Is Jeff Hardy's 2nd run more akin to


King Of The Wasteland
Christian Cage's???

Both came into the company as faces, fueded with some of the larger heels of the company and after a world title match became heel (Hardy becoming after winning, Cage after losing) They were then in a faction (Hardy in Immortal, Christian in his own Coalition) Now Christian was a major player in TNA at this time and I'm curious can Hardy reach those heights as well??

Now I know the main difference is Hardy isn't the leader of Immortal but if he were to become its leader do you think he could reach those heights??
I'm still not sold on the Hardy heel turn. He is terrible on the mic and can't cut a decent promo to save his life - making him the leader of immortal would make the story line even worse.

So, no I highly doubt he will take this line to the 'heights' that Christian did.
I'm still not sold on the Hardy heel turn. He is terrible on the mic and can't cut a decent promo to save his life - making him the leader of immortal would make the story line even worse.

So, no I highly doubt he will take this line to the 'heights' that Christian did.

Hardy can't cut a promo? Have you WATCHED TNA recently? The guy's mic skills are far better than any of the recent TNA Champ before him... the guy has been so into this gimmick that it just fits to have him as champion. How in the hell can you sit there and honestly call this heel turn boring? Are you high? This run for Hardy is the most interesting thing to happen to him since his TLC days... probably even before that.

As for the OP, I don't think it's a Christian like thing... If anything, I see this more of a Corporate Ministry type thing. You know, Jeff playing the roll of The Undertaker who uses the bosses men to help him out but stays to his own at the same time. The connections between the two (aside from the in-ring styles) are so parallel that it kind of makes me excited in pants :p
Hardy can't cut a promo? Have you WATCHED TNA recently? The guy's mic skills are far better than any of the recent TNA Champ before him...

His promos are a bunch of rambling nonsense. He may have a slight edge on RVD, but AJ's heel work and even the worst promo Angle ever cut were way better than Jeff's stuff. The only positive here is that at least he's better now than he was before the heel turn, when he was just god-awful.

Not that this matters much, of course, as you will no doubt go on to tell me that Hardy's doing the best promo work since The Rock and could have easily been a Main Eventer during the Attitude Era. Just be sure to let me know when he starts curing the blind and raising the dead. I've gotta' see that!
I like him as a heel, I love his character.

With that said, his backstage promos sound like a very calm Ultimate Warrior. It sounds cool, but no ones knows what the hell he's talking about.
Hardy has the best gimmick in wrestling today, period. What does wwe have? Orton who does the same faces every week, or walking dumbo face barrett who i cant understand any thing he say. Kane has been one of my favorites since his debut, now i have to turn the channel when he talks, its wayyyyyyyyy too cheesy, its horrible, why does he have to even talk? Same for sheamus. Hardy does enough, he doesnt ramble on for 6 and half minutes saying really..really...really pee wee??? The miz should be a hero to us all, because if he can become a professional wrestler, then just about anyone can, I know a lot of people who dont have size, ring mechanics, mic skills, interesting look, so the miz should be a hero
With that said, his backstage promos sound like a very calm Ultimate Warrior. It sounds cool, but no ones knows what the hell he's talking about.

I've understood Hardy's heel promos fine, I am not sure where this apparent difficulty to comprehend is stemming from really. Warrior was pretty incoherent at times, but Jeff has so far been perfectly understandable to me. Anyone care to explain why they can't understand his promos, because I am just completely lost on that point.
I've understood Hardy's heel promos fine, I am not sure where this apparent difficulty to comprehend is stemming from really. Warrior was pretty incoherent at times, but Jeff has so far been perfectly understandable to me. Anyone care to explain why they can't understand his promos, because I am just completely lost on that point.

It's not that they can't be understood. They just can't be taken seriously because he's spouting off a bunch of pointless nonsense and wraps it up by calling himself the "Antichrist." He's made the occasional rational point about turning on the fans or "drinking from the cup of Hulkamania," but the vast majority of his promos have been negative, depressive musings with no real focus on his opponent or TNA in general. That might work if he had the talent of someone like Raven, but his delivery kinda' sucks and it just comes off more lame than anything. At least it does to me.
There are some differences. Christian has played both a good and bad guy. Nonetheless, Hardy also has the feel of a bigger run with the way things are going. They are really trying to sell this.

It has it's good and bad moments, but it is a fresher idea then Christian being a heel.
One huge difference between Chrisian & Jeff Hardy was that Christian was the top heel in TNA when he was NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Right now, Jeff Hardy isn't the top heel in the company. He's not even close at this moment and that's a shame a he's currently TNA's World Champion.

When Christian left the WWE and went to TNA, he was able to prove that he had the goods to be a main eventer. I think the WWE has dropped the ball with Christian in terms of being a main eventer, but that's neither here nore there. Christian gave some great promos and had great matches. Since coming to TNA, Jeff Hardy hasn't really shown me that he belongs in the main event. I'm just not buying into what they've done with Jeff Hardy yet. His promos have mainly consisted of brief 20-25 second videos and the few times he's appeared on iMPACT! to give an in-ring promo, he's been completely overshadowed by Bischoff, Hogan & Flair. His one match on iMPACT! since becoming champion was a forgettable 3 minute romp with Raven this past Thursday. It's just going to take more than simply saddling him with the "Anti-Christ" shit to impress me. Eventually, Hardy is going to have to step up and show he's got the goods and, thus far, he hasn't in my opinion.
The differences between the two - Christian was able to carry feuds on the mic and in the ring. Hardy hasn't shown himself well in either aspect. Christian was the top heel and the top face, Hardy hasn't done either and nobody is buying Immortal telling us that he is the top guy.

That's the problem - Christian pulled it off on his own. Hardy probably won't unless the company get him to buck his ideas up. This anti-christ gimmick had so much potential but they seem desperate to throw it away.

The company is now in a different era so it's tough to compare really.
I think that the two major differences here are that Christian was the leader of his group. Hardy is not. Immortal is a stable that has been created by a group of legends to maintain control over the company. Hardy is merely one of those wrestlers who will help Immortal maintain control.

The second point is also related to my first point somewhat. The aim of Christian coalation was to enable Christian to win the title. That is not Immortal's aim. Having Hardy hold the title is only a small part of their grand scheme. It is one of their aims but certainly not their only aim.

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