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Is He A Star?

Is Rollins a star?

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Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
Alright, so I got to thinking about the WWE today. I was wondering what you guys thought on Seth Rollins.

He's 28 years old and has been on the WWE main roster since November 18, 2012. In that time, he's been the WWE Tag Team Champion and has held the Money in the Bank since June 29th.

Rollins is reminiscent of several former WWE superstars. The biggest resemblance I currently see is to Edge. The two both have built their singles success upon being cocky, chickensh*t heels. Another resemblance I see is to Shawn Michaels. Both guys are of similar builds and styles and can wrestle extremely well.

Rollins is a top 3 seller on the WWE roster. The reason all his matches look good is because he doesn't oversell. He doesn't look like a flopping broomstick and he sells his injuries during the match. He also has the potential to have a face moveset if/when he turns.

But perhaps the biggest skill Rollins has is being able to keep the fans' heat on him considering the era we're in. Overall, Rollins is arguably the top heel on the WWE roster, which is incredible considering he's only been here for two years.

What do you guys think? Is Rollins a star or not?
I don't see how Rollins couldn't be considered a star. Since his debut with The Shield, Rollins has gotten some of the most consistent and strongest booking of any WWE star in years. The Shield were the best faction in WWE in a good many years, all three guys shined, and now that Rollins is on his own, there's a very strong possibility of him becoming WWE World Heavyweight Champion sometime within the next 6 months. He's young, hungry, fresh, has a good character, has the mic skills, has the in-ring ability. Unless he does something foolish to earn some heat, the sky's the limit for Rollins.
Seth is a star. But I don't see him winning the WWE title anytime soon. He still isn't ready yet and has yet to prove himself. Give him more time to develop. Its still too early for him to win the big one.
He absolutely is a star. The WWE machine has pushed him as hard as they possibly can, giving him on-air exposure any performer would dream of, but most never get. They've surrounded him with seasoned professionals (The Authority) to support and augment his efforts. He started out in a featured, yet supporting role with a trio of guys and we saw his personality develop and stand out during their tenure.

At the same time, he's made the most of the opportunities given him. I compare Rollins to Dolph Ziggler, who is proof that the organization can give a performer all the air time in the world, yet still didn't have what it takes to rise the level Seth Rollins has achieved already.

Seth's a star....and he's shown he deserves it. I look forward to him being one of the "young guys" who takes WWE into the next decade.
I'll say yes, he is. His push has been fantastic. It has been deliberate and well planned out. They clearly wanted Rollins to be the second top heel in the company and have succeeded. People hate him.

His stuff on the mic is very good. He is more than capable in the ring even if he needs to show a bit more at times - but that will come. I think his feud with Ambrose engaged the audience and made people want to pay to see them fight. I reckon the same will happen if he fights Cena, Orton or indeed Reigns. There are effectively four feuds that he is part off and all are interesting in their own right and in all scenarios people (I think) would pay money to watch Rollins get a beating.

He isn't a complete superstar, yet, but he will get there. I firmly believe that if he continues his momentum and the WWE continue pushing him Rollins can be one of the greatest heels of all time. At the current time, Rollins is a star and is shining probably brighter than any other name on the current roster.
He's a star and with the way he's being treated the sky is the limit for him. The only question that remains is can he keep the momentum going.

When he debuted with the Shield, you could almost see the writing on the wall. The WWE made sure that they were booked perfectly, and since splitting them up, Ambrose and Rollins have remained on that path. Only Reigns seems to have had booking issues, but I'm sure that will be fixed when he comes back.

Rollins has the personality, talent and the hunger to go as far as the WWE will let him. And they've obviously seen the potential in him, given him the ball and let him run with it. I think however, he will always need more help than the other two. Reigns has the look, charisma and intensity of a future champion. Ambrose is well Ambrose, he needs no help at all, he does it on his own, and does a damm fine job of it.

I do await the day when we hear Sierra, Hilton, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, SHIELD again. That will be one hell of a moment.
Simple, ask the question: Who is the WWE's Most Hated at this moment? Most would answer Seth Rollins and with good reason.
To be honest, "Who gets to beat Rollins" is an angle in itself, and there is and has been loads of Top Superstars in line to be "The One to beat the One who betrayed the Shield ;) ".

I still believe that Rollins vs Orton should be stretched until Wrestlemania 31; where a win over Orton would be perfect to set Seth Rollins on his way to being a Main Event Top Heel for a long time to come as Orton has been for so long.

The fact that Rollins' time as a Babyface in the Shield is the time which really got him into the fans' view with his high-flying style. It is clear he can excel on both sides and that definitely makes him a Star Performer.
Definitely Seth Rollins is a star. He's been working his way up to the top for about 10 years now, and you can tell he's hungry. And he is a heel. A straight up, nobody cheers him because he does everything to get boo'd heel. Rollins is one of the best performers in the world, and he plays his character to perfection. I think Rollins has potential to be a better babyface, but he is the biggest heel in the company. Rollins hasn't even scratched the surface of what he can do yet, and his stock is just going to keep rising, and rising, and rising. The best is certainly yet to come with Seth Rollins.
Huge star and he will continue to be around the top end of the card for years to come! Can sense a Rollins v Reigns feud over the title coming in the not so distant future....
I don't perceive Rollins as a star, because of his verbals. It's not so much the content but the high pitch and lack of authority (hehe) in his voice. Bret Hart was hardly a riveting talker, but he sounded like a man who was capable of kicking ass, and so he was believable as a wrestler. Brock Lesnar suffers from the same little girl voice as Rollins, but Brock is kinda massive and could literally rip your head off at will.

If I consistently cringe while watching a guy's TV appearances, then no, I don't consider him a star. I won't pay to see Rollins live, I won't buy a pay-per-view because of him, and I won't buy his merchandise. I simply do not believe in him because I perceive a feminine presence when he's on the mic.
John Cena wanted a piece of him. Bray Wyatt targeted him (Cena) & Brock Lesnar targeted him(Cena), but John Cena targeted Seth Rollins not the other way around. Dean Ambrose went to hell and back just so he could get to him. That's been his mindset for almost the entire of 2014 since June. The Authority themselves have replaced Randy Orton with Seth Rollins as their Golden Boy. Some of the most iconic Raw moments of all time are when Seth Rollins curb stomped Dean Ambrose on a cinderblocks and when his curb stomp to Randy Orton on a steel steps caused him to bleed out. Back-to-back PPV Main Events isn't too shabby either. Seth Rollins IS a STAR and I, as well as many others in the WWE Universe, look forward to what more he has in store each week on Raw and Smackdown. #Don'tSellOutBuyIn
Rollins ISN'T a star yet... but he has more potential to be than Reigns for sure...

He has benefitted from the "Punk situation" more than anyone on the roster... he has similar abilities, look, even to the point some "dumb casuals" will assume they are the same guy... He has eased into the spot vacated by Punk and is well on the way to making it his own.

But he isn't there yet... a lot can still go wrong.

What he has that is good is:-

Attitude - He comes across as someone who was a "blue chip pick" from the indies, like Punk but not prepared to wait. When he does his heel stuff about being the best, it does, for me anyway remind me a lot of when Tyler Black WAS the best guy outside the WWE.

Finisher - The Curbstomp is not a PG move, amazed they allow it lest kids copy but it fits him and is the best finish in the company right now. Compare it to Reigns' "Superman Punch" and you see why Roman is in trouble.

Time - He has time on his side... he doesn't have to cash that case in until July.. it's likely he'll do it at Mania, it would fit the character to do so... but they could literally have him be the first guy to go a full year with it too... cash in on the night at MITB if Reign's isn't panning out or just to give him a big Summerslam match... They are actually going outside the box with Rollins and taking their time to make sure he gets over right...

Is he the new Trips? The new Edge? The new Shawn? Neither, but Rollins is where all of them were when they either won KOTR, MITB or that last IC title... and he's got more chance of stepping up, doing well and being a long term prospect than Reigns and Ryback do right now... If I were him, I'd be happy with that...cos he's earned it... it's definitely not been handed to him.
The problem right now is that they're making Rollins seem too weak. I'm not buying him on a main event level because he seemingly needs help in every match. He can't even beat Jack Swagger without someone getting involved.

WWE keeps telling us how crafty he is, but he keeps making dumb mistakes such as
-Leaving at Battleground before the title Match...did he forget about Money in the Bank?
- Attacking Brock Lesnar before Cena could defeat him. Yeah, it's not like Lesnar kicked out of Cena's finisher almost immediately.
He's definitely a star imo. First and foremost he's in line to become the next (or next to next) WWEWHC as I really can't see him failing to cash in the MITB contract. The booking for Seth Rollins has been so consistently smooth and strong that I have no doubt in my mind they are building him up for one thing. To cash in his MITB contract at Wrestlemania no matter who the winner is UNLESS they decide to feed him to Roman Reigns... That all depends on who they want to put the load on going forward and I think Rollins is much more prepared to carry that load than Roman is seeing as he's already been doing it for the past few months.

Back to the question; Seth Rollins is arguably the number 2 heel on the roster right now beside Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt and has been showcased in the top feuds for nigh on 6 months now... Dude's definitely a star.
Is Seth Rollins a star? Yes. Is he a TOP star? Not even remotely close. He's laughably far away from where WWE seems to think he is. Rollins is a decent midcard guy but is years away from being ready for the main event level, and putting him there is a huge mistake. Putting Seth Rollins at the top of the card now is the equivalent of having Edge headlining PPVs in 2000.
Absolutely, he's got the total package IMO, and I think his mic work is slightly underrated by some. I'm not calling him amazing on the mic, but more than passable. I'm still wondering what the plan is for him going forward when it pertains to the MiTB briefcase though as I agree with MartialHorror, the booking hasn't been massively pro-Rollins. His clean wins usually come against mid-carders, but at the top of the card most of his wins come via DQ with Authority interference. I understand his chicken shit heel role right now, but I'm struggling to see how he'll go from losing clean to Reigns a week before they were supposed to fight at NoC (bizarre booking in my eyes, and I'm a Reigns fan), to being THE guy to become WWE WH champion.

As a heel, I think he's great. He's certainly generated a lot of heat, and he'll get the "you sold out" chants for as long as he's a heel, and I would agree that he's the number one heel in the company right now (which is why I'd prefer to see his booking stronger). But as a face? I think he's better. It comes across more naturally when he's a face, and I think his style in the ring is more endearing as a face wrestler, apart from his finisher which is deadly. I'm enjoying his heel work, but I'm also looking forward to the day when he turns face as I think he'll absolutely kill it as a top babyface.
Finisher - The Curbstomp is not a PG move, amazed they allow it lest kids copy but it fits him and is the best finish in the company right now. Compare it to Reigns' "Superman Punch" and you see why Roman is in trouble.

I'm not sure I entirely agree with this, although I can see where you're coming from with the rest of your post. It's not really a fair comparison as the Superman Punch isn't used to finish a match like the Curb Stomp is; surely it would make more sense to compare it to the Spear... which is a perfectly acceptable finish. Even then, the Superman Punch is an actual move used in UFC so it's not like it's a poor or unrealistic move.
I am going to say no. I know I might caught some stuff for this, but this is the way I look at it.

When you say a star, I think John Cena is a star. Randy Orton is a star. Brock Lensar is a star. They are drawing money. People are buying tickets to see them.

I'm not saying people don't want to see Rollins, but right now to me he isn't the main reason to watch Raw. He is very well on his way to be, but right now I don't consider him a star.
I don't perceive Rollins as a star, because of his verbals. It's not so much the content but the high pitch and lack of authority (hehe) in his voice. Bret Hart was hardly a riveting talker, but he sounded like a man who was capable of kicking ass, and so he was believable as a wrestler. Brock Lesnar suffers from the same little girl voice as Rollins, but Brock is kinda massive and could literally rip your head off at will.

If I consistently cringe while watching a guy's TV appearances, then no, I don't consider him a star. I won't pay to see Rollins live, I won't buy a pay-per-view because of him, and I won't buy his merchandise. I simply do not believe in him because I perceive a feminine presence when he's on the mic.




Seth is a star. But I don't see him winning the WWE title anytime soon. He still isn't ready yet and has yet to prove himself. Give him more time to develop. Its still too early for him to win the big one.

I kind of feel that since he has the MITB he might win the title sooner than later. And I guess that is the problem. Unless you are Edge or RVD winning the title via MITB is kind of a curse. What I mean is that you are hot shot to the title so quickly that unless you have a high level of credibility it actually does more harm than good especially if you look at Swagger, Del Rio, and CM Punk's first cash in.
I don't perceive Rollins as a star, because of his verbals. It's not so much the content but the high pitch and lack of authority (hehe) in his voice. Bret Hart was hardly a riveting talker, but he sounded like a man who was capable of kicking ass, and so he was believable as a wrestler. Brock Lesnar suffers from the same little girl voice as Rollins, but Brock is kinda massive and could literally rip your head off at will.

If I consistently cringe while watching a guy's TV appearances, then no, I don't consider him a star. I won't pay to see Rollins live, I won't buy a pay-per-view because of him, and I won't buy his merchandise. I simply do not believe in him because I perceive a feminine presence when he's on the mic.
Your completely correct about Brock Lesnar being able to rip someone's head off

Here's the thing, the reason Rollins won't get to the top just yet, is Brock Lesnar. There is no way WWE or Brock for that matter will have Rollins go over him. I have watched wrestling for 25 years and Rollins reminds me of Owen Hart when he joined the Nation of Domination - screaming and aligning himself with a good group. He has the talent to get to the top, but I would make him cash in and lose but still go on to win the title later down the line
Out of the 3 Shield Guys in their respective singles pushes, I'd say Seth Rollins has gotten by far the best and most consistent booking that has helped him more than thrive as a Heel, and I am also pretty sure, that like the Shield break-up post-Payback, his MitB cash-in moment will happen when it is least expected and also be a successful one and his subsequent run with the title will also be a long and fruitful one designed to make us all hate Traitorface even more than he is already.

Roman Reigns got over as part of the Shield, and his Singles booking actually gradually loss him momentum, and I'd say that the injury might well turn out to be a blessing in disguise for him in the long-term.

Dean Ambrose's unlikely face run and the push he got as the direct rival to Rollins has gotten him over big time, but so far, given how the Wyatt-Ambrose feud is going, I fear he might lose some momentum unless this feud is somehow changed and booked well as to not let that happen.
I don't perceive Rollins as a star, because of his verbals. It's not so much the content but the high pitch and lack of authority (hehe) in his voice. Bret Hart was hardly a riveting talker, but he sounded like a man who was capable of kicking ass, and so he was believable as a wrestler. Brock Lesnar suffers from the same little girl voice as Rollins, but Brock is kinda massive and could literally rip your head off at will.

If I consistently cringe while watching a guy's TV appearances, then no, I don't consider him a star. I won't pay to see Rollins live, I won't buy a pay-per-view because of him, and I won't buy his merchandise. I simply do not believe in him because I perceive a feminine presence when he's on the mic.
Except that he's a chicken shit heel so his voice actually makes his voice perfect. His voice is high pitched and annoying. You want to strangle him. It's good. That's probably a huge reason as to why he's a heel. Not everyone has to be a badass or "the cool bad guy".

Rollins is absolutely a star. He knows how to carry himself. A lot of people saying he's had a great push. He's had a great, continuous push because he keeps getting more over and succeeding. Had he shit the bed at any point, his push would have been halted. It's not like he's only here because WWE wants him to be. WWE wants everyone to succeed (more money). Rollins took his ball and he's still running.

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