Is MIZ so good that a faceturn in completely inevitable?


Pre-Show Stalwart
miz is by far my favorite superstar at the moment.

i came to think that this guy has ridiculous potential and can be a huge star in no time. and we all know what happens to "heels" who are so good....the fans start cheering them and they turn face. The same thing happened with Stone Cold and The Rock. wwe lacks a real babyface to take cena's spot who is desperate need of a heel turn very soon. can miz be the one to take the top babyface spot? however, thats another question. I'm wondering if this guys skill on the mic and charisma will cause people to cheer him all the time. I know he is awesome (no pun intended) at being heel but vince wont keep someone who CONSTANTLY gets cheered as face, especially someone with so much mic skills/charisma (the rock). what do you all think?
Funny you should mention this. I noticed on MNR and on the first part of NXT that I watched that the crowd was almost split. Almost exactly what you're saying. At first I wasn't too big on him because of his gimmick, but now I'm finding myself drawn to him. And I'll be completely honest, I started to take him seriously when he started to wear tights. Weird as that may be.
I completely agree with you about the Miz, he has grown on me over the past few months and with his new entrance music and his mic work he seems big time now. His promos tonight and interactions with danielson were great and made the show for me. In terms of a face turn I will agree he has alot of similarities to the rock with the fact everyone is basically singing along with him during his I'm awesome promo. Would I want to see him as a face, probably not because he plays his cocky arrogant heel persona so well. I see the Miz being a heel for a long time because he just taylor made for it.
Is he SO good that a face turn is inevitable? No. On the mic, this guy is money. He is one of the best mic guys in WWE, which means in ALL of wrestling. But for him to be on the level of Rock or Steve Austin, meaning that the WWE has no choice but to turn him face, he needs to improve in the ring. And don't get me wrong, he is improving in the ring. Much better then a year ago, but still has a ways to go. Although, his lack of in-ring ability might not hurt him...look at Cena.

By the way, Cena is not turning heel anytime soon. In this PG era, it's not going to happen. Maybe from a creative standpoint it NEEDS to happen, but kids don't want him to turn heel. Adults may think he's stale (I don't think he's stale... I just think he's awful in every way imaginable), but kids do not.

In five years, when his fans age from 8-13 yrs. old to 13-18 yrs. old, he can turn heel. As a matter of fact, he will HAVE to turn heel. Those kids will realize, like we did with Hogan, that they don't care about the pills and the prayers, or the I NEVER GIVE UP garbage. They are going to want something entertaining, cutting-edge, and not so goody-goody. Plus, they will realize, much like we did with Hogan and Warrior, that HE CAN'T WRESTLE!!!!
Is he SO good that a face turn is inevitable? No. On the mic, this guy is money. He is one of the best mic guys in WWE, which means in ALL of wrestling. But for him to be on the level of Rock or Steve Austin, meaning that the WWE has no choice but to turn him face, he needs to improve in the ring. And don't get me wrong, he is improving in the ring. Much better then a year ago, but still has a ways to go. Although, his lack of in-ring ability might not hurt him...look at Cena.

By the way, Cena is not turning heel anytime soon. In this PG era, it's not going to happen. Maybe from a creative standpoint it NEEDS to happen, but kids don't want him to turn heel. Adults may think he's stale (I don't think he's stale... I just think he's awful in every way imaginable), but kids do not.

In five years, when his fans age from 8-13 yrs. old to 13-18 yrs. old, he can turn heel. As a matter of fact, he will HAVE to turn heel. Those kids will realize, like we did with Hogan, that they don't care about the pills and the prayers, or the I NEVER GIVE UP garbage. They are going to want something entertaining, cutting-edge, and not so goody-goody. Plus, they will realize, much like we did with Hogan and Warrior, that HE CAN'T WRESTLE!!!!

As far as Miz is concerned, he needs to be given a proper chance to main event; he's stuck in midcard hell right now. Not saying he's BEEN stuck there, but he's a tag team champ and US Champ...Kofi went from US champ, to feuding with one of the top heels, to rolling with cruiserweight jobbers, so I dont exactly see it as the best of things right now. When NXT is done, I'm expecting to see him enter the main event as Michaels and Undertaker go on extended leaves, Mysterio may be sidelined or retire due to his knee, and several other stars are working through nagging injuries. When he gets the chance to win an ME title, we MAY see him as a tweener. The man is better as a heel, and it takes a lot less work to be one. Face turn...I'd look to Orton sooner than that.

Off topic: As far as Cena goes...I have to bring to mind his debut match against Kurt Angle. He wrestled a fantastic match, went toe to toe with limited onscreen experience, and showed a moveset we havent seen from him in a while. Its more than likely due to the fact that it needed to be simple, because this guy went from being top of the midcard to being pushed to the moon when Batista didnt deliver what McMahon and creative expected. I give Cena a lot of respect for one big reason: He's pulling off a gimmick given to him by Creative and carrying it as well as Hogan did his. He's an idol for kids right now, same as Hogan was, and believe me, I've seen video of the guy from his days as "The Prototype"; he's seriously dumbed it down.
I guess it's just me, but i never saw the big deal about the miz. Whats so special about him? But i will say this just like randy orton is much better as a heel, same applies with miz.

I felt the same way a few months ago, I was wondering what was so great about him, but he has improved in the ring and his mic work has remained just as great. He still has a ways to go before I would be ready to see him as main event talent, but you cant teach that type of charisma so if he continues to work in the ring he will be a main eventer
Yeah I think the creative will probably develop his heel persona and get him a couple of reigns as wwe/heavyweight champ before turning him face. When his ring work matches his mic work then he would be the face of the WWE. So to your question yes a face turn for the miz is inevitable.
i have to agree, he is quickly becoming one of my favorite heels right now, just the way he is coming across on the mic reminds a lot of y2j, i would have never thought he would be this good i never like him, i was more into morrison
I like the Miz but I think he should stay heel for now until he soldifies himself as a main eventer, they should let him go the Orton route let the Miz just be the Miz and let the crowd respond to him the way they want to, I think this is something that the WWE should do more with their Superstars as we the fans can connect much better that way with someone than when they get pushed down our throats, I am hoping though that this Tag title reign along with his Us Title is the final step before he breaks into the main event and that they don't let him sink back into the Midcard
Miz's slow push should continue....don't rush it, just have him develop further (that's how great stars are usually made). Miz already has the mic skills to be a top guy. In fact, in terms of mic skills, he may well even be better than Cena. He still needs to work on his physique and polishing his mat skills. Before any face turn, he needs to have a decent reign as a heel world champion.

Let's face it, HHH, HBK and Undertaker (and even Jericho) won't be around forever. Miz is almost certainly a future main-eventer / top star. As a face, I get the impression that he'd be more than capable of making us laugh, doing what the Rock used to do so well (making fun of other wrestlers, cutting hilarious promos).
I'm not sure that the fans will turn him face anytime soon. Internet fans have slowly been getting on his side for months now, but from what i've seen the WWE audiences at RAW still hate on him, apart from maybe a few guys who start a Miz is awesome chant.

Miz should stay heel, and keep doing what he's doing for the time being. He is going to get Daniel Bryan WAY over the way he's going. NXT is basically the Miz and Daniel Bryan show and if it stays that way it will get Miz into the Main Event as a heel, and then after a while maybe he could turn tweener, or full on face, I'd prefer a tweener role, who shoots straight and doesn't care if someone is a face or a heel.

I just don't want him turning face anytime soon because he will become what MVP has, or at least go that way. Miz is 10 times better on the Mic than MVP, and as good in the ring as him, but MVP was far better as a heel, his face persona really is shit, and I just can't see how Miz will get over as a face just yet with his cocky and arrogant attitude, that is what makes him The Miz, and what makes him AWESOME.
saw this coming a long time ago. any time the fans connect with a wrestler when they are on the mic you know its coming. the fans can;t wait to yell "awesome". Miz has a few more months where he can get some more heat but soon he will be a full on face. does anyone else see a heel mvp v. a face miz in a few months.... i sure do.
The Miz has skyrocketed this last year. He has truly connected with the RAW fans exactly how a heel should, and he is the guy the crowds have loved to hate. The guy even has a catchphrase, simple as it is, that has caught on very well.

But I do not see a face turn anytime in the near future. Creative and The Miz are developing the character perfectly at this point. With more time in the ring and on the mic, The Miz can be one of the best heels in professional wrestling. The Miz is being prepped to carry the ball, it's up to him to grab it and never look back. And I truly hope he does...because he is AWESOME!
The Miz is the perfect Heel as of right now in the wrestling bussiness,I notice that to the crowd is starting to get more into the Miz, We all know his Catch phrase, And we all know that he is gold on the mic.He gets cheers he get Boos,Last night honestly i didnt even knew if they were cheering for the Miz or Daniels.

The Miz is like Randy, But right now The Miz is just abit under Randy, We all know that Randy is the best heel in the bussiness right now, And Randy aint turning face any time soon, Just like the Miz this will kill his whole momentum, Everything that he has built will go straight to the ground, WHY? Because to become a face you will need to start all over again,Just like MVP yeah he stood up to Randy when he got drafted to RAW but that was it, After that he started Jobbing but little by little he started going up a level, And as of right now he is still not the biggest face in RAW.That will be the same thing to the Miz

Im a Miz hater I hate him cause he is so full of his self, But thats his whole Gimmick for us to hate on him, And honestly I like to talk thrash about him, Because this is what wrestling is all about we hate some stars and we love some star.And I dont want the Miz to turn Face anytime soon. Bacause his best personality is as a heel.
I don't think he's just "so good it's inevitable". He's like a mini-Rock, though 1/5th as exciting or witty on the mic. It's the fact that most of the other wrestlers are cookie cutter cut-outs that makes Miz stand out. He's TRYING to be different and he's trying to stand out. I will give him props for his effort but I don't think he's a natural at all. Not even close. He comes off as being good at it simply because he's one of the only ones even making an attempt. The "Miz" ten years ago would have been a low mid-carder. Today he's close to the top. He speaks in the third person and whips up catch phrases but if he's ever exposed to the mainstream I think he'll come off as a tacky wannabe and flop. He's just fine where he's at - but keeping him heel would keep him safe.
Yeah its not inevitable that he becomes a face. Honestly he is good , but that's only by comparison. 90% of the WWE is given little to no promo time. Jericho is about 500 times better than The Miz and he is still a strong heel. I think they are building him up to be a main event heel within the next couple years.
I don't see a face turn anytime soon, maybe a year or two from now. He definitely took a cue from Jericho in the whole "look how serious I am, I'm wearing short wrestling tights for crying out loud!" He's great on the mic, indubitably, he's been pretty good on the mic since Tough Enough when some stupid ass thought that Puder was honestly a better pick than Miz.

I think he has a lot of developing in the ring still, most specifically in developing a personalized moveset; not that he isn't diversified well enough, but for him to turn face he needs more signatures that are easily associated with him besides the Skull-Crushing Finale (or "Breakdown", I don't know if we're supposed to be keeping a tally of Jericho cues) and the Reality Check to keep the crowd pumped in anticipation (like a sexy punch combination always does the trick) Too many people do that corner lariat maneuver (Bourne for instance; though I don't think I've seen him do it in a while) and discus punch (Matt Hardy for instance)

If WWE was smart they'd stop jumping the gun everytime a heel starts to go over as a face (besides the impending Orton turn, that'll be gold and everyone knows it) Look at MVP, M. Hardy, even Mr. Kennedy lost a lot, if not all of steam when he went face. There are just way too many people going face lately, obviously with Edge being the most recent and Orton about to go face soon as well, and they are barely turning HBK heel in response. The balance will be just a little off kilter until more people start turning heel.
There's no question that Miz has a lot of steam right now, but a turn could easily kill that steam. He actually reminds me of a younger Orton... He was getting a pretty good reaction as a member of Evolution, but when he turned face, the reaction died. He was the World Champ, had just turned face, and people stopped cheering for him. It wasn't long before he was back as a heel.

I think the WWE should go the same route they took with The Rock. The Rock was getting a huge face reaction in the later parts of 1998. Then a week before Survivor Series, Mark Henry and D-Lo Brown turned on him. It seemed as if Rock was going to be a face until his monster heel turn at the Survivor Series saw him become Vince McMahon's hand-picked champion.

I think the Miz needs to become a monster heel (established Main Eventer) before a face turn or else it could derail him for a while.
i don't say this too often... but i really do see Miz reaching Rock/Austin status at some point down the line. he will, without a doubt in my mind surpass Cena. keep him as a heel... keep the title on him for a while. merchandise the shit out of him.... give him a few guest spots on some stupid USA show... and get him to the point where you couldn't possible hate him any more...

...and turn him face. bam. Austin-like pops! :)
i don't think he should turn heel with how he his now. the persona that is getting him pops is his heel persona. if he turns face i think he'd change his gimmick (like Cena did from Rapper to Good Boy), i think the same applies to Miz. his promos are putting down wrestlers and the fans, which he can't do if he's face. i say if they "turn" him, they do what's happening with Orton, in a tweener role.
Some of you people have to be kidding me!!! The Miz??? There is nothing likeable about this guy. I mean his gimmick is corny with the whole awesome thing. Anytime he comes on TV I turn off RAW. His mic work sucks, his in ring work well sucks... he just isnt good in general. He is another one of the those guys that WWE shoved down the throats of its fans. If WWE pushes this moron to main event or co main event status then that means i will be watching nothing but TNA.
The guy is far better as a heeel then he ever could be as a face. He ame in as a face, in a non-wrestling gimmick, but rather as the MC of Smackdown years ago. And he sucked at it.

The guy has limitless potential as heel on the mic. While I dont think he can wrestle very well, the man sure can talk. Does everyone remember the promo he cut where he talked about being thrown out of the locker room and for JBL making fun of him? I apologize if it was mentioned before, but that was the definition of a money heel promo. I swear he channeled the Rock that night.

While it may be easier to be a heel, it takes presence to cut a good heel promo. Whether that one was scripted or not, it was phenomenal. The man has surpassed men wholve been in the company for much longer then he has on the mic, which is why I think he's being rewarded as the only double champion in WWE right now.

As for those who want him in the main event, or think he's stuck in mid-card hell, I don't see the logic in that. His first feud on Raw was with their top face Cena. He then went on to beat Kofi clean for the US title by outsmarting him basically. In their Unified Tag Match, they put him over by pinning freaking HBK, one of the best of all time. They centered the debut of NXT around him and Daniel Bryan. That doesn't exactly scream mid-card, to me anyway, at all.

I think the problem all of us have(myself included) is that we want instant gratifiction. We want our favorite superstar to be main eventing PPV's right now. And if Miz can improve his wrestling skills, he will. But it should be as a heel. He cuts heel promos about as well as Jericho, Orton, and Punk, as well as Edge did in his prime. He draws comparable heel heat well. Why mess with a formula that's working. And Miz works well as a heel.
I am a fan of this site and the forums, and i find it kind of funny that everyone is riding the coat tails now, when a year ago mostly everyone was counting down the days to his release! I just think it hilarious, but leave Miz how he is. But ive been watching WWE for a long time, and they always seem to miss this thing up. MVP, Kennedy, John Morrison were solid heels and the WWE jumped the gun just because they wee getting a decent pop. Miz needs to be a heel. He was the most entertaining aspect of RAW until this week with all the WrestleMania build-up, so leave his character as is, and let it grow. I personally would like to see the WWE take about another six months to a year of really building up his character even more, and get rid of Big Show, cause let's be honest, Show needs Miz more then Miz needs Show to stay relevant. Miz should never turn heel in my opinion, just as i thought The Rock shouldn't have. I might get blasted for this, but which Rock was more entertaining, when he was dissing the fans or kissing up to them. I kind of found it chessy, but when Hollywood Rock came right before WM19 even for the couple of months he did it, no one can say they didn't enjoy it! I just think Miz will have longevity as a heel. And if done correctly, he will never need to be a face cause we would hate him way to much. Could you have imagine JBL (post-APA) as a face. Say what you want, but he perfected himself as a heel and NO ONE would have bought that. So in time Miz will be in my opinion the number one heel and he needs to stay that way
I am a fan of this site and the forums, and i find it kind of funny that everyone is riding the coat tails now, when a year ago mostly everyone was counting down the days to his release! I just think it hilarious, but leave Miz how he is.

How is that our fault? miz was pathetic a year ago. his look, his theme song, his stupid hat, he never got any time on the mic. it was completely logical to say this guy was going to be a midcarder for life.
So the question is should he stay heel or become a face. I dont really think it matters what the creative team wants from him, because its not up to the creative team. It's up to the fans to cheer or boo him. The fans make the wrestlers faces and heels not creative. So i see th miz's character playing out the like the orton character. he is gunna be a tweener. some fans love him and some fans hate him

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