In 2015 The Top Heel In The WWE Will Be...


Getting Noticed By Management
I went with Wade Barrett here. The thing Wade has over the likes of Del Rio, Miz, or CM Punk is size. Remember in the early 2000's when the jacked out HHH was the top heel and dominating everyone? Wade is just as big. His mic skills are amazing. Maybe not as good as Punks, but good enough. He'll see the strap soon now doubt and could really take over if given some more main-event feuds as a heel.


I forgot to add the poll, so basically it would have looked like:

CM Punk
Del Rio
None of the Above

I guess just post your choice and why
You're asking who WWE's biggest heel will be in four years time? The fact that CM Punk, The Miz, Wade Barrett, Sheamus and Del Rio (now WWE's biggest heels) were nothing four years ago, indicates it's hard to make a prediction regarding roles the future. There is simply no way I could even venture a guess, I mean, if i was asked this question four years ago in 2007 there is no way I could have accurately guessed the current heels would be in their position. 2015's biggest heel probably isn't even on the roster yet.
this is the easiest wwe question ive ever been asked obvious 2 answers ADR Alberto del rio he is going to def be the top heel by then probably having 3 or 4 world title reigns. also another name that comes to mind is dolph ziggler he has potential and wwe knows that so he will most likely go back to raw. and ADR on SD.i know this isnt the question but top faces then are John Morrison and Rey mysterio then rey retiring and leaving his spot to big show or christian? reply if you think different.
this is the easiest wwe question ive ever been asked obvious 2 answers ADR Alberto del rio he is going to def be the top heel by then probably having 3 or 4 world title reigns. also another name that comes to mind is dolph ziggler he has potential and wwe knows that so he will most likely go back to raw. and ADR on SD.i know this isnt the question but top faces then are John Morrison and Rey mysterio then rey retiring and leaving his spot to big show or christian? reply if you think different. the person said above, its impossible to tell what will happen in another 4 years. we dont know who will come into the company who will leave ...what if adr gets tired of being on the road so much and leaves, or something happens between him and mgt.... what if another cena or lesnar come along and take the company by storm in less than a year....the time frame is wayyyy too long to tell... hell if dana white lets brock wrestle even if only while hes not in any camps for fighting(yea not gonna happen, anyone who believes this can ask strikeforce,bellator and dream what zuffa think about co-promoting and sharing fighters) who do u think instantly will get the top heel spot in the company.....brock would push any heel out the way if he came back
i know this isnt the question but top faces then are John Morrison and Rey mysterio then rey retiring and leaving his spot to big show or christian? reply if you think different.

i think that rey is retired by then and so is christian and big show

But my answer to this question is John Cena

I'm pretty sure that by that time wwe has already turned Cena heel.
And cena is top face now, so if top face is turned heel, it's pretty obvious that he will be top heel too. but seriosly, no one can tell who's top heel in 2015. at least not at 2011. only time will tell us answer to your question.
This is going WAY to far into the future. I mean way to far. Hell, even 2013 would be a bit of a stretch. Maybe another guy comes from nowhere like Barrett and becomes the top heel. Maybe WWE goes under due to some unknown thing. Maybe someone buys WWE and changes wrestling forever. Just way to far into the future.
You can't really say a name 4 years before it happens. Look at The Miz, 4 years ago he just started on ECW, not the biggest name, but a name that ECW Viewers knew.
With all the talent moving up, you cant single out anyone. At this time you can Say Trent Barretta and still have a chance of it happening...BUT if i am going to say someone, Im Going to have to say CM Punk..but still, this is 4 years away...I'm Just Sayin...
I believe all these guys will be out of the WWE. I'm sorry, but it will be a new guy that rise during the next 4 years. 4 years is too broad of a timeline in Pro wrestling or any sport.
All those men could be faces at that time, and someone like orton, big show, cena, etc. may turn heel and be the heel. Look at kane. Easily the biggest heel on smackdown and probably the whole wwe this year, and who would have guessed that last year when he was being jobbed out to main event talent as a face? It could be someone like morrison for all i know. But you asked a question, and ill give you an answer.

None of the above.

I think it will probably be cena. Ive read that mcmahon is finally on board to potentially turn cena. I dont think it will happen for awhile, but everyone eventually turns sometime, and i think cena will by then. He will be like the next hogan, huge shock and just completely betrays the fans. Im not the biggest fan of cena, but i would like seeing heel cena, since i dont really like face cena.
Just like everyone else has said you can't say who will be the top heel in 4 years. That's like tell me right now who's going to be drafted first in the 2015 NFL draft.
i think the top heel will be john morrison. by then he will have more than established himself as a main eventer. he's already proven himself as a heel in the past, his mic skills will be furnished, i cant see him leading a heel stable b/c he doesnt have the leader look. but he will be the top heel. although, that is depending on what CM Punk will be up to at that time
Normally I'd say your thinking the way promoter's should..... but I think four years is too much to tell. I'd say that 2-3 years at most is a reasonable estimate to evaluate guys on because so much can change in four years, and far less in two. It'll be either sheamus, Barrett, Morrison or Miz I think. But in four years I can't be more exact than that.
I say that no one on the poll has what it takes to be a top heel. John Cena can be one of the best heels ever using his now experienced face tactics such as mic skills and believability.
It'll be a guy thats almost 7 feet tall and built like a brick shithouse. It's been awhile since we've seen a big ass giant debut and wreck shop, by that timeframe it should happen.
All those men could be faces at that time, and someone like orton, big show, cena, etc. may turn heel and be the heel. Look at kane. Easily the biggest heel on smackdown and probably the whole wwe this year, and who would have guessed that last year when he was being jobbed out to main event talent as a face? It could be someone like morrison for all i know. But you asked a question, and ill give you an answer.

None of the above.

I think it will probably be cena. Ive read that mcmahon is finally on board to potentially turn cena. I dont think it will happen for awhile, but everyone eventually turns sometime, and i think cena will by then. He will be like the next hogan, huge shock and just completely betrays the fans. Im not the biggest fan of cena, but i would like seeing heel cena, since i dont really like face cena.

I can't really blame Vince for being cool on the idea of turning Cena, the last time he tried something like that (Austin) while it may have been fun to watch and probably pleased lots of smart fans at the time, it didn't exactly do wonders business wise for the WWE in 2001. (10 years, can you believe it?) Good heel turns are all about good timing and proper excecution.
I say that no one on the poll has what it takes to be a top heel. John Cena can be one of the best heels ever using his now experienced face tactics such as mic skills and believability.

And his (real life) frustration with the fans who have never really liked him

Back in 06 when Cena was i suspect getting really pissed off with the negative reations from the live crowds i bet you any money Vinnie Mac told Cena to bottle up his frustration and save it for a later date.
i think that rey is retired by then and so is christian and big show

But my answer to this question is John Cena

I'm pretty sure that by that time wwe has already turned Cena heel.
And cena is top face now, so if top face is turned heel, it's pretty obvious that he will be top heel too. but seriosly, no one can tell who's top heel in 2015. at least not at 2011. only time will tell us answer to your question.

i dont think wwe would turn there biggest face into the biggest heel cenas not going to be an undertaker he wont last that long cenas gone by 2013 mabye even 2012 but mabye rey will be gone by then but big show will be a ric flair older but still wrestling and christian has yet to be a world champion and hes not going to win it any time soon with an injury
Really? Who knows? It's four years away, that's like asking who will be the President in four years. Not knocking the post but that's almost impossible to guess. Like in 1994 did anyone think the top heel would be Vince McMahon? Or that in 1996 the TOP heel would be HHH or that in 2006 the top heel would be The Miz? Again, no one knows because no one knows who will be in the company and who won't be in the company around that time. The top heel this year could be a face right now. You just never know.
My guess, since there's like no way to tell, is FCW Heavyweight Champion, Mason Ryan. He's a big, Batista-looking guy. Which means dominating overpowering heel. He's all that I can think of who has the best odds of even being a heel still by then. He's a big strong dude, which means Vince loves him, and that's all there is to it.

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