Is all of THIS one big angle to bring Mr. McMahon back?

I hope it's not so.

I mean Vince doesn't need to be brought back. He's a mainstream character and even non-hardcore fans know him well enough to give a damn when he shows up.

Though I agree that if Vince wants to be back as a full time heel in a main storyline, he needs some fixing and some newer assets to his character.
I'm glad I'm not the only person who feels like Vince was great back in the days as the hated boss. I enjoyed him in that role, but i dont think they're bringing him back. I think this is a slick way to put CM Punk over as a top heel, and at the same time, try to win over fans for Cena. Cena is their money machine. Their lover boy. All of the flack over Cena kissing Vince's ass and all of the Vince and Cena love going around, and all of a sudden you have Cena talking about he hates Vince and trying to quit and disrespecting him. It's all a bad attempt to try to get Cena more over because, much like Rock said, those Cena sucks chants eat him alive from the inside.

It's a perfect way to get more people talking about it, and CM Pun. Just a typical "Get Cena over" angle that is only working as well as it is because of Punk's mic skills.

Also, when Punk made his big promo, his Austin 3:16 moment, he had on an Austin shirt. It's just his moment to spit on Vince to try to shoot him into the stratusphere much like it did Austin.
Vince is very image conscious now a days. If they do bring his character back regularly on screen...people will be dissapointed. He wont be as entertaining and controversial as he was in the past. They are better off just putting him on screen every once in a while.

It is good news for Punk though. When Vince gets involved in a angle with a wrestler... it usually guys he views as main eventers like Austin, Rock, Cena, Orton etc etc.
I would like Vince to screw Cena and align with Punk, Cabana, Gallows and others. You could then have a big evil stable even Hollywood Rock could come in. Cena would lose all the time to that big stable so he will feel fresh again without having to go heel.

Cena is stale because you know he will win (even a part of me right now feel like he will win this Sunday and I will be disapointed if I chose to order the PPV).

Then Cena could feud with Vince and Punk. You then bring Hollywood Rock with Vince to shift the feud. Cena could go through the smaller wrestlers in the group before facing the Rock at Mania. To keep Punk busy at Mania you then bring Vince nemesis... STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN to wrestle Punk at Mania and Mania becomes a MUST watch show.

That or Punk just win and they do an angle with him with the belt, but bringing back the evil boss would really be good in my opinion.
Well, it could be, after all a lot of people have been comparing this to the Stone Cold and Vince McMahon feud, however if Vince gets involved in any screwjob, it will be Vince screwing Cena. Cena has been dropping some hints on the past two episodes of RAW, he has really been tearing into Mr. McMahon and McMahon didn't look too happy. I can see him screwing Cena. However this would be the complete opposite of what everyone wants, and that is a Cena heel turn. Either way, one way or another, this match is not going to have a clean finish, and if it does, I will be shocked and disappointed.

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