Is a "Dashing" Intercontinental Champion Inevitable?


City Dweller, Successful Fella
Since the dawn of the "Dashing" gimmick last summer Cody Rhodes has turned a lot of head with his presence, mic work, and overall charisma and quickly out shined his former Legacy team mate Ted Dibiase. Not to mention Rhodes' in ring work has always been good especially when paired with the right opponents. He also went on to team with Drew McIntyre and win the tag titles before doing away with that lost cause after they dropped the titles.

But nothing has made Rhodes stand out more than this amazing story-line he has with Rey Mysterio. After Mysterio destroyed Cody's "Dashing" good looks by breaking his nose and forcing him to wear a protective mask. Cody has become a dark and psychotic character. Showing a more sinister side every time he grabs a mic and at this point is cutting the best promos of his career. With a major match with Mysterio just weeks at WrestleMania will this be the beginning of Cody Rhodes' push to a title reign.

Now what I don't want to see is an immediate push for the world title, no I would like to see a slow and steady singles push through the mid-card and up like Dolph Ziggler received through out a good portion of last year. I would like to see Cody feud with Kofi Kingston post Mania and eventually win himself the Intercontinental Championship. He can have a good dominant reign in the mid-card while having good matches with fellow challengers. And perhaps he can even feud with Sin Cara for the title upon his arrival to SmackDown if thats indeed the brand he goes on (he should) and maybe Cara can take the belt off of Rhodes when it's time for an elevation up the card.

So do you think Cody Rhodes should be the one to dethrone Kofi Kingston of the IC title? If not/so please explain your reasonings. I look forward to see all of your ideas on where Cody's career should go post-Mania since he will be coming off of a red hot feud with one of SmackDown's most popular superstars.
I've always liked Cody Rhodes, even back in the day when he was with Hardcore Holly. Even when he was in legacy. I think he is talented and will in time gain superstar status even if it's short lived. I would really like to see him as the Intercontinental champion. I think Rhodes would make an excellent champion, and the possible feuds to come out of it. If he were the Intercontinental Champion, then Sin Cara would be perfect to take it from him as he became a bigger star.
I hope so.

It took me a while to appreciate Cody, but he's been a revelation since he went to Smackdown and had to pave a new path for himself without Orton or DiBiase.

I haven't seen his promo this week, but for the most part his promo last week was dam impressive. Except for the cliche'd "Don't look at me!" seeing as he came out into the arena to deliver it, but that's a minor issue.

I don't know if it's his dad's influence on him, but he has shown that he can take something small and really get the most out of it; he won a poll on the website and created a great narcissistic and sometimes slightly comedic character that drew good heat. He then tweaks that character because of one move and looks to be going down a different route from where he originally started. Looking at the Smackdown roster at the moment, it's hard to argue past giving Cody Rhodes a belt after Mania because he's put the work in and made the most out of any situation.

Hopefully he does get the IC belt and remain on Smackdown after the draft, because I couldn't see him getting the amount of promo time on Raw that he's afforded just now.
He's done so well with this character, that a face can get a huge pop just by punching him in the face. Cody gets to rolling around and screaming and the fans love it. However, with the new edge to his feud with Rey Mysterio, you can take it serious to an extent.

Think about it this way. His injury at the hands of Mysterio kept him out of the Rumble. No one thought he was winning the Rumble anyway. How many guys get a feud out of missing a big PPV? That's pretty over.

He's a perfect type for a champion. Using the title to win, then looking at his reflection in the gold. Encasing the gold in some protective shield as it's the only thing he thinks looks close to as good as he does. Endless opportunity. Good in the ring, good on the mic. Has a unique look, to an extent.

I hope he gets a Intercontinental push that he deserves.
Didn't he not drop "Dashing" from his name last week? I'm pretty sure he did, and Joey Styles tweeted about him dropping it too.

Cody does seem to have a lot of charisma, and this "my face is ruined" angle he has going with Rey is turning out waaay better than I thought it would. It's actually pretty interesting to watch. But one thing I can't get out of mind about Cody is this.

Why is he so damn scrawney? Is it just me, or is he really thin but just well toned? He doesn't seem that big at all. It really isn't the "look" Vince McMahon supposedly goes for, I mean that's not saying he won't be succesfull, I mean up until Miz started to shine that dude didn't even have a pec, but he's very small to me.

I like him. He's another one these guys who has in my opinion, benefited from entrance music, a bit like McIntyre. Also Crossrhodes is an awesome finisher when he performs it well.

He could be Intercontinental Champion, depends on how the WM match turns out IMO.
Cody Rhodes is very charismatic and his mic skills have drastically improved since his arrival in the WWE. I thought the dashing gimmick was very refreshing for him and he needed that change. From there, another reinvention and we have this new face mask psycho-rage Cody Rhodes, which is also surprisingly working well for him. He's so good in transitioning. For these abilities alone, he's above Ted DiBiase. Enough with the comparisons though. As far as success goes, I like Cody Rhodes without a Championship, because it allows him to focus on his character and his opponent's reactions. That makes for a better feud and storyline. He's already won four Tag Team Championships and to be honest, I think that's where he excels at being Champion. I'm not saying him winning an Intercontinental Championship would be a bad thing, but I don't feel like it's necessary. But, because Cody Rhodes is consistently interesting, I do think the Intercontinental Championship is inevitable and it's only a matter of time. Whatever the case, I do hope he's utilized in the future for bigger things.
I think since he has had the Tag-Titles 4 times he deserves the IC title.Not only should they give him the IC belt,But they should make him a fighting heel champion who defends the belt every week and pay-per view & he should have a pretty long reign with it.

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