Is it right?


Gone. For. Good.
Let's look at some wrestlers.

No Way Jose.
Rich Swann.
Street Profits.
New Day.

With all due respect, Why is it that such gimmicks like dancing are given mostly to black wrestlers?

Am I thinking too much about it or it always happens?
Looks like I need to clarify.

I referred to as the wrestlers that are active doing this gimmick. Not past. But present.
Jose is Dominican. Rich did it before coming to WWE. Naomi is more of a rave culture gimmick considering all the times she says Glow. She dances, but pretty much just for her entrance. New Day does so many things I really wouldn't even count them. Haven't even gotten a chance to see Street profits. So don't know.

Emma. Lana. Fandango. Even though you want to go modern to and there are plenty of fast debunks. Too Cool is literally Rikishi and two white guys. Probably the most famous dancing gimmick in WWE doesn't involve black people. Didn't Great Kali dance to.
It's part of black culture. It's only normal to establish a more swift connection with the audience and their demographic.

It's art imitating life.
Reading these replies I am disturbed by one glaring omission: PG-13. How can you watch them and say white guys can't dance? Wolfie D and JC Ice were two guys from the hood who busted moves while busting heads and winning belts. All others pale in comparison.

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