Improving the Diva's division.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, so every show WWE does. We see one match with Divas not female wrestlers.

I know these women are beautiful but they are also very talented and accomplished wrestlers who don't get to showcase their REAL talent like the male wrestlers do.
Pretty much all those women are great wrestlers. They prove it in the training ground like FCW. They train to be wrestlers. Then when they finally get called up they come on to the main shows as just women. They start out on fire usually, then burn out and do stupid hair pull tosses across the ring.
Why can't Jillian Hall's finisher be the 450? We know she can do it from OVW tapes.
Why doesn't Gail Kim wrestle the same way in WWE as she did in TNA.
Why is Beth Pheonix the only women who seems to be able to wrestle properly.
Katie Lea is a BITCH of a wrestler, I know this from seeing her in the UK before her WWE days, I can't remember the last time she wrestled, and I use the term wrestled LOOSELY.
Natalya is part of the Hart family legacy, trained in the dungon. She jobbed to Hornswoggle this past week on ECW. All she gets is the Sharpshooter.

Make more of these great wrestlers, take a page out of TNA's book, look how good all of those female wrestlers look. They look like they'd squash anyone in WWE.
You're right. ANY of the TNA Knockouts would destroy most if not all (with the exception of Beth Pheonix) of the Divas. It's this simple.

In the WWE, the females are divas, beautiful faces and bodies, and models BEFORE they are wrestlers. At least it's how it looks nowadays.

In TNA, they are wrestlers first and models and eye candy second. Looking at the Divas compared to the Knockouts, the Divas are so much better looking and easy on the eyes. The most attractive girl in TNA, would be the bottom of the barrel Diva. Look at Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, and Madison Rayne. All very attractive in their own way don't get me wrong, but for some reason, they just look "trashy" compared to the Divas. I think Angelina, Velvet, etc... are all smokin hot, but in a way they do look trashy. The tattoos they have don't help the image any either. The WWE again focusing more on eye candy than ring talent. TNA is opposite.

The other problem with the Divas is a problem I never thought I'd address or want to address since they're all nice to look at. There's too effing many of them!!! How can you really have a serious women's division with like... 20 Divas? The Diva's title is nothing but a joke space filler in a sense, but I guess it does have SOME merit no matter how little it is. But there's too effing many Divas. To have a serious women's division, you need more tv time. These 6 and 8 Diva tag matches just to get them on TV where some don't even get in the ring is a joke. Six hours of weekly tv time is not enough to seriously feature a women's division. It's barely enough time to feature 6 or 8 Divas, let alone around 20.

I say make a show of all Divas. Sure it would be tough to watch since barely any of them have a ton of ring talent, but who doesn't want to see them roll around in those outfits? I also vote you air it live somehow so maybe you get a slip of a boob or something. That's more for the man in me than the wrestling fan.

Case and point, there's too many of them. All nice too look at, but for the subject of a serious women's division, the Divas are too much of a good thing.
I see your point, but you have made a different point.
What I'm saying is that MOST of the Divas can wrestle; Beth, Natalya, Rosa, Katie Lea, Jillian Hall, Gail Kim, Mickie James (soso), Melina (soso), Michelle McCool (soso).
WWE doesn't allow these women to wrestle to their full potential.

Gail Kim is my prime example, she was top dog in TNA, a great wrestler. Now in WWE she plays second wim to Maryse who in reality has nothing on her. When I said that the knockouts would squash the divas, I ment in kayfabe sense not in reality.

The other divas like Maryse (give it to her she is improving), Kelly Kelly, Maria, Layla, The Bellas should be the managers of the male wrestlers or at least get some legit in ring skills.
You make a good point but if the creative team doesn't have time to figure out something to do with the Divas, they will never get the time of days and will always be space fillers. We can give all the exemple we want but at the end of the day, it's all about the creative team and if they believe that it's not worth, we the fans cannot do anything about it. It not the fault of the divas but i agree they are all talented wrestlers even those who started out as models and would probably delivers some great matches if giving the time, just look at the i quit match from last year's extreme rules between Melina and Beth phoenix as a exemple of how great the divas could be we a nice build up and time to perform. Has for Gail Kim not wrestling like in TNA, i understand why she doesn'T do it, it's because if she wrestles that way, she probably get injured at some point since the schedule is the most bigger then the TNA schedule so she need to wrestle a save way.
Agreed. I agree with everything and yes I meant in the kayfabe sense too. Gail Kim would whip the piss out of Maryse, Melina, and most if not all the Divas. It's the way WWE has always operated though. I mean think of the last really good divas match. It's been awhile. I loved Trish/Mickey at WM22. That was a great match. Two women that looked hot and could wrestle. But that's been 3 years. Beth Pheonix is great to watch but her matches aren't super eitheer because she never gets to put her potential against the potential of another Diva. As far as improving it though... it'll never happen. The Divas will never be used to their full potential until they are looked at more as wrestlers and not just another pretty face.
I think the main problem with the Diva's division is that there are rarely any storylines and the divas rarely get any promo time. It's usually been the same old shit the past few months. Like other people have said there has been way too many 6,8,10,20 diva tag matches. Another thing is it's always the same story with the womens and divas titles, someone beats the champ in a non-title match, they get a rematch for the title and they either win or lose and the champ moves on to another challenger and they repeat the cycle. There are no interesting storylines over the title, they just have a series of matches which tends to get boring. I mean when was the last time two divas had a fued over the title that just wasn't a series of matches? The last one I can remember is the Trish Vs Mickie stalker fued a couple years ago. The division needs a fued that gets real personal.

Another thing they need to do is give the divas more time on the mic. I mean they probably wouldn't be all that great but at least it would be a change from them just having the same matches week in and week out. The only diva in the past year that has got mic time has been Beth and thats because she is Santino's boyfriend.

So really if the WWE wants to improve the division they need to have some sort of interesting storyline (I wouldn't mind another lesbian angle, even though it's been done a lot) and give the divas some mic time to put over the storylines and then give the payoff to the fued at a pay per view.
WWE definitely has the talent to put together a decent women's division. It's just that they insist on using the majority of them as valets and eye candy. The only Divas match that I didn't use as a piss break have been Trish/Mickie at WM and Melina/Beth's I Quit Match.

A great example of WWE's misuse of their Divas is Victoria. She was one of the most talented Divas in terms of wrestling ability. However, after her last reign as women's champion she was only used as a comical jobber or used to put over talentless models.

Even Beth Phoenix, the shining star of WWE's women's division, is being used for comedy purposes in this whole "Santina" storyline. She jobbed twice to Santina and lost in the most embarrassing ways.

Another problem is that barely any of the divas have a character. Beth is the "dominant diva", though now I'm not so sure. Maryse is the classic snob that everyone hates. Jillian is the tone def singer. Other than that, the rest of the divas are just bland pretty faces. Mickie James was great as the obsessed Trish fan but now she's just the "good girl".

WWE needs to separate the wrestlers from the pretty faces. Seeing Kelly Kelly against Beth Phoenix is just ridiculous.
I think most everyone just bashes the Diva's on how bad they are, but no one ever seems to comment on how much they've approved. Look at Kelly Kelly, Maryse, Mickie James, Candice Michelle, etcetc. They may not be the best, but they've definitely improved.
I think the womens division is having a slow start. Yeah they do have a lot of women but the wwe needs to think of something to change the division. The best thing to happen right now is the pg rating because it can give the division a chance to change for the better.
Ok, so every show WWE does. We see one match with Divas not female wrestlers.

I know these women are beautiful but they are also very talented and accomplished wrestlers who don't get to showcase their REAL talent like the male wrestlers do.
Pretty much all those women are great wrestlers. They prove it in the training ground like FCW. They train to be wrestlers. Then when they finally get called up they come on to the main shows as just women. They start out on fire usually, then burn out and do stupid hair pull tosses across the ring.
Why can't Jillian Hall's finisher be the 450? We know she can do it from OVW tapes.
Why doesn't Gail Kim wrestle the same way in WWE as she did in TNA.
Why is Beth Pheonix the only women who seems to be able to wrestle properly.
Katie Lea is a BITCH of a wrestler, I know this from seeing her in the UK before her WWE days, I can't remember the last time she wrestled, and I use the term wrestled LOOSELY.
Natalya is part of the Hart family legacy, trained in the dungon. She jobbed to Hornswoggle this past week on ECW. All she gets is the Sharpshooter.

Make more of these great wrestlers, take a page out of TNA's book, look how good all of those female wrestlers look. They look like they'd squash anyone in WWE.

All of those women you mentioned (with the exception of maybe Jillian) have to be carried through their matches for them to even be remotely good. None of them (including Beth) are fit to be the face of the woman's division. The WWE is doing the right thing by giving air time to women like Maryse, Michelle, Melina, and Mickie because they can actually put on matches that the audience can actually care about. The only time that women like Beth, Gail, Katie, and Natalya can put on decent matches are when their matched up with one of the four I listed above. If the WWE wants to improve their division then they should highlight and push the women that prove themselves to be more entertaining to the collective audience and use the others sparingly in feuds.

As for your questions. Jillian doesn't use the 450 simply because the move is too dangerous, for her and her opponent. I find it nothing short of miraculous that WWE let Evan Bourne use the SSP on a continuing basis.

Letting Gail Kim use more moves in a match won't make her matches better, if anything they'll probably make them worse. Gail Kim is really nothing but a spot monkey, and if she faces anyone without any knowledge of workrate or psychology, her matches tend to suck.

Katie Lea was pretty good in indies, however the sad thing is that she's had changes to shine while in WWE, and so far she failed every time. It's no surprise the WWE doesn't use her anymore.

Natalya has yet to prove her worth as well, doesn't mean that she won't improve in the future, but as of now she hasn't shown any kind of progress.

TNA's woman's division is only good because of three people, if you took them out then their division would be even worse off than WWE's woman's divsion is now. WWE really only has to improve the booking quality of their division, they have all the tools for the division already. If they do that, then their division will become far superior to TNA's.

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