Is anyone else concerned with Ebola?

Барбоса;5019923 said:

Aren't they in Star Trek?

Kirk probably kissed one of their females.
Are you mocking me? Clearly you aren't taking the threat of the Ebolans seriously enough. This is a serious issue which we all need to panic on professional wrestling message boards about, and if you aren't, you aren't taking this issue seriously enough.
Fucks sake, would be me that comes from the place where spitting into each others mouths is a formal greeting.
This cartoon doesn't take into account how delicious and satisfying food, cigarettes, and alcohol are. If Ebola made you feel good before making you shit blood and leaving you bedridden they'd serve it at Taco Bell.

They do..

Have you not had their breakfast?
I was actually holding out until they added Ebola, but if it's already in there then I'll have to grab one of them waffle tacos.

The Waffle Taco is actually the most potent form Ebola out there. You'll secrete blood from the eyes just by sniffing it.
This doesn't stem from me watching the news. I'm not one that typically buys into the hype of the news. I was never concerned for H1N1 or any of the typical fear mongering that is on the news. I'm not walling myself into my house. This is a military installation, each day we get together and have meetings on the subject, including information that has not been released by the media. As I type this I am within a mile of a man quarantined due to contact with an Ebola patient. Travel needs to be locked down point blank. Some schools here have already closed. There are a number of factors outside of the actually lethality of the disease that put us at danger as well.

I'm sure the military loves you talking about their meetings. I swear you are the biggest fucking ****** on the face of the Earth.
The concern is definitely there. And I quote, "When a disease that had 1,716 fatalities over a span of 37 years suddenly kills 4,447 people in six countries in a matter of 10 months— that certainly is scary. So is a fatality rate of 70%." Also, WHO has warned that there could be up to 10,000 new infections per week by December. So it looks much more scarier than before. And with all the bleeding in the eyes and everything, it just seems like a terrible way to die.
The threat to USA and European countries from Ebola seem to be quite low, because of your advanced medical facilities and public health infrastructure, and also your ability to find and quarantine an infected patient is much higher and that is another huge plus since it's not airborne.... But if a patient somehow slips through in a country like ours which is not technically equipped to handle an epidemic like this, things will get really bad, really fast. Thankfully the government is preparing itself and public healthcare for it instead of sitting idle, so I hope we won't get fucked too bad if the situation arises.

Btw, if you are a heel, you could try using this to boost your character. Hug, shake hands and pose with fans and their kids before reaching a safe distance and declaring that you have Ebola. That could take your character to new heights.
I still want to know where this place is where people greet each other by spitting in their mouth.
I wasn't concerned at all,

Until I watched the movie 12 Monkeys again for the first time in awhile. Then I started to think a little.
The part of England where siblings copulate to create offspring. Just outside of London.

Milenko just found the backdrop for the latest story he is working on.

BTW, I have a friend planning a family reunion. Please provide me with details on their tourism board so I can play a really good prank on him.
Two nurses taking protective measure were still able to contract it.

Actually the protective measures you speak of conveys a sense of care\procedure that was not actually present. The hospital & healthcare admins have admitted that they dropped the ball in certain areas. The original patient was showing signs before they knew what it was, so they did not enact any protective protocols during that time.

As I type this I am within a mile of a man quarantined due to contact with an Ebola patient.

A mile isnt far enough. You need to get everyone on a plane right now & leave before you get it. Wrap yourself in bubble wrap & Purell, then run screaming toward the nearest exit.

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