Is Chris Jericho too much of a good thing?


Championship Contender
To clear this up from the start, this thread isn't intended to sound like a whinge's more of an observation than anything else.

Lately, I have become somewhat tired of WWE's (over) use of Chris Jericho. I feel like every time I turn on a WWE show that he is always there and it's really becoming a little too much for me. For example, last week I was watching Smackdown and as per usual the show kicked off with a Jericho promo and for the first time in a long time, I simply turned the T.V. off and went out...I simply couldn't sit through another Chris Jericho speech, which annoys me in some ways because I am a fan of his at heart but WWE are making me grow tired of his work.

Now, I'm not disputing the quality of Chris Jericho, he is a first class "sports entertainer" but that's not to say he's so good that I need to see him on every other Raw, NXT, Superstars and Smackdown. Jericho in my mind is beginning to dominate WWE programming, it's like everywhere I look there he is and to be frank, I've had enough (again bear in mind I'm a Chris Jericho fan). What I would like to see is Jericho remain solely on Smackdown because otherwise it really is going to spoil my enjoyment of him.

Does anyone else feel this way? Or do you enjoy Jericho's domination of WWE TV, perhaps you feel that he's so good that he deserves the amount of exposure he receives on a weekly basis?
To a certain point I could perhaps agree with you, in the end it could become too much to see Chris Jericho wandering around on every show.

You said you'd like to see him remain solely on Smackdown, well that won't happen for a while cause of him being a pro to Wade Barrett, but that's a fine excuse if you ask me, cause again it's only two shows out of 4.

But I must admit that I don't mind seeing Chris Jericho pop out so frequently as he has of late, being a fan myself, and having enjoyed him being on Raw every week basicly during his time as Unified Tag Team Champion :)
I see exactly where you're coming from. Chris Jericho has been popping up a lot lately over the past 8 or 9 months. Every time you aree sim, you know what he's going to say, as it is usually almost always the same routine. He talks about how he is the best in the world at what he does, he accomplished something that only he has done, now he's the World Heavyweight Champion... you know.

I, however, enjoy it! It does get tiring to see Chris Jericho so many times a week... I get it, but it bothers me quite little. Considering the fact that I am not the biggest Chris Jericho in the world. It amuses me to hear him say he's the best in the world, brag about his accomplishments, call us tapeworms and hypocrites. You get used to it after a while... I have!

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