Introducing The League Of Nations


After being saved from possibly losing his WWE WHC to Roman Reigns, Sheamus announced that he and several other foreign wrestlers have officially banded together in a faction known as the League of Nations. The LON consists of Sheamus, King Barrett, Alberto Del Rio and Rusev.

Now, while it's obviously too early to be overly excited about this prospect, a lot of us have been wanting to see a group of foreign guys ban together, especially if it gives some of them something relevant to be part of. Again, while it's too soon to be sure, it looks as though this isn't going to be your typical "we hate America" faction and, if so, it's the way to go. Sheamus as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Del Rio as the United States Champion and Barrett & Rusev could represent the faction as a tag team could be interesting and it does add, at least for the time being, some degree of interest in Sheamus as WWE WHC.
Just as long as Zeb Coulter escorts each wrestler to the ring I'm game. Zeb is not only great at promos, but easily makes me laugh seeing him drive that little motorize scouter of his to the ring.
League of Nations sounds good..
They can add more members to the league and run this for a long time..
They can bring in FINN Balor and turn him heel..
They could bring back KURT ANGLE now and either fight LON or join the league and turn heel ..
If they play this right then this stable can do great job for some long time..
This is a great idea. Heel factions present a solid long term framework for storytelling, and it's nice to see a heel faction that isn't just the Authority or some other version of the Corporation. All four of these guys will benefit from being in this unit together. It adds credibility to Sheamus as a heel World Champion, and it gives the other three guys who were just sort of drifting in the seemingly endless midcard ether a renewed sense of purpose. Rusev and Barrett especially will benefit. They both desperately needed some sort of direction to latch onto, and down the line I do think Barrett could be a solid player as a babyface if he eventually turns on the group. I like how it's clearly not an anti-American thing, and I like that it's definitely open to the possibility of adding new members in the future. It would be cool to see a female wrestler in the group at some point. Becky Lynch or Paige would both work.

Fuck, it was nice to see an actual angle on Raw.
Yeah it sure sounds good NOW.

Back in May 2014 when I created a thread indicating that a faction with these exact same four individuals as a sort of EU could be created, most of the self-aggrandizing know-it-all losers here crapped all over it saying that we don't need another faction and that it's a terrible idea. What morons! (You can go check it in my profile in the history of threads). One of the morons even pointed out my "single loner red trainwreck of a rep something? from back then ). Ha!!!!

Nonetheless, now that they've exhausted everything, The Shield being long gone, and Wyatt family being totally useless, they have executed it. And it's probably working. All the four men are over 6'2(excluding Rusev probably), with Barrett and Sheamus at 6'5. This faction/union feels fresh after everything else that has been happening.

EDIT:-Here's the link to the thread on this Faction created back in 2014. In retrospect, all the opposition and hostility I got for it seems funny but now that it's been done it's "cool" huh :-

As for the League of Nations storyline/faction right now, personally, I feel it will make for some exciting TV and will finally yield credibility to Barrett And Rusev, besides elevating Sheamus a bit(if he ever was capable of being elevated).
Just as long as Zeb Coulter escorts each wrestler to the ring I'm game. Zeb is not only great at promos, but easily makes me laugh seeing him drive that little motorize scouter of his to the ring.
OH YEA!!!! Forgot about Zeb and Lana. I hope wwe keeps Zeb and Lana as the respective managers of Del Rio and Rusev but keeps Sheamus as the overall spokesperson for the group.
They could've formed/been introduced a better way but I loved the way they looked coming out together for the main event. They looked like an actual stable and not just a group that was throwed together(which they are).
This can go different ways. Wwe can either use this group as folder for Reigns. Or they can actually build these guys up seperately but as a unite. Del Rio does his thing with Zeb and Swagger, Rusev goes into battling Ryback, Sheamus focuses on the main event with Reigns, Barrett becomes the second hand for the other guys (or they can push his king gimmick), While still working together for the common goal.
Wwe has my attention hopefully they are successful and are able to make this stable work.
I'm really glad that a stable finally formed which could have some fresh storylines along with a few more members added over the next few months..I'll watch the Raw highlights so that I can see the LON after I finish this post. For the last few years I've been thinking of Barrett and Sheamus in a stable together..Bout fucking time.

As far as to who else should join-As already suggested, Paige and Becky should definitely join...I'll throw Asuka's name in there in case the LON stays around for the long term..Another 2 names I'll throw out are Itami and Cesaro..

I can already see a tag finisher for Barrett and Sheamus-Sheamus hits the opponent with a Brogue Kick while Barrett simultaneously runs from behind and delivers a Bullhammer to the back of the opponent's head.
That faction instantly became the best thing WWE has come up with in awhile. Finally, a serious super power faction has formed. That is super bad news for Roman Reigns and taking any title off of Sheamus at TLC. There is no way they'll do that now that Sheamus is the leader of LON.

Now they need a big symbol of their faction that will move T shirts , LON in gold lettering with a multi national type background. Sharp images.

Also, LON should have it's own entrance video and entrance music when they all come out together.
With this happening does Lesnar win the rumble and get his match at Fastlane with Sheamus? He did comment on that match recently too. Maybe the Wyatt family costing him the match than that pushes a Wyatt/League of Nations feud.

Only leaving Lesnar to defend the title at a Sold out arena at WM32 against... Batista!
I'm okay with it (not like I really have a choice, but still).

It's one night in, and these things can turn into nothing in a hurry, but tonight was a pretty good start to hopefully a decent program that will lead into Mania. The problem most people had coming out of Survivor Series was that Sheamus wasn't a credible champion. Now, he doesn't really have to be. He has other guys helping him win matches. Strength in numbers. Basic stuff.

I like the fact that all the bad guys are friends. I like that this isn't an America sucks angle, though maybe a few guys in the group can have that point of view. I like that for the first time since Reigns/Ambrose vs 3 (or 4) Wyatts, the heels have a clear numbers advantage to exploit, and each of the members of the League has a different character. Maybe this is what the WWE needs to really build the babyfaces.

That being said, I hope this doesn't fall apart too quickly. If it gets rushed to a payoff babyfaces vs League match too soon, it'll flop. If the burn is too slow, nobody benefits. I'd wager the goal is bridge the gap to a Roman Reigns Wrestlemania win and then perhaps a Seth Rollins return. Let's draw this out a bit and tell some good stories.
Again, while it's too soon to be sure, it looks as though this isn't going to be your typical "we hate America" faction and, if so, it's the way to go.

I agree with everything you said, but this brings me pause. While the faction may not currently be "We Hate America", history has shown us that McMahon loves himself some America-haters. It will most likely be at the Rumble that someone shows up as the great American hero and eliminates the group, or some other indeterminate time before WrestleMania, but it's going to happen.

This could also be a blatant lure to try to bring Kurt Angle in for one last run, with everyone at the top getting hurt. Who knows?
Yeah it sure sounds good NOW.

Back in May 2014 when I created a thread indicating that a faction with these exact same four individuals as a sort of EU could be created, most of the self-aggrandizing know-it-all losers here crapped all over it saying that we don't need another faction and that it's a terrible idea. What morons! (You can go check it in my profile in the history of threads). One of the morons even pointed out my "single loner red trainwreck of a rep something? from back then ). Ha!!!!

Nonetheless, now that they've exhausted everything, The Shield being long gone, and Wyatt family being totally useless, they have executed it. And it's probably working. All the four men are over 6'2(excluding Rusev probably), with Barrett and Sheamus at 6'5. This faction/union feels fresh after everything else that has been happening.

EDIT:-Here's the link to the thread on this Faction created back in 2014. In retrospect, all the opposition and hostility I got for it seems funny but now that it's been done it's "cool" huh :-

As for the League of Nations storyline/faction right now, personally, I feel it will make for some exciting TV and will finally yield credibility to Barrett And Rusev, besides elevating Sheamus a bit(if he ever was capable of being elevated).

I have to hand it to Ya, I went back through that nearly two year old thread and you did a good job predicting a faction just like LON. You even called Sheamus as the leader of the faction . Only small problem back then was, they had enough factions on the go already and a faction like LON back then wouldn't of gathered any steam at all. It's needed today though. Again, good call.
Yeah it sure sounds good NOW.
Back in May 2014 when I created a thread indicating that a faction....... most of the self-aggrandizing know-it-all losers here crapped all over it saying that we don't need another faction and that it's a terrible idea. What morons!

Some of the the people who like the new stable are likely entirely different people than the "morons" who disliked the idea when presented a year and a half ago, while some of the people who disliked the idea then may still maintain the same view.

Having looked at the old responses, I don't think that it is unreasonable for someone to have felt that they didn't trust WWE at that point to make another group as one poster said, or for others to assume that it would have been be an anti American group, despite your proposal being that it didn't have to be one.

Regardless, as you know, it's common for people (in general) to say what they truly believe and feel but, being human, potentially change their mind due to changes in circumstances. With that in mind, perhaps some of the "the self-aggrandizing know-it-all losers" didn't like the idea because they didn't feel like it would fit in with the landscape then (I feel that it would have, especially cause it could have given Drew more exposure than 3mb), whereas now they feel that it is more fitting. Perhaps some of them didn't like the idea of Rusev being included at that point for example since he was newer, wheras now they feel that it is more fitting if they think that he became stagnant on his own. Things like that.

In other words, if any "moron" changed their mind then good. Maybe that means that what they didn't think they'd enjoy in May 2014 is something that they think that they'll enjoy now. That is a good thing. It's cool that your idea came to fruition btw.
I like it so far. For a diva add I would choose from Paige and Tamina. They are already heels as opposed to Becky where you then have to explain the heel turn. This leads me to my next point. Additions to the stable should make logical sense. It shouldn't become a dumping ground for every non American wrestler on the roster. Cesaro has been a face and has feuded with most of the league. Kevin Owens while Canadian has been depicted as a self absorbed loner. These are examples of wrestlers who shouldn't just be thrown in.
Thais could work and I like it BUT I don't agree with a adding more members. Maybe Lana to come out with whichever is wrestling. 7 is pushing it. Wwe is on the verge of a full blown nwo team. Where would they stop? Lucha Dragons, Baylor, Owens, Kidd, Natalya, Paige, regal? More? Recruit all the somoans as a nationality?
I think drop new day. Their fine on their own. Keep Shaemus, Rusev, Barrett, ADR. Maybe add Paige.
Not much about this interests me.

And it made RAW another snooze fest.

Do you realize that the same 11 guys that were in the main event were all involved at least once, if not twice, prior to that meaning those 11 made up more than 2 hours of the 3-hour show?

Want to talk about complete laziness by Vince and his writing team, look no further. No Owens, no other angles to anything worked in on RAW. Here's 3 different New Day segments, 3 Rusev, 3 Sheamus, and on and on. And none of them are compelling enough to warrant that much TV time.

All this RAW did was show all the problems with the current product. A depleted roster, a show that's an hour too long and them having no idea what to do with anyone on the roster outside of the main guys, so just jumbling them up into a new group because why not?

By the way, where was Kevin Owens? Why is he not in the "League of Nations" he is a french Canadian.
renaissanceman2014 I give you credit for predicting something as Bunch non Americans storyline since it never happens and give credit for thinking HHH's buddy would lead the group. This storyline is stupid. ADR and Zeb ripped England so why would Wade join this. Why would ADR give up his destiny of becoming WWE champ. Rusev already looks like a sap caring about Lana getting banged off the stairs. Now he is going to be Wade's partner... Rusev is getting punished for him and Lana breaking kayfabe by putting him in this group. This group will be used as a way of protecting Reigns from a clean loss nothing more. The other thing about this is it doesn't feel organic at all and feels forced.
renaissanceman2014 I give you credit for predicting something as Bunch non Americans storyline since it never happens and give credit for thinking HHH's buddy would lead the group. This storyline is stupid. ADR and Zeb ripped England so why would Wade join this. Why would ADR give up his destiny of becoming WWE champ. Rusev already looks like a sap caring about Lana getting banged off the stairs. Now he is going to be Wade's partner... Rusev is getting punished for him and Lana breaking kayfabe by putting him in this group. This group will be used as a way of protecting Reigns from a clean loss nothing more. The other thing about this is it doesn't feel organic at all and feels forced.

I'd like to disagree with your opinion, though I respect it.

We as humans, as wrestling fans will never find perfection in anything. If you were to find faults with this group, you'll find many. Heck, I just watched the first segment from Raw and man is Sheamus terribly awfully dreadful to listen to!

Nonetheless, I feel that the faction feels organic, except that it's not PERFECTLY organic because as you pointed out, Alberto Del Rio with his recent MexAmerican crap storyline, or even otherwise, feels like an odd man out. Sheamus and Wade Barret(which I thought in 2014 itself) are a perfect harmonious match. Rusev is their muscleman. Basically, the purpose of this faction may or may not be simply to "protect Roman", but perhaps to get ratings, give us something fresh and interesting to watch while most of the stars are away(Lesnar, Cena, Bryan, Rollins). I do believe it's working too. Quite a few people in the comments section have said that this storyline/development finally feels like something fresh and new. But I do have my concerns- the biggest being Sheamus' exceedingly boring and repetitive microphone work.
This was discussed some time ago, note the same people involved, but a stable of foreign talent who were not being used. Sheamus and Barrett were nowhere some time ago and a stable was thought of, with the two of them and someone else. Moaning about being kept down and making a difference.

Now it seems as though this is just 'Corporation 2.0'. Main authority figure in Triple HHH and backed up by some mid card wrestlers. Rusev=Big Boss Man, Barrett=Shamrock, get the picture?
Worst. Stable. Ever. What is this, Hulk Hogan's..sorry, Roman Reigns Rock N' Wrestling? Maybe it would have worked for a Survior Series match, but as the companies default primary heel faction, it's not a very impressive bunch, especially when they'd be up against Reigns, Ambrose, Ryback, and Swagger, which is a superior group. But I'm sure they'll somehow Kayfabe it up to disacknowledge the fact that these guys have a common enemy.

So I can only imagine we'll spend the next few weeks watching these guys beating up on the likes of Sgt. Slaughter, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Zach Ryder (and maybe Kurt Angle, depending on how long it takes for the paperwork to go through) and chant for the good guys to come to their rescue over the next few weeks. And then once they grow tired of the angle, I'm sure that John Cena will show up to single handedly dismantle them to his usual mix of cheers and boos.
I think with what Charlotte said to Becky Lynch, this might open up the space for Lynch to join the LON.
I'm looking forward to it, although Rusev and Barret will still be the jobbers and i don't see them winning the tag title or the IC title at least not till mania.

They need an American too otherwise it may turn into a "we hate USA" and ultimately a jobber group.
The American should be in a non wrestling capacity, be it HHH, Steph, Zeb Colter or better yet the nature boy. He should be the brains behind the group.

WWE can't go wrong with this group. Fans already hate Sheamus for being Triple H's buddy. He will draw massive heat as the champ.
As I’ve said before, there are 3 things I love about Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment. One, Championship Title Belts. Two, Stables. Three, Championship Stables.

I think this new “League Of Nations” could do very well and could be around for a very long time. If this were a Fantasy Football team, I would drop Rusev and add Kevin Owens. I would also like to officially add the New Day as part of this faction, unless they already are. This could easily become my dream Stable of Champions, but let’s let it run for a few weeks / months first.
It's fine. HHH and Stephanie don't want to spend much time on camera this time of year and Sheamus needs help. These three guys will provide it and make the outcome of the main event of TLC more in question and seem like more of an accomplishment of Roman overcomes. WWE is in an awful position right now title and talent wise so throwing this simple idea together makes sense.

But let's not act like throwing some non-Americans together is innovative.
Ye maybe they are trying, maybe they are handicapped by injuries, but fuck this noise. Its a merry go round that makes no sense and even with healthy superstars its just stupid illogical storylines.

Great so they wanna protect the champ and put a heel faction, thats great but I dont see any of them as any credible threats. And this isnt like J&J, these big strong men who I dont think can hold a candle with a lone Reigns. And they DIDNT last week even did they! Reigns made all 3 of them run.

Jesus fuck it takes 7 men to hold down Ambrose and Reigns in the end. Why would I think the League is credible?

Lets hope for some suspension some time soon. Lets see.

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