Is Double J in the ring really worth it?

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Fun's my Chinese neighbour's name
JJ is the TNA equivalent of Hulk Hogan. He disappears for a little while, then comes back in with all guns blazing leading to a nice little run, but is he really a credible TNA legend anymore.

Jarrett vs Angle from Bound for Glory was a decent enough match, but more because of the emotion behind it with Angle bringing the 'dirty laundry' factor and mentioning Jarrett's family, but JJ just isn't very interesting in the ring. I mean the man basically relies on his guitar and a small generic move set.

So the question is JJ's ability to make a match emotional enough to make him credible as an in-ring competitor anymore?

Personally, I think the 'real' factor of Jarrett makes him credible for the moment, mainly because of the genuine dislike of the two main competitors and the oh so public voicing of Angle's issues with TNA leading to the ire of Jarrett. For now JJ, I feel you're worthwhile
I will answer your question like this. If Ric Flair was credible in the ring all the way up to his retirement, then why in the hell isn't Jeff Jarrett? Jarrett is still fairly young and has stayed in pretty good shape. He can still work a match and didn't show any rust in his match with Angle. Jarrett is good on the mic and him pulling his own personal pain into the picture right now will only elevate the feud that he and Angle will have. It's sort of like the angle that the WWF had with Pillman and Austin, where you knew there was some legitimate heat between the two of them because of their past. Well rather than Jeff Jarrett just punishing Kurt Angle for his comments, he decided to turn it into an angle where they two of them should be feuding for months to come, keeping both in the spotlight but out of the title picture while others shake it up a bit. So yes, Jarrett is credible.
Jeff Jarret is nothing special but he is to TNA what Triple H is to the WWE. Both have connections getting them pushed but both are loved by the fans. To TNA fans Jarrett is god. It's obvious that Jarrett cannot wrestle as good as he use to but he still has the fan backing. Although TNA never was destroyed when Jarrett was gone, him being on TNA doesn't hurt either. He has been with TNA since the beginning and will be in TNA for some time to come and although I don't know if he brings much to the table anymore, his sheer intensity and devotion that he has since TNA began will keep him around.
Jeff Jarrett has been my favorite wrestler since the beginning of TNA, and I did enjoy him in both WWE, and ECW. I am a Jeff Jarrett mark, so im probably a little bias, but yes, Jeff Jarrett in the ring is worth it, especially for me. I enjoy his mic work, and his in ring skills are more entertaining to me that probably 90 percent of the TNA roster, and find him more enjoyable than probably 85 percent of the entire WWE (Raw, FNS, WWECW) roster combined.
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