Is it Just Me, or is TNA Out of Place Without Jarrett?

IT Factor

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Or does TNA seem out of place without Jeff Jarrett? I have been a huge Jarrett fan ever since his "don't piss me off" days in WWE and think TNA was more entertaining with Double J on the show. I wouldn't mind seeing Jarrett return in some capacity and maybe even as a rival showrunner to Hogan? I could definetely see alot of entertaining back and forth with Hogan & Jarrett, given their history[Bash @ the Beach 2000, anyone?].
I wouldn't want Jarrett in the main event. If he were to come back to compete with Sting or maybe do a nostalgia match with Styles that would be fine. Anything else would be unacceptable in my eyes. TNA fans had plenty of Jarrett during the early stages of the company.
I think Jarrets return would create a spark, he's been off tv for awile annd like him or not most of his fueds and or matches in TNA have been entertaining as hell especially his series with Kurt Angle awile ago.

But no way in hell do I wanna see him Heavyweight champion again. He has won ELEVEN already (as many as Edge has) and more then so many legends of this industry and this is Double J Jeff Jarret were talking about
I would love to see Jarrett come back. I may be alone, but I thought his programs with Angle and Hardy were the most entertaining thing in TNA last year. Until they ruined the Angle feud by putting them in a stable together...SMH.

I agree that he should not be the champ again, but he can certainly be used. I've never watched RKK, but from what I hear JJ had a three man group there that answered to him. I can definitely see them as the guys that attacked Sting. (Don't know if they have the same body types though).

I would like to see Jarrett win the TV title. Have Hogan tell Jarrett he wont put him on TV, but on open fight night Jarrett challenges for the TV title and wins. Now Hogan keeps trying to get guys that can take the strap off Jarrett to get him off TV. I think it can be interesting and make the title mean something.

Jarrett can also be a good manager if he decides not to get back in the ring.

Anyway, to sum it up, I don't think Jarrett can be a top guy, but he's multi-talented and there are places on the show to put him where he can help out. Jarrett is TNA's Christian.

*Edit* I never answered the question. No TNA is not out of place without Jarrett, but I would like to see him back.
Jeff Jarrett being behind the attack on Sting makes perfect sense. There is a built in feud with Sting being inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame before JJ and I don't think it was a coincidence that Sting mentioned the Jarrett's before he was attacked last night.

I don't think we need to see the masked men's faces, just make them hired thugs and make the feud center around JJ and Sting. It's so simple and obvious which probably means Hogan won't see it!
No not really although I do like Jarrett. His match with Angle at Lockdown was one of my favourite matches of the year, even though it had a few botches in it, him and Angle told a great story and I was on the edge of my seat as it went back and forth towards the end. And I loved that parking lot brawl they did with the whole roster encircling them to settle the feud, which then sent Jarrett to Mexico. JJ plays a great villain another match I loved was when Christian won the belt from him.

Jarrett should never main event again IMO, I'm okay with him hanging with main eventers but no way should he challenge for the world title, at least not on PPV's. Assuming he feuds with Sting, after that's done I'd want him maybe in the TV title scene or tagging with a younger guy. I think him and a heel Garrett would be a real heat magnet haha
If you imply that TNA doesn't feel "right" without Jarrett, then the answer to the question is no. Jarrett has been off of TV for a considerable amount of time, and who knows when he may return (unless Sting's attackers are affiliated with him somehow). I liken TNA's use of Double J to WWE's use of Triple H - there when you need him, but not needed every day.

Jarrett has had feuds and issues with almost all of the current main eventers already: Sting, Angle, Hardy, Styles, Joe, etc. His former faction, Immortal, has been dissolved and thrust from the spotlight. The only plausible reason he would have to come back would be for some sort of power struggle storyline, against Dixie and/or Hogan.

If he does come back, I would hope it would be the start of a fresh feud, perhaps with Aries, Anderson, Storm, etc. Only time will tell...
I really must say, I have missed Double J, but TNA isn't necessarily "out of place" without him. They are doing just as good; just look at how successful Slammiversary was. I do agree with The Chosen One of WZ in saying that his return would create a spark, and I would like to see him at least sporadically, but TNA will be just fine if he doesn't return. It isn't out of place at all.
Not at all. Personally, I feel that TNA has been much better without Jeff Jarrett. In Jarrett's absence, TNA has used the television time that would've otherwise been devoted ot him, and it would've been substantial television time at that, and put it to use for pushing, building and/or hyping other stars. With Jarrett gone, wrestlers like James Storm, Bobby Roode & Austin Aries have had a chance to shine. I'm not saying that Jarrett would hold them back or anything but, with him out of the picture, TNA has been able to do some solid stuff and FINALLY work on building some legit stars for themselves for the first time in many years.

I've never been a huge Jarrett fan and I think the guy is highly overrated as a main eventer. Jarrett, to me, is the perfect example of an all around solid mid-card wrestler elevated to the main event spot without really belonging there. I've NEVER seen Jarrett as a credible main eventer, he's just never had it in my eyes. To me, the only reason he ever became a solidified main eventer is because he started his own company and booked himself that way.

I can see Jarrett being behind Sting's beatdown last night. Him being the first inductee into the TNA HOF and Jarrett being upset about that is a built in storyline. If that does turn out to be the case, then I've got no problem with it as long as it doesn't become the focal point & overall top feud in the company with more attention placed on it than anything else.
not in the least. Jarrett is a waste of space, truly believe he thinks he's god's greatest gift to wrestling and has all the stroke. (pun intended)
for me atleast, the only time i ever found him remotely entertaining was during his WWF tenure when he was the fake Country Singer and battling for the IC titles against Goldust and Razor Ramon they were some great battles and ofcourse teaming with Owen Hart. Hey the guy can go in ring i have no qualms admitting that but in every other area he's hopeless, specially on the mic (captain snoresville).

and to me atleast and i'm sure i'm not alone he is to the end of WCW and TNA what everyone bitches about Triple H/Hulk Hogan being, all about promoting himself at the cost of holding everyone else down least The Game and Hogan have an argument that they deserve to be on the top billing, Jarrett does not.

as for his abscence from Impact
TNA hasn't gotten any worse since he left, infact it has gotten alot better in some areas. Though i didn't mind RGK which was in part run by Double J.

in summary Jarrett offered little to the product the last few years other then continually saying "blah blah blah, i started this damn company, blah blah blah"
I don't like Jeff Jarrett.

No one really talks good or bad about him often. In my opinion, Jeff Jarrett is yet another selfish politician, getting pushes and title wins because he kisses the right asses, and in the case of TNA, is one of the higher influences backstage. I thought it was a load of crap because TNA had much more talented wrestlers that can be developed and work story lines better than Jarrett ever could, yet he had to be part of the main-event scene... Keep him away from the camera
No Jeff Jarrett?!?!?!?! Then no problem.

I always changed the channel when that guy was on TV. Hell, I remember when he got the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. It was awful. He did have a fancy catchphrase. "Choke on that Slapnutz!" It was funny, but there is so much more to main eventing pro wrestling, then having a catchphrase get over.

Less Jarrett is a great thing. It's hard to believe that guy was booked to win over Angle. Ex gold medalist vs. A guy who ripped off Ric Flair for the earlier part of his career.

Jarrett not on TV, equals smart thinking. Never drew that much money. Never really made a big impact.
Let me clarify one thing; I don't think Jarrett should be main-eventing on a consistent basis if he returned. There are others like Austin Aries, Storm, Daniels, and countless others who all deserve rightful opportunities into title contention before Double J. Whether you like or hate the guy, he's a great character. He's one of those guys who has always been great at getting reactions no matter what.

To those claiming Jarrett never drew much or never made a big impact, that's simply because he was never given the shot to do so. He never got a major opportunity for the WWF Title and he was at a time in WCW when most people had long since lost interest or even cared who was champion. TNA was an upstart company, so, becoming champion there wasn't really a major impact either. And even if none of that matters to you as a fan, Jarrett did help establish TNA and was a major factor in its success thus far. Without Double J, the brand probably wouldn't exist and you have to respect all Jarrett has accomplished since the company debuted.

@ Cuddlebuns84; You've been reading Ric Flair's book again, haven't ya :)?
I guess next you're gonna tell us Scott Steiner sucks too, right? Or, perhaps you'll prove how overrated you are by WHOOOOO!!!!-ing us to death, right? Talk about irony.
I fucking HATE Jeff Jarrett.

and that's exactly why I'd love him to come back. I'm one who often gravitates towards the heels, but Jarrett has always fucked me off, I don't recall ever siding with Jarrett on any feud, he is one who I will always want to watch get his ass kicked. As long as he isn't pushing himself to the moon and comes back to eventually end up getting the beat down then it sounds good to me. He's still more than capable of putting on a good match also. Have him put over one of the faces that needs it, the crowd will love whoever it is even more if they see him beat the shit out of ol double J.
The only time I ever wanted to see Jarrett is when he was with Team Canada or when he was losing a match or getting his stupid self beat up. I don't want to see Jarrett again on TNA because I don't care for him one bit. I think alot of people agree with me and Jarrett doesn't deserve to work with TNA. The only time I want to see Jarrett in TNA now is if they use him right.:disappointed:
Jarrett isn't bad, I actually like the character the only thing that really bothers me is that he doesn't draw anything but hate, and not the good type either. He has talent but he's a reminder that TNA wasn't top notch. That it had years where that guy held the belt and controlled everything. And he's just not that good.
The only time I ever wanted to see Jarrett is when he was with Team Canada or when he was losing a match or getting his stupid self beat up. I don't want to see Jarrett again on TNA because I don't care for him one bit. I think alot of people agree with me and Jarrett doesn't deserve to work with TNA. The only time I want to see Jarrett in TNA now is if they use him right.:disappointed:

I find it difficult to agree with the comment that Jarrett doesnt "deserve" to work in TNA unless im taking it out of context. I mean it was him and his dad that created the company so theres not many others if any out there who should be able to consider TNA a home as such more than him.

I dont believe Jarrett has ever been anything other than a strong midcard wrestler. That said i think he is good at being a heel and can be used to put over those wrestlers that need some momentum. I personally think he can still offer the show something but believe he should be used in small doses. Bring him in for a program with a good storyline, run with it, when its over let him fade into the background.
At one point I thought I was "Jarretted Out" ... with how much he dominated late WCW television and with how much he dominated early TNA television ... but now, every time he is gone ... I seriously miss him.

He is a GREAT in ring performer. Not just good, not just ok, he is GREAT. He tells a story in the ropes almost as good as anyone else in the business right now. I think he is fairly entertaining on the mic and his storylines are normally interesting.

But his in-ring work is excellent and I definitely like seeing him wrestle Angle, Styles and Sting no matter how many times I have seen it before.
I don't mind Jarrett. But it was ridiculous how long his feud with Angle went on and how many times he defeated him... no one else gets that many consecutive wins over Kurt and yet the founder got what felt like 6 months worth. It really showed how much political power Jarrett had over TNA. Then after enduring that a returning Jeff Hardy squashes Jarrett in seconds. The match is restarted and he squashes him another two times... What the??? It really didn't make any sense, esepcially since Hardy hasn't moved on to win the World title from it.

Jarrett hogs too much mic time, and if he does return he needs to be used sparingly. It makes perect sense for him to be the man who is behind the attack on Sting. But I've seent hat feud too many times now to be entertained. It seems that jarrett only ever wants to work with Sting or Kurt, in order to elevate his legacy.
Jeff Jarrett is doing a phenomenal job out of TV right now with AAA, Ring Ka King and other projects. Yeah, Jarrett was always a good thing to have on TV since 2007 but there's more than enough to supplement for him.
I think Double J would be better suited in only a few major storylines a year. Not quite an Undertaker-type of role[since he's donw to only one day a year, Mania]. And it doesn't even have to be for the TNA World Title. He could be on the show, contributing to big storylines and grooming new talents. He's a great on-air character who excells at getting crowd reactions. TNA would be ignorant not to use JJ in some capacity.
Remember when Jeff Hardy came back? And the first thing that happened was that Jarrett started screaming about how Hardy ruined the company and wasn't good enough for TNA..... but without ever even alluding to the drugs or the Sacrifice-match . I was just like wtf? How does this make sense. Anyone know if that was Russo's writing or if it was Jarret's idea?

If that was Jarrett's idea I don't even want him back.

I don't mind Jarrett. But it was ridiculous how long his feud with Angle went on and how many times he defeated him... no one else gets that many consecutive wins over Kurt and yet the founder got what felt like 6 months worth. It really showed how much political power Jarrett had over TNA.

I honestly think that was one of the best angles that TNA has ever had. At least the build-up to Lockdown. It should have ended like two weeks after Lockdown.
Remember when Jeff Hardy came back? And the first thing that happened was that Jarrett started screaming about how Hardy ruined the company and wasn't good enough for TNA..... but without ever even alluding to the drugs or the Sacrifice-match . I was just like wtf? How does this make sense. Anyone know if that was Russo's writing or if it was Jarret's idea?

I actually thought that made sense. Ever since Jarrett held up the WWF for the IC title when he left for WCW, he's been well-known for his backstage reputation and shooting on people in promos. His digs against Jeff Hardy were problem locker-room sentiment and Jarrett simply said stuff that most everyone felt but were afraid to say. I'm sure he had to run that stuff by Jeff Hardy before he could say it in the promo. To be quite honest, as a fan, I was laughing because there was alot of truth in what Jarrett said about Jeff Hardy. He screwed up before in TNA and did it again @ Victory Road. Besides, most casual fans that have the internet knew Jarrett was referring to the Victory Road incident and the drug situation. It was heavily implied, which made it even funnier to mention it that way.

If that was Jarrett's idea I don't even want him back.

Who's idea it was is pretty much irrelevant. Jarrett spoke the concensus of the backstage sentiment. And probably what 99% of the loyal TNA fans were already thinking[the other 1% being the marks in Orlando]. That's a lame reason to say Jarrett shouldn't return. He tells better in-ring stories than most of the roster and has stellar matches with anyone he's paired with.
I actually thought that made sense. Ever since Jarrett held up the WWF for the IC title when he left for WCW, he's been well-known for his backstage reputation and shooting on people in promos. His digs against Jeff Hardy were problem locker-room sentiment and Jarrett simply said stuff that most everyone felt but were afraid to say. I'm sure he had to run that stuff by Jeff Hardy before he could say it in the promo. To be quite honest, as a fan, I was laughing because there was alot of truth in what Jarrett said about Jeff Hardy. He screwed up before in TNA and did it again @ Victory Road. Besides, most casual fans that have the internet knew Jarrett was referring to the Victory Road incident and the drug situation. It was heavily implied, which made it even funnier to mention it that way.

Who's idea it was is pretty much irrelevant. Jarrett spoke the concensus of the backstage sentiment. And probably what 99% of the loyal TNA fans were already thinking[the other 1% being the marks in Orlando]. That's a lame reason to say Jarrett shouldn't return. He tells better in-ring stories than most of the roster and has stellar matches with anyone he's paired with.

I thought it was horrible because it wasn't consistent. Hardy comes back with a shoot apology and everybody is wondering where's been and what happened at Victory road (sorry). Right away Jarrett comes out with this over the top, obvious work promo. If you want to keep it real then keep it real! Don't go one way and then the other way.

It is often said that Hardy has been the top draw and no.1 merch seller in TNA for a long time.
I thought it was horrible because it wasn't consistent. Hardy comes back with a shoot apology and everybody is wondering where's been and what happened at Victory road (sorry). Right away Jarrett comes out with this over the top, obvious work promo. If you want to keep it real then keep it real! Don't go one way and then the other way.

Horrible? :lol::confused::wtf::shrug: Sounds like you're a Hardy mark who just didn't like the idea of addressing Hardy's problems on-air. Jarrett's "over the top, obvious work promo" is exactly what it was intended to be; a heel promo to get Hardy sympathy from the fans. It's standard wrestling 101; a heel shoots on a real-life situation to get fan's sympathy for the face. Whether it is real or not isn't the issue. TNA knew that Hardy's situation was all over the net and acknowledged that by having not only Jeff Jarrett, but, others like AJ Styles, Devon, etc talking to Jeff Hardy in backstage segments addressing what happened at Victory Road.

It is often said that Hardy has been the top draw and no.1 merch seller in TNA for a long time.

So, what? Because Hardy is a top merch seller, he should be exempt from being shot on in a promo? That's the worst pro wrestling logic ever. No wrestler is exempt from being involved in promos and other wrestling-related requirements just because they happen to be the number one merch seller. That'd be like saying since Cena sells more merch in WWE that The Rock shouldn't have said things about Cena's personal life. As a fan, that makes the rivilalry seem more real and legit. Even if it is an obvious work.......

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