Is Miz Officially A Jobber?

The Talon

Occasional Pre-Show
I mean, this time last year, the dude was WWE champ. And last night, he got squashed by Big Show. And the week before that he got squashed by John Cena. And the week before that, he got squashed by Sheamus.

Get my point here?

Do you think Miz has officially entered Jobber-ville now?
In a nutshell....No i dont think so anyway. More or less he in the dog house behind the scenes or they just don't have anythin for the Miz at the moment. Which is a shame im a big fan of the Miz for a good year now since he became WWE champion he grew on me. Its a shame to see him being treated the way he is at the moment but he needs the whether the storm and don't take the crap of backstage politics...he has all his career. Personally i would like to see a face turn take him of tv for awhile then return him as a face or break him in slowly like they did with sheamus.
Is Mark Henry a jobber? He's been doing the same thing as Miz lately. Well, no, neither man is a jobber, especially Miz. They've acknowledged his "losing streak" on TV, so I'm assuming they have a direction for him; they want to weave it into a storyline. I mean, yeah, he's losing, but it's to some serious talent. CM Punk, John Cena, Big Show, etc, they're not scrubs. He's losing to main event guys. Mick Foley made a career out of that, but you'd never call him a jobber or anything of the sort. He's putting other guys over right now, but would you be surprised if he worked his way into the WWE Championship scene after WrestleMania? No, he's fine.

Miz isn't a jobber, he's just not winning. Putting people over is fine, but I don't think a former WWE Champion who is consistently losing to high level opponents can be put on the level of a Jinder Mahal, a Yoshi Tatsu, or someone like that. Daniel Bryan, the World Heavyweight Champion, had been losing matches fairly consistently until a few months ago, the same can be said for many guys on the roster. Miz is a high level talent who they can use in many capacities, he's not a jobber, though.
I don't think he's gonna be full time jobber, it's just they have nothing for him to do at Wrestlemania, so using last years main event winner is a decent way to build up credibility for people that are squashing him.

Plus he's 'In the doghouse' for the SS buy rates, and botching with R-Truth, so it's not too surprising that he's jobbing at the moment.
He is just in the doghouse big time, Does anyone know what he has actually done to be treated so badly? I really can't see what he can do at mania?
I wouldn't say he's a jobber at all. The year 2012 hasn't been a great one for Miz thus far, but look back over the past few years. He won the WWE United States Championship in October 2009 and held onto the title for most of 2010, except the whole dropping the title to Bret Hart fiasco, before ultimately dropping the title to Daniel Bryan at Night of Champions 2010. All the while, Miz was being steadily built towards the main event scene and wound up winning the Raw MITB match at the first MITB ppv. He cashed it in, won the WWE Championship and carried the title for almost 6 months. He still remained a top name after dropping the title in May and all continued to go well until Survivor Series.

Allegedly, some top WWE officials place the blame on for Survivor Series not drawing blockbuster numbers on Miz. I don't know if it's true or not, it's definitely possible, but I don't see how it's fair to blame Miz. Look at how he & Truth were built up during the Survivor Series build with their match against Cena & Rock. They made them look like a couple of chumps instead of a couple of guys that were a serious threat to Cena & Rock. People saw Cena beat up both of them a few times single handedly and on the Raw before Survivor Series, they showed Cena & Rock beating them up like a couple of chumps. Then, there's the definite heat Miz got for the botched spot with R-Truth. He definitely deserved heat on that. Hell, it looked like he stepped back instead of stepping forward to brace Truth's leap over the top.

There's also been talk that Miz hasn't been pushing himself for a while as he has during the past few years, so I dunno. I do know that he's got some heat right now and I'd say he's being punished, somewhat unjustly overall, but it won't take much for WWE to put him back on top. I'd say Miz will head over to SmackDown! at the next WWE Draft and things could get back on track for him. Going to the blue brand has done great things for Sheamus, Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan.

Miz is supposedly in the "doghouse" for a combination of factors including the low Survivor Series buyrate, failing to properly ensure the safety of R Truth in a spot, and some rough patches of in ring work. But a jobber? No.

The E has invested a lot in the Miz. He has tons of exposure in mainstream media and comes across very professional whether he's doing award shows, late night talk show interviews, or his fantasy football satellite radio show. He is excellent on the stick and can garner heat even with some losses. While not in the same league, Jericho lost all the time but still was involved in top angles. Good company ambassador and public relations guy with a decent look.

I don't think any former champion will be a jobber. Khali might be the worst champion ever but give him three weeks solid build and you can insert him near the top of a PPV. I personally have always hated the Miz, not as in I hope this guy gets what's coming to him but more of in a get off my tv kinda way, and don't think he will be a credible champion in the eyes of the common fan based on a variety of factors. But still no.

I think of him as a very temporary enhancement talent to help build Wrestlemania since he is currently not booked in any angle. But a jobber?

Come on meow.
Ok, lets look at the two title matches at mania last year: Miz vs Cena and Edge vs Del Rio. This year Edge is retired , Cena is Main Eventing with the Rock, Miz is currently not on the card and Del Rio is backstage awaiting something to do.
Who would you rather be Miz or Alberto? Easy answer MIZ, he is losing to Main Eventers, still gets mic time every couple of weeks, and well most importantly, he is still on TV every monday. No he is not a jobber... the better question should be is Alberto Del Rio a future jobber? Just Saying
miz just has to take a step back for the men who he emulates, rock and jericho. Allota wrestlers have to take a step back...when they leave to do movies and tour,,,he can use this as a basis to complain and wine then challenge punk later on in the year in a well planned out feud. On a side note...the rock was on point in his promos monday...he is back in full form...who else can be that entertaining? Cm punk can talk but he cant compare to the rock.

Miz always came off as annoying to me im surpirsed people say ther fans of him, he just seems like such a regular guy...i dont even believe his wrestling and certainly dont think he can back it up in a real fight.
Nah. They're breaking him down even further just for storyline purposes. He will "break out" again eventually and go on a roll. It's just a matter of it being WM and with so much going on and the fact that with the big show pretty much booked, he's in limbo. After WM they'll find something for him. As for him "being in the doghouse", well if that is true, some of it is his fault. He's a loud mouth and does in fact behave like a 12 year old kid sometimes. You'd have to be blind and deaf not to see it. That being said, it's who he is and I don't judge. Like I said, I'm sure after WM he will get a boost again.
I was at RAW live last night and said the same thing. This guy headlined 'Mania last year and now he is in squash matches with Big Slow. What is the purpose of this. Shouldn't a guy like Show be putting younger talent over?
To The OP, this time last year a guy by the name of CM Punk wasn't exactly setting the WWE on fire. He was a good upper level talent, but not anything like he is today.

Reason I make that point is this, it is the wrestling business, and in the WWE these days, unless you are Orton, Punk, or Cena, you aren't going to stay at the top of the heap for long.

Also, keep in mind that Miz has found himself in the dog house as of late. Yes, he has been essentially little more than an enhancement talent, but it is by no means permanent. Especially now that it seems to be playing itself out into a storyline. The commentators are talking about it more and more, and this could very easily just be Miz's turn at the losing streak that leads to a push gimmick. He will be at WM, probably in the GM's team match. He is a good talent, and willing to do anything for WWE, he isn't going to languish in Enhancement Land forever.

Plus, you have to look at the fact that this is WM season..and all the top spots are set and those matches are what WWE is going to concentrate on most. If you aren't in one of those big matches come WM season, you aren't going to see a big surge in your standing in the company until the big show has come and gone.
I actually thought this exact same thing when watching that squash last night. But the answer is still no for now.

He is obviously in the dog house and creative clearly does not have a plan for him right now, but he definitely is only a couple of moves from the top of the card again.

I was thinking they may be ready to turn him face ... and a good way to do that will be by letting him get the "pity" card. Eventually people start rooting for him and then he can start the climb again on the other side of the isle (as a face).

Whether they go in that direction or not ... it won't matter. The ONLY person who can keep The Miz down is The Miz himself. He simply has the look, the charisma and the crossover appeal to be at the top of the card for years to come. He probably got a little burnt out and needed to refresh. He will be back.
In this day and age, it's almost impossible to label someone with the dreaded "jobber" moniker. Guys who are at the bottom of the barrel one day could be, well, anywhere the next. You know that, though... I'm wasting your time and mine explaining that. The same could be said heading the other direction.

During this time of the year, however, I'd have an especially hard time pegging any star a jobber. When star power means everything, no one on the roster has too high a stock to be immune from the occasional "job".

At only three losses to confirmed Mania competitors, it would likely be a little preemptive of me to pigeon hole the Miz a jobber. Another thing to consider is that Miz has been promising to be in Mania this year somehow. In fact, if you'll recall, Sheamus suffered a much more humiliating losing streak not long ago and as of today he's supposed to be having a shot at the WHC at WrestleMania.

May wait until April 2nd before I consider casting Miz as a jobber. If he's not in Mania & he loses via clean pinfall to Eve Torres the night after... eh, I'll think about it. See ya later and best regards, wrestling fans.
No, he is just hitting a rough patch going into Wrestlemania. There just isn't that much room for him with guys like Rock, Jericho, Cena, Sheamus and others taking the big spots.
I wouldn't say so being that they've acknowledged him having nothing to do at Mania in the storylines and have every reason to believe right now it's part of the storyline. But if you wanna think along those lines it's definitely more a "jobber to the stars" then a "jobber"
I think the jobber thing could be part of an angle leading to a match at Mania 28. The miz main evented Mania 27, so if he isn`t in a match this year, he might still try to make himself a Mania moment, like Hasan tried to do at Mania 21 until Hogan kicked his butt. I could see The Miz interfering in what ever match Long and Laurinitis have, helping Johnny, of course. I could also see him trying to interfer in the Rock- Cena match, possibly costing one of them a victory. This would quickly put Miz back in the main event scene and maybe he would end up facing the loser of that match at Summer Slam or Mania 29. Just a thought.
Yeah, pretty much. Dude's getting fucked real hard because of Survivor Series and nearly killing R-Truth. Shame, really, I thought shit was going his way but I guess not. I don't see him recovering from this anytime soon and at least he's where he belongs, jobbing to better wrestlers in very forgettable matches.
Yeah, he's pretty much a jobber. He and Heath Slater could practically trade places without anyone noticing. Big Show can gain the same amount of momentum from beating Heath Slater as he would from beating The Miz; no difference. Yeah, that was sarcasm. I'm sure any true jobber in the back would call it an honor to be beaten by such high profile athletes such as The Big Show or John Cena. The Miz is still on every single episode of Raw and still gets the occasional mic time on Raw; name any jobber that has that right. Once The Miz starts appearing solely on Superstars then well start worrying.
Not a full fledged jobber. I mean last night he had a full entrance and has a new shirt those aren't things jobbers usually get.

It's disappointing to think of how hot the mix truth angle was in the summer and how nothing ever happened with it. I think that could have been the catalyst to keep Miz relevant but as has been said the missed spot with Rtruth and the SS buy rates hurt him
Yeah, pretty much. Dude's getting fucked real hard because of Survivor Series and nearly killing R-Truth. Shame, really, I thought shit was going his way but I guess not. I don't see him recovering from this anytime soon and at least he's where he belongs, jobbing to better wrestlers in very forgettable matches.

First off, you stole my name. That makes me angry. Secondly, to you and anyone else saying Miz is a jobber now- no, definitely not at all. The definition of a jobber is someone used in squash matches over and over in order to elevate other talent. Although Miz certainly jobbed to Show the other night, that does not automatically render him a jobber, nor will he become one. I don't think the WWE has ever nor will ever make a former WWE Champion a jobber, and certainly not the Miz, a potential future star of the company. The Miz is still young, so it doesn't hurt his cred to lose to Show. He's still getting better in the fans' eyes. He hasn't hit his peak yet, so it makes sense for him to hit a few road bumps after losing his first title. In fact, it may even be a part of his character- it almost seems as if his "cocky, brash" heel persona may be transforming into an "overlooked, bitter" heel persona, which would be fresh to see from him. As for him being blamed for S.S. and the R-Truth thing- the dirt sheets and the IWC are severely overblowing this. I'm not saying it might not have something to do with it, but what about the CRAZY chance that they just don't have a story for him right now? Perfectly reasonable possibility. As for your comment about "this is where he belongs"... if you dislike the Miz, that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion, but to say claim that this is where he belongs- that's a bold statement. He just headlined last year's 'Mania. To think he'll stay in the position he's currently in for long is just plain dumb.
I actually don't know...

It's too soon to tell, it really could go either way. There have been guys like Jericho and Punk who have been dropped down the card and worked their way back up... the difference is Jericho and Punk know how to protect themselves and make constant losses not look so bad... Miz, as of now, does not have that ability.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Miz went the way of Drew McIntyre... Vince's favorite at one point, hammered all the way down to Superstars.

I'm personally not at all a fan of The Miz. If he did job out completely, it wouldn't bother me in the least.
I still don't get them blaming him for the bad ss buyrate or the r-truth botch. My feelings are, Truth botched that spot. Why wouldn't you do that move towards the Miz? Was he supposed to run over & catch Truth? That would look good. Summerslam was just a bad show
No he's not a jobber. He can talk. His character is still getting airtime, you still see his entrance. If anything, it's to evolve his character, force it to adapt. It'll be fun, just wait and see what he does.

Miz is very talented. Despite what people on here say. He gets a reaction both on the mic and in the ring and stays in character 100% of the time.

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