Is Cena the most hated Face is Wrestling History

Before I start, let me correct something real quick:
Um... Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels. The Rock, Stone Cold.
Once again, The Rock.
Oh sorry I mean as a total package kind of figure and The Rock is not a best PR for WWE than Cena. Are you mental? Also, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart are not in the same league as guys like: Rocca, Sammartino, Hogan, Austin, Rock and Cena.

How about Daniel Bryan, the dude who got a title shot by crowd opinion and went over him clean at Summerslam? In terms of quality of matches this year then he has a better chance in the argument, but still no (beat out by The Shield, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Cesaro, etc.).

Well you probably didn't pay attention to this year, but I'll start - He was good against The Shield guys, he was phenomenal against Punk on Raw, good against The Rock, he brought out the best match of Ryback's career (something neither Punk or Bryan did, ever), he brought a more than fantastic performance out of Mark Henry, he had a fantastic match against Daniel Bryan at TLC while injured, only to return two months after that too have the second best match of the night at HIAC and to steal the show the next night against Damien Sandow.

Putting Henry or Kingston or for fuck sake Cesaro in that list is simply being an idiot. Henry had one good match this year and it was against Cena. Kingston is a spot monkey, that's why he does not have any kind of confidence from the officials and Swagger saved Cesaro's career, so that shows you how fantastic Cesaro is. The Shield are three guys, not one and neither one of them individually beat Cena in what's called "in-ring work".
@El Terrible I agree pretty much with what you are saying in general, but dont think for a second the "out of action" period wasnt inflated by the WWE to make Cena appear as more of a superman than he already is.The dude is a hard worker , very very hard worker and I'm sure he took his reabiliation very seriously, maybe too seriously, but cmon u dont just come 4 months ealier like this, its clealy a work too get people more impressed with John Cena, that's what WWE is all about, even in the feud with CM Punk, The Rock, Daniel Bryan, its all about us knowing Cena is better and has no flaws.
I think what is going on is Cena still treats his challenges like there's a chance he won't win and he needs to overcome the obstacles and so forth. Realistically it insults our intelligence because after the stints Cena had over the past, what? 5 years? He has always come up to a different challenger for every PPV where they tease that he will not win by a stipulation, the threat of the challenger, or even for the smark, he wins every Raw match of confrontation (thinking he must lose at the PPV) and he still wins at the PPV. It came to the point of also not looking like someone like Jericho is putting Cena over, but seen as Cena is burying Chris Jericho.

Today though, I just feel like he needs to move on. I get it, Cena, you're great. Can we get some different faces in the running for the title now? Can he usher in a new era? You've made your point John, we get that you are unstoppable unless you have an injury. Now go home.
So you say but then...

:lmao: so you agree it's not best for business but then claim that Cena turning heel at this moment is best for business? Awesome logic.

Yet the ideas have been lame. Show me a situation where a heel Cena helps out the overall business of WWE.

To turn on the people who support him in order to appease those who hate him? You are using fan reaction to justify the turn but are leaving out the facts:

1. Have a turn make sense. That's why the CM Punk heel run failed. CM Punk should have sold out to a corporate figure. Not just be a larger than life douche with Heyman on his side.

2. Cena has one of the rarest reactions in wrestling. It's never full on hate or full on love but it is always one of the best reactions. It's not like Austin or Razor where fans loved that rebellious bad guy character. Cena's is different.

How much time was he slated to miss from his last surgery? When did he come back?

I'll agree if a good idea is presented where it benefits all parties. Just haven't seen that.

I'm not even sure you're reading anything at this point.

I never said that they won't turn Cena heel because that's what's best for business. I just said that they won't turn Cena heel, and I understand that.

I clearly said that I feel otherwise, and that a heel turn for Cena would be best for business. Not 'at this moment'. But it should happen. It won't, but it should.

I have shown you a situation where turning Cena helps the business. You don't agree. I'm not surprised.

Your ideas on how Punk should have turned heel, and that you think it was a failure, kinda say all that needs to be said. Punk had a great run as a heel... and a corporate Punk? :disappointed:

Cena coming back so quickly was a work. The time frame was exaggerated to give Cena a bigger pop when he did come back. The thing you're ignoring, is that he's been getting banged up more frequently over the past couple of years, and it doesn't help that the guy works such a heavy schedule. Cena has one hell of a work ethic, but for his own sake, he needs to start slowing down. The old adage, 'work smarter, not harder' is one Cena should start embracing.

You've ignored something I've mentioned a couple of other times already. Many other wrestlers (even ones who've reached Cena's heights), have 'betrayed their character' to turn heel. Why is it so wrong for Cena too?

He's already got all the justification in the world to turn heel. He is the guy that's always tried to do the right thing. Tried to be the role model for the kids. Tried to be that example to follow. And he's been constantly shit on for it. Kids like him... then they grow up and resent him. Adults don't respect him. No matter how hard he tries, it's never good enough.

I don't know about you, but if that's me, I'm only going to be able to try rising above so much before I just can't do it anymore, and I'm going to hate all those assholes that didn't appreciate me. I've been trying to teach their children right from wrong, and they hate me for it? Fuck them. And the kids that are growing up and not appreciating the message I've tried teaching them? Fuck them too. These people clearly don't know what's best for them, so I'm going to show them, whether they like it or not.

Do you remember the movie "I Robot"? Where the supercomputer Vicki determines that the best way to protect mankind as she's programmed to do so, is to enslave them so that they can't hurt each other anymore? Use that same concept for a John Cena heel turn. Have Cena feel because he's so unappreciated, that he's going to force his beliefs down everyones throats, and if he hurts anyone in the process (and he will), then it's ok because it's all for the greater good? A truly dominant, self righteous, unstoppable heel Super-Cena that only gets stopped by one man, the man that will in the end pass the torch to. Then after the torch is passed, Cena can have his redemption, recognize the error of his ways, and go out as the hero he deserves to be.

Anything like that work for you? Or would it just be better if he came out with a new t-shirt instead?
I really do think that if the internet was around back in 1985, a lot of adults would be vehemently express their discontent with Hulk Hogan. Just my opinion though. Cena does have some polarizing qualities, but he is effective and popular, despite what the vocal group that I often read posts from on forums like these say.

I do believe in the 80's there were a lot of older wrestling fans that hated Hogan similar to how many older fans dislike Cena. I was discussing this with someone in another non-wrestling forum and he said the difference with today and Hogan's time is that during Hogan's time there was still an alternative wrestling promotion for fans who didn't like Hogan can run too. That, of course, was WCW/NWA, sure it only had 1/4 (maybe 1/3) of WWF's fanbase but that's still a huge number that could have booed Hogan if the only big time wrestling promotion was the WWF.

Right now sure we have TNA and it, was, at one point an alternative to the WWE but since then has fallen a bit from grace and ROH is also there but hardly has the visibility of WCW/NWA at the 80's. Simply put older wrestling fans simply have no alternative promotion the magnitude of WCW/NWA. If there was I am pretty sure fans who are sick of Cena probably would have switched to it provided that alternative promotion was also a quality show.
then I will go with the numbers that tell me Cena is making stacks and stacks of cash being who he is. Some people just focus on one section instead of the whole section. Cena has detractors. Cena also has supporters. Many supporters.

A lot of people makes stacks and stacks of cash, that's irrelevant to the fact John Cena's character is stale... Tonight in Boston (Cena's hometown),he got booed out of the building.. If the top babyface is getting booed everywhere you go especially his hometown, then there's a problem. It never happened with Austin or Hogan and even there characters changed over time. WWE is just scared to change his character. One day they'll grow a set.
.He's generally disliked inside the ring from adult males and hardcore fans.

Too general a statement; implying that "hardcore" fans who really know wrestling hate him. I doubt that's so; I believe a lot of people who are heavily into pro wrestling understand what Cena is trying to do....and that he's doing it very well, imo.

The irony is that a lot of folks who absolutely adored Hulk Hogan can't stand Cena. Consider: Hogan was playing a cartoon character; he was intentionally portraying a larger than life superhero who had about as much in common with regular folks as does a giraffe. On the other hand, Cena is presenting himself as a common man; a guy we'd be more apt to go out for a beer with than worship at the feet of. He doesn't even use any stupid stage names to identify himself; he's John Cena: that's all he needs.

Then, you want to talk about doing "the same old crap" in the ring? There was no one with a repertoire as limited as Hogan's. Ten minutes of inept brawling followed by a flying leg drop out of nowhere.....and another glorious victory added to his record. Yet when Cena kicks out of the bad guy's finisher, he's "boring" and scorned as "Super Cena." Meh.

People are entitled to think what they want about all this. Personally, I think about what pro wrestling would be like if we didn't have Cena at all. Sure, many of you will say it would be a good thing, but I believe we'd all learn differently if it actually happened.
his character was clearly designed to be a hero to children which he is and with his good morals,never give up,dont start nothin there wont be nothin attitude parents are fine letting there children watch and idolise him.

on the other hand he is hated or at least disliked by a large portion of adult fans especially those who enjoyed the attitude era because in my opinion he symbolises wwes child friendly image and the other reason hes squeaky clean to the point its sickly he actually thanks the fans for booing him its ridiculous and every one loves to hate a goody two shoes.

so id say cena is easily the most hated face this century but i think hes equally loved aswell.

If the "attitude" fans don't like the fact he is moral and child-friendly, then it is the adult fans who have the problem, not Cena. It is your faults that you are so blase about the current moral decline in society, that someone who emphasises family values is hated.

Who would you rather your children follow, a child-friendly, moral character like John Cena, or a swearing, vulgar, wife-beating piece of work like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. SCSA emphasises everything that is wrong with society- disrespect, ungratefulness, and when he didn't get his own way, he just sulks away.

I would rather my kids be moral, upstanding, good people when they grow up. Not someone who gets drunk, flips off, starts fights and swears. If there are fans who endorse that type of behaviour, then those are fans wrestling doesn't need, now or ever.

If you would rather let your kids watch the "Attitude Era" and SCSA, rather than WWE PG programming and John Cena, then why not go the whole hog and let your kids watch porn, rather than Dora The Explorer, if you want your children to not be "goody goody".

You know, morality and family values aren't bad things, despite what you have been told.

One of the joys of being a father is having your kids share your interests. I would rather my children watch wholesome wrestling, rather than smut and lewdness. You may not care, and let your kids do what they want. I hope you are okay when you tell Johnny to go to bed and he says "I won't go to bed... because Johnny says so!" and flips the bird at you. Look forward in a few years time,to the 3am call that Johnny has been locked up, since he, like his hero you exposed him to, "Stone Cold" taught a disrespect for authority.

You "Attitude" fans are like "Star Wars" fans. You both carry on about it not being as good as it used to be, and refuse to move on with life. A lot of "Attitude" fans need to grow up and get a life.

Besides, if I was John Cena, I wouldn't care if you booed me. I could go to my big bed, in my big mansion, with a hot chick like Nikki Bella, and millions in the bank, being at the top of my industry, charity work, having kids want my photo and autograph. I could comfortably sleep at night if all I had to worry about was some immoral jealous losers who live in the past don't like me.

As C.M. Punk best put it, and it applies to Cena in this case. You pay to see him. He doesn't pay to see you.
If WWE felt there was a "problem" with Cena's 50/50 reaction, they would have done something to correct it by now. They would have turned him, fixed his gimmick, changed something....but they are clearly quite content with him being hated by a big chunk of the audience. The whole fact that he stays himself despite the hate is part of his gimmick.

Someday, just like Hogan with the nWo, he will shock the world and turn heel.
Shawn Michaels would have a say in that argument.

I remember back in the pre-Attitude era when HBK was champion and fighting everyone and anyone. He was receiving pops from the ladies because he made their panties wet, but the guys couldn't stand him and seen him as a little bitch who didn't deserve the WWE title.

The only difference is the fan base. Cena is geared toward kids and parents, while the rest of the fans who want more realism and pushing the envelope are left to simply be quiet. Those fans resent Cena for being who he is, when they don't realize he was as edgy as ANYONE in the WWE when he was Basic Thuganomics Cena.

Cena's reactions aren't due to him as a person or as a character, they're a reaction for what he stands for, and many feel that he's fake. Not saying that his stuff with Make-A-Wish is fake, but once people see an edgy side of someone, then they turn into a goody two shoes, it makes them leery of getting behind them.

Stone Cold turned heel and was a wuss who hid behind his mouth and would tuck tail when he was confronted. Folks knew that wasn't Austin, so he received boos not because of him being heel, but because he wasn't himself.

That's the issue with Cena. Cena needs an edge about him. He needs to show a killer instinct like hitting someone with a chair a few times and getting DQ'd or just lambasting someone on the mic with an occasional rap battle.

Once he does that, the fans will warm up to him.
I'm not even sure you're reading anything at this point.

Of course I am. Improve your posting abilities and maybe you can get your point across.

I clearly said that I feel otherwise, and that a heel turn for Cena would be best for business. Not 'at this moment'. But it should happen. It won't, but it should.

I have shown you a situation where turning Cena helps the business. You don't agree. I'm not surprised.

No, you showed me a fantasy booking idea. A lame one at that. One they tried with Hogan and it failed miserably.

Your ideas on how Punk should have turned heel, and that you think it was a failure, kinda say all that needs to be said. Punk had a great run as a heel... and a corporate Punk? :disappointed:

You're kidding, right? Punk was mediocre during his heel run as WWE Champion. He was just a douche with Heyman in his corner. He relied on lame heat building tactics and they didn't even work. If he really wanted to be a true heel he should join up with Johnny Ace and lose the hoodie for a suit and tie. Make fans hate you. SES Punk was gold. Douche Punk was meh.

Cena coming back so quickly was a work. The time frame was exaggerated to give Cena a bigger pop when he did come back. The thing you're ignoring, is that he's been getting banged up more frequently over the past couple of years, and it doesn't help that the guy works such a heavy schedule. Cena has one hell of a work ethic, but for his own sake, he needs to start slowing down. The old adage, 'work smarter, not harder' is one Cena should start embracing.

Work or not, he has shown that he has no intentions of slowing down. I don't know why people get this crazy idea that someone needs to slow down because of "age". If they can go, they can go.

You've ignored something I've mentioned a couple of other times already. Many other wrestlers (even ones who've reached Cena's heights), have 'betrayed their character' to turn heel. Why is it so wrong for Cena too?

It makes no sense for him to turn on the fans who support him to appease those who hate him. Why is that so difficult to understand? Explain to me how losing revenue in order to appease a fantasy booking idea makes sense for WWE. In order to "build" the next face.

People are constantly saying WWE needs to make new stars or they're in trouble. Well, that's all they do. Without having to go the NWO Hogan route. Or did Cena/Batista have to face a heel Austin/Rock to get the torched passed?

Anything like that work for you? Or would it just be better if he came out with a new t-shirt instead?

I prefer a new t-shirt. WWE needs to start making v-necks though.

A lot of people makes stacks and stacks of cash, that's irrelevant to the fact John Cena's character is stale... Tonight in Boston (Cena's hometown),he got booed out of the building.. If the top babyface is getting booed everywhere you go especially his hometown, then there's a problem. It never happened with Austin or Hogan and even there characters changed over time. WWE is just scared to change his character. One day they'll grow a set.

Oh sorry I mean as a total package kind of figure and The Rock is not a best PR for WWE than Cena. Are you mental? Also, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart are not in the same league as guys like: Rocca, Sammartino, Hogan, Austin, Rock and Cena.

Well Rock hosted an SNL, was all over the 9/11 SD! and had mad commercials for the WWE. Cena had some celebrity NASCAR stint and is a rep for Fruity Pebbles thanks to an insult from like a year ago. Yeah... PR I'm gonna give to Rock. Cena comes very close second, though. And HBK/Bret were not on Cena's level of superstardom, but they were top guys at one point, and since the convo is between top guys, Bret and HBK both were better wrestlers, and I dare anyone to challenge that.

Well you probably didn't pay attention to this year, but I'll start - He was good against The Shield guys, he was phenomenal against Punk on Raw, good against The Rock, he brought out the best match of Ryback's career (something neither Punk or Bryan did, ever), he brought a more than fantastic performance out of Mark Henry, he had a fantastic match against Daniel Bryan at TLC while injured, only to return two months after that too have the second best match of the night at HIAC and to steal the show the next night against Damien Sandow.

Putting Henry or Kingston or for fuck sake Cesaro in that list is simply being an idiot. Henry had one good match this year and it was against Cena. Kingston is a spot monkey, that's why he does not have any kind of confidence from the officials and Swagger saved Cesaro's career, so that shows you how fantastic Cesaro is. The Shield are three guys, not one and neither one of them individually beat Cena in what's called "in-ring work".

Henry owned the living shit out of the Chamber, gave what is probably going down as the best promo of 2013, also had that awesome match with Cena, and PULLED 2 MOTHERFUCKING TRUCKS.

Kingston has not put on a bad match this year. Granted, he's been midcarding, but literally half of his matches this year could make the MOTY list (his series with Cesaro for the US title, Kingston and Hell No vs. Shield, his RAW match with ADR, the short but hella hyped match he had with Henry earlier this year, etc.) It might be an unpopular opinion, but I would say in-ring wise there is only like 1 or 2 people who's had a better performance year than Kofi, even if he isn't appreciated.

Cesaro (I only meant his in-ring year, not year in general) started off the year with one hell of a series with Kingston that actually made Main Event worth tuning in for and, hell, he did a match on freakin NXT that had people talking for weeks. Plus, he swings people. That's some G shit.

Granted, the Shield are a package deal, but the MOTY candidates are stuffed with Shield involvement (vs. Hell No and Taker, vs. Hell No and Kofi, vs. Uso's, vs. The Rhodes Family, the WHC MiTB, etc.)

Cena had 3 undeniably awesome, borderline classics this year vs. Punk on RAW, vs. Henry at MiTB and vs. Sandow on RAW. He had two excellent main events with Bryan and Rock as well. His 3 Stages with Ryback, while not up to par with the aforementioned, really entertained too. But if I were to look back on this year in the future, I'm gonna mostly remember Bryan, Punk, Shield, Orton, Wyatts and maybe Ziggler and Big E. Not knocking Cena, just giving my humble observations.
Who would you rather your children follow, a child-friendly, moral character like John Cena, or a swearing, vulgar, wife-beating piece of work like "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. SCSA emphasises everything that is wrong with society- disrespect, ungratefulness, and when he didn't get his own way, he just sulks away.

john cena a moral man? you gotta be kidding me. :lmao: he cheated on his wife with a porn star, cheated on his finance mickey james. the guys a lets not get into him taking steriods, unless that's something you teach your kids is copectic.
Well Rock hosted an SNL, was all over the 9/11 SD! and had mad commercials for the WWE. Cena had some celebrity NASCAR stint and is a rep for Fruity Pebbles thanks to an insult from like a year ago. Yeah... PR I'm gonna give to Rock. Cena comes very close second, though. And HBK/Bret were not on Cena's level of superstardom, but they were top guys at one point, and since the convo is between top guys, Bret and HBK both were better wrestlers, and I dare anyone to challenge that.

Cena is clearly the better PR guy. He's been on tons of late night shows, tons of morning shows, tons of commercials, tons of tv show appearances, tons of tv movie appearances. And he's always billed either as "WWE superstar John Cena" or "WWE Champion John Cena" while the Rock is billed as "Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson". I didn't even know there was an argument against Cena for this tbh.

john cena a moral man? you gotta be kidding me. he cheated on his wife with a porn star, cheated on his finance mickey james. the guys a lets not get into him taking steriods, unless that's something you teach your kids is copectic.

Does anybody have any proof of any of this? I've heard people make the "cheated on his wife with a porn star" claim before but have never seen any proof of this from a credible source. Also, I'm not totally sure him and Mickey James were ever engaged. He was for the most part talking about SCSA's on screen character anyway except for the fact that he beat his wife...which we all know that.
Well Rock hosted an SNL, was all over the 9/11 SD! and had mad commercials for the WWE. Cena had some celebrity NASCAR stint and is a rep for Fruity Pebbles thanks to an insult from like a year ago. Yeah... PR I'm gonna give to Rock. Cena comes very close second, though. And HBK/Bret were not on Cena's level of superstardom, but they were top guys at one point, and since the convo is between top guys, Bret and HBK both were better wrestlers, and I dare anyone to challenge that.

Have you ever heard about "Make-A-Wish Foundation" and "Susan G. Komen"? For fuck's sake, the guy has been like their number one ambassador and you are here talking about the time Rock went to SNL? Are you out of your damn mind? Cena passes his weekends over at ESPN Sports, good enough ah?

The convo were the TOP guys, not the "We don't have anyone better right now...", I don't want the JBL's, the Kevin Nash, the Sid's put in here. I talked about the big stars and the northeast region had those six big stars. Nobody has been better than Cena as number one. Steve Austin had two or three cool years, Rock had one at best, Hogan went pretty much a decade and Sammartino almost two decades and nobody, nobody delivered with the same exact passion and the same workrate as John Cena did - when it will be all said and done, John Cena will be in the "Mount Rushmore" of Professional Wrestling - not by his highly contributes in changing the product (which he did), but by his drawing power and his quality for well over 10 years - I could give you 50 John Cena great matches and probably the same amount in promo wise.

Henry owned the living shit out of the Chamber, gave what is probably going down as the best promo of 2013, also had that awesome match with Cena, and PULLED 2 MOTHERFUCKING TRUCKS.

Kingston has not put on a bad match this year. Granted, he's been midcarding, but literally half of his matches this year could make the MOTY list (his series with Cesaro for the US title, Kingston and Hell No vs. Shield, his RAW match with ADR, the short but hella hyped match he had with Henry earlier this year, etc.) It might be an unpopular opinion, but I would say in-ring wise there is only like 1 or 2 people who's had a better performance year than Kofi, even if he isn't appreciated.

Cesaro (I only meant his in-ring year, not year in general) started off the year with one hell of a series with Kingston that actually made Main Event worth tuning in for and, hell, he did a match on freakin NXT that had people talking for weeks. Plus, he swings people. That's some G shit.

Granted, the Shield are a package deal, but the MOTY candidates are stuffed with Shield involvement (vs. Hell No and Taker, vs. Hell No and Kofi, vs. Uso's, vs. The Rhodes Family, the WHC MiTB, etc.)

I said "smart fans" right? Well, you're clearly not one of those. How can one, but really how can one, say that Kofi Kingston vs. Cesaro was anything relevant? It was a quality match, but they all have solid performances over at WWE Main Event. Cesaro vs. Zayn, was if anything good because of Zayn's performance and it's also WAY, but way overrated. How can one compare those matches to the freaking Cena vs. Punk earlier this year? Or the instant classic between Cena and Daniel Bryan?

Cena had 3 undeniably awesome, borderline classics this year vs. Punk on RAW, vs. Henry at MiTB and vs. Sandow on RAW. He had two excellent main events with Bryan and Rock as well. His 3 Stages with Ryback, while not up to par with the aforementioned, really entertained too. But if I were to look back on this year in the future, I'm gonna mostly remember Bryan, Punk, Shield, Orton, Wyatts and maybe Ziggler and Big E. Not knocking Cena, just giving my humble observations.

The person that comes number two right after Cena as far as in-ring performances is CM Punk, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio and Daniel Bryan. In that right order, sure you can change their position, but in any way shape or form aren't this guys the top 5 wrestlers in the WWE as far as in-ring performance goes and yes, John Cena is at #1 position. Calling a classic teh match between Cena and Sandow is pretty fucking dumb, I'm talking to one of those "hardcore following the hype" type of guys I'm pretty sure. Use your head and create your opinion for what you see, and not what others tell you, because quite frankly 80% of the IWC is made out of idiots - here at WZ you actually have more than a full hand of people that can contribute to a discussion fairly and without marky thoughts.
The only reason that Cena does any thing is for his own ego, "Look what I do. I help out charities." Just like Hogan, it there's no gain either financial or ego wise. He won't touch it with a ten foot pole. The truth is Cena could care less about the fans. It's all about money and ego.

Sure, he all smiles and very polite and nice in front of the camera but behind it, a true piece of shit. How many stories from other people in WWE do yall have to read about to realize that he loves burying anyone that could take his place, and do a much better job.

To be point blank, it would have been better if instead of Owen falling to his death in '99, it would have been Cena in '05. WWE would have been in a better situation now. The truth hurts those C. or are living with their lover, Biff.

To all those who are in disagreement or insulted by this post, It's doesn't matter what you think. You probably believe the bs that comes from politicians too.
To be point blank, it would have been better if instead of Owen falling to his death in '99, it would have been Cena in '05. WWE would have been in a better situation now. The truth hurts those C. or are living with their lover, Biff.

Wow. I don't care if you dislike John Cena but wanting him to die is a little extreme. Also, there is the fact that Cena is fantastic at what he does.

I'd have to say that Cena is the one of the most hated out of all the top faces. He gets a mixed reaction, at best, almost everywhere he goes. It's a real shame but ultimately, that is what helps to make Cena. The hatred he gets adds to his character. The WWE have moved beyond trying to ignore it and have let him embrace it which, in turn, makes the Cena fans ( especially the younger ones) adore him even more. People boo John Cena, well, that little kid that is watching their hero is going to cheer even more. They will ensure that their parent buys them whatever Cena merch is available to show support.

Other "top" guys were obviously hated by some but none even remotely similar to what Cena experiences. Yes Cena is loved by plenty of people and there are many who appreciate his talent but there is a hardcore group of fans that despise the man (see above).

Now, I don't think that is a particularly bad thing. I think it helps make Cena and once he retires people will be able to reflect on his career and really think he was an absolute star. Can he put on great matches? Hbk, Orton, Punk, Bryan, Lesnar, Edge, JBL are just some of the names that Cena has worked fantastic matches with. He backs it up with his mic work and the fact that he does some brilliant things outside of the ring.

I don't care what anyone says about his possible motives - he has granted the most wishes for the Make A Wish Foundation and that is absolutely fantastic and admirable. Some people with such fame are happy to simply soak it all up but at least Cena is doing good.

I would say that Cena is definitely one of the most hated faces that I can remember. I can't really pass judgement for years gone by but Cena definitely stands out. Whether or not the hatred for him is a completely different matter. It exists and actually helps drive the Cena machine.
I believe in Karma. Bad people get what they deserve. Cena's went through a divorce and has been injured more and more the last few years. Sounds like Karma to me.

Those who build themselves up by saying "Look at what I've done.", are destined to fall hard. A few trip ups and now it's time for the fall. And when it happens, then everyone will see the real Cena.
I think at this point in this life, Hogan might be the most hated face in the world.
People blame him for killing TNA, not putting ANYONE over, being a dick, over paid, underworked, total dive, cant have a solid match now, horrible finisher, matches are the same, but he is an icon.
I can't think of any other face getting that many boos and I've watched wrestling for a long, long time and all different promotions. So maybe the answer is yes.

John Cena has had a weird effect on me. I hated him and I mean hated him in his first few years, I didn't really like him because he was a white rapper, although he was very good. I didn't not like him as a white rapper because he was white but rather that I was sick of Eminem. Its quite hard to determine whether or not Cena was meant to be a heel or a face when he first got on the mic.

I also didn't like the people he was going over, because they were some of my favourite wrestlers at the time. It killed me to see monster heel Big Show lose to Cena at that wrestlemania.

Despite all that, over time the P.R campaign for Cena has worked on me, I actually kind of like Cena now and I'm pretty sure I know why. Its because there are no other faces who actually have any energy about them anymore apart from maybe Daniel Bryan.

CM punk is more of a tweener in my opinion or should be anyway.

Its a weird situation because most fans my generation (25-30) who like to cheer good over evil don't necessarily like Cena but have no other choice. So when he comes out we're like "booo" but then when he beats the heel its "yeah!... uh it is yeah... isn't it?".

So Cena leaves us all feeling confused and a little bit violated but we seem to like the experience. It's a love/hate relationship.

Its Kind of like Stockholm syndrome.
Of course I am. Improve your posting abilities and maybe you can get your point across.

To be honest, all the green reps I've gotten from this thread alone would probably suggest that others understand what I'm saying. Maybe it's just you with the comprehension problems?

No, you showed me a fantasy booking idea. A lame one at that. One they tried with Hogan and it failed miserably.

Wait a second??? Which one did they try with Hogan that failed miserably? Because the only thing I can think of that you're referring to is his WCW heel turn into the NWO, and if THAT's what you consider failing miserably...

You're kidding, right? Punk was mediocre during his heel run as WWE Champion. He was just a douche with Heyman in his corner. He relied on lame heat building tactics and they didn't even work. If he really wanted to be a true heel he should join up with Johnny Ace and lose the hoodie for a suit and tie. Make fans hate you. SES Punk was gold. Douche Punk was meh.

Who's got horrible fantasy booking ideas now? Let me guess. Because Kane is in a suit and tie now, that's the route that heel turns should take?

Corporate Punk is a horrible idea, unless it's done as a parody like Corporate Austin... and over quickly.

Work or not, he has shown that he has no intentions of slowing down. I don't know why people get this crazy idea that someone needs to slow down because of "age". If they can go, they can go.

Let me guess. You're young?

Just take a look at wrestlers who are in their 50's and 60's today (the ones still alive that is). Professional wrestling takes an enormous toll on the body, and the more you do it for long periods without breaks, the harder it is on you in later life. As a fan of Cena and someone who I'm sure appreciates all he's done to entertain you over the years, I'd think that you would want to see him have the best quality of life after wrestling is over. That would include starting to take it easier right now, when it's becoming obvious that he is starting to get hurt more.

It makes no sense for him to turn on the fans who support him to appease those who hate him. Why is that so difficult to understand? Explain to me how losing revenue in order to appease a fantasy booking idea makes sense for WWE. In order to "build" the next face.

That's a heel turn. I've actually explained in depth already how it would make sense for him to turn, and as far as losing revenue? The WWE is a cash machine. They could easily withstand a temporary hit to merchandise (if that would even happen... people just like to assume it would). They would make it back, and probably make more in the long run by building his successor properly.

It's funny though. You asked me for ideas, and when I give them to you, you just dismiss them as 'fantasy booking'. What did you expect? We are just talking on a message board after all. Any idea you read on here is simply 'fantasy booking' as you call it.

People are constantly saying WWE needs to make new stars or they're in trouble. Well, that's all they do. Without having to go the NWO Hogan route. Or did Cena/Batista have to face a heel Austin/Rock to get the torched passed?

Cena was one of those transcendent guys, but he first got over as a heel. But in case you didn't notice, near the ends of their runs, both Austin and Rock went heel to help get new guys over. It's a tried and true method.

And Batista? Please. He was pushed into the main event for a brief period, after getting the rub from a couple of heels (Triple H and Flair), but he was always just one of the guys. He was never the main guy.

I prefer a new t-shirt. WWE needs to start making v-necks though.

Not surprised.
John Cena's EASILY the most hated face of all time. I'm not even sure why this is even a posed question seeing as how no one can recall any other mega babyface being this despised, by this many, for this long. Like someone mentioned before me, Hogan is hated by a lot of wrestling fans but I would still consider him more universally liked by casual fans than Cena. Whereas Cena is hated by a big chunk of both wrestling fans and casual fans.

I'd also make the argument that Cena's easily one of the most loved wrestlers in history too. And that would be based on the amount of PPV main events that sell simply because his name's attached to them. Also, I'd factor in the obvious merchandise sales to support that argument as well. But to return to the topic, John Cena is the most hated face in wrestling history.
I swear Cena threads always bring out the worst in people.This thread really is starting to get a little bit stupid because of some people.

Its pretty simple. No he isnt. People just voice their opinions a lot more freely nowadays and have the means to do that every single minute of every single day.

A heel turn would do wonders. I think a heel Cena T-shirt would sell for sure.And at some point you need a face to go agaisnt Cena that isnt CM Punk , who was a tweener when they started or DB who got burried the whole feud by Cena and The Authority.If Cena would go heel there would be so many more opportunities for feuds and how they turn up and all that.

This thead is a clear indicator of how easy it is in today's world to voice opinions.But in the end who cares?Cena's good at what he does, he has banged more hot women than mb all of his haters will in 10 lifetimes, he's loaded,he's health and looks good, has a nice home, is a good person.

So his haters basically have no affected his life one bit they enhanced it actually. Cause it would get boring to get cheered for what 8-10 years.At least he gets booed so his haters kinda help him in a way.

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