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Is Edge ruining the prestige of the World Titles?


The Next One
I was watching the commercial for the Triple Threat match at WM, and I remember saying he's "an 8 time world champion"..and to my suprise, I read on wiki that he's had 8 world title reigns in 3 years. Im sure Edge accomplished some sort of record, which leads me to ask: Is Edge's gimmick wrecking the prestige of the titles?

Dont get me wrong, I think Edge's gimmick is great, and it shows you that opportunity knocks, he takes advantage of it...but to take out guys like Kofi at NWO and win world titles that way makes me wonder if the world titles have prestige..now you might all ask, whoa whoa how about Triple H..he had evolution, DX, and the mcmahon helmsley faction but considering Triple H has only been a 13 time champion in what, 10 years, I kinda wonder how Edge won so many titles at a ridiculously short amount of time..im obviously rambling on so im gonna stop here!
His gimmick says it all . Thats what he does and he's good at it . If the wwe ever needs a world champion latley they turn to edge and he plays it out so well. but does it ruin the prestige .. no not at all cause his last really long title run was in the summer of 2006 I belive when he had that awsome feud with cena. And he's good at getting the real champions over on him (Taker cena hardy even Cm punk ) and that is what creates even more prestige to the world titles is his abilty to do that .
Well let's just look at his reigns and you can see it hasn't ruined the prestiege but simply added a new element to it. Since Survivor Series him winning titles has built stories. His win at Survivor Series helped the hardy feud and reput him back with Vickie to set up the stuff with Big Show. He then loses it to Jeff for a month, 1 to let jeff get a title reign and to further the hardy feud. Then at No Way Out he reestablishes his feud with Cena and just changes which title he holds. That makes 3 reigns none of which were to necessarily further him but to further storylines going into the biggest show so he can defend the title he could have easily held from Survivor Series. Edge has basically been champion for 5 months even though he has 3 title reigns instead of one. Adding more to his character and the stories surrounding him and at all times people are chasing him all the same so the importance has never become less.
Im my opinion Edge lends prestige to any title. He is an excellent performer, never really had anything handed to him and is the go to guy of the company. He makes any match/segment enjoyable/work and has every tool needed to be "the man". Hell, he got Vickie over. Nuff said. His title runs will decrease in tally but increase in length once he turns face also. Forget Randy Orton and Jericho, Edge is the super heel who delivers! Eventually, he will be the super face that delivers also!!!
As its been said Edge is the 'go to' guy. RVD gets busted for drugs whilst wwe champion Edge gets the title. Mr Kennedy gets injured Edge gets the M.I.T.B then with Taker injured Edge gets the WHC.
Considering all of the people who have won world titles, I think this is a curious post. JBL beating Eddie Guerrero, that takes prestige away from a title. CM Punk winning a title because he was the MITB and they had written themselves into a corner making that the only option to resolve a storyline to bring a ttle back to Raw, that takes prestige away from a title.

Edge taking out Kingston to win the other title after just losing his doesn't take prestige away from the title as much as it answers the question "Why is Kofi Kingston in my main event?"

I'm tempted to agree with you on the Edge-Jeff Hardy Royal Rumble idea, only in the sense that it really didn't make a lot of sense to ruin Jeff Hardy's push with a stupid one-month reign. On the other hand, again, that was more WWE writing themselves into corners, and Edge just being there as their clean-up guy. Otherwise would you really expect Hardy to defend at WM25? It starts to get gray.

The only ones ruining the prestige of the titles are the writers. Big Show is in a three-way for a belt at Mania? Why? What if he actually wins it? The writers are losing their damn minds. But hey, unless they bring in Mickey Rourke to pull a David Arquette on a world title, at least we can have some comfort that there is some prestige left to go around.
I don't feel that Edge is ruining the prestige of the World Championships, but I can see why you would think that. A prestigous champion has to be someone who had to bust their ass to get to the top and overcome many obstacles. Edge didn't do that in his first WWE Championship win, nor did he do it in any of other World Title wins. Though, it doesn't seem too fair to the championship or the person Edge screwed over, it's pretty effective. Edge's title wins has helped many of the current and old storylines develop. Over the title, he's had great fueds with John Cena, Undertaker, Batista, Triple H and Jeff Hardy.

So, I feel that Edge is not in any way hurting the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship. The titles have been losing the little prestige they had left, not because of Edge, but because of the writers. The people who write the scripts aren't always doing the best business moves, and that's what should be making you or anyone else think the World Titles might lose prestige.
The Rock had 9 World Titles in the same amount of time (if you count his two WCW reigns during the invasion), yet do people think The Rock devalued the title? No.

Same goes for Edge. He has been carrying Smackdown and making it a worthwhile show to watch ever since he jumped over from RAW to steal Taker's World Title. Vickie and Edge have been the main storyline on Smackdown for quite some time now and it still hasn't gotten old. His feud with Undertaker last year was easily the best feud of the year, only HBK/Y2J can compare to it.

Edge is a great performer all around. He is great on the mic and awesome in the ring. Plus, he knows how to work the crowd as a Face but especially as a Heel. What more can you ask from a champion?
I believe that Edge is getting so many title reigns in order to "get them out of the way". After this reign, i think Edge will stay away from the World title scene and maybe focus on feuds without the title or maybe go towards the tag titles or Intercontinental/ US titles again.... I do not think he will get past 12 title reigns. Speaking over which, I would like to note that i strongly believe that Triple H will beat Ric Flair's record of 16 World title Reigns. (I mean, Ric Flair can't hold that record forever, and who better to break it then Triple H? I see Triple H maybe even getting close to 20 reigns before reitrement.
IMO yes he is ruining the belt. The titles are nothing more than props anymore, which has been stated several times before. Winning the belt the way he has everytime is his gimmick. Without that, he would've been future endeavored long ago! Edge got his push after the real life controversy with him, Lita, and Matt Hardy. Hes a scumbag and that's what Vince likes. Goes hand in hand i guess. Edge's best matches are gimmick matches, cuz that's all he can do, and it's rare he gets a good ass whoopin' that we love to see the heels get from time to time. Even RKO has gotten the piss beat out of him before Mania. Botom line, Edge is a total joke! I know people disagree and have other opinions. That's cool, I like and respect that. But that's my opinion on a total waste in the ring!
Edge doing it doesn't "ruin the prestige" of the belts in my opinion, because its his gimmick basically. But if everybody else started doing the same thing, then it definitely would.

For instance, remember when being an unstoppable monster meant something? Nowadays, everybody is given a winning streak when they debut and they try to make a big deal about it. Shit, they plugged Ricky Ortiz being undefeated at like, 5 matches, beating jobbers, for weeks. That ruins credibility to an aspect of the product. Now, if someone is undefeated, it means absolutely nothing unless they keep that undefeated streak for a very, very long time.

So the same applies to the championships. Edge as a heel, cheating his way into title reigns, that makes sense, although I'll admit that its getting a little old and its very annoying that they don't let him actually retain it on his own from time to time. But if suddenly, Randy Orton came out and did the same type of thing to win the next two titles he wins, and JBL did the same, and Kane did the same...then that screws with the prestige because it makes it seem like its more like playing musical chairs as opposed to winning a sanctioned match.
All I have to say is if you think Edge's title reigns are ruining the title you need to go look up some of your Hero, Ric Flair, and his title reigns before saying anything. There was plenty of times where he would lose the title and win it back within days (matches against Harley Race, Kerry Von Erich and Ron Garvin all come to mind) or even having it given back the same day.

Vince MacMahon has been quoted as preferring Edge as a champion rather then chasing it and how can you blame him? I will gladly take an Edge title run over Boretista, Orton, Cena or HHH (what exactly has he done as champ except NEED to be champ going into Wrestlemania to stroke his ego?)
what a joke...

the reason edge has so many title run is he doent have a BIG ego, most of edges title runs set-up the next Face title run.

Think about when jeff hardy won the title, who did he win it from? edge. before edge had the title, it was HHH. would HHH want to lose the title to jeff?, we know that wouldnt happen. so, what to we get another edge short title run setting up jeff's failed(not on his part, its all on wwe writers) title run.

edge has no ego! he doesnt mind putting others over, and does a great job at it. he's done it time and time again. who else would do such a great job of acting afraid of the undertaker?

if you read "ON EDGE" by adam copeland, you'll read about how he never knew his father, lived in a one room apartment with his single mom struggling to survive, where he could see his breathe during winter, it was so cold.

humble beginings lead us to a great ego-less wrestler who makes all the faces get huge pops, puts over anyone at anytime if needed.

i'd bet a million dollars, he's gonna put over the golden boy tonight at wm25. thats the reason he's got the title. so a legit face can take it off of a great heel.

this should'a been "thank goodness for edge" thread
Edge has never won the world title fairly, lets take a look

1st- Cashed in MiTB against a tired Cena
2nd- Stole a pin from John Cena in a Trile Threat match
3rd- Cashed in MiTB against tired Undertaker
4th- Had help from Hawkins and Ryder
5th- Interference from Vickie
6th- Came in during the middle of the match
7th- Interference from Matt Hardy
8th- Attacked Kofi and forced himself into the elimination chamber

So yea, he is ruining the presteige of the title
To Hunter, ya we know he hasn't won a title fairly. that's why he's a HEEL champion. Look at how other heel champions have won and then judge. Sure, he hasn't won them fairly, but he's had some great defensive matches.

Imo, i dont think he's ruining the prestige, but adding to it. In 15-20 years, he's going to be a measuring stick. People are going to be saying "look at this kid, he reminds me of Edge!" And his title wins just go on to further the development of his character, showing that's he's smart. He even said it best. "You don't have the be the strongest, you don't have the be the fastest, you don't have to be the biggest. But you do have to be the strongest!"
yeah it's his gimmick. It's not his fault that world title mean very little nowadays.

he has a role and was given a gimmick or maybe had a hand in what his gimmick would be. In any case Vince obviously 100% agrees with the gimmick and gave him the push, Don't be shitting on Edge cause Matt wouldn't comit to Lita so Edge moved in you don't know the real story only they do.

In any case since Wrestling is no longer wrestling, rather it's Sports Entertainment records meant nothing following the whole WCW folded and the invasion angle finished.

Personally I don't like the gimmick that he never has to work for his titles and rarely actually wrestles period but it's not the first time and yeah he plays that part well. Is good on the mic and gets good heat or when he was a face he was very comedic

He also has the look of a champion

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