Is Chris Browns career over?


I can do whatever I want

Chris Brown allegedly did this to Rihanna last week. This looks pretty bad and obviously Chris did some damage, but the question is will this end Brown's career?

On one side he's already been dropped by the Milk mustache campaign & Wrigley losing thoes adorsement deals. He also has had a few radio stations boycott his music, but will this end his career.

I think he's career is defenitly going to be tarnished. If it was someone like 50 Cent or Eminem you wouldn't think there careers would be over since in rap violence almost elevates you. But since Chris is a r&b/pop artist who attracts a more conservative and young audience he could be in trouble career wise.

Chris has had a good guy image since his debut and they will not be able to promote him like that anymore. Also you have to take to account who he abused. I mean Rihanna is the "it" girl in music right now. Her last album sold 2.3 million in the states, and she's had 3# hits this year. I think her fans(alot who are Brown fans)will boycot him.

But I wouldn't count out Brown just yet. The full story hasn't came out(even though this was horrendous)but I think he'll never be as popular as he once was(since radio stations are going to be more relunctant to play his songs).

So is his career over, or is there hope for the so called next "Michael Jackson".

Chris Brown allegedly did this to Rihanna last week. This looks pretty bad and obviously Chris did some damage, but the question is will this end Brown's career?

On one side he's already been dropped by the Milk mustache campaign & Wrigley losing thoes adorsement deals. He also has had a few radio stations boycott his music, but will this end his career.

I think he's career is defenitly going to be tarnished. If it was someone like 50 Cent or Eminem you wouldn't think there careers would be over since in rap violence almost elevates you. But since Chris is a r&b/pop artist who attracts a more conservative and young audience he could be in trouble career wise.

Chris has had a good guy image since his debut and they will not be able to promote him like that anymore. Also you have to take to account who he abused. I mean Rihanna is the "it" girl in music right now. Her last album sold 2.3 million in the states, and she's had 3# hits this year. I think her fans(alot who are Brown fans)will boycot him.

But I wouldn't count out Brown just yet. The full story hasn't came out(even though this was horrendous)but I think he'll never be as popular as he once was(since radio stations are going to be more relunctant to play his songs).

So is his career over, or is there hope for the so called next "Michael Jackson".

Sure it will, R. Kelly got a number one hit after he urinated on a 13 year old (or something like that) so anybody can come back. Sure Brown was squeaky clean, but even Jesus probably got his hands dirty. Honestly he may have to go into media exile but he'll be come back, the usually always do. Also who said he was the next "Michael Jackson"? Well I guess you could call him that you know minus the voice, the talent, the creativity, and the ability to write his own tunes. Oh ya Michael Jackson through and through.
It all depends on what happens in the next week or so. This would not have been an issue had his girlfriend been someone that wasn't arguably more popular than he is. So, we'll have to wait and see what comes of it. If nothing but tabloids keep this story going past this weekend, then he'll probably be in the clear.
meh, I believe as long as you create good music your music will sell no matter what. Just look at R. Kelly. So as long as Chris Brown continues to create catchy songs, I believe his career wont be over. I'm still awaiting the whole entire story, maybe she did something to start this? Who knows? I sure don't, so I wont jump to any conclusions, and as long as it stays that way I will purchase his music and shit. People usually forget about shit like this, this shouldn't be anything new. In months this will all be blown over and Brown will continue to record. His sales can drop off just a little bit, but that doesnt mean his career is over.
I knew people would bring up R. Kelly. The difference between R. Kelly is #1, he has had #1 singles since but not at pop radio which is Brown's main format. Brown does get huge urban hits and I don't think pop radio will be as forgiving as urban. R. Kelly has never had a top 20 pop hit since he was first accused.

Also R. Kelly didn't piss on one of the biggest stars in music today. Rihanna(even though I don't like her)is pretty much one of the biggest stars in music today. And since Brown and Rihanna most likely share alot of the same fans(both are marketed at pop radio)I think he could get backlash.

I actually think he'll be able to come back from this, but I don't think he'll have the radio support like he did last time. And for the Michael Jackson thing, you will see I said "so-called" because if you watch TV, read music blogs, or read magazines the media tends to like to call Brown the next Jackson and Usher because of his dance moves. I dont agree with it and that's why I said "so called", but he does get compared(only for his dance moves not his music or selling ability)
I knew people would bring up R. Kelly. The difference between R. Kelly is #1, he has had #1 singles since but not at pop radio which is Brown's main format. Brown does get huge urban hits and I don't think pop radio will be as forgiving as urban. R. Kelly has never had a top 20 pop hit since he was first accused.

Also R. Kelly didn't piss on one of the biggest stars in music today. Rihanna(even though I don't like her)is pretty much one of the biggest stars in music today. And since Brown and Rihanna most likely share alot of the same fans(both are marketed at pop radio)I think he could get backlash.

I actually think he'll be able to come back from this, but I don't think he'll have the radio support like he did last time. And for the Michael Jackson thing, 48/7 you will see I said "so-called" because if you watch TV, read music blogs, or read magazines the media tends to like to call Brown the next Jackson and Usher because of his dance moves. I dont agree with it and that's why I said "so called", but he does get compared(only for his dance moves not his music or selling ability)

But R. Kelly was on pop radio before his various indiscretions. Yes he didn't urinate let's say on Miley Cyrus but in general urinating on extremely underage women is generally looked upon worse than just abuse of a female because it's not only sexual deviancy but it's also physical abuse on a woman. Oh ya and rape, and well even in jail they hate rapists.

Oh and I was kind of making a comment about billing Brown as the "next Michael Jackson" in general and not directed to you as it seemed you didn't necessarily agree with the proclamation. Sorry about the confusion
The other main problem is that a large part of his audience is teenagers still in middle/high school. This means that a large part of his audience still lives at home. I can definitely see a parent refusing to allow their kids to buy his cd's or songs because of this. Do I think his career is over? No. He is way too talented for that to happen. But I can see his career taking a huge hit. I think at this point it is in the hands of public relations people, but most fans have already decided whether or not they will support him. I am a fan of his music, and I don't think his career is over, but I do fear for it.
I am sure that he will lose some members of his audience to this, but will still have a career. Sure he beat up my beloved Rihanna, but I bet some will still be like, I like that guy from the OC. Whenever I think of him though, I will now think of his horrendous act that he did on my other favourite Robyn. I won't forgive, but others will.
It won't hurt his career, I don't think. Well, I won't stop listening to his music because of this. Sure, I hate him as a person as I think what he did was inexcusable. But I like Chris Brown, and I think he has enough fans who like him for his career to go on. Sure, those advertisement deals have now gone, but he's still a great artist, and there will be other deals.
People forgive celebrities for all sorts of indiscretions. Michael Jackson probably did touch some children, Mike Tyson raped a women, MVP definitely kidnap somebody, Dirty Den off Eastenders did murder a taxi driver and so on.

If he's a big enough star then people will still buy what he does (music me thinks, am I right?).
I sure hope so. I haven't liked anything he's put out, and don't see the appeal that seems to be there to everyone else. His stuff is no different than anything that's come out over the last few years, and he looks like every other 18 yr old trying to make a quick million. He got force fed to the MTV audience, and they bought into it. He got a big head due to all the record sales, and though he was bigger than anyone. So, when his girl stepped out of line, he beat the shit out of her. Uncalled for, and hopefully he suffers some serious penalties.

But, I digress. This will all be brushed aside, as his label will probably bail him out of any legal trouble, and he'll get slapped on the wrist with 50 hours of community service or something stupid along those lines. He'll go back in the studio, put out another album of the same old garbage, and make tons off his next tour. How do I know this? Every 12 yr old girl that's had a wet dream about him knows he's single now. They suddenly think they have a shot. He'll be fine.

It'll really be interesting to see what happens to Rihanna's career. She's definitely got some new "I hate men" material, and will probably have a whole new attitude about her music. her tours will be bigger than ever, and her fanbase will balloon.
Chris Browns' career is not over. He made what the entertainment industry calls a "mistake". They have PR people that smooth this kinda crap over. Look at Bobby Brown... addicted to crack, beat his wife, got her into drugs... All of a sudden, New Edition comes back, and he's back on top of the world. This is the entertainment industry, guys. Crap like this doesn't get you blacklisted. He'll be back. It's because of his squeaky clean image that he'll be able to apologize and put this behind him. This is the sad world we live in... I guarantee you that he'll be on the forefront of some kind of "Group against domestic violence" at some point in the near future. This isn't a career ender, it's a hiccup.
I think you guys forgot the most important thing. No one can really tell if it were Chris Brown. I will tell the truth right now I love Chris Brown ( I think you guys would know that by now). Anyways is there any proof that he did it? He got charged, big whoop. I am going to say he didn't do it because of 2 reasons.

1) There is no proof.

2) About a year ago he spoke oput about how his step dad would always beat his mum. He was getting really into it and everything and said that he would never want to do this. Seriously why would he do it? There is just no reason for him to do it on a special night like that.

Anyways to answer the question. No it wouldn't effect his career. Kids/Teens love Chris Brown and that is where he gets all his money from. Do you really think that they are going to just say " No he is a Rihanna basher. Lets not buy his album". I highly doubt it and if he keeps producing good music like he has been doing his sales will get effected very little.
He'll be back. People will forget, which is terrible, but he's too big to just be forgotten. I heard Rihanna even wanted to get back together with him, which sends a terrible message to all the kids who love them, but if she can forget, the public will. I doubt he will get as much exposure to the younger kids, but he will still be around and producing music. I like his music and what he does doesn't change that, kinda like the Benoit sitution didn't change what a great wrestler he was. So we will have to see if the public can accept Brown for what he did or if he will be so hated that he will be dropped.
Keith Richards snorted his father. Michael Jackson played with little boys. Tupac did jsut about everything. Brown did something reprehensible but he'll be forgiven. With the amount of musicians that have gotten in trouble, someone with the clean record that Brown has will be back. His career is far from over.
It wouldn't bother me if his career ended or not.

His career will not be over though, although I don't expect it to resume any time soon. If I was him, I'd want to just wait until everything dies down and just wait a little bit before I would start any new projects.

There are always going to be Chris Browns die hard fans who will buy his music no matter what he does and aslong as he is still able to put music out and tour then he still has a long while left in his career.

Ayatollah is right, people will eventually forget and buy his music, so as I said, his career is not over, it just might not resume that quickly until everyone forgets and puts it in the past.

2) About a year ago he spoke oput about how his step dad would always beat his mum. He was getting really into it and everything and said that he would never want to do this. Seriously why would he do it? There is just no reason for him to do it on a special night like that.

That's all good and well, but you do know that when people get angry to a certain point they can just snap and don't think about stuff before they do it, right? If it wasn't Chris Brown, who was it?
It wouldn't bother me if his career ended or not.

His career will not be over though, although I don't expect it to resume any time soon. If I was him, I'd want to just wait until everything dies down and just wait a little bit before I would start any new projects.

There are always going to be Chris Browns die hard fans who will buy his music no matter what he does and aslong as he is still able to put music out and tour then he still has a long while left in his career.

Ayatollah is right, people will eventually forget and buy his music, so as I said, his career is not over, it just might not resume that quickly until everyone forgets and puts it in the past.

That's all good and well, but you do know that when people get angry to a certain point they can just snap and don't think about stuff before they do it, right? If it wasn't Chris Brown, who was it?

Well It could of been Chris Brown actually. They could of had hard angry sex. On a serious note tho seriously has Rihanna even said it was Chris Brown yet? I cant recall anything that saying she has. It could of been anyone. It could of been a bum from the street it could of been a white guy it could of been an asian. It could of been anyone but we wont and will never will find out for sure.
I disagree, I think it's pretty obvious that Chris Brown was the person responsible, I have not heard Chris Brown say it's not him. Just the other day I heard that Chris brown was recieveing councelling from his church leader, family and released a statement saying that he was sorry and hurt about what happened.

Would an innocent man do those things? I would think not, I think he would be with his girlfriend supporting her if he didn't do those things, yet he's not with her.
Yes while he is doing councelling it still doesn't say he did it. Ok well you got me there saying that he is doing all that stuff and that if he didn't he would be with his girlfriend saying that he didn't do it and so on, but who is to say he did that damage? Seriously I love Chris Brown and all but i highly doubt he could do that with no one seeing. I just watched a video on youtube and on that video Chris Brown said he was sorry but what has been reported most of it is not true. So I highly doubt Chris Brown could do all that damage anyways.

I bet what Chris Brown did to her was nothing what is actually shown on that photo. She would want Chris Brown in jail for a long time for what he did so what is saying she isn't fixing it.
No matter what happens with this, he'll still sell records. He'll just be known as a bad boy now. More women will want to date him because they think they'll be the one to change him. And the show will go on. It's disgusting, really. Although what he does in his personal life really doesn't effect his musical talents. I don't know. Some artists come out of situations like this smelling like a rose, while others do falter.
No, it's not. The way I see it, there are two possibilities here: 1, people will forget all about this incident soon and he'll continue on the same way he has. 2, he'll just become one of the tough guys. Instead of being a soulful guy who sings ballads like Forever, he might start putting out more tougher, meaner songs because of this new personality change. And although it might take him a while, he will be back. Something like this in his personal life won't stop his professional career for long.
I have to now change my mind. While I thought Brown would still achieve some success, I didn;t think he would be anywhere's near as successful as before. But since it has publically come out that Rihanna is back with him and has seemingly "forgive" him, I don't think this will be half as damaging as before.

Rihanna's fans will still have some detest for Brown, but since Rihanna has forgave him I think most of her fans will aswell. Also I think Rihanna and Browns legal team will probably try to make the incident seem not as big as it was. And if Rihanna decides to protect and defend Brown the court case might get thrown out as well. I think Brown is lucky that Rihanna is forgiving him, since I now don't see him getting nearly as much backlash now.

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