Important events on your birthday

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
We did a thread on who was born on your birthday, lets do one on what important events happened on yours. Just wikipedia the date.

Virginia Tech shooting happened on mine.

Oh and Odysseus got back from the Trojan War
The city of Boston, Massachusetts is founded.

The National Football League is organized in Canton, Ohio, United States.

Vanessa Williams becomes the first black Miss America.
Tiffany & Co. founded in 1837

Irish Home Rule went into Law (delayed until after WWI)

Peg Entwistle commits suicide by jumping off the Hollywoodland sign.

CBC is authorized

Jimi Hendrix died

tons more stuff including Roman Emperors. My birthday also falls (on occasion) on Yom Kippur.
Pearl Harbour happened

I think I can safely assume I have outtrumped more people, though it makes me sick inside.
Pearl Harbour happened

I think I can safely assume I have outtrumped more people, though it makes me sick inside.

Pearl Harbor, while important, doesn't stack up to mine. A fuckin' High Holy Day (I think, I'd have to ask FTS), Tiffany & Co., and Hendrix' death. Don't get me wrong, Pearl Harbor was very important, and shouldn't be taken lightly, but I like to think ones birthday should be associated with stuff less serious.
This are notable moments listed on Wiki:

St. Patrick returns to Ireland.

Easter Island discovered.

Battle of Yorktown begins.

Winston Churchill resigns.

Fidel Castro declares war on the President of Cuba.

Famous Births: Booker T Washington, Bette Davis, Gregory Peck, Frank Gorshin, Colin Powell

Famous Deaths: Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, Charlton Heston
This are notable moments listed on Wiki:

St. Patrick returns to Ireland.

Easter Island discovered.

Battle of Yorktown begins.

Winston Churchill resigns.

Fidel Castro declares war on the President of Cuba.

Famous Births: Booker T Washington, Bette Davis, Gregory Peck, Frank Gorshin, Colin Powell

Famous Deaths: Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, Charlton Heston

That is one stacked birthday, bro. Especially the thing about Patrick, and Easter Island.

As far as births for mine, I know Syd Howe, and a few Roman Emperors.
Dewey, how does declaring WWI, assassinations, introduction of the lethal injection, Larry Bird and Pearl Harbour get outrumped by Hendrix's death?
I don't know why our birthday attracts the deaths of awesome people though. Cobain, Staley, and Heston are all pretty big losses for the entertainment industry. We did bring in Bette Davis, Gregory Peck, and the original Riddler though...
So you'd rather listen to the bombs being lowered from the Japanese Zeroes onto American Soil then the news announcer confirming the death of a guitarist?

Don't mean to offend or get preachy here. Sorry if I am.
Dewey, how does declaring WWI, assassinations, introduction of the lethal injection, Larry Bird and Pearl Harbour get outrumped by Hendrix's death?

Because WWI was already declared by your birthday. That's only the day the US got involved. It's not like Gavrillo Princip killed the Archduke on your birthday. The war was pretty much over by that point.

Assassinations are a dime a dozen in earlier history. They're not the rarity everybody thinks they are.

Larry Bird didn't change basketball, whereas Hendrix changed music.

Pearl Harbor gets trumped by the First cornerstone of the Capital building being laid by Washington. C'mon, you didn't think I was really suggesting Hendrix buying the farm was the only thing to happen on September 18th, did ya?

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