Is Big E a future WWE Champion in the making?


Pre-Show Stalwart
On this, the birthday of the exuberant, exciting, exhilarating, extremely entertaining Big E, I would like to pose a question to all of you. Will Big E one day win the big one? Does Big E have the potential to be the face of the WWE?

Hold on, hold on, you probably think I'm kidding but I assure you that I'm not. Right now he is a goofy dancer in a stable that people find hard to take seriously. How can anyone look at that and think he is worthy of the top prize in wrestling? Well, lets look at his history so far, shall we?

Before even coming into the WWE, Big E was a record breaking power lifter. In NXT, he became the second ever NXT champion, holding the title longer than Rollins to set another record. Upon debuting in the WWE, he was in a successful trio alongside Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee (two of the top names in their respective divisions at the time) and would then go on to defeat Ziggler in the blowoff to their feud.

He immediately went into a feud with the Shield, where he racked up two DQ wins over then US champion Dean Ambrose. He would follow this up by defeating Curtis Axel for the Intercontinental championship which he was never pinned for or made to submit for and instead lost in a battle royal. This then led to the creation of the New Day, which is now one of the most successful pairings in all of sports entertainment.

While his build into one of the best talents in the WWE may have been done under most people's radars, it is clear that the WWE sees him as a star as he continuously succeeds every time he is given the ball. It is said that wrestlers who make it big have to craft their own path to stardom and Big E has been doing just that as a major focus in the New Day. Would it really be that big of a stretch to see him with the biggest prize in wrestling one day?

What do you think?
I really think he could, he's very good and has improved in the ring. He can be entertaining on the mic and I would imagine if given a more serious character he'd do well with that one his current growth.

But I'd push it far down the line after say...Kofi Kingston is no longer involved with him. Have Big E even play a Brock Lesnar role with Xavier Woods as his mouthpiece. The only small problem I have with Big E is his lackluster-looking finishing move. I really don't like the Big Ending or whatever that slam thing he does is called. He needs something else.

Now that I said that I really think Big E COULD be a world champion, I also doubt WWE will put a world championship belt around his waist. There's problems behind the curtain for starters, and I'm not going to touch on that.
At this point, Big E is one of the few people in the WWE who I enjoy watching.

Maybe book the money in the bank ladder match right for a change and have Kofi win only to have Big E be the one who cashes in the briefcase. This could explain how Big E would end up separated from New Day, but I honestly hope they keep New Day together even if Big E wins the world title.

I'd love to see Big E become champion, but I'm comforted in knowing that New Day has proven that they're worthy of tv time under any circumstance.
No. Big E isn't just bad, he's shockingly, mind-numbingly bad. He's Khali-level bad. Big E can't work a match to save his life, he has the charisma of a dead fish, and his "booty gyrating" is one of the worst things in the history of WWE. He manages to make the occasional funny New Day segment less funny by simply being there. The only place Big E should be going is the unemployment line.
It's possible, though who can say for certain? I mean, if going by fan response, interest and investment is among the top considerations for being pushed to the WWE Championship picture, then Hornswoggle will get there before Big E does. After all, look at how many wrestlers get great responses from fans in every town, yet aren't pushed for whatever reason residing in Vince's warped logic.

I'm glad to see that Big E has been given the opportunity, finally, to show personality rather than be chained with the one dimensional bruiser because of his physical look. There are a lot of powerhouse wrestlers that've come and gone in WWE, but not a whole helluva lot have shown genuine charisma and personality. I'd have to see how he does in WWE on his own because one reason why New Day works so well is that they play off of each other, but I think Big E could pull it off.
No. Big E isn't just bad, he's shockingly, mind-numbingly bad. He's Khali-level bad. Big E can't work a match to save his life, he has the charisma of a dead fish, and his "booty gyrating" is one of the worst things in the history of WWE. He manages to make the occasional funny New Day segment less funny by simply being there. The only place Big E should be going is the unemployment line.

I don't remember The Great Khali doing spears through the rope to the outside of the ring, or doing high splashes. In fact, I don't remember Khali doing any real moves outside a punch and a chop, yet the WWE gave him a world title. The WWE has given Big E the U.S Championship ( or was it I.C? Ya, I think he was I.C champion) and now he's part of the best faction in WWE The New Day. The tag team champions, notice Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston aren't the one's defending the belts? It's BIG E and Kofi, because Big E is the muscle and 25 times more talented than Khali. Like him or not he's part of the reason New Day has any success. The only thing I agree with is the booty gyrating, it's stupid and got old the first week he did it. Other than that, Big E is NOT mind-numbingly bad.
It's been said that Vince is big fan of Big E, so it's entirely possible he'll be world champ someday. If there was still two world belts, I'd say he'd almost assuredly be champ some day. If the brand split comes back as rumored, hopefully they split the belts up again.
I found Big E super boring and generic when he was alone, he plays off Kofi and Austin great though. I don't know if he'll ever really do much as a singles star if he doesn't have the chemistry to bounce promos off that he has now. I think he's a big reason that New Day is over as much as they are (although I think Austin has a little more, even though he's more of an active manager most the time)

I put him well above average on the actual wrestling, so that's not a concern at all for me, he's even showed himself to be able to spot monkey, so he's well rounded in that regard.

In this day and age, when Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, and Miz all have World Title reigns, I'm pretty certain Big E will hold it sooner or later.

I would love to eat my words though, and see him as a great champion, but he's never done anything that's entertained me without his brothers with him.
Have Big E even play a Brock Lesnar role with Xavier Woods as his mouthpiece.
I want Big E to be put into the main event with Woods as his manager. But I also don't want Kofi to leave them either, so Woods should manage him as well in the upper-mid card.

I'm one of the few that seem to have actually enjoyed his IC title run. His matches were good for a rookie and he was slowly getting over well. He was even voted to face Orton by the fans over fan favorites like Ziggler at the time.
I don't see him winning the World title in the near future(2-3 years) but I can see him winning it, if the timing was right. Big E is as much as a serious World title contender as much as any other new guy in the past 4-5 years or so.

Big E can't work a match to save his life, he has the charisma of a dead fish, and his "booty gyrating" is one of the worst things in the history of WWE. He manages to make the occasional funny New Day segment less funny by simply being there.
Anyone that has seen any of Big E's stuff on social media knows that he contributes the most(way more than Kofi) out of the three in terms of character/funny New Day segments. Big E is the funniest wwe superstar on social media, right above Kevin Owens.
Also he has had some pretty good matches against Rusev, Del Rio, and Ziggler, among a few others. Heck his match against Henry on Raw was good until the botched finish.
I think if Vince is going to make any of New Day a world champion then it'd def be Big E but, honestly, there's no way I see it happening any time in the next few years. Big E's character is solid, he's over as part of a charismatic group but, their leaning (face or heel) is far too blurred right now and, to be honest, Big E's tasted defeat a few times to often to mid-card talent to, IMO, be a legit main event guy any time before 2018. Give him a nice slow build, hell have him take a singles title so New Day have something to crow about but, as it stands, keep Big E away from Lesnar, Reigns, Cena and the like because he will end up in the Sheamus position and no-one deserves that.
I'd say he has good odds. The more I think about it, the more I'm of the opinion that a Big E singles push doesn't necessarily have to coincide with a New Day split. As I go through the scenarios in my mind, the best ones seem to involve Xavier Woods as E's side-kick in some capacity, whether it be as his primary mouth-piece or just a ringside manager. New Day remaining together as a group may just be the best route to go. However, I think the entire group would need to go through some sort of overhaul if Big E were ever to be viewed as a legitimate main event guy.

It wouldn't be difficult. The fans love The New Day whether they boo them or cheer them. Their antics are some of the most anticipated stuff each week. Imagine the heat if New Day came out one day in suits and ties and completely got rid of the silliness. Progression for all three guys and progression for the group, which if it ever got to this point, would probably have become legendary. I think Xavier as a villain would be fantastic and similar to Heyman/Brock, I believe he'd add that defining quality to Big E. Don't know what they'd do with Kofi, but it's plausible he just becomes Big E's second man? Basically if New Day changed their image and the group began to REVOLVE around Big E, it would give the guy instant credibility.

I said in the past though, there's no need for a Big E push or a New Day transformation until the group starts getting stale. That may be soon enough, but there's still a face run in there somewhere as well. It could be a year or more before New Day moves away from the tag team scene and even more years before any of those guys gets the call for a singles push.
Big E is charismatic and has so much personality that could be shown on air. He's good on the mic. In the ring, he's nothing special, but he gets the job done and he could easily hide the loousy points there, by doing the moves that matter. He also has the build. I think Big E has all the potential there is to be a big babyface world champion in the future. He sure has talent and if they don't rush it and let experience also bend in with that talent, I think he can become good. Can he become great? That's up to him.
As long as New Day stays together. They've proven that this group is far greater than the sum of its parts. On their own, all three struggled. Together, they've been trusted to kick off Raw and have often been in the main event of Raw and Smackdown episodes. If the idea is to push them into the singles scene, why not keep them together?

Big E has presence, his look is a little unconventional, to put it lightly. The singlet with no compression shorts, the lack of knee pads, and the haircut all give Big E this almost awkward comedic look. I'd like to see him in simpler gear, maybe just shorts but at the very least adding even a basic knee pad would give him more of a modern look, which will help him to be taken seriously.

New Day could be world champion, Big E could be the main man within the group that holds the strap. Without New Day, Big E needs to round another corner and add a certain something else, lest he become like Mark Henry with many false pushes.
I think he could if he went with a more no-nonsense badass character type with Woods as his mouthpiece. Woods could act more aggressively in a vocal sense and drop the goofy stuff. I think the potential is there.
Big E is really a great athlete for which I had loved him in the past. But I never know he can be so cool with the mic as well, which makes me love him even more than before. But right now, his character is stuck in the Midcard. Unless he moves away from New Day (which will be an asinine thought of mine) he can't be a World Champion in the future. I mean, he has the potential, but would need at least a year of developing his character. When I say developing the character, I don't mean Ryback sort of development by wearing trunks. Gawd that's awful.
He's improved a lot on the mic. I'm not sure. I couldn't see him as world champ with the New Day gimmick he has.

If it was a way for him to still use his charisma but still get taken seriously, I could see it.
Big E is a future champion after after all a stable is supposed to create a star and as much as a like Xavier and Kofi between the both of them 1 isa the next David Otunga Character and the other had a chance but creative dropped it...Big E has a list of wins over former champions and if elimination chamber was still around i wouldnt mind him in a match for the belt.
I don't think so, but you never know. Big E didn't really catch fire when he was holding onto the IC Championship and it was shocking seeing how fans lost interest in him, even when facing the much hated Rusev.

With the New Day, he's so entertaining because they have such great chemistry. I don't think any of them would be as compelling in solo acts. Once they split up, they might have some good reactions for awhile, but eventually will become uninteresting once more. Except maybe Xavier Woods, but that's difficult to say because I missed most of his singles career.
It's very possible that Big E could be the WWE champ in the future. He has everything the brass looks for in a champion, he's big and he has charisma. He's not top level on the mic but does have skills and is improving in that area slowly but noticeably. He is capable in the ring and is believable in what he does.

I personally don't like the character he plays in the New Day and will love it when they inevitably split and set him up as a face or as a heel, but that's probably 6 months to a year away at best.

Not saying he's s surefire WWE champ in the future, but all the ingredients are there.
Something I haven't thought about, but something I could easily get on board with. I honestly don't think his character need change too much either, and the New Day should DEFINITELY stay together.

Someone earlier said that Big E wouldn't be taken too seriously as he had an unsuccessful singles run. The OP ran through his singles run. To be honest, I'd forgotten it - which was precisely the point of sticking him in a team. He's been clowning around long enough with the New Day to make me forget about his singles record, but, unlike most comedy characters (Santino, Adam Rose etc) the New Day have been allowed to back up their goofy antics with decent wrestling and not presented as complete jokes. Kinda like modern day Edge and Christian characters - they goofed around every week, 5 second poses, kazoos, et cetera, but once that bell rang they meant business.

Built right, Big E could even be presented like a Mankind style character - the hierarchy treat him like a joke but he shocks them by winning the world title. Would work better after an official face turn though. The pop when Mankind won the belt on that Jan 4th 1999 Raw was immense; the New Day are already one of the most over acts on the roster, so the pop for Big E *could* be similar (or the equivalent of in the modern era)

The best thing about presenting him like this is, given he has been largely confined to tag wrestling for the last year +, there would be plenty of fresh feuds; it creates another top liner (and maybe with Kofi and Woods as tag champions, the New Day could at one point hold all the gold, though that usually is a heel staple); and a "shock" win could be a test run - if business picks up, WWE could run with him again; if not, he's a transitional champion and occasional top line/challenger in future but not 'the man'. Certainly nothing to lose, and I'm liking the idea more and more by the minute. As with Dean Ambrose though, not for another year or so please.
At this point, Big E is one of the few people in the WWE who I enjoy watching.

Maybe book the money in the bank ladder match right for a change and have Kofi win only to have Big E be the one who cashes in the briefcase. This could explain how Big E would end up separated from New Day, but I honestly hope they keep New Day together even if Big E wins the world title.

I'd love to see Big E become champion, but I'm comforted in knowing that New Day has proven that they're worthy of tv time under any circumstance.

I love the idea of Freebird ruling the briefcase. Brilliant!

I think Big E could be a world champ. I'd need to see a "I'm going to burn your house down and take your dog's innocence" type of promo from because everything up until now is kinda goofy. He's good at the goofy, can he do the serious? I don't think you make him the face of the company by making him champ. A month or two, then move on. It makes him a serious threat in the future at the top of the card.
Don't see it happening brothers. He's a beast, just not championship material after seeing him in that ridiculous gimmick with New Day brothers. HH
Big E as World Heavyweight Champion? Won't happen, Vince McMahon doesn't like black guys.

He's a former NXT Champion, but that's because HHH runs NXT and realised that Big E is a decent wrestler, he just has a rubbish, stereotypically racist gimmick at the moment.
Hey Guys. Just reading the comments and had to chime in. I don't know how long most of you have watched wrestling (particularly wwe), but I've been watching it since the 70's and I can tell you this. WWE has NEVER put their wwf/wwe title around an african american's waist. I know some of you say well what about The Rock (and most recently Roman Reigns)? Well as most of you know, both the Rock and Reigns are of Polynesian descent. Booker T and Mark Henry won the World Championship which was acquired from WCW not created by WWE. So to make a long story short, if WWE feels that Big E is "WORTHY ENOUGH" to wear the WWE gold, he will get it. But something in the back of my mind feels that will NEVER EEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRR happen.
Hey Guys. Just reading the comments and had to chime in. I don't know how long most of you have watched wrestling (particularly wwe), but I've been watching it since the 70's and I can tell you this. WWE has NEVER put their wwf/wwe title around an african american's waist. I know some of you say well what about The Rock (and most recently Roman Reigns)? Well as most of you know, both the Rock and Reigns are of Polynesian descent. Booker T and Mark Henry won the World Championship which was acquired from WCW not created by WWE. So to make a long story short, if WWE feels that Big E is "WORTHY ENOUGH" to wear the WWE gold, he will get it. But something in the back of my mind feels that will NEVER EEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRR happen.

Don't blame the boss dude!!! There hasn't been one deserving brother!! Preach love. HH

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