown so ecw lose the star they made

p.s did anyone see that like tna joke comin when braden walker aka (the wildcat chris harris) made his debut this past week
Technically the US title is on ECW, but you wouldn’t know it from watching Smackdown. It’s been three weeks since the draft and Matt Hardy has continued to wrestle every Friday night. Nothing has really changed. The show hasn’t suffered one bit from Hardy’s move (and by extension the US title). In fact, he’s defended the belt two of the last three weeks. And I expect that trend to continue for the next two months until the ECW/SD! talent exchange ends in September as rumored. That should be enough time to develop a decent feud (likely Hardy-Benjamin based on their match this past Friday) and get the US title back on SD!

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