Important stats about the Ambrose/Rollins main event


Mid-Card Championship Winner
1. It was the first singles main event in 16 years to feature two competitors who had never won a world title.

The last one was The Rock vs. Mankind at Survivor Series 1998 and even that one was for the World title. We would have to go back to 1995 for Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow at WrestleMania 11 if we are looking for a match that wasn't for the title. And even then, that match featured a celebrity.

The last singles main event between two wrestlers that had never won a world title and weren't competing for the world title was Jerry Lawler vs. Roddy Piper at King of the Ring 1994, over 20 years ago.

(And for those who are curious, before that, there were only two other instances of this occurring: Savage/DiBiase at WM4 and Bret/Bulldog at SummerSlam 1992).

2. It was only the third time in WWE history that two men in their 20's main evented a PPV.

The two other times were both over 20 years ago in 1994. Those were Undertaker vs. Underfaker at SummerSlam 1994 and Undertaker vs. Yokozuna at Survivor Series 1994.

3. It is the first main event in WWE history where both competitors are younger than WrestleMania

This one was bound to happen at some point, but it's sweet that it happened with two men in their 20's instead of having two men in their 30's break the record after fighting in a PPV after WM40.
It is also the first main event that Cena and/or Orton haven't main-evented in the past several years

It is also the first main event that Cena and/or Orton haven't main-evented in the past several years

That was accomplished earlier this year by Bryan/Kane at Extreme Rules, and even before then, since neither Cena or Orton were in the Royal Rumble.

In fact, there have always been at least 2-3 PPVs a year where Cena and Orton don't get to main event.

Although, if you had said, neither Cena, Orton, Punk, Batista, Triple H or Undertaker.... only 8 PPVs would fill that criteria:

• One Night Stand 05: The Dudley Boyz vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman
• SummerSlam 05: Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels
• Judgment Day 06: Rey Mysterio vs. JBL
• Great American Bash 06: Rey Mysterio vs. Booker T
• No Mercy 08: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels
• Judgment Day 09: Jeff Hardy vs. Edge
• Extreme Rules 14: Daniel Bryan vs. Kane
• Hell in a Cell 14: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

If you want a conclusive stat, then Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose is the first WWE-branded PPV main event that doesn't feature either: John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, CM Punk, Edge, Kane or Undertaker. But that's way too exclusionary, IMO.
Interesting statistics but Jerry Lawler is a former AWA World Heavyweight Champion, despite the fact AWA was in its last couple of years of existence, Lawler is still a former World Champion.
Since SummerSlam 04, the first time Cena or Orton (Orton in that case) had a Main Event Singles match, 65% of the PPV's, including the Rumbles, have featured one of the two. If you really wanted to expand that to the other big main eventers, I would include Triple H, Edge, Undertaker, Batista, and CM Punk. If you include those guys, which are all the most common recent main eventers, that leaves just 5% of PPV's in the last 10 years (6 PPV's I think) to not have any of them in it. But that's rather specific.

A good stat is since Rock vs. Punk II at Elimination Chamber 2011, all but three PPV's have no had a Main Event without Cena or Orton. Hopefully it's the start of the new age. We still got a while until we have another no Cena no Orton Main Event, but hopefully it starts happening more frequently. Without a doubt these guys are the future.
Since SummerSlam 04, the first time Cena or Orton (Orton in that case) had a Main Event Singles match, 65% of the PPV's, including the Rumbles, have featured one of the two. If you really wanted to expand that to the other big main eventers, I would include Triple H, Edge, Undertaker, Batista, and CM Punk. If you include those guys, which are all the most common recent main eventers, that leaves just 5% of PPV's in the last 10 years (6 PPV's I think) to not have any of them in it. But that's rather specific.

A good stat is since Rock vs. Punk II at Elimination Chamber 2011, all but three PPV's have no had a Main Event without Cena or Orton. Hopefully it's the start of the new age. We still got a while until we have another no Cena no Orton Main Event, but hopefully it starts happening more frequently. Without a doubt these guys are the future.

In response to the first paragraph, if we're eliminating that many guys we can go to the past with that too. How many Attitude era main events did not feature Stone Cold, Rock, Triple H, Mick Foley, Taker, Angle or Jericho? You listed off 7 of the top guys, of course they're going to dominate.

Just on 2 guys if they have a 3 month feud, there's 3 PPV's. That's 18 PPV main events featuring 1 guy. I don't know if my logic here is clear, let me explain.

Cena feuds with Orton, 3 months.
Cena feuds with Edge, 3 months.
Cena feuds with Triple H, 3 months.
Cena feuds with Taker, 3 months.
Cena feuds with Punk, 3 months
Cena feuds with Batista, 3 months.

There's 18 PPV's main evented by Cena. Now do that for Orton and Edge and HHH and Taker and Punk and Batista...of course the number is high.

To your other stat about EC 2011, that's incredibly sad. But to be fair, Orton was champ for how many months in those 3 years? How about Cena? Yea you had your Punk year long reign, which was mostly main evented by Cena but aside from that, you can't really argue against these 2 main eventing a PPV.

Do love the numbers though, quick question to add to my previous one...are you counting Shield v Evolution as a main event? Or is that where 2 of the non Cena/Orton numbers come from? Screw it, can you just list what 3 PPV's they are xD
I think you both mean Elimination Chamber 2013!

I really hope you're not correct in that. That's only 20 PPV's. Orton was champ for about half the time. Cena was for like 4 months, his rematch clauses...then the stat would truly mean nothing.

Example: Hey guys, if you just look at Lesnar and Cena then they've main evented all but 1 PPV since of course they have. It's so selective
Do love the numbers though, quick question to add to my previous one...are you counting Shield v Evolution as a main event? Or is that where 2 of the non Cena/Orton numbers come from? Screw it, can you just list what 3 PPV's they are xD

It was the main event of Payback 2014, but featured Orton as one of the six.

I'm really hoping that TLC 2014's main event will also not feature Cena and/or Orton (going on the assumption that Cena v Lesnar will be at the Royal Rumble and will probably not go on last too), as we know that Survivor Series' main event will feature at least one of them (unless they let Ambrose v Wyatt main event that, but that seems unlikely).

I think that there's also a good chance that whatever PPV that they replace Elimination Chamber with might not feature those two in the main event - if we again assume that it is Roman Reigns that will go for the title against Lesnar at WrestleMania. There's a chance that he could be against Cena but I imagine he'll already be involved in his WrestleMania feud. Depending on when he returns, we could see Reigns v Rollins main event that PPV. But that's a lot of assumptions there.

Personally, I'd love it if Extreme Rules 2015 featured a Reigns v Rollins v Ambrose triple threat match for the WWE WHC title. But that's purely fantasy booking.
This is only because of the WWE Network, had it still been PPV exclusive WWE would of went with Cena/Orton. Gotta admit, some pluses to this network. Hopefully, we see more of this and more of Ambrose. I bet Cena was shocked heading out to the ring for a HIAC at 9:00 (or whatever timezone he was in.)
I really hope you're not correct in that. That's only 20 PPV's. Orton was champ for about half the time. Cena was for like 4 months, his rematch clauses...then the stat would truly mean nothing.

Example: Hey guys, if you just look at Lesnar and Cena then they've main evented all but 1 PPV since of course they have. It's so selective

Eh, Rock vs Punk happened before WM29, which was last year.
Do love the numbers though, quick question to add to my previous one...are you counting Shield v Evolution as a main event? Or is that where 2 of the non Cena/Orton numbers come from? Screw it, can you just list what 3 PPV's they are xD

MC had a few mistakes. Firstly, Rock/Punk II was held at Elimination Chamber 2013, not 2011. So the statistic isn't that bad. However, there have actually been 4 PPVs without Cena and Orton in the main events since EC 2013. My guess is that MC didn't count this year's Royal Rumble, but he definitely should since it's the first time I remember neither Cena nor Orton being a part of it.

• Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules 2013)
• 30-Man Royal Rumble (Royal Rumble 2014)
• Daniel Bryan vs. Kane (Extreme Rules 2014)
• Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose (Hell in a Cell 2014)
MC had a few mistakes. Firstly, Rock/Punk II was held at Elimination Chamber 2013, not 2011. So the statistic isn't that bad. However, there have actually been 4 PPVs without Cena and Orton in the main events since EC 2013. My guess is that MC didn't count this year's Royal Rumble, but he definitely should since it's the first time I remember neither Cena nor Orton being a part of it.

• Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules 2013)
• 30-Man Royal Rumble (Royal Rumble 2014)
• Daniel Bryan vs. Kane (Extreme Rules 2014)
• Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose (Hell in a Cell 2014)

Now here's my problem with that stat now though. At Wrestlemania Cena main evented to win the belt. As champion of the main belt, he should have been main eventing PPV's right? So he loses it at SummerSlam to Bryan who gets cashed in on by Orton.

So Orton is champ now. So he should main event every PPV? Well he loses it at NoC to Bryan, who the belt gets taken from and a rematch is set for the next PPV?

Which Orton wins and holds all the way until Wrestlemania. So in theory, they should have main evented those PPV's. They physically had to by the unwritten rules of champ main eventing xD maybe the authority should have picked some younger new talent but that's a discussion for another time. That's all I'm saying, it's very selective of a stat
Now here's my problem with that stat now though. At Wrestlemania Cena main evented to win the belt. As champion of the main belt, he should have been main eventing PPV's right? So he loses it at SummerSlam to Bryan who gets cashed in on by Orton.

So Orton is champ now. So he should main event every PPV? Well he loses it at NoC to Bryan, who the belt gets taken from and a rematch is set for the next PPV?

Which Orton wins and holds all the way until Wrestlemania. So in theory, they should have main evented those PPV's. They physically had to by the unwritten rules of champ main eventing xD maybe the authority should have picked some younger new talent but that's a discussion for another time. That's all I'm saying, it's very selective of a stat

That's the whole point of the stats. Obviously the top guy is going to main event. The problem is that Orton and Cena have always been that guy, which is a shame, because they have a lot of other talent that could have been useful.

Having The Miz win Money in the Bank and being the one to turn heel and become the face of the Authority would have glued me to the screen. Just the fact that Bryan and Miz have a rich history would have made that story great. Orton joining up with the Authority could have happened much later and his match-up with Bryan at Mania would have felt fresh instead of over-done. In fact, Orton could have been the top face to beat Del Rio for the World title. Punk then beats Miz at Survivor Series the WWE title as part of his own anti-Authority feud. Then you do Punk/Orton at TLC, where Orton finally turns heel, joins the Authority, betrays the fans, and Bryan is slowly built as the guy who's going to stop him. That would have been a much better story than "run Bryan and Orton on repeat with fuck-up finishes until Cena comes back".
Ambrose and Rollins sucks big time.

They can't draw anything. They are extremly boring and stale, and represent the WWE and everyhing that's wrong with it.

I miss the attidue era.
That's the whole point of the stats. Obviously the top guy is going to main event. The problem is that Orton and Cena have always been that guy, which is a shame, because they have a lot of other talent that could have been useful.

Having The Miz win Money in the Bank and being the one to turn heel and become the face of the Authority would have glued me to the screen. Just the fact that Bryan and Miz have a rich history would have made that story great. Orton joining up with the Authority could have happened much later and his match-up with Bryan at Mania would have felt fresh instead of over-done. In fact, Orton could have been the top face to beat Del Rio for the World title. Punk then beats Miz at Survivor Series the WWE title as part of his own anti-Authority feud. Then you do Punk/Orton at TLC, where Orton finally turns heel, joins the Authority, betrays the fans, and Bryan is slowly built as the guy who's going to stop him. That would have been a much better story than "run Bryan and Orton on repeat with fuck-up finishes until Cena comes back".

While I definitely definitely agree with your idea, maybe not with Miz winning it but I like the idea. But for one the current storyline helped Bryan get over to a new level, not arguing that it's because of this, but the authority probably started. Also, Orton was a good idea because he had been around for a while (don't want it to be someone too new because you never know if they'll pan out), he also does evoke a strong crowd response.

While Miz would be better being as he's been around for a while but certainly not over saturated in the main event. I'm not gonna argue if it was a good idea xD hell maybe being in the Authority would push Miz up to the main event.

Hindsight is 20/20 though. But all I'm saying is that last year just so happened to feature both of the over used guys being champion, but them being champions just proves why they main evented
While I definitely definitely agree with your idea, maybe not with Miz winning it but I like the idea. But for one the current storyline helped Bryan get over to a new level, not arguing that it's because of this, but the authority probably started. Also, Orton was a good idea because he had been around for a while (don't want it to be someone too new because you never know if they'll pan out), he also does evoke a strong crowd response.

While Miz would be better being as he's been around for a while but certainly not over saturated in the main event. I'm not gonna argue if it was a good idea xD hell maybe being in the Authority would push Miz up to the main event.

Hindsight is 20/20 though. But all I'm saying is that last year just so happened to feature both of the over used guys being champion, but them being champions just proves why they main evented

It's not really hindsight. I was hoping The Miz would join the Authority ever since it started. Randy hardly does any PR. Miz works the radio and talk show circuit on a regular basis. He's the true company guy and would have been much more believable as the ideal "face of the WWE". Plus, his reality star background, his froggy face, and his obnoxious attitude would have been the perfect antithesis to Daniel Bryan. That's what made their chemistry so great in 2010. They never feuded again so it would have been perfect to see the feud on a big stage. I was hoping for his heel turn into the Authority since Day 1. Sadly, it never transpired.

But honestly, anyone else could have taken Orton's spot. The idea is this. If they want Orton to head in as champion to WrestleMania and they aren't going to commit to a steady long reign from summer to spring, there was absolutely no reason for them to run Bryan/Orton on a loop for months without decisive endings just to put them together again at WrestleMania.

And then there's another point that counts as part of these Cena/Orton stats. Cena/Orton main evented TLC in the title merger after Cena won the World title from Del Rio. But that came totally out of left field. Cena had not contended for that championship, never showed interest in it and was on the shelf for months.

And they put the title on him for what? To drop it back to Randy a month later? Cena's 14th reign was so insignificant that there was no point in doing it.

They could have put the title on anybody. Dolph, Miz, Punk, Ryback, Cesaro, Big E... They all could have used the momentum. A solid 2-month title reign and dropping it to Orton would have given them some solid credibility heading into 2014. But nope, the opportunity was just wasted on Cena again, for another Cena/Orton main event.

And don't even get me started on that Big Show/Orton fiasco...
Can't understand why everyones so keen to retire the current group of wrestlers and move into the future with all younger guys? I miss watching the like of the hogans, pipers, flairs, andres, dibases, savages, road warriors, hart foundation, rockers and british bulldogs of the 80s or even the austin, rock, nwo, sting, all of ecw of the 90s.

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