Is John Cena holding people back / down

ECW Sandman

Getting Noticed By Management
This is not a Cena bashing thread but more of a realistic topic John Cena has been the face of RAW for a lot of years now he has been Champion 10 times now he has been in all the main events on RAW and on PPV's as champion and challenger alot I think it's time for John Cena and the WWE to give someone else the ball and run with it and not have the company on John Cena I am not a John Cena fan never have been never will be but I think there are more deserving guys to be the WWE Champion then John Cena what do you guys think is John Cena and WWE holding guys back/ down your comments and thoughts.
John Cena, conversely, has given a lot of wrestlers an opportunity. After having a feud with Cena, the guys usually come out looking better than they ever did.

Jack Swagger

Everyone of these guys came out for the better after having a feud with Cena. Edge, before feuding with Cena, was a mid-carder, and came out being a legitimate main eventer. Same goes for all of the men who Cena works with. Nexus came out looking like a dominate stable, Swagger came out looking like a terrific wrestler and a tough man to put down, Sheamus came out having a stint in the main event with the title, etc. etc. He doesn't hold anyone down - he makes them look better.
Add to that the fact that it isn't Cena who's making these decisions; it's his bosses. They have their own theories and formulas as to who is going to do the biggest business for them and who isn't......and they're going to ride their fastest horses to the finish line.

Like him or not, Cena has shown amazing staying power in keeping the fan base stirred up. Whether fans are cheering or booing him, they are coming out to see him and buying his merchandise.

There are always going to be wrestlers whom we think should be pushed, but aren't. (and vice-versa). With Cena, there's no need for misunderstanding ......they know what they've got and they'll use him all they can.

Plus, the way the company is set up, there is plenty of room for other guys to get their turns. They can feature a lot of people at the same time, and they do. If John Cena is treated as first among equals, I see no problem with that.
Its not Cena holding people back, its creative! They can't be invested in the time it takes to build a viable star so they rely on Cena to carry the brand also Orton respectively on the blue brand.

During the golden years we had Rock, HHH, Austin, Undertaker etc to carry to flag if the situation required it but I think the writing staff haven't got the ideas to build the next face properly.

Example we had Orton who started off as a blue chipper then moved on to evolution, then legend killer now the viper. Cena kick started the ruthless aggression era, then the heel rapper, then his current gimmick. When was the last time we saw that and have the same impact on WWE? From jobber to main event and seriously dont get me wrong I like Miz but his elevation was due to the money in the bank! (Fun fact Rob Van Dam is the only person to cash in the money in the bank in an clean match not after a defence or abuse)
John Cena is holding current Superstars down as much as Hulk Hogan held down Piper, Bundy, Andre, Savage, Warrior, Slaughter, Sid, Yokozuna, and Hart. He’s not holding them down. They are all just playing their parts. I never understood what people meant by “holding down” a Superstar. Being in the ring with Hogan back in the day and Cena today is a push in itself. One does not have to win in order for it to be considered a push and one does not have to lose in order for it to be considered being held down. It only seems this way, because Cena is the current active Superstar to hold the Title the most.
We have over a dozen main event caliber stars in the WWE, and you can thank John Cena for about half of them being at that top level. Cena may be the top dog, but he's managed to make a handful of his peers look like legitimate threats in the process.

Randy Orton was first put over by Triple H, but it wasn't until his feud with Cena that the majority of people started to realize that the Viper was probably the number two guy in the WWE.

Even before John Cena feuded with him over the WWE Title, The Miz was put over by John Cena when John Cena finally came out to deal with Miz after being called out for weeks and Miz claiming victory when Cena didn't show up.

Dolph Ziggler owes his main event time to both Edge and John Cena. While it was indeed Edge that he wrestled, Cena made Dolph Ziggler look like a legitimate contender for the World Heavyweight Championship in their series of matches together on Raw.

CM Punk was always hovering around that upper midcard/barely main event status before he became leader of The New Nexus. However, as soon as he snapped and attacked John Cena he suddenly became the number one villain in the WWE.

R-Truth was a bad dancer and even worse rapper before he deduced that John Cena was holding him back. Suddenly he's cutting promos to open Raw, being featured in video packages every which way, and wrestling in the main event.

I don't have to tell you that Nexus was put over by John Cena week after week, month after month. He made a group of fairly green unknowns into the WWE's worst nightmare.

Sheamus was a rookie sensation on ECW and then Raw, but it wasn't until he won his first WWE Championship from John Cena that people realized just what the Irish Warrior was capable of.

So there you have it, seven current forces in the WWE are where they are today because of John Cena. Saying he's holding anyone down is just a ludicrous statement with no foundation.
dont get me wrong I like Miz but his elevation was due to the money in the bank!

I will disagree w/ you on that. The Miz's elevation was due to John Cena IMO. Back when he was still wearing the ******ed fedora and capri pants he came out week after week challenging Cena to a match and when Cena didn't show up he claimed a win. This lead to Miz losing to Cena, getting fired then came back as the Calgary Kid, won and transformed into his new and current gimmick. This brought on the US Title reign, MITB win, and WWE Title reign. He still wasn't thought of as a main-eventer or legitimate WWE Champ until his Cena feud though, which I thought was very good.

As has been said a few times so far, Cena doesn't hold people down he raises them up. He brought out a good match w/ The Great Kahli for Christ's Sake! You can go down the line on people who have been elevated to main-event status due to John Cena. As far as the WWE Title, meh. (I would guess) that the guys in the locker room aren't obsessed w/ holding a title, but more are concerned w/ getting TV time and simply rising to the main-event level. The title is just icing on the cake.
I can't stand Cena..I can't relate to his character at all and I would love him to come out second best more than he does right now but.. it isn't his fault that he is being booked that way. He works hard and I have nothing personal against him and can see how he is marketable amongst today's youth. It's the creative team that are holding others back in my opinion.
Who's more deserving of being champion than Cena? Nobody in the whole damn company puts more asses in the seats than Cena. Nobody sells more merch than Cena, and there are very few people who put on better matches or cut better promos than Cena. You don't push someone else just because Cena's been on top for a long time, that's not really how it works. WWE didn't suddenly decide that Rock and Stone Cold weren't going to be huge stars anymore. They left. Cena's still around, and he's been in the main event scene consistently for longer than they were, because he's been around.

They should certainly be making every effort to build new guys up, but no one will take Cena's spot until a) he leaves, b) they decide to finally turn him heel or c) someone better comes along. None of those things seem likely to happen anytime soon, so he will remain where he is. And that's the way it should be.
All the talent is leaving WWE because John Cena is taking the spot light. He has no talent when it comes to wrestling so why is he the top wrestler? he makes the company money , true. but anyone could make the company money if they had a real chance , when CM Punk leaves who will Cena fued with R-Truth? for the rest of his career? or the miz? WWE will soon realize Cena will only die out , he's the modern day hulk hogan.
Cena has been one of the most reliable champions since Bret Hart. He's making all kinds of appearances, works house shows, wrestles weekly on tv, and puts it on the line every time. I'd argue even Hogan wasn't nearly as hard a worker as Cena. I know Hogan did the appearances and the house shows, but he wasn't tested nearly as much weekly on TV as Cena is. Hogan cut a taped promo and they used those to help build his feuds. He wasn't facing the top talent every week like Cena or Bret had to once Raw came on. Cena has been the face of the company for a very long time now and has been with WWE for 9 years so far (according to wiki) which is the same amount of time Rock and Austin stopped, yet Cena is not showing any signs of leaving yet or even tiring out. He's freakin working hurt right now and is still going and is ready to headline Mania. He's even risking that match by working hurt right now but he's doing it for the good of the company. Plus, that match seems to be set up to help elevate Cena as the man for the future as well, so he's got long term plans that go past the time Austin, Hogan, Rock, Bret, were all top guys. Anyways, my point is, as much as we all can't stomach him, there is no one ready, willing, and able to take the ball and run with it as much as Cena has been. And to top it off, once there is a face who can take over and be the top dog, Cena can still extend his time with a great heel run.
All the talent is leaving WWE because John Cena is taking the spot light. He has no talent when it comes to wrestling so why is he the top wrestler? he makes the company money , true. but anyone could make the company money if they had a real chance , when CM Punk leaves who will Cena fued with R-Truth? for the rest of his career? or the miz? WWE will soon realize Cena will only die out , he's the modern day hulk hogan.
Not sure where you're getting this idea that the talent are leaving because of Cena. Punk himself said that he likes Cena, and Cena isn't the one holding him back considering he's a heel. Chavo sure as hell isn't leaving because of Cena, he was jobbing to Hornswoggle two years ago. Cena may be at the top, but the reason for people being disgruntled is the WWE machine, which will remain the same with or without Cena.

Also, not everyone could make the company as much money as Cena does. Orton doesn't, for one, and he's received many a chance. Edge didn't, either. Mysterio comes close, but not quite. I'm curious as to who exactly you think has that potential, because I think that if somebody did, they would have proven it in some fashion by now.

I won't even get into the idea that Cena is a bad wrestler because it's been the same old tired and incorrect argument for about five years now.
I have no problem with John Cena its not his fault but yes he is because Creative is putting everything on to him and making him the biggest thing and pushing people back if Cena was given the chance he could push so many people up but Creative is not using John Cena to do that therefore its their fault
Cena is not holding anyone down. In fact, he's holding the company up. Love him or hate him, he's selling merch., putting asses in the seats, and IS putting people over. Cena is at the top because he does his job better than anyone right now. The character he plays, all the appearances he makes, that is his job and he goes harder than anybody. He is also one of the few that can draw (be it a positive or negative) response from the whole crowd, just as he does on these forums.

So, to simply answer the question... NO... Cena is not holding anyone back or down.
So the guy who wanted to drop the strap to RVD,took a loss at Wrestlemania to Miz,Sheamus twice,Edge,Nexus,Orton is holding people back. People fail to realize against Nexus he wasn't in the title picture and against Orton & Edge he was chasing the title not the other way around most of the time and he's is holding people back.

Remember when Jeff Hardy was given the Cena treatment, you know the kiddies loved him his merch was moving but WHAT HAPPENED! Hardy couldn't handle the responsibility, Cena can. Everyone want's to be the man but not everyone can handle being the man. At the end of the day i can't blame WWE creative for sticking with Cena until someone can truly show they can be the man and handle the responsibility.
I have no problem with John Cena its not his fault but yes he is because Creative is putting everything on to him and making him the biggest thing and pushing people Cena
I assume you're referring to this false notion that Cena is "superman", winning every main event match and resisting to give the title up. You're wrong. Cena loses a lot of main event matches, and main event title matches. Additionally, what does winning and losing have to do with the way a superstar looks? You don't have to win a match to come out of it looking good. Cena virtually made the Miz. He thrusted him into the main event and he's been solidly entrenched in the main event ever since.

Being in the ring with Cena means your position in the business will likely raise to an even higher one.
Creative is going to have to start thinking of new ways to get others over just as much as Cena considering the guy is wrestling with multiple injuries.

What happens if he tears a muscle and is out a few months? Then what? They have no other viable candidate to carry the torch while he's out.

And no he isn't holding others down, just like Hogan didn't hold anyone down when he was at the top. Sure he had some creative control over his character, but Vince saw $$$ in Hogan and now in Cena. As long as the merch sells and the character remains fresh in the fans' minds, he isn't going to take a backseat to anyone.
I don't think anyone is being really held back by anyone.

I think some guys are getting legitimate chances and some aren't. That's simply the law of probability in play. However, in general, it's creative. They simply aren't hitting on all cylinders and they aren't finding the right spots for the right guys.

Cena, I simply haven't heard much of that taking place. I remember listening to a Mr. Anderson shoot where he might have alluded to it. Otherwise, I've heard nothing of the sort. Even guys that WWE gets rid of don't have much bad to say about the guy.

If anything, he wanted to work with CM Punk to keep his relevant and with the company.
As much as i hate Cena and what he stands for, he isn't holding people back its creative. Creative rely on him too much, wich makes the other wrestlers seem less important. Cena is basically Hogan 2.0.
John Cena has given some many guys the rub to a main event career. Without John Cena people like Edge, Miz, currently R- Truth and the entire Nexus wouldn't have had as much impact. While Edge was going up the card the main thing that got him over was the feud with John Cena. Not doubt Cena is making stars for the WWE. He has no problem putting guys over from what I have seen. He is able to give them a rub without his opponent winning as was seen with Jack Swagger after one match with Cena. The guy can see that if the company does well he does well. I find Cena to be someone who will help put talent over and he has done so. In no way, shape or form is John Cena holding anyone in the WWE back. He has worked so hard and deserves to be at the top. But he has no problem bringing others at the same time.
The term "holding people down" is something that I've never really understood. While I'm sure that Cena does have influence with the WWE brass, it's not ultimately up to Cena whatsoever who gets pushed and who doesn't.

In every wrestling company, you're going to have guys that are pushed and some that aren't. You're going to get some wrestlers that ultimately might not be as good over some guys that are better. You're going to get guys that think that they're better than what they actually are & complain that they're not being "used right". These aren't uncommon happenings in pro wrestling. Ultimately, pushing a guy to be the next big star isn't what you can call an exact science. The powers that be have to look at guys, evaluate the qualities they've got, their strengths, their weaknesses and ultimately decide if they're going elevate him rather than Wrestler B. Sometimes they make the right call, sometimes they don't.

John Cena is where he is because he's ultimately shown that he deserves to be there. He works his ass off for WWE, he genuinely loves working for WWE, he is actually a pretty decent in-ring competitor in spite of the often unreasonable amount of hate he gets from the IWC, he can cut great promos, he's loaded with charisma and, most importantly, he's able to get fans interested and invested in whatever program he happens to be working. I'm not even a huge John Cena fan, I like the guy pretty much and all, but nobody can realistically look at the facts and say that John Cena is a bad pro wrestler.

But as to holding people down, not really sure I buy into that because just look at the people who have benefitted from working programs or matches with John Cena. Randy Orton and Edge both made it to the main event level on a long term basis by feuding with John Cena. Dolph Ziggler had a few fantastic matches late last year against Cena that showed that Ziggler has potential to be a main event level star. Sheamus comes out of nowhere to feud with Cena. His career goes from curtain jerking to the main event almost overnight. The Miz's place as a main eventer is cemented during his feud with Cena. R-Truth has actually become a relevant force in WWE while feuding with John Cena whereas 6 months ago, most of us were hoping that Truth would be future endeavoured. And now, CM Punk is the most talked about wrestler in the world. A lot of it does have to do with the fact he's a great talent yes, but he also found himself in just the right program with just the right opponent and the right storyline. Come what may, I don't see how anyone can't see CM Punk as a main event level talent when his feud with John Cena is all said and done.
I'm a long time wrestling fan, grew up in the 90's era of WCW and what was WWF at the time. From about 2002-end of May 2011 I took a break. I'm not a John Cena fan, and I have kept up with tid bits here and there. From what I've seen, since I've been watching Raw on a weekly basis for about a month or so. John Cena gave R Truth a big push and I do not think he would have gotten that with any other wrestler. Also, I really like the Miz & Zach Ryder. If the WWE was really smart they would stop this two brand thing with Raw & Smackdown. The factions that could be created with a combined roster that would be historic.
This is not a Cena bashing thread but more of a realistic topic John Cena has been the face of RAW for a lot of years now he has been Champion 10 times now he has been in all the main events on RAW and on PPV's as champion and challenger alot I think it's time for John Cena and the WWE to give someone else the ball and run with it and not have the company on John Cena I am not a John Cena fan never have been never will be but I think there are more deserving guys to be the WWE Champion then John Cena what do you guys think is John Cena and WWE holding guys back/ down your comments and thoughts.

Dude. It's called a period. Learn how to place them after certain words so you can form these things known as sentences.

As to the topic, no. John Cena is not holding anyone down. He is the top draw on Monday Night Raw because he makes the most money for the company. When previously midcard wrestler gets into a feud with Cena, they stop being midcard, and enjoy life on the main event. Those feuds are used as gauges by the company to help determine if that wrestler has what it takes to be a permanent main guy.

You know what you left out about John Cena's 10 title wins? It means he has lost the title 9 times. He has lost the WWE championship or World championship to Edge, RVD, Orton, Batista, Sheamus and the Miz. He lost 9 times to 6 different wrestlers. What does that mean? It means that the WWE has no problems putting the belt on someone else, when they feel it's appropriate. Cena isn't Hulk Hogan. There haven't been any multi-year title reigns, where it's a foregone conclusion that Cena will win, because Cena loses frequently. He has put over everyone the WWE has asked him to, so by definition, NO, John Cena does not hold anyone down.
It never ceases to amaze me how a fan's personal opinion on a wrestler makes them think said wrestler is undeserving of their current position. The original poster thinks that Cena has run his course because he's been on top for a long period of time, therefore he should step aside as the top dog.

Do you watch pro-wrestling? I'm asking because if you did, you'd notice that it's a business. It's purpose is making money. As of right now, no wrestler in the WWE organization draws like John Cena. He sells tons of merchandise, PPV buys, and tickets to live shows. Not to mention that he's become an icon in the pop-mainstream world. But since your personal opinion has him on top for too long, the WWE should push him aside for someone else??

First of all, every time John Cena enters into a feud, the WWE is testing the waters with another superstar in a main event situation. It's not like the writers sit in a room week in and week out, figuring out who to feed to Cena each week. They're looking for feuds with Cena that draw money. But they're trying to see if said opponent can draw money without backpacking on Cena's success. They know if the opponent can attract and audience and can draw money on their own or not.

I can go on and on but I'll give it a rest here. All of you John Cena haters need to get over the fact that he is the best thing for the sport you all love. Someday, his time will be over. But I doubt that will be anytime soon.
I assume you're referring to this false notion that Cena is "superman", winning every main event match and resisting to give the title up. You're wrong. Cena loses a lot of main event matches, and main event title matches. Additionally, what does winning and losing have to do with the way a superstar looks? You don't have to win a match to come out of it looking good. Cena virtually made the Miz. He thrusted him into the main event and he's been solidly entrenched in the main event ever since.

Being in the ring with Cena means your position in the business will likely raise to an even higher one.

Perhaps but i was more thinking in terms of a Face Push as long as Cena is the top face its going to be Hard to build anyone else up as a face.

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