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is CM Punk overrated?


Dark Match Winner
Hey fellas, haven't posted in ages. This has been eating away at me for sometime and wanted to see if anyone else felt like me. Is CM Punk overrated? I mean, he isn't that bad in the ring, but when was the last time they gave this guy a good storyline? Randy Orton kicked him in the head to cost him the title, and he took it like a punk(no pun intended.) I do not recall Punk ever getting revenge, besides from his 1 match with Orton when Orton returned(I think they had a match, I can't even remember!) The last time I remember CM Punk in a feud was when he was feuding with The New Breed back on the early WWECW days.

The bottom line is, I think CM Punk is boring, He comes out and does his same little GTS move and wins, but never sets up a good feud. Also, they have him lose quite often, so how would he make a credible champion? Thought?...
I think he is a good worker. The feuds aren't really his fault as Vinnie Mac controls all. I think he has become RVD all over again. They have seriosly toned him down from his ROH days as well as ECW. Whenever the heel turn happens, he will be better. Just to let you know i'm a Punk fan, so i am biased. He is way better as a heel. (think Jericho)
His booking is his problem? Yeah, that's definately his fault.

His last feud was against William Regal for the IC title. He feuded with JBL before that. He's also had feuds with Chavo Guerrero and John Morrison. The New Breed feud was not his last.

All wrestlers have a rountine. Something to pop the crowd. And considering a lot of WWE matches are structured the same way with little freedom given to the wrestlers, most of the guys have problems. Punk isn't alone in that.

I think Punk is one of the best in the company in the ring and on the stick. His booking isn't his fault though, and I don't blame him for it. You shouldn't either.
I can't help the fact of being bored with this guy. His feuds are less than notable, hence me not even recalling them. Did they even give the guys mic time, or did they just wrestle a few times? And off the record, I forget who the guy was in the WWE that was hating on Punk for the wrist rolling thing, but he is right, that's dumb. Not a hater, but not a Punk fan either =P.
Punk isn't overrated. Based on his popularity, he's about where he should be.

On SD, he's second only to Jeff Hardy. That should say something about how popular he is. I've said a few times before and I'll say it again. Whether or not people have titles and money and pushes based on their in ring ability/mic skils/ charisma etc. shouldn't judge whether a wrestler is overrated or not. It should only depend on whether or not the wrestler is over or not cause that's the main thing that really matters.

He gets good pops when he comes out, and 4 out of 5 matches he's in will have a "CM PUNK!" chant from the crowd at some point. And considering all the crap he's been through with a losing streak last year, the bad world title reign, the bad midcard title reigns and jobbing to Kane, he's still getting great pops. That alone should show he's not overrated.
He's a great all round wrestler. He gets the job done in the ring when he's got a good opponent to work with, he's got good mic skills, and people generally just love him. Where he's at right now is just about right.
I actually think Cm Punk gets more criticism than he deserves, and it's often due to his World Heavyweight Championship win, which many thought was too early. Personally, I agreed with them, but it gave Punk a bad image to many, because he wasn't a great champion. I just think he wasn't ready, but could be if he's booked right. Punk is a good wrestler; very talented in what he does. I think he's slowly moving towards being rated correctly. He's not the best in the world, but there's potential there to make him great.
CM Punk's biggest problem is that he is boring, and its almost impossible to get over without having some charisma or mic skills. In the ring he is pretty average, he is certainly better than MVP, but not as good as say Christian, Swagger, Mysterio etc. My ain criticisms of his in-ring style is his lack of ring psycology/awareness, and the 'fakeness' of his offense - it just doesnt appear convincing to me. I'm also yet to see any really good matches from him in WWE. Then there is his straight edge gimmick, its a gimmick that is outdated and has a condessending message to fans. That been said he probably isnt overrated, he gets his fair share of flack and criticism - rightfully so though after his shambolic title reign.
CM Punk doesn't have any charisma or mic skills? Please. People who really don't have any charisma or mic skills get dick-raped by the fans on a daily basis. Not that that matters, because Punk can work the stick. Is he The Rock? No. Does he speak fluently and carry over a message in his promos? Yes, and better than half the guys in the locker room.

People call him sloppy, but that's a piss weak argument. From what I've seen of SmackDown these past weeks, Punk is one of the least sloppy wrestlers on the roster. He's clean, crisp and ever so slightly stiff. Coincidentally, he also managed to do a suicide dive without getting his leg caught on the rope, something most wrestlers never do in a lifetime.

Was his title reign a failure? Shit no. He was booked to be the new kid on the block that got the belt before he was meant to and he carried that over well. At least it was something new and interesting. His matches with JBL and the like may not have set the world on fire but they didn't stink the joint out like a Triple H/Randy Orton match.
Punk is a great wrestler. Hell I wish I could set up a tournament with Punk, MVP, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and William Regal. Those are some guys that can work the roof off the place. ECW One Night Stand a few years back showed you what wrestling can be when there aren't any WWE restrictions. The story is told with fast paced action and they go at each other. There aren't any lame moves used to praise the kiddies. ie. five knuckle shuffle. Punk can wrestle probaby better than the majority of the WWE roster. His style is just restricted and he's forced to use that lame GTS. I wish he could use the Anaconda Vice. It's a mark's dream but I wouldn't mind seeing the Pepsi Plunge..
To me? Yes. I've just never been able to get behind the guy. Oh, so he's straight-edge. And? That doesn't mean I'll mark for his dropping someone onto his knee to knock them out. He's probably one of the few wrestlers I won't mark for when he's wrestling, including Orton. Orton simply pisses me off with the undeserved praise he gets, but that's another thread.

But is he overrated when I look past the fact he doesn't entertain me? No. He's over with the crowd. Not me, but he is with the crowd. He can convey a message when he's on the mic, which automatically puts him over Shelton "I can jump really high" Benjamin. His World Heavyweight reign was horrible if you think it was supposed to be a legit title reign. But it wasn't. It was supposed to be the kid who just shot up from ECW getting the title before he was ready. Mysterio 2.0 if you will. And honestly, do you think creative gave him the title for any reason other than to get it onto Raw? He was a means to an end.
Punk has a lot working for him because he's unique. Based on preconceptions Punk is a face wrestler in a heel's body. At first glance someone who isn't in the know would think Punk is the bad guy just based on his appearance. He also has a unique style with his kick-based offense. If anything, Punk has been given limited mic time and feuds that are hard to push. Kane and Umaga? Those guys hardly talk if at all. That means he has to carry the entire load.

I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses for the guy but he really has had the rug pulled out from underneath him so often. He won't get the chance to shine until he's treated a main event player. Most of his feuds have had dominated and only pulling out big wins when he absolutely needs to.

I really hope that Punk will eventually be given a solid World title reign. With the competition on SD! I think it'll happen soon. My belief is that if that happens a lot of the people who haven't jumped on the Punk bandwagon yet will finally be on board.

Even if you dislike Punk it's hard to say he's overrated because he has yet to be pushed as a top tier guy despite his ECW/World/World Tag Team/Intercontinental titles and two MitB wins. In my opinion, you can really only earn the overrated tag once you've been solidified as a main eventer player for multiple years. All I ask is that those who aren't sold on Punk wait for him to have a main event run where he isn't treated like a guy who is absolutely lucky to be in his spot night in and night out.
i definitely find him boring, funny he did a show at my high school back when i was in like 11th grade or something...and this wasnt a big high school.. i havent seen him very long but im definitely tired of him already, that go to sleep move is horrible, his submission is dope but overall i dont find him too appealing unless he's in some type of extreme rules type of match
No not at all.
I do feel he is better as a heel then a face.
Imo he cut better promos as a heel in ROH then Jericho does today.
him cashing in the mitb briefcase on Edge last year was far to soon and was a bad decision. They should have built his cred up over the year and should have had him have some feuds with some main evnters then he could have cashed it in at Wrestlemania against Edge and won the belt. He'd be a legit Champion if that was how it was done
Yeah I think he's deeply over-rated! Think about it he comes into ECW and quickly becomes a main eventer and than ECW champ! around the end of 07 and begining of 08 he losses the ECW title and becomes Mr.MITB! Than he becomes World champ, than tag champ, than IC champ, and now AGAIN Mr. MITB!
| all of that in about a year!
so do I think he's over-rated?

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