Is Don West a heel now??

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The amazing thing here is that everyone who hated Don West as a face announcer, loves him as a heel announcer. To be quite honest, I like him as both face and heel announcers.

Now, it's ironic, when West turned heel by cussing out Ixnay Tenay (Larry Zybysko refrence) for not defending him in said job meeting, everyone in the iMPACT Zone cheered West for doing that. But then when he screwed over Team 3-D they let him have it. I do admit this; West does need to work on his heel announcing a little.

I agree with one poster who said you cannot compare WWE and TNA, two very different companies. The thing with McMahon land is they have no heel announcers with the exception of Matt Stryker (who kisses Jack Swaggers ass on ECW on a daily basis) who actually tries his best to be a heel announcer on ECW.

Don needs to look at video and tape and even You Tube footage of the BEST heel announcer ever: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. His work with Gorilla Monson and Tony Schiavone was some of the best, the funniest and at points even made fans want to punch Heenan in the face for ripping on the good guys (except that one time he actually cheered the babyfaces in WCW when they feuded with the nWo, only because he hated Hogan so much).

I actually like West even more as a heel announcer, including this past Impact when he was going on about the Motor City Machine Gunes being right about Suicide being Daniels and Tenay told him to "shut the hell up".

I'm not saying we might get McMahon/Ventura out of Tenay and West. But just maybe a little bit on the side of Schiavone/Heenan.
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I am one of the people who like West at lot more as a heel announcer. It wasn't that he was bad as a face, he was just boring and bland. There was nothing that really made him stand out. His yelling and screaming works better as a heel.

It's always more entertaining to hear both sides of the story. Hearing both annoucers say, "Oh my god, I can believe what [insert heel] did to [insert face]. That was dispicable." each and every week. The face/heel dynamic gives more variety to the broadcast.

It can also help to put over wrestlers as heels. For example, I wasn't really sure what Mick Foley was a few weeks ago until West started backing him and Tenay was criticizing him for it. It clears up the picture.

Basically, I always prefer a face/heel announce team, and West and Tenay are doing a pretty good job.
Where ya been, he's been a tweener for months. lol
He sucks as a commentator so probably very few people give a shit. and even as a "heel" it makes no difference half the time him and Tenay get along fine and occasionaly Tenay fires off at West which sets of West on a temporary heel turn b4 going back to nowhere again.

He is the worst commentator in WWE/TNA wrestling period.... and thats saying something if i compared him to Todd Grisham lol

Seriously if ya gonna be Heel or Face stick to the script Geesh!!!!!

But thats typical of the writing in wrestling in general these days. Everyone is a tweener and noone can work out who is who from segment to segment.
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