Improve TNA

There really are alot of great ideas in this thread about ways to improve TNA but I think the first one has to be focus back on the X Division. Petey Williams could be a terrific X Division champ but there is nothing going on with him right now and it seems like casual fans might forget about it.
My idea would be to use Mick Foley to help put the spotlight back on the X.D. not as a wrestler but as a manager of sorts. TNA should do sort of an Ultimate Fighter storyline, where Kevin Nash and Mick Foley each get 4 X division guys assigned to them who they train, work with etc. Then set up a tournament where the winner gets to face Petey Willaims at the next PPV. My suggestion is for Creed to win then beat Willaims and then start a small feud with him. Also with the tournament format it opens the door for other feuds and a way for Daivari to get really involved with a good TNA storyline. Also this could establish a little feud for Nash vs Foley, and has the aspect of a little bit of comedy that TNA just seems to be in love with.
Things which separated TNA from WWE initially and made it entertaining:

-Great tag-matches
-Longer matches

Classics like Styles, Samoa and Daniels were out of this world

I feel the WWE rejects have somewhat hurt the focus of TNA with respect to giving the younger guys ring and promo time.

Unless Sting is there to elevate the younger talent...he serves no purpose...and no...a New Blood vs. Millionaires Club storyline is not the's been done and didnt work in WCW.

TNA needs to shy away from what caused WCW to fail and more on what made it different from WWE.

The booking has been illogical to say the least and instead of making Joe, Styles and Angle credible...they try to blur the line between face and heel to the point where casual fans get confused and dont know what to think, this isnt a good thing.

To the critics who say the X-Division matches used be a spot-fest, it's clear they are ignorant...and the tag matches in 04/05/06...were some of the best in the business.
I think all TNA needs to do really is just forget that WWE exists because they are trying to build thier company up too fast to compete with them. Stop it, there no where near thier league so why bother, I think if TNA did this, and distant themselves and slowed down trying to make the company and people and pretended they are the only wrestling company out there they would maybe do so much better. TNA is on the way to creating a decent company but there are a few naggy problems, the super hero crap is onbe of them, the commentators is another as well as production and silly booking. But I belive TNA can distant themsleves from WWE if they stop thinking that anytime soon they will overtake the ratings because it will never happen.
Its hard for TNA to forget the WWE exists, because alot of there players are ex-wwe performers. Its almost inevitable that they'll draw from the past.

Everybody in this post wants the same things. It's weird.

I will say casual fans are instantly turned off by the six sided ring. Its pretty lame that they are turned off by things like that. All it takes is watching a ppv or two and you wont even realize the difference.

I dont know why people think TNA's production values are so terrible. Really, is it that bad? Im greatfull they dont go for that over produced WWE style look. TNA wants a more realistic vibe with there backstage segments.

And really, New Blood vs Millionaires Club rip off? This fued so far hasnt resembled that fued in the slightest. We're in the infancy of what could be a great angle. TNA finaly has that big story that involves alot of wrestlers, not just two or three. Let them get more than 4 weeks into it before we start to call it a new blood clone.

TNA's "problems" lie within there visibilty. I'm sorry to say, but Spike TV isnt doing a great job at all! Think about it. They debuted TNA at 10pm on saturday nights. What does that say about Spikes wrestling priorities? Its all about the UFC right now. How can a prowrestling show thrive on a UFC network. Its impossible.

Change nights. Get weekend afternoon programming as well. Theres nothing to watch when your laying around the house saturday and sunday early evenings, except some pro sports. What if your team isnt playing?

And for gods sake, get Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, and Samoa Joe on the late night talk show circuit. Its unbelievable how much celebrity power these guys could bring to the company.
First and foremost, I remember when TNA first debuted on FSN and I tuned in to see what the hype was about, and in all honesty I turned it off in the first five minutes because of one reason: Mike Tenay and Mike West. These guys make me want to dig my ears out with a spoon. You've got one guy who got a job because he knew who the cruiserweights were in a company that failed and another that made his name yelling about baseball cards. Seriously, this is about the one thing in my opinion that keeps me from watching TNA. First of a good wrestling commentator team has a face play-by-play guy and a heel color commentator. Both of these guys are faces, and they don't seem to have a clear idea who is the play guy and who is the color guy. They kind of switch back and forth and it gets really frustrating. And please dear Lord do not talk during interviews! The segments are meant to advance the storyline and talking during the interview to remind everyone about something small and stupid does not help. It takes away from the moments. Second, every moment of every show is not the greatest moment in wrestling history. Tony Schiavone was terrible about this and it takes away from the overall presentation. Jim Ross is the greatest announcer of all time in my opinion, and he can get excited but he has a limit. He just knows how to appropriately convey the emotion and importance of programs and matches. He has many different volumes that add layers and subtleties to what's going on. These two have two modes: Off and 100% all out loud. It's really put offish nd until this problem is solved in my opinion, TNA will never be a viable competitor to the WWE.

The six sided ring is nothing too special to me. It works well for the 6 man and 4 team tag matches, but other than that it's way to big to have a real, story telling one on one match.

On that note, why does every freakin' match have to have a gimmick? It's getting to be like WCW at the end. And it crap when they have all of these matches with these fancy names and everything despite the fact that most of the time they are just in all reality hardcore matches. For some reason TNA doesn't feel like it's capable of putting on a straight up one on one match between two wrestlers. They have to make some crazy gimmick to justify why the match will be great. Some of the greatest matches in history were simply straight up matches. Even a sixty minute or two out of three falls match is in the end just a regular match, but these can be a great ending to a powerful story. No instead we have to have a Match of a thousand thumbtacks or an Ultimate X match which by the way is the second worst wrestling concept of all time. Then TNA tops that by having a King of the Mountain match, which holds the title for worst match concept of all time. Hang the title up? Really? Who the hell came up with that. At least the Elimination Chamber was original. TNA needs to put on a great three hour show of regular one-on-one and tag team matches that really blows the roof off then I might start paying more attention

You know, I don't really care about the x-WWE guys because most of them I didn't care for. Angle is a time bomb with his neck. Booker T had run his course, and there's no tag team so the Dudleys didn't belong. And I'm sorry, but Christian Cage? Seriously, is that the guy that suppose to carry your company? We him and a somoan that weighs like five hundred pounds. I look better physically than Joe and that's saying something. I don't think any of these guys are the ones to lead the company into real success. They don't have a Stone Cold or Hulk Hogan or Undertaker or Triple H that can really pull in a huge audience.

Lastly, stop trying to be what ECW was. ECW pandered to a small market of crazy ass people who loved that style of wrestling. Backyard wrestling is great every now and then but it won't lead to the success than is needed to really take the next step. It will require a move to a more traditional wrestling program. Plus ECW had a lot better wrestlers than TNA.

Oh wait, also get some better entrance music.

One more thing, don't bring in Mick Foley. He's so ten years ago.
I have only recent started watching TNA but have watched WWE for years and one thing that stuck out to me from this week's Impact was the same group of wrestlers in all the storylines. Samoa Joe had his thing with Nash, which sort of but not really tied into the 4 way match this sunday, and also this thing with Sting and Jeff Jarrett. Shouldn't the sole focus of Joe be the main event of the PPV. Why not let Sting, and Sting alone deal with Jeff Jarrett? Also AJ Styles was all over the place. Comes off the stuff with Angle, gets dropped by Sting b/c of disrespect to Angle but then bam hes in the match with trigg! WTF this guys all over the place, how does he know, let alone the audiance know, who his central focus should be on? They seem to shoehorn the same few guys and weave them into every major storyline unneccearily, or am i wrong?
I think TNA is on the edge of something great and your wrong aboutthe x wwe guys. Team 3d is the best tag team ever and Cage is awesome and has really good promo skills plus he gives 110% every match is more than i can say for most wwe guys. Aj is the best young talent out there and i do admit some gimmicks are stupid and we need more one on one matches. I mean daniels is the man and making him be funny is about the dumbest thing ever. i mean come on he was a dark character and now he is funny so how the heck am i supose to take him seriously if he ever comes back as the fallen angel. Eric Young should be the only funny santino type guy and and shark boy. Everyone else needs to focus on being more intense. I mean especially Angle bc he is the best ever and he needs to focus on that and maybe he could have more matches like he did with joe with aj and daniels. TNA has the talent to be the best its about time they start doing it instead of wasting 2 hours of my life
Here are my thoughts which I think are different from what I have read over the past few pages:

1) Simply from a PR perspective, eliminate steroids and other illegal drugs from your company. If you lose talent because of it, so be it. I, like everyone else here, know very little about the specifics of the WWE wellness policy, but it is safe to say that some people are skeptical. I think TNA would be smart to be able to say they are drug-free, especially with all the health problems and deaths in recent years.

2) Occasionally leave their arena to unique venues. Not every week like WWE, but maybe once a month or so. The Global Impact show was really interesting and even though it didn't really raise their ratings, it shows them to be a little more of a legit company. Which brings me to...

3) Get better production values. Sometimes it's embarassing to watch their entrance videos. I think that they could get college interns to do more interesting things, probably for free or much less than they pay whoever they paid to make this Yeah,...that is a 5 second highlight reel and then his name in Comic Sans font, repeated...and repeated.

4) In terms of signing WWE talent, I have no problem with that, but they have to make them unique within their company. Look what WWE did with Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and even now what they are trying to do with Ron Killings. Booker T is the same, Kurt Angle is the same, Team 3D is the same, and for awhile Billy Gunn and Road Dogg couldn't stop talking about WWE. Christian is the only one I can think of who doesn't seem like the guy you watched for years in another company.

5) Lastly, maybe no one agrees with me here, but I would try to compete with WWE. Not going head to head, but don't pretend that you are presenting two completely different products. They have talent that WWE would sign if they could (Sting, AJ, Joe, LAX, Roode, Abyss, etc.) and others that WWE would love to have back (Angle, Christian, 3D, etc.) Plus, I really don't think that TNA has to make that much progress to raise their ratings. WWE created an audience for wrestling, they simply have to get some of those people to watch their show as well, not stop watching WWE. They have no wrestling competition that night and there are millions of people that watch RAW, Smackdown, and ECW that don't watch TNA.
K,Here is my thing. People need to stop saying TNA isn't on WWE's radar because they are. Otherwise Vince wouldn't have it written in his superstars contracts that they cant sign with TNA for X amount of days after they leave.
Ex.) Flair. It was written in his contract that he couldn't sign exclusively to TNA for one whole year. Now if TNA isn't on WWE's radar then why have that stip in his contract. Now onto how I'd fix TNA.

Don't bury your homegrown talent in favor of former WWE talent.It's a bad idea because it makes it look like your guys can't cut it against your competitors guys. I still think they should bring in top level talent and underpushed guys from the competiton because it helps with ratings and bringing in more fans.I went to the impact taping last week and I saw a bunch of people leave after Angle came out and then after Booker came out. Which is bad bc people aren't staying for the other guys. But its good bc it shows those guys bring in viewers.Plus the crowd popped like crazy for Foley.

Give more time to the X-Division. It's how your promotion got big in the first place.Don't dam your guys who gave it their all for you to make it big.Look at Poor Daniels hes stuck with this Curry Man gimmick. I say keep the Prince Justice Brotherhood around because I'm sure their merch sells like crazy to the kids.But have him do both gimmicks. I know my little sis(shes 7) would be crushed if there was no more curry man. Have him do both gimmicks and give him a nice run with the X-Division title to reward him for pulling double dutie.

Keep the 6 sided ring because it makes you unique but focus more on wrestling and less on gimmicks.TNA has some of the best wrestlers in the world. Why not showcase their talent and be an alternative to WWE. This doesnt mean be unique by having more stipulation matches than anyone. But look at doing a talent exchange with ROH. You have the same target audience. Bring some top talent Briscoes,Danielson,etc. and let the Guns and AJ and Joe wrestle over there too. You'll bring more of those fans as well.

Have more storylines that draw the line between kayfabe and reality. But don't draw them out. EX.) The Angle/Styles storyline was really good but got played out over time. After AJ won the gold medal he'd taken everything from him. His wife,his kids,and now his medal. So Angle should have snapped. Instead he loses a few more times and its over and AJ keeps the freaking medal. Kurt should have stolen it back. But TNA let it get stale and added no new twists.

Finally Joe is ok as champion but have him destroy his opponents. Not squashes but decisive wins so he looks dominant. Because you make him look like a bitch when he has to use JJ's guitar to win all his matches. Is he face/heel.

Thats all I have on how I'd fix TNA.
wwefan49 i agree a lot, X division makes TNA unique and was the reason i started watching it, but it has dropped off of late, in exchange for more Knockouts and also many of the best Xdivision stars have progressed into other areas, eg MCMG and Guru and Black Machismo have moved away from the X title.

Joe has become so stale and just seems like a punk these days, people loved him destroying his opponents so take him back to what peeps love!
wwefan49 i agree a lot, X division makes TNA unique and was the reason i started watching it, but it has dropped off of late, in exchange for more Knockouts and also many of the best Xdivision stars have progressed into other areas, eg MCMG and Guru and Black Machismo have moved away from the X title.

Joe has become so stale and just seems like a punk these days, people loved him destroying his opponents so take him back to what peeps love!

I actually like that Shiek is the X-Division champion. I quite enjoy his character. The Guns should be Tag Team Champions. But Lethal and Dutt should be fighting for the X-Title still. Their in a midcard feud but they can use the X-Title in the feud. Such as Dutt takes Lethal's belt and his girl. I'm kind of obsessed with those kind of storylines. They need to give more time to the X-Division.
I actually like that Shiek is the X-Division champion. I quite enjoy his character. The Guns should be Tag Team Champions. But Lethal and Dutt should be fighting for the X-Title still. Their in a midcard feud but they can use the X-Title in the feud. Such as Dutt takes Lethal's belt and his girl. I'm kind of obsessed with those kind of storylines. They need to give more time to the X-Division.

Im quite liking The Shiek charecter now youve mentioned it, however no matter how hard I try I just dont get Consequences Creed, the guy just pisses me off!! Im glad Machismo and Guru have moved away from the X title as had a great run and the gap would keep another title run more fresh, I hope guru does win the X title now with SoCal.
Its criminal that the GUns havent had a Tag Run, its interesting this lack of respect angle, dunno how it will work as MCMG are over with the kids quuite well it seems
'I actually like that Shiek is the X-Division champion. I quite enjoy his character. The Guns should be Tag Team Champions. But Lethal and Dutt should be fighting for the X-Title still. Their in a midcard feud but they can use the X-Title in the feud. Such as Dutt takes Lethal's belt and his girl. I'm kind of obsessed with those kind of storylines. They need to give more time to the X-Division.'

Ill agree with you about the sheik, kes growin on me, however no matter how hard i try I just dont like Consequences Creed, he just pisses me off!! I think keeping Lethal away is good as it would keep a title run in the future fresh, however I feel the Guru should get a title run W/SoCal soon.
MCMG should defo get a title run! Im interested to see where the disrespecting the older guys angle heads, i feel its a waste as they seem majorly over with the kids and most peeps
Get rid of jb... He's annoyin.. He tries to hard in the bs promos and is always yellin when he really doesn't need to.. If tna wants to hire people from wwe use the guys that do interviews that r barely used in wwe cause they r good... Tenay and company doesn't play the stories to well and doesn't give us that impact sound when something big happens.. Like they have no enthusiasm or emotion.. Get paul heyman.. Put mick foley on the mic a lot.. Change the set and do something bout the music.. And get rid of all those stupid gimmick matches.. There are so many Idk their names or meaning..
Get rid of jb... He's annoyin.. He tries to hard in the bs promos and is always yellin when he really doesn't need to.. If tna wants to hire people from wwe use the guys that do interviews that r barely used in wwe cause they r good... Tenay and company doesn't play the stories to well and doesn't give us that impact sound when something big happens.. Like they have no enthusiasm or emotion.. Get paul heyman.. Put mick foley on the mic a lot.. Change the set and do something bout the music.. And get rid of all those stupid gimmick matches.. There are so many Idk their names or meaning..

JB can stay just move his position to color commentator.I think a color commentary team of JB and BG James would be really good and worth watching.Tenay should be the backstage announcer.Don West should just do his insane deals on Why does everyone think Paul Heyman is the answer to everything. He is a creative genius but I don't see him working with TNA's current product.I'd prefer Bischoff because he is the second best promoter in wrestling ever next to Vinnie Mac IMO. TNA does have too many gimmick matches and that needs to change. Just ask Kurt Angle.:)
JB does not need to be on color commentary. One, color commentary requires a basic knowledge of holds and rules, which I am not sure he has. He has a solid grasp of the wrestler's names, and for that, he can keep his job. I say, with 100% seriousness, hire Tony Schiavonne to be the color guy, and let Mick Foley be the analyst. Schivonne can sell an angle like no one's business, and Mick Foley is enjoyable on the mic.

Next, the six sided ring needs to go. The angles of attack suck, and wrestlers can get no momentum towards moves. Another problem is that with the ring posts so close together, basic physics teaches us that there is less slack on the ropes. That reduces the explosive looking push you get in the WWE. Secondly, less slack hurts the knockouts. If they are going to feature them so prominently, then they need to adjust the ring to make the matches look better. How many times has Roxxy run to the ropes and looked like she is hitting a wall? With the posts further apart (like if there were 4 of them) the slack would make matches look smoother.

Next, they need to push AJ Styles to the moon. This new, intense AJ is a good start. Now, have Sting take the belt from Joe, and have AJ chase it. That's it, have him win it, have him defend. Turn him into Hulk Hogan.
JB does not need to be on color commentary. One, color commentary requires a basic knowledge of holds and rules, which I am not sure he has. He has a solid grasp of the wrestler's names, and for that, he can keep his job. I say, with 100% seriousness, hire Tony Schiavonne to be the color guy, and let Mick Foley be the analyst. Schivonne can sell an angle like no one's business, and Mick Foley is enjoyable on the mic.

Next, the six sided ring needs to go. The angles of attack suck, and wrestlers can get no momentum towards moves. Another problem is that with the ring posts so close together, basic physics teaches us that there is less slack on the ropes. That reduces the explosive looking push you get in the WWE. Secondly, less slack hurts the knockouts. If they are going to feature them so prominently, then they need to adjust the ring to make the matches look better. How many times has Roxxy run to the ropes and looked like she is hitting a wall? With the posts further apart (like if there were 4 of them) the slack would make matches look smoother.

Next, they need to push AJ Styles to the moon. This new, intense AJ is a good start. Now, have Sting take the belt from Joe, and have AJ chase it. That's it, have him win it, have him defend. Turn him into Hulk Hogan.

While I respect your opinions I'm gonna have to disagree with pretty much all of them. First off I'm sure JB knows a good deal about the buisiness the moves and such considering he's been with TNA since the beginning and worked for WCW as well. If anything BG could call the moves he doesnt know. I'm sure he at least knows their signature moves.
The 6 sided ring should stay. It's TNA's way of being innovative they want to be different. If they wanna be WWE sure take away 2 sides. If they wanna be an alternative then they should keep their 6 sided ring.

Finally AJ is great. But don't make him Hulk Hogan because he's not. Hogan carried Pro Wrestling into the mainstream. He made wrestling sports-entertainment. AJ is a grest talent but hes a piece of the puzzle. TNA doesn't have one guy that screams I'm the company. Joe,Cage,Angle,and AJ are pieces of a puzzle. But they need one guy to carry them.WWE has two with Cena & HHH. TNA doesnt even have one. Angle is the closest they have.

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