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Is A Member Of WWE Managment The NXT Mastermind?

Who Is The Leader Of NXT

  • Bret Hart

  • Theodore Long

  • Vickie Guerrero

  • Vince McMahon

  • None Of The Above

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teddy long is probly the most likely. that would be a good way to make an impact and on another show. he can sign all 7 guys to sd and have a raw vs sd feud which will end at survivor series. i know that a lil to long of a feud but in 2001 the wcw/ecw invasion started in the summer and ended at survivor series.

also how cool will it be if shane and stephanie are behind it all. i know its not possible but it would be a shock if that ends up being the case
shane mcmahon

he leaves wwe round the same time as the next concept. no-one new why there was no explanation. all sorts of rumour pointed out a family feud

this storyline has been months in the planning, it may be that shane o'mac has been part of this story since its inception

it would be very well done
I'm thinking why couldn't it be HHH? There's rumours he wants one last heel run in the WWE, well I see this as the perfect opprotunity.

However, why does everyone presume there's someone behind the NXT invasion?
Could it not just be Barrett himself.........
With the whole NXT invasion angle going on right now on Raw, does anyone here besides me think the Vince McMahon may have some involvement in this angle. Hear me out, I remember a couple of weeks ago when Vince came out on Raw to congratulate Hart on his work as GM, but I remember him also telling Bret that his job is about to get harder. Is this what Vince meant by that? Who knows, I got a feeling that Vince is the one who set up the whole NXT invasion deal, but no one knows that at this point. All we can do now is to keep watching.

That would be too obvious if Vince was behind it. We all know that Vince does not like Bret in the "wrestling world". But, heck, that's what I'm expecting to be honest. Hopefully it sways off and someone reveals it was them down the road that's NOT Vince. Only time will tell though. One thing for sure is I'm liking this NXT angle at the moment. Very curious to see where it goes.
I'm thinking why couldn't it be HHH? There's rumours he wants one last heel run in the WWE, well I see this as the perfect opprotunity.

However, why does everyone presume there's someone behind the NXT invasion?
Could it not just be Barrett himself.........

It would be more exciting and interesting if there was a mastermind behind this whole angle. Having Barrett spear head this entire thing on his own is just....well boring.
Or what if they reach out of the box and get a real big voice for the group. Someone who want to destroy the WWE, someone by the name of.......................Paul Heyman anyone ? Hed be the perfect mouthpiece, im probably dreaming but it would work ...

Ya know, this has been my choice all along. Paul E's the mastermind behind a lot of "invasions", the first one being RAW back when they were in the Manhattan Center in the early years, and the second being the second coming of ECW during the botched "Invasion" storyline. The reason why I chose Heyman was because the writing for the whole NXT storyline's been well thought out, very different from what the WWE's been putting out lately, and definitely something more on the "daring" side. Paul's been quite silent in regards to what's been going on and it's amazing that he hasn't said anything about this. I don't see why not. The WWE has a very unique opportunity right now and the popularity of the whole NXT angle can definitely make or break the company in terms of ratings. The IWC's in a huge uproar about what's going on and people are talking about jumping ship if the WWE messes this up.

But, at the same time, I could be dreaming too. :icon_biggrin:
I certainly can't see it being The Hitman, Vickie or Teddy Long. Definately not Bret after what happened Monday night to him

Vince is a possibility, it would sorta fit his character, but maybe it would be too similar to the nWo storyline in 2002, when Vince tries to destroy or "poison" his company.

Heyman wont be there, Steph cannot stand the guy, and again it could be seen as too similar to the WCW/ECW alliance with Heyman a major part of that. However, I would love to see Paul E back in the WWE as the leader of NXT, but I just cant see it happening to be honest.

It also won't be Shane O Mac, as he is gone from the WWE and has tried to destroy his Dads company before as the leader of WCW in the Invasion storyline back in 2001, so probably too similar once again.

You could argue that alot of the WWE fans would be too young to remember these storylines from 7-8 years ago, but there are enough longtime fans who would just complain that they were redoing old storylines. Me? I would love to see Heyman or Shane controlling NXT, I do love a good faction invasion style storyline, they are always awesome!

But....this is probably talking out of my ass....but what if its Cena?????? I know he got his ass kicked last week but what if it is all just a swerve to fool everyone and this is how Cena turns heel and leads this new faction against the WWE? I think it would be fantastic, but its very unlikely to be the case as Barrett is meant to be feuding with Cena over the summer. I can dream though I suppose
regardless of who it is if anybody this is so far a very intriquing storyline and maybe using it to push the edge and break away from the pg thing. for all we know it could be a former star long forgotten that could mastermind it. for instance, we all know jake roberts has fallen off the wagon, what if it was him? he was a great heel. lame yes, but how cool would that be to have a big time swerve thrown at us like that
What if its none of the above

What if there is more than one leader (Stone cold,Kurt and Vince Invasion storyline 2001)

Who would want an end to sports Entertainment as we know it who would want a return to Wrastling so to speak.

My money is on the Englishman the last one true king of the ring. EX GENERAL MANAGER!!

His Lordship Sir William Regal

Think about it, First match on NXT
Trained Danielson, and probably a few others too although I'm not so sure about that.
He Dropped Koslov so he could go play with Santino.
He is well known for being conniving sneaky and power hungry.
What if he had Good old JR at his back, or even, no wait for it,could it possible be HBK.

Who hates Bret, who hates Vince, who hates what Raw has become, The New Kliq is forming.

William regal with either Sean or JR behind him a possibility, maybe ?

Just as another after thought, Jericho could be in on this too, you would think to perform such an act like destroying the ring area last week on Raw would take some amount of help backstage too. Jericho and Regal have got chemistry and probably the two best heels in the WWE.

another question to be answered, who took the undertaker out (in the storylines) and why ? could it be a move from whoever is vying for control, would it not be good idea to take out the conciousness of the WWE, Hunter gone, Cena maybe going down, Taker out, take Orton out and who is left to defend the WWE from a take over ?
I certainly can't see it being The Hitman, Vickie or Teddy Long. Definately not Bret after what happened Monday night to him

Vince is a possibility, it would sorta fit his character, but maybe it would be too similar to the nWo storyline in 2002, when Vince tries to destroy or "poison" his company.

Heyman wont be there, Steph cannot stand the guy, and again it could be seen as too similar to the WCW/ECW alliance with Heyman a major part of that. However, I would love to see Paul E back in the WWE as the leader of NXT, but I just cant see it happening to be honest.

It also won't be Shane O Mac, as he is gone from the WWE and has tried to destroy his Dads company before as the leader of WCW in the Invasion storyline back in 2001, so probably too similar once again.

You could argue that alot of the WWE fans would be too young to remember these storylines from 7-8 years ago, but there are enough longtime fans who would just complain that they were redoing old storylines. Me? I would love to see Heyman or Shane controlling NXT, I do love a good faction invasion style storyline, they are always awesome!

But....this is probably talking out of my ass....but what if its Cena?????? I know he got his ass kicked last week but what if it is all just a swerve to fool everyone and this is how Cena turns heel and leads this new faction against the WWE? I think it would be fantastic, but its very unlikely to be the case as Barrett is meant to be feuding with Cena over the summer. I can dream though I suppose
Report: Mr. McMahon Character Might Be Finished in WWE
by Nick Paglino
Apr 02, 2010
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that the match between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 26 might have been the "blow off" to the Mr. McMahon character on TV. The report is noting that Vince's intentions at this point are to be through with the character, which is why the match was booked to have McMahon beaten so badly by Bret Hart. As always, things can change, but at this point Vince has no plans to continue with the Mr. McMahon character on TV.

Didn't Vince say as much in a recent board meeting too, which was published on wwe.com and on here ?
After the first beat down by the NXT crew, my thought was Vince was behind it. After his cryptic comments to Bret about needing to make hard choices.

But then I thought about it, Bret as the GM of Raw, does he really have the power to not give out contracts to the WWE and to fire Wade Barret. Couldn't Vince just override him and say here you guys all have contracts, or Teddy long could sign them to Smackdown, why would NXT guys need Bret to give them contracts. Also eventhough these guys say they are invading the WWE, it seems this is going to be strictly a RAW program, when it should be happening on RAW as well.

As for the Daniel Bryan firing, the main reason I don't think it is a work is because in the Storyline of the WWE he was never hired by the WWE so how can they let him go if he was never an employee of the WWE (storyline wise of course)
Instead of names who you havent seen assocaited with NXT yet, Couldn't it just be the One Superstar who has/had a WWE Contract, Wade Barrett??
He's the one who is giving orders to his 'possy' and is the next breakout star, with a contract, which means he can appear on RAW. Instead ofgiving out random names like Vince, Heyman or Steve (Made Me laugh though i gotta admit) just think of logical explanations!...I'm just Sayin...
It could very well be Vince, the foreshadowing is there already.

He tells Bret he will need to make touch choices
He tells Bret "Good Luck"
He referenced the beat down Bret gave him
Well all know (at least storyline wise he hates Bret)
They took out Cena (Vince hates him) and now Bret (Vince hates him too)
They (the rookies) didn't seem to concerned with what their actions could lead to (which leads me to believe they have some backing from somewhere)
Bret was kidnapped by a L I M O (Vince's favorite thing)

I wouldn't be shocked and I would be actually quite happy if Vince had brought these guys off to get back at Bret Hart. I mean it wouldn't be the first time, even Batista was paid off by Vince recently.

With all that being said it could be anyone
Cole (lol its not Cole)
I think the leader is just Wade Barrett...

But thinking of the past..Vince is very clever and has got us thinking, when he said to Bret, his job is about to get tough...for that reason I think its Vince, and no i don't think it could be anyone else..
One guy I dont think I have seen in here, although I doubt that it was him. That guy would be Batista. I know he quit a few weeks ago, but it could be him. Im just saying that because Cena was attacked last week.

I could see HBK or HHH behind it the NXT storyline to. But for them, I could see one of them or both of them being the ones who attacked Undertaker and put him out.
Turning Bret Hart heel would be a really bad idea in my opinion. He turned from heel to face so often at the end of his wrestling career in WCW, that it somewhat tarnished his legacy. I think he wants to leave the wrestling business as the hero he once was.

I really hope it turns out to be Shane McMahon making his WWE return, but it will most likely turn out to be Vince. I hope it's not Vince it should be a surprise that nobody expects to see. But with Vince making an appearance on Raw recently and Barrett mentioning him last night. I could definitely see it being him.
I don't think it will be Bret, I t would be terrible sendoff.

Vince has pretty much said the character Vince McMahon isn't going to make another appearance.

Vickie doesn't fit with the group.

I think either Jericho for all the previous reasons mentioned. Or Matt Striker seeing these guys getting the shaft week-in and week-out. Drove him to th brink, plus he makes a great manager.
I'm thinking that it's none of the above. I think that Vince is the most realistic idea overall, but I also do believe that Vince is really trying to limit his time and exposure on television. The other three choices don't really seem feesible due to reasons that've already been listed by others.

I know some don't believe that it's Michael Cole, but I think that the possibility is there. I'm wondering if he could have been the guy behind the wheel of the limo. Turning the arena lights off towards the end of Raw last night could have been cover for Cole to sneak to the backstage area. I know it's probably not Cole, but I do think there's a slight possibility.

I also think that Chris Jericho could be another possibility. He and Wade Barrett got along during NXT just fine and it would give Jericho something meaningful to do. Barrett said that the Rookies were treated like garbage on NXT by WWE Management and it wouldn't be a stretch to come up with on screen reasons for Jericho to despise WWE Management, the fans, the other wrestlers in the locker room, etc.
Here are my two cents:

I don't think that the leader is just Wade Barret because that would be pretty boring

Cole would be interesting, but then after the storyline is done, what would you do with him, he couldn't just go back to play-by-play.

Vince would be to obvious and unoriginal.

Theodore, Vince, and Vicki just don't seem likely at all.

The WWE audience has too many kids in their audience for someone like Paul Heyman to be behind it. And I'm not talking about the PG rating, I'm saying many kids would not know who Heyman is.

I doubt it's Cena, you don't beat someone up that badly just to fool everyone.

Jericho is a possibility, but I don't know how they would sell why Jericho is involved.

I'll throw out a name no one has mentioned. When Sheamus came out with his steel pipe, he didn't hit anyone, he was just swinging at the air. And when he explained why he came out, it had nothing to do with respect for the company, it was about saving Cena for himself. I could see this turning into a new blood vs old guard type feud, but I hope that is not true, cause that would not be interesting at all.

I think this NXT invasion will end at survivor series (just like the original invasion) in a 7 on 7 match where if NXT wins they all get contracts and if the WWE superstars win, NXT must leave for good.
I don't really see the need for ANYBODY to be behind the NXT rookies but themselves, Wade Barrett would get a great push and standing in the roster by being the leader of the group, the group in itself becomes much greater by being a solo group.

WWE is doing great with these guys right now, giving them a leader who isn't involved with the group in any manner of on-screen action, I think will kill some of the momentum they have going, because they didn't do it for the sake of motivating themselves into getting the contracts that they demanded last night.

And because of the contract thing, I don't see how anybody in WWE could be behind them, because why would anybody on the show with a contract, or in management want them to get a contract from a kayfabe point of view.

- The wrestlers would have more competition to deal with.
- The management would have just given them the contract if it was, same goes with Vince or any of the high standing McMahon's.
- Bret Hart just refused to give them the contracts, so he obviously wouldn't be a part of the leadership.
The only logical choice out of those options would be Vince McMahon and that has already been done a few years ago with him bringing back the nWo to take out the WWE. It would be a huge step back to take a current "WWE" employee and make them the leader

I would continue it with Barrett and his NXT radicals continue their attacks on their own without any help from management. Sadly this is looking to be a mix between the nWo return, The invasion storyline, and the Radicalz wanting contracts all rolled up into one storyline. Its been close to 10 years since those happened and with lazy booking thats what we could end up with

Its Chris everything points that way and no Chris isn't taking any time off .Chris all ready taped his show Downfall last week and why would wwe be mad at him for something so stupid ? This is great publicty for wwe they can get more fans because of Chris .This all ties in to Chris the losing what he said to Bret three weeks ago .Chris not coming out to save super Cena early that night .Chris saying something about it on twitter and Chris being the only one not out there at the end .It all ties togther .Wwe isn't mad don't believe everything you see in the web stop being so naive ok .Its not Triple H ether theirs no reason for it to be him .Anyway he will be wrestling White man when he comes back .They have big plans for Chris all the smart fans see that wake up fool.
None of the abaove. It's either Chris Jericho or Triple H. They've been talking about Trips being the leader of the faction but later decided Jericho would be better for the role. It would be interesting to see how Triple H would be the leader and the reasoning behind everything. Let's see why Jericho would be the leader: He wasn't part of the Raw roster when the entire roster came out for the tag match main event | he didn't come out in the beggining of the night | he has no direction at all right now | he loves his former rookie... I think it's Chris Jericho!!!
While I know this is probably the most unrealistic idea and most definitely not going to happen, how shocking would it be if Shawn Michaels was the head of NXT? He wouldn't necessarily have to get back into the ring, nobody would expect it, and it would be such a huge surprise. The connection between him and Daniel Bryan is there, as well as the old feud with him and Bret. Not gonna happen, just saying it would knock the entire viewing community on their asses!

Realistically, I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho as the leader, as he's been in storyline limbo just kinda floating around being wasted on Raw. While they may not be happy with him hosting a TV show and his contract status may be in limbo, the guy is one of the best overall performers in the company and deserves to be a upper card guy, as opposed to losing to R Truth and being put in body slam challenges with the Big Show. My only question is why he would be involved with NXT, other than his season 1 connection with Wade Barrett.

Triple H would be interesting, but it'd kind of be a stretch storyline wise. Having him get knocked out of action by Sheamus for a few months and then have him revealed as the ringleader of NXT wouldn't be a logical flow, in my mind. While Batista isn't with the company, a surprise comeback could be interesting. After being kayfabe pushed out the door by Bret Hart, he'd have an on-air reason to come back and tear the place apart.

Either that or they could really go with a wild card and give Cena the heel turn everyone has been waiting for, completely swerving everyone like the whole Kurt Angle Invasion gimmick.

The WWE's in a spot they haven't been in awhile- they have pretty damn compelling television where they can pretty much do whatever they want given the mystery of the storyline. It's a nice change of pace and I look forward to everything that is going to happen in the coming weeks.

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