Is Kaval following the same path as Daniel Bryan!!!

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Robbie E's number one fan BRO
First starting with Daniel Bryan got healed back by the WWE until he was fired for something he is paid to do??:banghead:

Starting of Kaval has lost two matches the first one to Alex Riley (a favourite to win NXT) and Eli Cottonwood (A complete freak) these to matches Kaval lost with pride and considering these are too big guys then it is okay?:disappointed:

If Kaval loses one more match then I am certain he is following Daniel Bryan but if he wins then I can say he might be okay and not fall into the Daniel Bryan jobber section.:banghead::banghead:
Yeah, Kaval could be on the same path as Daniel Bryan would I would be very surprised if it is going to go that far. Daniel Bryan ended up like 10-0 for loses and it will be intriguing to see how committed they are to Kaval and see if they are going to go the same.

Although Daniel Bryan continually lost on NXT and beyond, that became the reason that people were drawn towards him and kind of become the only reason he was known on NXT out with the IWC. Kaval is in much the same predicament. He is 0-2 now and looks to be going down the same patch. His victories have come at a cost and although I fully expect him to recover and be clear of the eliminations later on in the show, he is definitely one of the people who are most at risk of elimination.

I like Kaval and LayCool are pretty fun as pros but I am aware of how boring the persistently losing angle is. When Daniel Bryan did it, I was very annoyed because I knew that Bryan could essentially wrestle circles around them. Kaval is in much the same position and it will be a shame to see him drop his potential and promise because of the losing angle that the WWE is so fond of in NXT.
It's too predictable and redundant. I know that Kaval should have won his first match against Alex Riley, because that match was entirely in his favour. Just look at how much signature offence Kaval got to inflict on Riley. The match against Eli Cottonwood was a bit more on equal terms (except the obvious size difference), although Kaval still looked to be all over Eli. Also, Eli's finisher did not look convincing enough to put Kaval away. I really do hope NXT does something interesting with Kaval and not just keep feeding him to the dogs. That's already been done. It's time for something fresh for a unique wrestler like him, whether that's by using LayCool to sprout comedic segments or giving him a victory next week to legitimize his presence.
I had that thought when WWE had Kaval appearing, mentioning the experience and everything, and the fact that he is now 2-0.

He gets to wrestle some half decent matches, he hasn't been against a pro yet although, but he is ultimately defeated, I believe that Kaval and Bryan Danielson could very well have been the enhancement talents with a guaranteed main roster spot.

Dave you said it, the 10-0 is gonna be a problem achieving although because of season 2 being shorter than season 1, unless Kaval is being put on the show every week, it won't happen.

I do enjoy watching Kaval, I find his finisher to be awful, but I do enjoy watching him nonetheless, and that's what matters, he entertains me around LayCool, and I hope WWE doesn't go the same way with Kaval, without the Cole bashings that is.
This is the exact opposite of what I wanted them to do, and exactley what I expected them to do. Maybe I'm a little biased but I wanted Low Ki to go undefeated throughout the whole show, but lose in the end and give the rub to Alex Riley or Mcgillicutty.

But I'm interested to see where this Kaval thing is going, are they gonna have him lose every match? I personally thought that after that brutal Warriors Way againest Cottonwood, they should have called an audible, right then and there to end the match, the crowd popped for it, it looked like it certainly frikken hurt, and it would have boosted Low Ki's status from "the small guy paired with the two (one hot) annoying bitches" to "the small guy who beat the shit outta that big dude with that crazy stomping shit". Not saying they are completely misusing him, and I do trust the WWE to push the best guys for the job but IMO if the WWE doesn't start using Kaval more effectively, and let him go after the NXT season is over, they will have missed the boat big time.
Kaval is safe.. i think the rey/evan bourne push laitly has a little bit to do with him, yes most of it is backstahe crap, but this is another smaller guy they are bringing in, but unlike the other 2, he is one you can actually BELIEVE it when he beats a bigger guy. he's the silent but deadly type, and thats why the pairing with Laycool, since they are the loud over the top type. he will for sure get a bigger push than Bryan Danielson will upon his return, BUT. on a different show. i see kaval going to smackdown. they are in much need of someone new and fresh. i dont remember the last time i actually watched smackdown, mainly just read about it now. but if he's on the show, i know i'll be watching every friday.
I noticed that aswell, I also noticed Cole say
No Doubt that was the choosing of the internet fans
or something along the lines of that. I think, hope not though, that Kaval is going down the same path as Danielsonwoh the jbbng and all, that really sucks. Maybe not the feud with his mentors and Michael Cole,but the Jobber status. To answer the OP, I think that Kaval may be heading the same way as Daniel Bryan. I really hate the WWE at times like this :banghead:
Well it seems right now that, No Kaval is not going down the path that Daniel Bryan just took seeing as Kaval has actually won a match. Thus far Kaval is 2 - 1 and with only four weeks I'm pretty sure that he won't go on a monster losing streak. For one I don't think WWE would be that obvious and give some one a huge losing streak.

I can see the similarities between the two but I highly doubt that WWE would do this especially to a talent like Kaval but with WWE you never know...
No, at least for now because Kaval already has one win while Daniel Bryan at this time would have been on a losing streak.

Both were number one in their respective polls but one had a pro that didn't support him while the other has 2pros that could be supporting him.
Well at least he's won a match. Instead of the 0-10 path Danielson went through. Lets just hope Kaval wins 50% of his matches to actually make him look convincing when he joins the main roster.
I see Kavaal being eliminated so he can become Daniel Bryan's replacement in Nexus. Think about it, Kavaal should be as over as Daniel was with the indy people... if not more for the fact that people have been waiting for his call up since forever. And then you throw in the undefeated streak and stiff wrestling style, Kavaal is almost mirrored in comparison.

The crappy W/L record is another thing to look at as well, but with Daniel being for at least a few more days (and possibly for good) there might be some room to put Kavaal in Bryan's spot.
I really hope not. Sure they are both "internet darlings" but the similarities should end there. BD was crap on the mike and although Caval is no Rock he can handle it well enough (a lot better than Chris Daniels ever did thats for sure) He also looks better in the ring that Danielson ever did and whether thats the WWE booking or not. BD was a joke and not something I cared to see.
Well the only thing that is consistent with Bryan Danielson's time on NXT is the jobbing. I didn't catch NXT when it broadcast tonight but saw the clip on their website. It was another loss for Kaval while they try to push Husky Harris.
Which Husky in my opinion, isn't as great as WWE is making him out to be. He seems a little sloppy in the ring but that may more have to do with what style I prefer watching.

I'm just glad that people are voting for Kaval to keep him in the top 3. Hopefully he'll get the chance to do something with his time in NXT like Danielson did. You can hate on Dainelson but his blow up with Michale Cole made a mundane crap of a show worth watching.
Kaval, he seems like a great superstar however if he is kept being put into matches like what Daniel Bryan was, then I think Yes. Kaval will be like Daniel Bryan. The two are experts in their chosen fields....submission and high flying.

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