Is christian ever going to come back?


Dark Match Winner
I miss the guy and i believe that with the raw ratings dropping he could bring them back up. what do you think?
Similar thread was made last week but sure, lets answer it again.

Christian is being prepped for his comeback. Their not rushing him this time because the last two times he came back he aggravated past injuries which had yet to fully heal. And no, despite my fondness for Christian he has never been a big ratings draw. Even the Smackdown after he won the World Heavyweight Championship only gained like 100,000 extra viewers - which for Smackdown is actually quite good, but in the grand scheme of things he isn't a viable draw. Just a very consistent performer and a veteran who can help younger guys.
He's been gone for so long, and he's never going to reach the heights of two years ago, so he should probably just retire.

I like him, but nobody is actually going to miss Christian.
I hope he comes back, I love the dude. Though it's laughable to think that he would bring the ratings up.
Christian = ratings

Christian is like bigfoot. I'd pay to catch a glimpse before he scurries back into the Injury Forest.
Ever since Edge retired, Smackdown needs all the recognizable names it can get.
He's been gone for so long, and he's never going to reach the heights of two years ago, so he should probably just retire.

I like him, but nobody is actually going to miss Christian.

Wholeheartedly disagree. While he may not make millions or anything like that Christian is one of the most popular employees WWE has. Even if he were to finish in the ring his experience would be invaluable to younger guys in NXT. If half of them could put on or carry a match like Christian can they've the potential to be something.

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