Int. Region, Third Round: Hardcore Match: (5) Chris Jericho vs. (20) Mitsuharu Misawa

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Chris Jericho

  • Mitsuharu Misawa

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Who would be booked to win and who should win are two entirely different things.

As I already stated. Good to know we are on the same page.

I mean, if it's just the "who would be booked to win?" tournament we wouldn't even do it because Hulk Hogan would win every single time every single year.

Except for, you know, all the people that have been booked over Hogan before. Hulkamania is great and all, but far from the undefeated god people seem to over-exaggerate. Great but not unstoppable. A huge deal & a true icon? Yup, but even the best take the fall once in a while. As great as Hogan was, he still was handed a few losses like it or not.

Starting to think I jumped the gun on the same page thing. Why wont you be my friend? Is it because I never returned your lawn mower? Is it because I threw up in the hot tub at the Superbowl party? Why X, WHY?

Besides which, your argument of Jericho being booked to win over Misawa because this is in International territory (Britain technically) and would garner a lot of heat makes no sense

No, it makes perfect sense, but go on.

because Misawa would be eliminated and there would be no big money rematch.

Never said rematch. The money is in seeing who can shut the man up after his un-favorable win over a fan favorite.

The heat wouldn't carry over to the next round when Jericho faces someone completely unrelated, it doesn't work like that.

You ever seen a match or a movie where the bad guy takes out a good guy & then another good guy avenges the loss for his friend\peer\partner? Strange.

What doesnt work about that? Cocky heel topples fan favorite, then fans side with the next opponent in hopes he can shut the mouth of the cocky heel. Hell, sometimes the cocky heel goes on a tear until someone finally steps in to end the momentum & set the world right again.

And as for the Undisputed Title win, lets not forget Jericho needed both Mr. McMahon AND Booker T's help to defeat both The Rock and Austin, neither of those victories were clean

Never said it had to be clean. This is a hardcore match, after all. Cocky heel takes a win over fan favorite by way of heel-like tactics. That is a very real scenario.

or in the least bit impressive

Quite impressive actually, because no-one thought it would happen & it hasnt been repeated. Did he do cartwheels down the highway while eating a taco? No, but the end result was still pretty impressive.

Yeah, what an incredibly impressive feat that title reign was.

Dont go confusing where I said title win with title reign. 2 different things. The win was big. The aftermath wasnt so much. Does not take away from the fact he beat two huge names in a tournament setting to crown the best.

There's absolutely no argument for Jericho winning this besides people not knowing who Misawa is, or just not caring to do their research.

There is always my reasoning, which has nothing to do with your criteria. My completely logical reasons, I might add. Thanks to history, it shows my line of thinking is quite possible. It is not so hard to fathom. It may be hard to accept, but just because it makes a few folks mad, does not mean it wouldnt happen. This is wrestling after all.

Jericho with the win. Can the loud-mouthed villain be defeated on his quest for greatness? Tune in next round to find out....
Actually, the winner of this match faces flair most likely meaning it would make more sense for Misawa to go over in this round to face Flair and try to shut up that loud mouth heel after shutting this loud mouth heel up wouldn't it?
Actually, the winner of this match faces flair most likely meaning it would make more sense for Misawa to go over in this round to face Flair and try to shut up that loud mouth heel after shutting this loud mouth heel up wouldn't it?

Misawa cant fight in the next round. He died, remember? The savage hardcore match & eventual belly\back suplex did him in.

So now its up to Flair to show the young punk Jericho what being a cocky heel is all about & give him a taste of his own medicine. Flair gets cheered, even though we are supposed to boo him & the world is back as it should be.
Misawa cant fight in the next round. He died, remember? The savage hardcore match & eventual belly\back suplex did him in.

So now its up to Flair to show the young punk Jericho what being a cocky heel is all about & give him a taste of his own medicine. Flair gets cheered, even though we are supposed to boo him & the world is back as it should be.

Lol at least your post are entertaining. even if Misawa should go over Jericho I will admit you have some logic, although listening to people say about Misawa dying is getting old so let me put this into perspective. The match Misawa died in was a No contest. This match can not be a no contest as such, the only time misawa died in the ring shouldn't have anything to do with this tournament.

Others have said "You'll have to kill me to beat me", even when you kill Misawa, you still couldn't beat him. And secondly it was a tag match. Tag team wrestling has little to nothing to do in this tourney
Except for, you know, all the people that have been booked over Hogan before. Hulkamania is great and all, but far from the undefeated god people seem to over-exaggerate. Great but not unstoppable. A huge deal & a true icon? Yup, but even the best take the fall once in a while. As great as Hogan was, he still was handed a few losses like it or not.

That's why using the "who would be booked to win" argument is so fickle and doesn't really work. Perhaps Goldberg would be the ideal candidate than.

Starting to think I jumped the gun on the same page thing. Why wont you be my friend? Is it because I never returned your lawn mower? Is it because I threw up in the hot tub at the Superbowl party? Why X, WHY?

It is both of those things exactly. My lawn is so overgrown it has been deemed a forest and I've found North Vietnamese soldiers trying to dig bunkers into it now. Give me back my fucking lawnmower.

And we were having such a nice time at the Rothchild's when you had to ruin it with your gastric expulsions. You sullied my new moccasins and embarrassed me in front of the entire 1992 Denver Broncos. I will never forget that night.

Never said it had to be clean. This is a hardcore match, after all. Cocky heel takes a win over fan favorite by way of heel-like tactics. That is a very real scenario.

Dislike the "oh it's a No DQ match so Mr. Blankedy Blank can just come down, interfere, and give Blank the win." And a satellite could fall from orbit and crush Jericho in the middle of this match as well. Doesn't mean it's going to happen.

Misawa's dealt with sneaky heels before. Jericho would probably shit himself after the first Tiger Driver. Emerald Flowsion would spell his demise.

Quite impressive actually, because no-one thought it would happen & it hasnt been repeated. Did he do cartwheels down the highway while eating a taco? No, but the end result was still pretty impressive.

Well I'm sorry but I happen to judge my champions on ratio of taco meat they manage to get into their mouth against how many counter clockwise cartwheels they can do simultaneously. And in that department, Misawa is the Grand Wizard Space Champion, having done 3000 counter clockwise cartwheels while double-fisting a thousand burritos. It was a glorious sight and the biggest moment in Japanese history, aside from Godzilla's emergence of course.

No but seriously, even as a 12 year old Austin and Rock mark, seeing Jericho beat my idols and parade around with the title as Steph's dog-walking, coffee-fetching bitch was not impressive. Even at that age I was like "When the fuck is this asshole going to drop the belt? He doesn't deserve it." I watched a lot of South Park and horror films as a youth like any other all American boy so even my thoughts were filled with curses.
I've learned many things on these here forums.

  1. Don't steal Gatorade out of KB's fridge in the Board Room. Just don't do it.
  2. Bret Hart, RVD, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, and Brock Lesnar are highly overrated on these boards.

Seriously, I voted Jericho, but after seeing X post about Misawa's legacy, I feel awful for doing so. I can see a scenario where Jericho could win, and that includes a hardcore match, but in all honesty, I was hasty in my voting and should have voted Misawa.

FYI, Stan Hansen has beaten Misawa numerous times. Just throwing that out there. :D
I've learned many things on these here forums.

  1. Don't steal Gatorade out of KB's fridge in the Board Room. Just don't do it.
  2. Bret Hart, RVD, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, and Brock Lesnar are highly overrated on these boards.

Seriously, I voted Jericho, but after seeing X post about Misawa's legacy, I feel awful for doing so. I can see a scenario where Jericho could win, and that includes a hardcore match, but in all honesty, I was hasty in my voting and should have voted Misawa.

FYI, Stan Hansen has beaten Misawa numerous times. Just throwing that out there. :D
If by numerous you mean twice :p, but besides that honestly I think this should've been easier for Misawa, the guy has arguably moved mountains in Japan. I think he should beat Flair if they face off but I know that'll never happen here and for some good reasons. But I'm happy to see that he's most likely going to make it the furthest of any Japanese wrestler.
That's why using the "who would be booked to win" argument is so fickle and doesn't really work.

Alas still a fairly logical thought process. Certainly less fickle than 'A-B-C' arguments or the 'favorites' game. Although at least if someone votes by personal choice its completely honest even if it is void of facts\logic.

The 'bigger star' argument can also be somewhat subjective due to factors like region or age. For instance: Big Daddy is a bigger star across the pond than say Mr. Perfect, yet more American fans vote against Big Daddy because, to them, Perfect is a bigger star & vice versa. Same thing applies to kids who would vote Cena over Sammartino. To them Cena is a bigger star no matter how much they learn of Bruno. So outside of perception & choice, the only sure fire way to go is use factors of history that apply to said match, (ex: w\l record against opponent, previous booking, similar situations previous outcome, etc..)

All said and done, we all have our criteria & none of which is necessarily wrong, but some of them just seem to hold a bit more weight than others. Here I am going with a pretty damn solid & likely scenario based on Jericho's heelish 'King of the World' attitude & the fact he has been booked to win something oddly similar to this, despite what the popular choice would have been.

Perhaps Goldberg would be the ideal candidate than.

Unless he faces Bret, a cattle prod armed opponent or, you know, Chris Jericho.

It is both of those things exactly. My lawn is so overgrown it has been deemed a forest and I've found North Vietnamese soldiers trying to dig bunkers into it now. Give me back my fucking lawnmower.

Well the way I see it, you have a new home security system. So you're welcome.

And we were having such a nice time at the Rothchild's when you had to ruin it with your gastric expulsions. You sullied my new moccasins and embarrassed me in front of the entire 1992 Denver Broncos. I will never forget that night.

That wasnt my fault. No-one told me that there was vodka in the punch. I was so thirsty from carrying you across the yard so you wouldnt get those damn moccasins muddy, I chugged 3 glasses without knowing any better. Besides, you embarrassed yourself enough already by showing up to the party in orange body paint & moccassins. Told you to put a shirt on because the media will be there, but noooo.

Dislike the "oh it's a No DQ match so Mr. Blankedy Blank can just come down, interfere, and give Blank the win." And a satellite could fall from orbit and crush Jericho in the middle of this match as well. Doesn't mean it's going to happen.

Im not rolling with the outside interference thing because neither of those 2 would be in Jericho's corner here for any reason. Although heel tactics in a No DQ match can mean a number of things: low blows, uninterrupted chair shots to the leg, etc. The stipulation tends to favor the heel in most cases because they can play dirty without risk of loss.

Misawa's dealt with sneaky heels before. Jericho would probably shit himself after the first Tiger Driver. Emerald Flowsion would spell his demise.

Yeah & Japanese people are mesmerized by flashing lights. Jericho's light up rock-star jacket may well be the demise of Misawa before the match even starts. Hell if Chris started playing the theme to Sailor Moon, Misawa might even start an impromptu dance party giving Jericho enough distraction for a low blow & a roll-up victory.

Well I'm sorry but I happen to judge my champions on ratio of taco meat they manage to get into their mouth against how many counter clockwise cartwheels they can do simultaneously. And in that department, Misawa is the Grand Wizard Space Champion

Since when did the KKK start letting in Japanese people & how the hell did they get in space? Has racism become profitable enough to fund space travel? I sure am behind on current world events then, huh?

No but seriously, even as a 12 year old Austin and Rock mark, seeing Jericho beat my idols and parade around with the title as Steph's dog-walking, coffee-fetching bitch was not impressive. Even at that age I was like "When the fuck is this asshole going to drop the belt? He doesn't deserve it." I watched a lot of South Park and horror films as a youth like any other all American boy so even my thoughts were filled with curses.

Even as a Jericho fan I was disappointed with the way things started to go with that storyline. Still, I was fucking jazzed he managed to pull off the win. Never would have thought he would be the one holding the belts at the end of the night. Just goes to show you that a heel is very capable of pulling off a huge upset over a big name opponent. Hell, did anyone actually think WWE would crush their audience by having Taker lose to Brock? Crazy shit happens & I love Brock but damn- never thought that would happen.

At the end of the day it is very possible for Jericho to take this match. I think he gets it done here & revels in the jeers as he struts back to the locker room.
I will say this much nightmare has made some pretty good arguments, I disagree with most of them, since in singles matches Misawa won like over 90% of his singles matches in his prime and even after that hovered in the 80% range that said only one of takers 22 opponents beat him, and while I did call Brock beating Taker I can't say that I knew anyone else who thought that way. That said I don't think Misawa loses here but it's not a bad argument.
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