Is It Time To Hang Up The Mask?

Should Rey Retire?

  • Definitely - He's on the shelf more than he's in the ring

  • Probably - He's still fun to watch, but it's obvious he's not what he once was

  • No - He's still got enough in the tank to be of a benefit to the company

  • Not Sure - Only Rey can genuinely decide when its time

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Without revealing any spoilers, albeit very minor ones, it's being reported that Rey Mysterio MAY have been injured at Tuesday night's taping of SmackDown!. A report at states that Mysterio may have suffered an injury to his left knee, on which he wears a large brace. Mysterio pulled up his pant leg up, removed the brace and seemed to be in a great deal of pain.

As of right now, I haven't read anything confirming the injury or how severe it is. If he has suffered another knee injury, maybe its time for Rey to call it a career. He's had severe knee issues off & on since about 2006 and it's only gotten worse in the past few years. I've read stories alleging that his last bout of knee surgeries have included the use of stem cells in the hopes of increasing the volume of cartilage & other damaged tissues, which is still considered highly experimental. Rey also has two violations of the WWE Wellness Policy, with his second one announced in late April 2012.

Mysterio turns 40 on 12/11 and 4/30 will mark the 25th anniversary of his very first match. He's still a young man, in the grand scheme of life, but it's obvious the Lucha Libre style has played no small contribution to his knee problems. For years now, Rey's heavily modified his style because he's had no choice, but the damage has long since been done. Mysterio's knee problems are of such concern that his only appearances in WWE since his latest return have been in tag team matches so he can be protected.

If Mysterio suffers more significant trauma to his knee, do you think Mysterio should give up his in-ring career?
Absolutely, and I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE forced the issue with him this time. The longer a guy like that goes on, the more likely he's going to turn to painkillers to keep holding on. By the same token, I don't think the WWE wants to see Rey go down in a match in a public setting that draws negative attention.
He has had a great wrestling career spanning over 20 years and has probably the best list of accomplishment for a man under 6 feet tall and probably the best for a luchador. I think he has had his time and along with Henry, Show, Kane, Christian and Undertaker should have a part to play in Wrestlemania and then retire to pave the way for the future of the business. Having all of these guys as upper mid carders is holding people back and I think its time the new blood got their shot.
Yeah, he needs to retire before it's too late. Give him a retirement match with him facing Del Rio. Him and Del Rio got good chemistry and it would give Del Rio a chance to get back his heat after Batista beats him at EC. Maybe back in the title hunt if a face is champ like Batista/Bryan
I definitely think that he needs to retire and I've been thinking this for awhile now.

Honestly, since he's been in the WWE, he's not been the same. I mean, as soon as he joined the WWE you could tell that he had become, physically, much larger than what he was during his WCW days. Since he's been in the WWE he's not been nowhere near as fast, agile, or as exciting as he was in WCW. Don't get me wrong, he's had some damn good matches with WWE. His matches with Jericho were a great series of matches, however, IMO he hasn't come close to some of the matches he had in WCW with Dean Malenko, Juventude, or Ultimo Dragon.

I respect Rey because he made a damn good name for himself in a big man's world, however, it's time for him to stop. He hasn't been relevant since about 2010ish because he's always injured. I just don't wanna be watching a Mysterio match one day and during the match he get's that one injury too many that forces him to end his wrestling career.
I'm sure that I have said this many times on these forums, but, I'll say it once again. Rey needs to retire. Rey should have retired a couple of years ago, but whatever, that could just be my opinion. I was a big fan of Rey in WCW. He was pretty close to being my favorite part of wrestling during the Monday Night Wars. He came to WWE after the sale of WCW and was booked as the ultimate underdog even eventually winning the championship. I was cool with that Rey as well. Ever since he came back from his most recent injury, I just don't seem to car about him anymore, even finding his matches as a good excuse to take a bathroom break. I'm sorry Rey I have enjoyed you since the 90s, you are one of my favorite superstars of all time, I just think that it is time to call it quits before your body calls it quits for you. Thanks for the memories
His matches with Jericho were a great series of matches, however, IMO he hasn't come close to some of the matches he had in WCW with Dean Malenko, Juventude, or Ultimo Dragon.

You forgot about Eddie. I think it was Halloween Havoc 97 when they had one hell of a match together amongst others. But yes, Rey's whole character is based on speed and quickness and his legs are getting progressively worse. His physiques is getting bulkier and he's not in any relevant feud. I'm sure he can do other things such as be a trainer or manage, but as a wrestler, he should wrap it up soon, if not now.
This is the most obvious situation for Rey Rey. I have a question for everyone,Why hasn't the WWE or any of Rey's friends or family have urged the man to retire. He has had bad knee problems since what 2005 or 2006 era.. You can come back from one Surgery maybe two,but not anymore than that. WWE needs i hate to say this,basically fire him for his own good if reports are true that he is injured yet again. He has kids,im sure at some point he is gonna be a grandpa,he is going to want to play with his grandkids.

Can't do that if he is in a wheelchair.. That's where Rey mysterio is headed. He needs to think about the future,the WWE says they care about their employees. Prove it! Fire Rey Mysterio,without firing him! Sign him to a legends deal,stating that he can't wrestle does promos,and maybe maybe if his legs are up to it do a 619 once in awhile!
Sadly, I must agree that it is time for Rey to retire. It's a miracle that he was able to work his style for so long and enjoy the success he's had.

But does anybody ever really retire in pro wrestling?

If Rey is too stubborn to hang it up, then he needs to change his style. Maybe if he turns heel...

As a heel, he won't be expected to work the high flying moves. Otherwise, he'll never be a heel if the crowd wants to cheer for him to hit his high flying maneuvers.

Also, faces generally get beat up the majority of the match and mount a comeback for the win. Rey's career has definitely been shortened by the Ultimate Underdog gimmick. Even as champion, he was the whipping boy for 95% of the match then a quick 619 or Huracanrana for the win.

As a heel, Rey won't be taking bump after bump. He rakes the eyes, a kick to the groin, or even just roll out the ring to kill his opponent's momentum.

Heels normally take the biggest bump in the match. So now Rey takes one big powerbomb or someone dives onto him only once. As a face, Rey would normally kick out of 3 powerbombs and before his big comeback.

I'm a firm believer that a Rey heel turn would be bigger than a Cena heel turn. I don't think Rey's ever been a heel. Even during his feud with the heel LWO, Rey turned them face when he joined. I guess the Filthy Animals were as close as Rey got to a heel turn. But they were more edgy faces than tweeners or cool heels.
I always wondered if Rey would be a good choice for the commentary desk?

I love what Rey was in his underdog role, but it's hard to watch him now. Hang her up, Rey, you don't owe us anything.
For what it's worth, most of the reputable sights don't source from WrestlingInc. They are notorious for posting false stories just to throw off those who do source from them, and they have in the past gone out of their way to email us false tips from anonymous sources. I'm not condemning everyone there, but they're not exactly the Observer, and they do play dirty from time to time.

That being said, they do have a picture, and Rey does seem to have taken off his brace. If that's true, and I haven't reported it yet because I haven't been able to confirm or heard back from the other major sites, that sucks for Rey. He's tried to get healthy enough to make one last comeback for so long, and it's what he and the fans deserve. One last big feud, big match, and big payoff to send him into the Hall of Fame. I'm not a giant Rey Mysterio fan, but I appreciate his body of work and his massive fanbase. :disappointed:
I always wondered if Rey would be a good choice for the commentary desk?

I love what Rey was in his underdog role, but it's hard to watch him now. Hang her up, Rey, you don't owe us anything.

I agree with you completely about Rey retiring and becoming a commentator..Rey could become part of the Spanish commentating team. I've watched Rey wrestle since he was in the original ECW..His knees have gotta be at Nash's level of fragility at this point in his life..For his own sake so that he doesn't end up as a cripple, he should retire sooner than later.
The guy should give it up before he cripples himself. He's been near perma-injured for what? 3 years? It'll soon be taken out of his hands anyway, I can't imagine the WWE offering him another proper contract.
I think that for someone of Rey Mysterio's status, it should be his call only on when to retire, and nobody (WWE) should manipulate him to take that step sooner than he otherwise would have. Having said that, at an average he is getting injured once in less than ten matches he works these days, so that is a (un)pretty clear indication that something is wrong. He should sit back, discuss with his doctor, and think about it all- whether he should still be competing, what are the consequences if he keeps injuring himself, and so on... if he hasn't done that already.

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