Is Michael Hayes Racist?


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Now from wat ive been reading about him lately, he was the head Smackdown writer and this "untouchable" backstage power who basically did w/e he wanted. However it seems lately that he's losing is mind as he was just suspended for 60 days for calling Mark Henry "black". This isnt his first issue however. Apperently former US and ECW champion Bobby Lashley first moved to ECW bc Michael Hayes was giving him shitty storylines which later made him quit WWE all together. Not only Mark Henry and Bobby Lashley though. They are now saying was Michael Hayes the reason Booker T (King Booker at the time) left WWE as well.

From my opinion, i honestly dont know. Whether hes racist or just a dumbass. But I believe it was a smart move by Vince McMahon to suspend him, but overall id he continues like this, Vince outta fire him.
I don't know but the WWE better be very careful with this and how that handle it, suspending him was the right move, WWE has a huge minority fan base especially Latino's and Black's, last thing you want is to lose that especially with Ratings already down, if more start to come out it is going to be a serious problem

bad enough they don't have many Black and Latino stars now and oddly most of them have been sent to ECW, now that I think of it Henry has been on ECW a lot lately so maybe it is some truth to Hayes I don't know I hope not

would not be the first time WWE have been accused of being racist, I know it was discussed on this board before

I would not be shocked if they try to give one of their black wrestlers a sudden push to try and calm things down a little, lack of Black Divas may end up become a problem as well, TNA don't have the problem, they have two black Knockouts and one is the Champ

but with Smackdown being popular with Black and Latino viewers I would think they would make more of an effort to add more stars, but I think also that is one reason why Teddy Long and Vicky has been the last two GM's for Smackdown

either way this business should be about talent and who can entertain no matter what race, hopefully Hayes comes back a different man but what is the point once he gets drunk again it will all come out
No clue if he's a racists. In the Mark Henry incident he was drunk and acting like an ass through the night (from what I read). So it can be excused as a one-time event. But if the other stories are also true then he deserves more than just a suspension. That his alleged actions could have cost the company a lot of potential money.
Paul F. Tomkins made a great point in his "Driven to Drink" comedy special some-years back;

"Alcohol does not make somebody anymore of an asshole than they already were. They may not have been as vocal, but they were still an asshole. Those are the people who cannot handle drinking" (not exact quote, but to that effect)

this is Michael Hayes. If he's getting belligerently drunk, and dropping racial slurs left-and-right... chances are, he's always harbored those feelings... he just never outed them.
well lets remember who and what Hayes was and is. He is a Freebird. Lynard Skynard of whom the song came fron originaly are known for being racist and if you listen to their lyrics you see it.

secondly Hayes wrestled primarly in the south ware he came to the ring wearing a glittery robe like version of the confederate flag. Now maybe this wqs done to make him more heelish, but as many have stated he lived his gimick.

He has been known to get drunk and be a complete ass, plane ride from hell, steph and HHH's wedding and now this,.
I would think its more of a case of him being ignorant, one of the good ol' boys. I know plenty of people who say extremely racist things, but would never actually act on them, or DO anything racist, or even REALLY belive what they are saying. Its just from being from a culture, or enviornment, were saying that kind of thing is alright. Was he stupid for saying that kind of thing in the enviornment in which he did?? Yes, for sure. So I think he is just an idiot. Not a racist. An ignorant idiot.
I couldn't agree more. Micheal Hayes is a good Smackdown writer but he's too racist. All of his racial jokes have run off all of the fast rising stars like Bobby Lashley, King Booker, and its oonly a matter of time before Mark Henry quits. Hayes should be fired.
Not at all, he was just pissed and the ribbing went a bit too far.

Its like saying all Roy Chubby Brown fans are racists because we laugh when he tells jokes about black people. It doesnt matter if they are so over the top, or make fun of stereotypes, we must all be memebers of the KKK!
Eh, just contributes to the double standard. I bet if Mark Henry wouldve been drunk and told a white people joke, no one wouldve said shit. Is it appropriate in that enviornment?? No. but its still just a fine examle of being over dramatic, and oversensitive about this stuff. Like I said before. Huge moron, yes. Full Blown racist, I doubt.
He is a racist no doubt Mark Henry isn't the first Black WWE superstar to have problems with him apparently Lashley did as well and left the WWE cause of it. There is also talk that Booker T may have left due to Micheal Hayes's racial comments. To say he isn't racist is ignorant you don't say those things I don't care if your drunk or not. He has been in the business for a long time if he doesn't know you don't say ni**er to a blackman kidding or not by now he is racist. If this was the first time he did it I would say maybe it was a mistake and Mark Henry took it the wrong way but there are too many reports coming out that he makes racist jokes and comments all the time. He is a racist and the WWE should fire him for his comments. That or give Mark Henry five minutes with him and allow Henry to rip his head off.
or did they leave becuase they were oversensitive about not being pushed, and wanted to blame it on racism??? Saying he isnt racist is no more ignorant than saying he IS racist, when none of us were there. He is ignorant as shit for saying things like that in the workplace, and as such should be in trouble, but none of know the guy or know how he works, so you cant say he is racist automatically. No u cant say the N word to a black guy, but doing so doesnt make you RACIST, it just means you are really, really stupid.
or did they leave becuase they were oversensitive about not being pushed, and wanted to blame it on racism??? Saying he isnt racist is no more ignorant than saying he IS racist, when none of us were there. He is ignorant as shit for saying things like that in the workplace, and as such should be in trouble, but none of know the guy or know how he works, so you cant say he is racist automatically. No u cant say the N word to a black guy, but doing so doesnt make you RACIST, it just means you are really, really stupid.

first off Mighty NorCal he shouldnt be saying things like that anywhere. in the workplace or in his private home area. calling a black person the N word doesnt mean you're ignorant it means you're racist. and to happen on more than one occasion is enough for me to categorize him as a RACIST.

being drunk isnt an excuse for anything. if it were true that we could use being drunk as an excuse then a whole lot of drunk drivers would use it. AKA santino. newayz, the saying goes a Drunk person never lies right.
first off, buddy q56, its a free country, with free speech, were we are free to say whatever we please. Its known as the first amendment. Secondly, he never called a balck person the N word, he said that HE was an N word. And there was NO reports of him calling black wrestlers the N word, there was reports that black wrestlers felt they were objects of racism, not in any specific way, for various things.

I know plenty of people who say all types of words, including that word. They are in no way racist. My black friends call each other that, and they call ME that. They arent racist. They make white jokes, I make black jokes, I make white jokes, they make black jokes. None of us are the least bit racist. Actions make you a racist. Using incorrect words in the workplace, or around co workers, does not make you a racist, it makes you a moron. Therefore, if YOU, yourself, have EVER used a racial slur, according to you, then you yourself are a racist.
What are you kidding me? Are you seriously trying to tell me Lashley and Booker T left WWE cause they weren't being pushed. Lashley was a world champion I have a hard time believeing he left due to lack of push. Hayes is a racist if you say those things repeatedly you are a racist no ifs ans of buts about it, he is not stupid stop making excuses for him. He is a grown man he knows whats right and wrong he just doesn't care about saying the wrong things in front of black superstars cause he is a racist bigot. Trying to put this on Booker T and lashley and using we don't know what happened as an excuse to say he isn't racist is lame and weak. Fact is he said the word and has done so more than once the man is a bigot deal with it and stop defending a disgusting person like hayes just cause none of us were there.

Ok your black friends call each other that guess what whether you like it or not they can they are both black. It is no different than an irishmen calling another a mic but let someone who is irish say that and you will be fighting. That doesn't mean any old white guy can talk to them that way it just doesn't work that way. Oh and the freedom of speech doesn't mean you can be a bigot and racist at the workplace and get away with it. freedom of speech doesn't give anyone the right to put down another race whether he called him the word or said I am more Ni**er than you using that word towards a black man is racist maybe you need to learn context cause saying it the way he did was racist even though he didn't call Henry it it was meant in a derrogatory manner. The WWE suspended him so they must have felt it also was a racist comment.
There was never any reports that he said the word more than once. It says he said racially insensitive things. Stupid. Not racist. And Lashley specifically said himself that he left becuase of the lack of push, and the lack of plans for him for his return. Booker T left becuase he didnt like the politics on RAW, and dealing with Triple H. Hayes is the writer from SD!, not RAW. This is also Booker's own words. You guys lap up that WZ news site kool aid bullshit like it was the gospel from jesus's mouth. Please explain to me, if Hayes was SUCH a terrible racist, why now, since this story just came out, are all of the sudden hearing about all these supposed racist acts??? Truth ? or maybe imbellishment??
Again you are wrong when Lashley left the WWE they gave him the right to go out and wrestle or do whatever he wanted as long as he did not badmouth or make the company look bad in any way. Why would they do that? Maybe cause Lashley also had a gripe with Hayes being that he left Smackdown and went to ECW due to Hayes putting him in dead storylines. Open your eyes and look at things and try to see more than what is just in front of you. Sure Lashley said it was due to a push he agreed upon leaving not to talk about the WWE in any way that would put them in a bad light or give them bad PR lashley coming out and saying there head writer on their Thursday night show is racist wouldn't bode well for WWE. Fact is you don't use that word towards a blackman whether you are calling him it or other wise if you do you are a bigot like it or not that is the truth and Hayes being suspended is embellishment is it no I think not. Ok so him being suspended means I am laping up WZ newsite BS. No I don't think so as to why now well it happened now because Mark Henry got up and said something to hayes's boss that why. Its not like I heard Hayes tried to appoligise to Henry or even say sorry why is that because maybe he isn't sorry and really feels that way about the man.
Well them being able to say it to each other, and saying its ok, becuase "it just is" is about as weak an argument as you can come up with. And no there is no list of naughty words in the bill of rights under the heading "you cant say this". So have you NEVER used a racial slur in your entire life?? Well if you have, then you sir, by your estimation, are a racist. Lets see...Hayes books SD!....well lemme look at the list of world champs for SD!, primarily over the last few years...

Batista, Rey mysterio, Great Kahli, and KING BOOKER. the other show, that he helps book, ECW, had Chavo, and Lashley himself as champions. The show he books also had Eddie Gurerro as champ, and a black man, teddy long, "in charge" of the show. Do you think someone who was a racist allow a black man to seem in power of anything?? No, he wouldnt. You may say he is a racist becuase he got liquored up and said some crazy shit, but all other evidence and logic points to otherwise. If he is such a racist, then why are the majority of minority champs, personalities, and stars on the show that he books?? doesnt make a ton of sense does it??
first off, buddy q56, its a free country, with free speech, were we are free to say whatever we please. Its known as the first amendment. Secondly, he never called a balck person the N word, he said that HE was an N word. And there was NO reports of him calling black wrestlers the N word, there was reports that black wrestlers felt they were objects of racism, not in any specific way, for various things.

I know plenty of people who say all types of words, including that word. They are in no way racist. My black friends call each other that, and they call ME that. They arent racist. They make white jokes, I make black jokes, I make white jokes, they make black jokes. None of us are the least bit racist. Actions make you a racist. Using incorrect words in the workplace, or around co workers, does not make you a racist, it makes you a moron. Therefore, if YOU, yourself, have EVER used a racial slur, according to you, then you yourself are a racist.

theres a big difference when you are hanging with your friends, who you know very well than at the workplace. using that kind of language isnt professional. yes wrestling might not be an office job or an everyday type of job but while there i would expect people not to use obscene language like that.

yes i have used a racial slur but i have used it against my own kind of people. i call my friends beaners and wetbacks but IMO thats ok because im hispanic. i dont go calling my black friends the N word or white friends the C word.

i dont care if its a joke. a racial joke shouldnt be allowed in the workplace.
theres a big difference when you are hanging with your friends, who you know very well than at the workplace. using that kind of language isnt professional. yes wrestling might not be an office job or an everyday type of job but while there i would expect people not to use obscene language like that.

yes i have used a racial slur but i have used it against my own kind of people. i call my friends beaners and wetbacks but IMO thats ok because im hispanic. i dont go calling my black friends the N word or white friends the C word.

i dont care if its a joke. a racial joke shouldnt be allowed in the workplace.

And thats totally fine, and thats what Ive been saying from the start. Racial jokes should not ever be tolerated in the workplace, especially in a huge fortune 500 company in the WWE. And he shouldnt have said it, and he SHOULD be in trouble. My point is, and always was, just becuase he said some dumb shit, doesnt make him a full blown racist, leader of the klan. to say something like that is ignorant, based soley on this one incident
first off, buddy q56, its a free country, with free speech, were we are free to say whatever we please. Its known as the first amendment. Secondly, he never called a balck person the N word, he said that HE was an N word. And there was NO reports of him calling black wrestlers the N word, there was reports that black wrestlers felt they were objects of racism, not in any specific way, for various things.

I know plenty of people who say all types of words, including that word. They are in no way racist. My black friends call each other that, and they call ME that. They arent racist. They make white jokes, I make black jokes, I make white jokes, they make black jokes. None of us are the least bit racist. Actions make you a racist. Using incorrect words in the workplace, or around co workers, does not make you a racist, it makes you a moron. Therefore, if YOU, yourself, have EVER used a racial slur, according to you, then you yourself are a racist.

I see exactly what you are saying though but a lot of things are coming out now about Hayes

now that I think about it, not many black stars was pushed on Smackdown, infact Lashley was actually sent to ECW that was a move I never understood but now I see why but then again Booker T won King of the Ring and was champ for a few months so I don't know and MVP was US Champ for what 1 year+, I don't know Hayes personally so I can't call him racist but with all these things coming out now it does make you wonder

like I said in another post, WWE better be careful, ratings already suck last thing you need is for the little fans you have left to turn off or turn to TNA
PErsonally I don't think Hayes is a racist, just an ignorant dumbass. I think I've posted this in another thread, but you can't say stuff like that at a workplace. Especially if you are in a position of power and an authority figure to the guy you're spouting racist "abuse" to. If someone higher up to me at work said that to me at a work function, I'd make a complaint too. WWE need to think very carefully on how they act on this. I'm pretty sure they won't want to end up alienating Hayes, Henry, the rest of the roster and the fans.

How double standards in this situation can ever be mentioned I don't know, I don't recall hearing stories of Mark Henry being a racist.
Double standard isnt mentioned becuase of Mark Henry specifically, just in general. Black people (or any minority for that matter) are generally much less scrutinized for making white people jokes. Happens all the time. watch a comdey sketch.And the thing Hayes said, if you think about it, wasnt even derogetory towards Henry. Its just a double standard in general, as people of color can make racial slurs, and no ones cares, but if a white person says what Hayes said, he has people on the internet acting as if he may as well be a skin head neo nazi. This subject was readily discussed in the Konnan thread. Its absolutely ridiculous
Double standard isnt mentioned becuase of Mark Henry specifically, just in general. Black people (or any minority for that matter) are generally much less scrutinized for making white people jokes. Happens all the time. watch a comdey sketch.And the thing Hayes said, if you think about it, wasnt even derogetory towards Henry. Its just a double standard in general, as people of color can make racial slurs, and no ones cares, but if a white person says what Hayes said, he has people on the internet acting as if he may as well be a skin head neo nazi. This subject was readily discussed in the Konnan thread. Its absolutely ridiculous

The point I'm making is that it has little to no relevance to this example. Not saying that you don't have a point because you kinda do. Watch an episode of the Chapelle show for example... but for some reason people of all races find that stuff funny.
The point I'm making is that it has little to no relevance to this example. Not saying that you don't have a point because you kinda do. Watch an episode of the Chapelle show for example... but for some reason people of all races find that stuff funny.

It does have relevance though. Hayes said what he said, and people are outcrying in outrage, rioting in the streets, 60 day suspension. MArk Henry says to him "Im more of a honky than you" and none of us would ever hear about most likely. Hayes said what he said and people are flipping the fuck out, and calling him a racist, when im sure if Henry wouldve said the inverse, no one would call HIM a racist.
It does have relevance though. Hayes said what he said, and people are outcrying in outrage, rioting in the streets, 60 day suspension. MArk Henry says to him "Im more of a honky than you" and none of us would ever hear about most likely. Hayes said what he said and people are flipping the fuck out, and calling him a racist, when im sure if Henry wouldve said the inverse, no one would call HIM a racist.

That's just pure speculation though. If Henry had said in response "yeah you're right, you probably are more of a ***** than me, you got soul brother", we woudlnt be having this conversation and Micheal would still be in a job. Just speculation though, nothing that actually happened...

I cant even be assed to debate between the N and H words

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