Iron Will Josephs

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Occasional Pre-Show
Real Name: William
Wrestlers Name: Will Josephs
Wrestlers Nickname: Iron Will
Weight:242 lbs.
Hometown:Oxford, Mississippi
Billed From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
-----------Hair color/length: Dark brown/crew cut
-----------Eye color: Blue
-----------Facial Hair: some scruff
-----------Ring Attire: Black athletic shorts w/ gold trim, white taped wrists, black tube elbow/knee pads, black wrestling boots
-----------Backstage Attire: blue jeans, Dr. Martens boots, and a black t-shirt
-----------Physical Features: He has a sollid but not bulging build, think of Benoit but a bit taller. He also has numerous scars on his forehead and upper body from blading, barbed wire, etc.
-----------Tattoos: None

Gimmick: Will is a somewhat unstable adrenaline junkie who has found an outlet for this in professional wrestling. He appreciates and respects all of his opponents often to the point of being gullible and naive, and often reacts to challenges, etc. without thinking them through. Even after being screwed out of a match or cheated against by a heel, he generally doesn't seek revenge in the traditional sense, instead trying to goad his rival into an escalating war of extreme matches. He is actually a proficient technical wrestler, however, not a "spot-monkey' as such, and would be just as happy to put on a technical clinic with a worthy opponent. In promos, he doesn't so much insult his opponents as accidentally bringing up their negative aspects by either trying to talk them out of being a "heel" or acting oblivious to the double-meaning to his own words. Most of the time though, he just sounds a bit nuts.

Strength/Weakness: Strengths - High tolerance for pain (hard to tap out), balance of power and mobility, high endurance
Weaknesses - Can easily be goaded into bad situations (stipulations, gang beatdowns, etc.), he's quite average physically (not incredibly strong, not super quick), reckless
Trained By: Shane Douglas & Ricky Steamboat
Sample Pic of Wrestler: Don't have one right now, don't really like sample pics.

Brief History: Will started watching pro wrestling as a child in the mid-eighties, idolizing Ricky Steamboat after watching his Wrestlemania match with Randy Savage. Will followed Ricky's career, carefully studying his classic matches with Ric Flair and others. Through that fued, Will gained a hatred of Flair and the NWA. Will vowed to one day defeat Flair with the dreaded spinning toe hold, which he picked up from watching tapes of the Funks over and over and over. He did some high school amateur wrestling, but unsatisfied he dropped out of school at 17 to go to wrestling school. Despite his passion for wrestling, Will still had yet to find his focus. This would come when he witnessed the career of Shane Douglas unfold in ECW, including his throwing down of the NWA title. Despite Douglas' heel persona, Will idolized him out of sheer respect for his work ethic and begged the Franchise to train him. While working a few indy shows in support of his training, Douglas hooked Will up with his childhood hero Ricky Steamboat to continue his training when Douglas wasn't available. His training complete, Will then hit the indy scene with a fury, competing in a variety of traditional and hardcore matches.

Title History: Allegheny County Pro Wrestling Light Heavyweight Champ

Entrance Music: Electric Funeral by Black Sabbath
Entrance description: Will enters as soon as the music hits and walks to the ring as quickly as possible, paying very little attention to anything but his opponent. He then hops up onto the ring apron with his back to the ramp and puts both of his arms up and outward in a W-shape with his body, eyes still deadlocked onto his victim, er foe. He then quickly steps over the second rope and paces around one corner until the match starts.

Finishers: Main - The Adrenalizer (sitout suplex slam, aka Falcon Arrow)
Secondary - The Iron Spike (2nd rope leg-hook brainbuster, ie Pittsburgh Plunge on 2nd rope)

15 Most used moves:
Submission: Spinning Toe-Hold
Cobra Clutch
Front Facelock
Mat: Fallaway Slam
Snap Suplex
Half-Nelson Slam
Snapmare into Neck-Snap
Strikes: Knife-edge chop
Crescent Kick
Machine-gun punches to gut
Aerial: Guillotine Leg-drop
Corkscrew Body Press
Missile Dropkick
Other: Flying Crossbody off ropes
Spider Belly-to-Back Suplex, followed by aerial move

Sample RP (see below):

*Will sits in the locker-room area with his feet propped up on a chair, reading a Punisher comic with one cocked eyebrow. As interviewer Maria approaches from behind and sticks a mic in his face, Will is startled and drops the comic.*

Will: Oh hey, Maria, how's it going . . . you looking for someone? *He swats at the mic as she pushes it toward his face, like a cat swatting at a fly*

Maria: Ummm . . . yeah actually I was looking for you . . . you know, for an interview about your upcoming match?

Will: *finally nodding in understanding after a slight pause* Oh riiight. Yeah, you want to interview me. Sure. *he gives the camera a sly wink* You want to know my turn-ons and turn-offs and stuff, right?

Maria: Ah, no . . . actually I was going to ask how you were going to deal with your opponent tonight. Considering the chairshots he's been dealing out to everyone in his way, aren't you worried about what might go down?

Will: Well . . . chairs are illegal right?

Maria: Yeah but . . .

Will: Well then what's to worry about? Last time I checked, using foreign objects gets ya the big DQ. That's a loss for you folks keeping score at home.

Maria: Yeah well, illegal or not it still hurts, right?

Will: Look, it's sweet of you to worry about me like this. By the way, my turn-ons are redheads, foot massages, and plus-size models, and my turn-offs are . . .

Maria: Mr. Joseph, please!

Will: Ah, sorry. Look, my head isn't made out of glass, see? *points to his head* It's made out of skin, and blood, and bone, and the spongey stuff inside the bone, and a little bit of hair. And the human body is like what . . . seventy percent water? Have you ever given a chairshot to a bucket of water? Do you know what you get?

Maria: I really don't see where you're going with this . . .

Will: You get wet. Hey, if Mr. Chairhappy McCheater wants to fight dirty, he'll have my blood on his hands. *he stares into the camera now with a wide grin* Are you comfortable with that Mr. McCheater? Because I am . . .

Maria: Oookay . . . thanks . . . strong? words from Iron Will . . .

Will: *as she walks away* And my turn-offs are dye-jobs . . . *picks up the comic and begins reading again, shaking his head*
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