In Lieu Of PM

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Lying Retarded Crybaby Troll Bitch

Because I whine like an infant
Since you again posted & closed the topic (you seem to do that a lot), & I can't seem to PM you, Sly, I guess I have to create a new topic/thread to respond. Not sure of the HTML to quote your post, so you'll just have to read it again to be sure you posted what I am quoting.

1] "Because it's the only way for you to get what you want. You want to get out of the Prison, or at the very least, get a name change. The only possibility you have to 'get what you want' is by trusting that. The way I see it, you have nothing to lose and a name change to gain."

Actually, I want both or none. But you yourself actually posted (can quote it, too, if necessary) that nobody who can do it (yourself included) would, so I have nothing to lose or gain... That is, if I trust what you say, which you claim I need to do.

2] "Honestly? I don't give a flying fuck if you trust me or not. I truly could not care less if you trust me on this. However, it's clear to me, after reading this thread, you have not impressed upon me in any way that you're attempting to become a contributing member of this forum, and as such, you are no closer to getting out. From blatant and outright lying to Brain, to your charges Brain has no integrity and all the way to your lying about how you never received either a Warning or Infraction from me (which I will prove false in a moment), I am still convinced you are only here to troll."

I am not "attempting to become" any sort of "contributing member"... Because I was a positively-contributing member of these forums a few months back. It has been stated by several members that they are not sure I was trolling much if at all, or that I was put here justifiably, etc. Also, I have not lied to Brain or you near as much as you imply, outright or otherwise.... Not to mention, to (sort of) quote you, that is the pot referring to the kettle if I have ever read it.

3] "So you are no closer to being released now than you were before, because, as I said, you've done nothing I suggested you do in the last thread I closed which bears my name. I'm sure you'll feel the need to create a new thread, act all offended and insinuate I went back on my word, but it's pretty clear from just about every response in this thread not coming from you that everyone here knows what you are."

You suggested I do things to be released?! Was that before or after you said I would never be released regardless?! We both know (as do other members, probably, unless you edited your own posts) that you said both.

I am sure many members know what I am, & what you think I am, & that these are not the same thing(s).

4] "In conclusion, I don't give a rat's ass if you trust me or not, if you want out, you'll do as I say. So far, I haven't been at all swayed that you've even tried to do as I said."

Actually, we agree on that last sentence... But only because you also said that, whether I did or not, it would change nothing.

5] "That's not a question. For someone who constantly misspells words (like psoting, for example) and doesn't seem to understand the difference between a question and a statement, I find it rather humorous when you criticize other people in this thread for their spelling and grammar. Pot, meet kettle."

You say all of this in reference to quoting something I said that included neither the word "statement" nor "question". Also, nowhere in my quoted words or your response do you deny that the mistakes I criticize (of others or you) are not in fact mistakes & worthy of such criticism.... There is no point to this, outside of perhaps you liking to "hear yourself talk" (or whatever the message-board version of that may be), or perhaps that you like to use your powers here to (among other things) post how much you want, what you want, when you want, knowing few (if any) will ever post criticism or disagreement, regardless of their actual opinions/feelings.

6] "Proof of your lying...again."

OK; So you posted proof that you do post/give infractions. I'll admit that, if you admit that you also ban without warning, which remains an action many would consider unfair.

Oh, & here's something I found that seems key (on page 32 of the thread that bears your name). You posted this verbatim:

"Now, you won't be getting out if you DO answer the question,..."

Not necessarily a lie, but it certainly seems you have no problem being self-contradictory, or have problems making decisions... One that certainly affects me.
You suggested I do things to be released?!
But I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to end this thread. After all, we both agree it's pointless back and forth with both of us just repeating ourselves. Consider this your opportunity to start over fresh in the Prison. I won't even require you to provide your 26 page list, although it would help your cause.

I'll provide you with the same opportunity every other prisoner not named Jenks or Bill Lesnar (who are here under different/special circumstances) have. You have the opportunity to post with quality, but without the insults or the types of post I consider trolling and/or undesirable. You might wish to claim you only know how to post one way, and that's fine. You're welcome to post any way you desire. Just understand the way you currently post is not likely to ever see you released as long as I am an Admin.

Take this opportunity to start over. Swallow your pride and understand what it will take to get what you desire, which is a release from the Prison and/or the name change. If you choose not to, it's certainly okay with me. It's just not likely you'll get what you desire.

Was that before or after you said I would never be released regardless?!
Considering I never once said that, your question cannot be answered. As for what I DID say, and what you are blatantly misrepresenting, I've provided the full quote further down in this post.

You say all of this in reference to quoting something I said that included neither the word "statement" nor "question".
So, a few questions (rhetorical or not):

1] How am I supposed to trust that? You said (in the same post) both that doing a certain thing would be a first step in me being released, & also that I wouldn't be released even if I did. Ho =w can I trust what you say if you also say the opposite near-simultaneously?

2] I don't honestly see a way to change how I am posting, or what good it would do if I did. You thought I was posting like a troll, & I believed then (& still do) that I never was. I could change the way I am posting, but to do so would mean (to me) I'd then be posting like a troll, as it would be different than I was before. Regardless, even if my future posts were to be not like those of a troll, & the majority of the members agreed they were not, it would matter not, since you & few others (if any) have the ability to release me. Even if you also were to agree I was no longer psoting like a troll, you could deny it, & keep me in here regardless.

So, I'll await your answers.
Proven to be wrong again. Don't you ever get tired of blatantly lying?

Also, nowhere in my quoted words or your response do you deny that the mistakes I criticize (of others or you) are not in fact mistakes & worthy of such criticism
I don't make mistakes. I consider you a troll, you've done nothing to change my mind about that, you've been shown to be a liar on numerous occasions, and you've even admitted in this very post of yours you haven't tried to change that.

OK; So you posted proof that you do post/give infractions.
No, I posted even more evidence you are a liar. Brain posted at least one image of you lying in the last thread (maybe more, I don't remember). All I'm doing is just making it clear just how dishonest of a person you are. Which I will do again in a moment.

I'll admit that, if you admit that you also ban without warning, which remains an action many would consider unfair.
I do not ban without warning, I never have. The moment ANY member is signed up to the forum, they are automatically sent a PM with a copy of the rules. The rules are posted in the Site Administration forum, as well as in an Announcement in every forum.

Every member is provided every bit of opportunity to know what is allowed within the rules. If a member does something that is ban-worthy, it's because they broke the rules. I don't just randomly ban people, I never have and never will.

Oh, & here's something I found that seems key (on page 32 of the thread that bears your name). You posted this verbatim:

"Now, you won't be getting out if you DO answer the question,..."

Not necessarily a lie, but it certainly seems you have no problem being self-contradictory, or have problems making decisions... One that certainly affects me.
Once again, you show your complete dishonesty. Why not just post the comment in full? Nevermind, I'll do it for you:

Now, you won't be getting out if you DO answer the question, but at least I'd be more willing to consider it. But as long as you refuse to do this, you'll stay in here.

It's very clear to anyone with a modicum of intelligence that answering the question alone is not enough to be released from the Prison, but that it will help influence me in my decision somewhere down the road. Furthermore, in that same post, I also posted this:

On the contrary, it's not pointless. This could be a stepping stone for you getting out of the Prison. Like I said, it won't be the full jump, but it's a step in the right direction. So it's most certainly not pointless.

You can click those little blue arrows to go straight to the post I'm quoting from.

On TWO separate occasions, I made it clear that you answering the question would not be sufficient by itself, but that it would be a step in the right direction. The fact you are deliberately ignoring BOTH statements that I made only provide further evidence of you being the dishonest troll I've accused you of being for a while now.
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