Is AJ Styles Being Buried?


Dark Match Winner
I watched impact last night and watched Gunner vs AJ. I was shocked that AJ lost but Gunner did cheat to win and I guess witht his BFG series AJ will have to take some losses.

My question is, do you think AJ is being buried??

I ask this question because AJ has not had many wins this year so far. He beat Matt Hardy but I think this has been his only to date.

I read on another forum that the match between AJ & Gunner made AJ look weak, what are your thoughts about this?
He lost to a guy who was only two weeks removed from pinning the world champ- twice. That hardly constitutes a burial.

He is also main-eventing the upcoming PPV.

Seems any reports of AJ Styles' impending demise appear highly premature.

Take this to the bank... when this whole "Bound For Glory Series" plays-out, AJ will be one of those final four competing for the title shot.
I know about whether TNA are consiously trying to bury AJ but they are definently miss using him. They seem to be trying to develop some homegrown talent atm but they seem to have forgotten about the world class home grown talent they already have. AJ has been used to get other people over for so much of this year that sooner or later it is going to damage his status as a genuine headliner in the eyes of more casual fans.
Just look at the past few months....
Loss to Bully Ray
Loss to Tommy Dreamer (don't know what the hell they were playing at here)
Loss to Gunner
I mean use him to put one over then give him a good fued to get momentum back but not all 3 in such quick succession thats just damaging your biggest home grown star.
The worrying thing is AJ is not the only potential star being poorly booked at the moment
Samoa Joe is losing left right and center
The Pope (remeber how over he was a few months ago is now being booked as a jobber)
The British Invasion one of if not the best heel tag team in the world again are losing left right and center
Its sad to see a company that has so much talent drop the ball on their potential home grown stars time and time again
...The Pope (remeber how over he was a few months ago is now being booked as a jobber)

The reason that Pope's heat has been so thoroughly scuppered in my opinion was the incredibly poorly executed heel-turn complete with nonsensical Samoa Joe/Okato feud. They're trying to sneak him back in there with this Devon thing, but unless it comes out in a face turn I don't see it doing him any favours. It's easy for the crowd to get behind 'good-guy' Pope, but Pope as a heel just hasn't been making any sense.

The British Invasion one of if not the best heel tag team in the world again are losing left right and center
Its sad to see a company that has so much talent drop the ball on their potential home grown stars time and time again

They've been on the rise lately as well, sure they lost their title shot against Gun Money, but shit, they at least just had a title shot on PPV and they put in a damn good showing.

OT -

I think AJ's back on the rise again, sure he's been made to look weak lately but he's so well established at this point that I don't think it really costs him any credibility. Much like when Rey Mysterio loses.
I don't think they could bury A.J. styles if they want to. Honestly they could job him out to david arquette, karl malone, dennis rodman, and jay leno, and I would still view him as a main eventer. The thing is, once your established like A.J. you don't need to win every match (cough cena) in order to be over, and you can put people over without hurting your own status.
He's in TNA so of course he's being buried.:lmao:

Congratulation, you have just Ultimate Warriored yourself. Now on Topic, no A, J, isn't being buried he is headlining the next PPV. Another thing, yes they are pushing Gunner ( someone who is a TNA homegrown talent by the way) and making him a legit threat instead of him being considered just a security guard.
No. AJ is doing his job perfectly well. He's an upper-midcarder who has currently put over one of the most impressive heels in a long time in Bully Ray and is helping out Gunner. If AJ is being buried then add TNA Champ, Mr. Anderson to that. Contrary to popular belief running losses does not mean you are buried.
I remember AJ cutting a great promo several months ago that invoked some reality in what he was saying towards Fortune. They should really let him do more of a speak your mind promo...kind of like what CM Punk did. He has the potential.
AJ has put over Bully Ray who TNA is booking as a top heel, but in that match AJ was put over just as much as Ray. Both men elevated themselves in a meaningful way.

I had forgotten about the Tommy Dreamer fiasco, that tells you how much I cared about that loss.

So far Gunner and AJ have faced each other three times in the BFG Series with Gunner being up 2-1. Gunner is a guy I am high on and I am thrilled that they are giving him ring time with AJ. Gunner has a lot to work on yet and working with AJ several times a week will get him the work he needs regardless of wins and losses. Remember, Flair was wrestling Steamboat for a long time, hundreds of matches back and forth that nobody saw. It elevated Steamboat's status.
I watched impact last night and watched Gunner vs AJ. I was shocked that AJ lost but Gunner did cheat to win and I guess witht his BFG series AJ will have to take some losses.

My question is, do you think AJ is being buried??

I ask this question because AJ has not had many wins this year so far. He beat Matt Hardy but I think this has been his only to date.

I read on another forum that the match between AJ & Gunner made AJ look weak, what are your thoughts about this?

AJ being buried? Definitely not. AJ Styles may not have a Crimson record as of late, but he's been making people look good in the process. Gunner's the flavor of the month, to be sure, but three pinfalls over two former champions AND the current TNA champion all within the space of a month? That really bolsters a guy's resume and makes the fans ALMOST forget that he lost the TV title to Eric Young of all people.

Keep this in mind, my friend. As long as you get TV time, you're not being buried. It may not be the result you want, but exposure is still good for the wrestler, especially under this new direction TNA's taking with these roster cuts.
I remember AJ cutting a great promo several months ago that invoked some reality in what he was saying towards Fortune. They should really let him do more of a speak your mind promo...kind of like what CM Punk did. He has the potential.

In Impact Wrestling, all segments are shoots, especially the reaction style back stage stuff where they just shove the camera in someone's face. Bobby Rude and AJ Styles have been taking TNA mgmt to the woodshed verbally for the last few months. Check out some recent promo's.
nah, you need to build guys and the only way to do that is for them to beat people of importance. it wasn't a burial when rock, mankind or hhh beat austin to get them established - same here. and besides, this is aj styles - you could have him lose for a year straight then have him win a number one contenders match and no one would think twice about it because he is so over.

isn't gunner the tv champ? it would have added to the match if that match was also for the tv title. then you can say how he successfully defended his title against styles. not a huge thing but if you are trying to build someone, the little things help.
Ultimate Warrior is the shit

:lmao::lmao::lmao:Ultimate Warrior is that you? Now back on topic again, A.J isn't being buried. They needed him to loose, to make Gunner into a legit badass. As for his lost against Bubba/Bully Ray, it made Ray seem like a true main-event heel. So again A.J. Styles is not being buried, he is doing his job.
The only reason Styles lost to Dreamer was to progress the feud with Bully Ray. Bully Ray I believe interfered with Dreamer's match against Styles and costed Styles the win against Dreamer. I thought it made sense from a storyline progressiong point of view.
AJ is putting people over to help build up the roster that's all it is. Everybody who is anybody looses to people that are lower than them on the roster, which helps elevate that person in the eyes of the fans. Thats all it is quit over reacting.
AJ right now is in the same position as Chris Jericho was. We all know Jericho couldn't lose the heat or the cheers no matter what, so he put people over while still looking pretty good. That's what AJ does and does very well.

To me, as much as I believe AJ should be a Main Eventer, I'll watch anything he does no matter if he loses or wins. This is fake, wins don't matter, but looking good in a match matters more, and that's what AJ does. He entertains me, and in the end, that's all we should care about.
Buried? Someone needs to go look up what that term means in wrestling. No, A.J. Styles isn't being buried, he is doing his job and doing what is best for TNA. I guess you would rather he be like John Cena and for TNA to build up new talent only for them to job to A.J.? Now THAT would be someone getting buried.

Bully Ray got over as a heel, they needed to elevate him, Ray got the win on Mr. TNA and is now a top heel. Gunner is getting over and oozing potential, Anderson put him over twice and now he's going toe to toe with A.J. Styles trading the wins and losses. It's what you call good business and good booking. Trading off wins in a series of matches with Gunner will do nothing in the way of hurting Styles. Most people won't go "wow A.J. got beat, he sucks! He's buried now!" They will go "whoa, this Gunner dude stood with THE A.J. Styles night after night and won in some really good matches, I guess this guy is the real deal!"

Samoa Joe is losing left right and center

Hey, at least TNA is properly using him now and not trying to sell him as Fat Goldberg.
How is he being buried? He's main eventing a PPV. If anything, he's being used to put over talent and do things to help the company.

AJ Styles + Destination X PPV = Worldwide Attention.

AJ Styles is no different to how CM Punk, Chris Jericho have been used in WWE. Upper-midcarders and get their main event title shots every so often. Nothing is wrong with that. AJ Styles WILL NEVER BE THE FACE OF TNA. He's been given that title and he's failed at it, everytime.

Gunner is being pushed as a new fresh main eventer. Why is it so wrong for him to continue his massive push? You all want TNA to do original things, well Gunner's push is probably the biggest wrestling push in years.

Being buried is overused.

Loads of haters in here. Dudes, just face it, TNA is just lulz now.

Let's just face it, you a joke. Lulz. Nobody cares.
TNA's problem since the end of 2006 has always been its booking of its talent.

Why is John Cena the top guy in the industry right now? Because he keeps winning and he stays on top in top feuds. TNA has put so much time and money into guys like AJ only to throw it all away for absolutely no reason.

AJ Styles has put on the greatest matches of the last decade, has been put over by guys like Kurt Angle in frickin last man standing matches, and has a huge fan base. But he keeps getting jobbed out and for what? He put over Doug Williams for months only to have Williams disappear. Put over old broken down Dreamer, only to have him leave the company.

TNA could have a huge cash cow right now in Styles and there could have been talk of "what if Cena faced AJ? Who would win?" like it was back years ago. That is why Angle vs. Joe was so well received. AJ the homegrown hero, a wrestler who keeps casuals from changing the channel, and yet he has been passed over time and time again, because TNA management think only former WWE guys are the only talent worth a damn.

Anderson is mediocre, Hardy is a druggie, Sting is past his prime and RVD is phoning his performances in. Yes AJ is putting over Gunner, but why isn't the former WWE guys doing this? Why is AJ doing it? The homegrown talent should be put over by the former WWE guys at every turn, that's why Vince has been so successful.

AJ should not been putting anyone over right now, he should be TNA's Cena and they are losing out because of it.
Strange that two guys at the forefront of Destination X, AJ and Joe are getting jobbed. Come order our great show with non-important second-string wrestlers!
If he were booked similiar to Cena, people would be bitching and moaning about TNA trying to rip off the WWE again with a Cena like booking. The bottomline is TNA can't win either way with some of you people. You aren't happy unless you are bitching. If you enjoy it, more power to you. I'm glad TNA can provide that outlet for you.
Lol what!? maybe you want him to be like cena so you can comlpain he never loses. LOL he lost a couple of matches and have won a couple. Hes good and makes his matches more watcheble knowing it can go both ways. You see a cena match and u say cena won. U want a styles match always thinking styles won... god i cant believe some people.
How is he being buried? He's main eventing a PPV. If anything, he's being used to put over talent and do things to help the company.

AJ Styles + Destination X PPV = Worldwide Attention.

AJ Styles is no different to how CM Punk, Chris Jericho have been used in WWE. Upper-midcarders and get their main event title shots every so often. Nothing is wrong with that. AJ Styles WILL NEVER BE THE FACE OF TNA. He's been given that title and he's failed at it, everytime.

Gunner is being pushed as a new fresh main eventer. Why is it so wrong for him to continue his massive push? You all want TNA to do original things, well Gunner's push is probably the biggest wrestling push in years.

Being buried is overused.

Let's just face it, you a joke. Lulz. Nobody cares.

AJ has had four successful runs as champion including a great 7 month run his last time out, to say he failed as champion is ignorance to the Jeff Hardy Degree.
No AJ is not being buried. He is just helping Gunner to become more serious player in TNA. AJ is over, regardless the fact he looses or he wins. TNA and Immortal needs more serious heels.
I know about whether TNA are consiously trying to bury AJ but they are definently miss using him. They seem to be trying to develop some homegrown talent atm but they seem to have forgotten about the world class home grown talent they already have. AJ has been used to get other people over for so much of this year that sooner or later it is going to damage his status as a genuine headliner in the eyes of more casual fans.
Just look at the past few months....
Loss to Bully Ray
Loss to Tommy Dreamer (don't know what the hell they were playing at here)
Loss to Gunner
I mean use him to put one over then give him a good fued to get momentum back but not all 3 in such quick succession thats just damaging your biggest home grown star.
The worrying thing is AJ is not the only potential star being poorly booked at the moment
Samoa Joe is losing left right and center
The Pope (remeber how over he was a few months ago is now being booked as a jobber)
The British Invasion one of if not the best heel tag team in the world again are losing left right and center
Its sad to see a company that has so much talent drop the ball on their potential home grown stars time and time again

AJ isn't being buried at all. He's still a main star of TNA. Fortune seems to be fizzling though. Moving down from main event to mid card doesn't mean getting buried, looking at Undertaker. He use to do that all the time to keep fresh.

Samoa Joe is doing a "i'm losing a lot but gonna turn that around" storyline. Which is fine with me if he loses, I never got why he was so hyped to begin with. Not saying he's bad but the fat fake mma fighter gimmick is silly.

The Pope was insanely over. I really thought he was going to take off as the main good guy for TNA. Then he turned bad for some reason, I can't even remember why.

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